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Falling for You

Page 23

by Heather Thurmeier

  Her breath started coming in ragged gulps as she watched their first time together being played for everyone. Images of Evan kissing her and tossing her gently on the bed sent her back into that moment. She could feel the heat from every touch of his hands lingering on her body. She licked her lips at the memory of his mouth on hers.

  Thankfully, the video had been edited for primetime television and not Cinemax. She’d have to thank Chip later for blurring out the bits of her body peeking out from under the blankets — the humiliation could have been so much worse.

  Her heart ached watching their private moments again. She still reeled from his rejection and now she had to relive the pain over again in the most public forum she could fathom. Watching the moment she’d given her heart to Evan made the pain a thousand times worse. Knowing he’d turned around and broken her heart weeks later, felt like a gunshot to her chest.

  Clip after clip played. How long had someone known about them? She couldn’t believe they were able to create such an extensive video from numerous sources in such a short amount of time.

  Cassidy put her head in her hands and closed her eyes. It was too painful. She couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

  But now she didn’t need to see it. Someone had found audio clips. Where did they even get these clips? She’d purposefully left her mic pack in her bedroom before confronting Evan that night.

  And then she realized — if they had cameras in his room, they also had microphones attached to them, too, just like the cameras in her room. Damn it. She’d been so careless in the moment. Why hadn’t she thought to check for cameras?

  “You’re jealous of my ex-boyfriend. You’re jealous of that stupid kiss with him!” She heard herself say the words.

  “I was jealous getting … No. I am jealous, because ever since I kissed you, I haven’t been able to think of anything else.” Evan’s voice echoed through the studio.

  Gasps from the audience chorused around the room. Murmurs and mumblings of disappointment and outrage grew louder as the audio continued, eventually drowning out the sound of Evan’s voice. The voice of the man she knew in her heart that she loved, but would never have. The man who’d taken her heart and left an empty shell.

  A darkness closed in on Cassidy — anger built deep inside at the humiliation of her torrid affair with Evan shown to the world. She was angry with Evan, too — angry he’d left her, angry that in the end he’d been no better than Brad. He’d treated her like any other fling.

  “Stop.” She yelled as loud as she could manage.

  The sounds of kissing continued. She peeked up from her hands to see a glimpse of her and Evan together in her bathroom. One of the overhead bedroom cameras in her room had been able to catch the smallest hints of movement as the audio picked up their heavy breathing.

  My mic pack. I’d already turned it on. Shit.

  They hadn’t planned that kiss, since it had been their first. It had been completely spontaneous, passionate, and unexpected. She’d never thought to take off her mic pack. Of course there would be audio.

  Their first kiss, shared with everyone. No one should get to witness these moments she’d lost forever. Anger, hurt, and embarrassment raged in her chest.

  She stood from the couch. “Stop! Enough already. We get it, Chip. Everyone here gets it, okay?” She flailed her arm toward the audience. “I’m pretty sure the audience has the idea, so you can cut the video anytime.”

  Chip turned his back to the screen and waved a hand. The screen flickered once then went black. His glare pierced through her, but she stood her ground. He’d humiliated her enough and she wasn’t going to back down now without a fight. She still had her dignity, or what was left of it.

  “So now you have something to say. Now that everyone knows what you’ve done, you’re ready to talk.”

  “Stop, Chip. There’s nothing more to talk about.”

  “What the hell’s going on with you and that camera guy?” Brad demanded.

  “Nothing.” Her voice quivered, betraying her.

  “It certainly looked like more than nothing, so don’t give me that bullshit. You owe me an explanation.”

  “There’s nothing going on with me and Evan. There was something between us for a while but there isn’t anymore. We’re done.” She managed to choke out a few final words as more tears fell. “There is no more us, so there’s nothing left to say.”

  She wiped the tears away, angry with herself for letting everyone see how upset she was over losing Evan. She wanted to be strong right now, but her emotions crashed through her defensive walls. How would she ever get back into her regular life after this? What kind of life would ever feel normal without Evan?

  “How could you do this? You’re disgusting,” Brad seethed.

  “You’re no prize either, Brad,” Cassidy snapped. “One minute you told me you loved me, then the next you left me on the sidewalk like yesterday’s paper.”

  “Oh, I get it now. This was all a big ploy to get back at me for dumping you.”

  “It’s not like that. This didn’t have anything to do with you. I don’t know what happened. Evan and I … we didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

  Cassidy glanced around for any sign of understanding. She didn’t expect anyone to say what they had done was okay, but she hoped maybe someone would realize none of this had been planned to hurt people. Furrowed brows and shaking heads stared back at her.

  “I don’t even know how you found out about us.” Cassidy spoke more to herself than anyone else. “We were so careful while we filmed the show.”

  “I guess you didn’t try hard enough, huh?” Zoe placed a couple of white shirt buttons in Cassidy’s hand. “Souvenirs of your indiscretion. I gave them to Susan for safekeeping.”

  Realization cut through the fog of her emotions. The night she’d spent with Evan at the chateau, she’d ripped his shirt and hadn’t thought to pick up the buttons. Zoe had known since the chateau. Zoe had told Susan and Susan had gone to Chip.

  Susan really had tried to sabotage her the whole time, hadn’t she? If she could find her right now, Cassidy would tell her where to stick her fake warnings and concern. But since Susan wasn’t around, Zoe would have to do.

  “You bitch. You did this to me?” Cassidy felt on the verge of losing it. “I can’t believe you would stoop this low to try to ensure you were the one who ended up with Brad.”

  “I don’t think I was the one stooping, do you?”

  “Don’t you insinuate for one second that Evan is beneath you. He’s a good man. He doesn’t deserve to be degraded by a stuck-up diva like you.”

  Cassidy glared at Zoe. “You can have Brad. He’s all yours. I’m still in shock he even picked me after everything that’s happened between us. Maybe he drank too much ocean water surfing or something, since I can’t find a logical reason for him to pick me. But guess what, Zoe? You’ll always be his second choice.”

  Zoe smirked with a look of pure arrogance. “And what are you, Cassidy? You’re nothing. You have nothing. You’ve lost everything because you’re a slut. God, you’re pathetic.”

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe I felt bad for you a few minutes ago.”

  “Zoe’s right. Kissing me while sleeping with some sleazy cameraman on the side. You should be ashamed of yourself,” Brad added.

  “Enough. Don’t say another word.” Evan stepped out from behind a camera. “You’ve both said too much already. Cassidy’s been through enough.”

  Cassidy gasped. Evan, oh God, Evan. You heard all of that. You came back.

  “Get out of here before I make you sorry for what you’ve done.” Brad puffed up his chest.

  “Back off, surfer boy, before I give you something to whine about. I haven’t forgotten how you forced yourself on Cassidy. You’ve had your say, now it’s my turn to talk.”

  Cassidy held her breath as Evan moved to her side and took her hand before turning to address the audience. His hand was warm and soft wrapped around hers. His thum
b drew a circle on the back of her hand, reminding her of when they spoke at the door joining their rooms her first night in the house — the night that started everything.

  “What Cassidy and I did was wrong, but we meant no disrespect to the show, the contestants, or the viewers watching each week.”

  “You’re a fraud, Cassidy, and you’ll pay for betraying everyone,” Chip stated. “Your deception misled the viewers to choose you when they should have voted you out. You ruined someone else’s chances of being here and ruined Brad’s chance at finding the one he’s meant to be with. Don’t think your actions will go unpunished.”

  Cheers went up around the room. Cassidy heard some rather rude statements of agreement, making it clear she was indeed the villain.

  “Cassidy didn’t do anything wrong.” Evan held up his hand at the mumble of voices trying to dispute his statement. “Let me speak before you judge us.”

  Evan glanced at Cassidy, then back to where the other contestants sat in total shock. Each one of them in a state of stunned confusion — mouths hanging open, gaping at the roadside attraction that was her life.

  Paige mouthed the question, “You and Evan?” when Cassidy met her gaze.

  Cassidy nodded. She had a lot of explaining to do. A wave of relief passed through her as realized she’d finally be able tell Paige about everything. Soon she could talk to Keira again.

  “If we deceived anyone because of what we did, it was accidental. We never meant to take someone else’s chance at happiness away. The fact is, Brad was the one who chose who to put in the bottom three each week, not us. He felt something for Cassidy he didn’t feel for the other women, and that’s why she’s sitting here as one of the final two today.”

  Chip shook his head. “But she did trick America into thinking they were voting for someone who actually wanted to be here to find love.”

  “America watched the show to see two people fall in love. Cassidy did come here hoping to find someone special, perhaps even find the person who might be the one for her. She can’t help it if that person turned out to be her cameraman instead of the bachelor.”

  Cassidy stared into the deep blue eyes she’d seen in her dreams. The same eyes she feared she’d never get to see in real life again. Hope stared back at her.

  Oh Evan, I’ve missed those eyes, these hands, that gorgeous mouth.

  “Cassidy came here to find the love of her life, and that’s what she’s going to leave with.” Evan put his hand on the side of her neck and stroked his thumb in familiar circles along her jaw. She melted into the warmth of his touch.

  “I came here to do a job, get a paycheck, and leave. Instead, I found the half of my heart I never knew I was missing. Since the moment I looked into these green eyes of yours, I’ve known I could get lost in them for eternity.”

  Evan’s gaze penetrated her with such intensity that she knew she’d never love anyone but him. He’d stolen her heart the minute his lips claimed hers with their first kiss.

  “Cassy, I love you, and I have since the moment I saw you standing by the piano that first day at the house. These last few days without you in my life have been miserable.” Evan paused, looking into her eyes. “I just have one question. Do you still have feelings for him?”

  She shook her head without hesitation. “No. I only have feelings for one man and it’s not Brad.”

  Evan smiled. “I’ve been trying to avoid falling in love because I thought I might end up hurt if something ever happened to you, but I never realized I was hurting myself more by trying to stay away from you. Loving you is worth the risk of whatever the future brings — without you, I have no future to worry about.”

  Cassidy tried to remain calm. More than anything she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and never let go, but she couldn’t. Not yet.

  “I have one question for you too, Evan.”


  Cassidy fought to hold her voice steady. “Will you ever leave me again like you did that night in the campsite? Turn on me? Turn from me?” Her body trembled as she waited for his answer.

  He sighed, his forehead furrowing. “If I could take back one moment, it would be walking away from you. I’ll never hurt you again, no matter how jealous I am. I promise.”

  “Evan, I love you.” Cassidy’s voice broke over the tears she couldn’t stop from falling — tears of happiness. “I’m so sorry for everything. You were right, I should have done things differently, and then maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with. I’ve missed you so much. I can’t imagine a future without you in it.”

  Cassidy stared at him, not knowing what else to say. He loves me.

  “Kiss her,” a voice shouted from the audience. More voices joined in, calling for them to kiss and make up.

  That was all the encouragement Cassidy needed.

  She grabbed Evan by the front of his shirt and pulled herself to him, kissing him for the first time with her whole heart, without reservations or guilt or confusion.

  As their lips met, she knew Evan was right about everything. She had come hoping for love, and she’d found it in the most unlikely place. Being in love with Evan was more wonderful than she could ever have imagined.

  This is where her heart belonged — alongside his, forever.

  Evan pulled back and placed his hand over hers on his chest. She could feel his heart beating beneath his shirt, pounding in time with hers. “Careful with those buttons. I didn’t think to bring an extra shirt with me today.”

  She laughed. “Don’t start with me, Evan Burke. I’ve learned my lesson about leaving evidence behind.”

  “You know, I meant what I said before, about not letting you go once I got you alone.”

  “And I meant it when I said I was going to hold you to that statement. Now, shut up and kiss me.”

  Cassidy sank into Evan’s arms and kissed him like there wasn’t a national viewing audience watching. She was sure they’d be the talk of every water cooler in the country the next morning, so why not give people something juicy to talk about?

  This might not have been the ending everyone expected, but sometimes the best endings are the ones you don’t see coming.


  Paige ran her hand over the glossy cover of the tabloid magazine she’d picked up at the grocery store earlier. She couldn’t resist. Seeing Cassidy and Evan’s faces on the cover was still too surreal. And seeing how their love affair had captured the hearts of people everywhere was inspiring.

  And heartbreaking.

  Of course Paige was happy for them. Cassidy deserved to have a man in her life like Evan, especially after everything that happened with Brad and the show. But didn’t Paige deserve a man in her life, too?

  She tossed the magazine onto the coffee table beside one of the many vases of flowers currently filling every flat surface in her living room and kitchen. It seemed every man in a fifty-mile radius had taken it upon himself to help her get over her national television rejection. And all of them had sent bouquets, each with a note attached proclaiming to be the one guy who could make all her dreams come true.

  If only it were that easy.

  Her friends were no better. They kept reading the cards and picking out which guys they thought she should go out with. She’d played along for the first few weeks, but the novelty had worn off quickly. Now random blind dates didn’t sound so fun. Although, sitting at home — alone — for another Friday night didn’t sound too great, either.

  Paige peeled herself off the couch at the sound of her cell phone ringing from inside her purse where she’d left it on the kitchen counter. Probably her mother calling to say hello since she knew Paige would be home and not out on some hot date. Because she sucked. And she was just too afraid of being rejected again.

  If these guys had seen her on the show, were they really pursuing her because they wanted to get to know the real her? Or did they just want to see what it was about her that hadn’t been good enough for Brad?

bsp; “Hello?” she said, finally digging her phone out of her bag.

  “Paige, sweetheart, how are you?”

  “Chip? What’s up?” Paige tried but failed to keep the suspicion out of her voice. Sure, Chip had been nothing but nice to her, but she’d seen what he’d done to Cassidy at the finale. Not to mention the lawyers he’d sent after her for breach of contract. If he was calling, it couldn’t be good.

  “I wanted to touch base with you and see how you’re getting along now that you’re back to your regular life.”

  “Things are a little weird, but I’m doing okay.”

  “Great. I’m glad to hear that.” Chip cleared his voice. “So listen. I have a business proposition for you. Turns out that even though you went home in the middle of the show, you stole people’s hearts. I’ve heard you have men coming out of the woodwork for a chance to be with you. So that got me thinking — ”

  “Thinking about what?” she interrupted. Chip plotting wasn’t good. Everyone who had any connection to him knew that.

  “About having you on another show, of course.”

  “I appreciate you thinking of me, but there’s no way I can go back on another dating show. I can’t handle that kind of public rejection again.”

  “Well, good news then. It’s not a dating show I had in mind, but something much more exciting. It’s an adventure show.”

  “Okay. And you think I’d be good for an adventure show why exactly?” She wasn’t the adventuring type. She was more the stay home, relaxing in the backyard where it was safe kind of girl. How could Chip possibly think she’d be good for an adventure show?

  Chip chuckled. “I wouldn’t, exactly. But Cassidy said she’d only do it if you were her partner.”

  “Oh.” Now it made sense. Chip wants Cassidy, not me.

  As if he could read her mind, Chip spoke again. “It’s not like that. There were polls going on throughout the show and you always rated very high with viewers.”

  “Sure, as the person they’d most like to see go home, right?”


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