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The Naughty Professor (Sorority Sins XXX Book 5)

Page 2

by Sadie May

  “Good,” is all I can push out, my voice cracking on the single word. Neither of us has moved yet, our hands still holding onto each other.

  “Slide over, Missy,” Professor Brandt commands from the driver’s seat.

  It’s the weirdest thing, because I scurried to do it. A moment before I had been lost in Trace’s touch but I did’t hesitate at all. “Yes, sir.”

  I push over to make room for Trace and as he slides in, I find myself sandwiched between both of them, my legs, even pressed together, are still being touched by their legs. It’s a damn good thing, too, because squeezing my thighs together is the only relief I am going to get.

  Silence falls over us as Ethan pulls away from the house and starts driving towards downtown. “Have you eaten?”

  I start, surprised by the question. “No, not yet.”

  Pulling out his phone, he hands it to Trace. His arm brushes my tits as he does, making my nipples harden. “Call in an order at Pagliucca’s.”

  Trace takes the phone and dials some numbers, rattling off an order I don’t even hear as I try to get my body back under control.

  Hanging up, Trace hands the phone back, his arm brushed my tits from the opposite side. They stiffen again and I wanted to groan from frustration. I felt my pulse racing as I tried to keep my breathing even.

  “Now,” Ethan’s voice was soft in the quiet truck but I could still hear the command in it. “Where did we leave off?” He gave me a quick glance. “Oh yes. Why do you have such difficulty in my class?”

  I sucked in my breath this time, little gasps filled the silence. “It’s just that… I don’t think I should… It’s better if I don’t…” but I finally let my voice trail off. Get your head together, woman, I lectured myself.

  They both laugh. “Is it shyness?” Trace asks, his mouth so close to my ear, his voice understanding. I can feel his breath tickling the sensitive skin of my neck.

  They think I’m shy? Me? I actually laughed, which helped break some of the tension. “That is not the problem.”

  “What is it then?” Ethan’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror.

  Sighing, I realized there was nothing to be done but tell the truth. Besides, my brain isn’t functioning enough to make up a lie. All the blood has travelled to my pussy. “I find your looks very distracting.”

  His eyes widened as they met mine, but he said nothing as he turned his truck into the driveway of an adorable in-town colonial. Switching off the engine, he turned to look at me. “I’ve done absolutely nothing to encourage you. In fact, I would say I’ve gone out of my way to be rather… abrupt.”

  Another sigh escaped my lips. “I know. But somehow I..” I paused, my face turning several shades of pink. Not only did I have to admit this in front of Ethan, but I had to say it in front of Trace too. “I find that even hotter.”

  He made a choking sound, “You like me being mean to you.”

  I wanted to drop to my knees. I mean, I’d done a lot of shit on my knees but this was more like pleading. “Not mean.” I shake my head. “I just like your gruff demeanor, sir. I want you to order me to--” I stopped, realizing I was about to say way too much.

  He wasn’t looking at me anymore, instead he was staring straight out the windshield. “Missy,” he voice is hoarse. “I have made it a point to never fraternize with students. I am gruff for a reason.”

  “I understand.” I cleared my throat. “I’ve said too much. I only wanted to give you an explanation as to why I can’t concentrate in your class. And I wanted you to know that I am capable of doing the videos with Trace. I won’t tense up in fear or--”

  But I stopped talking when his hand came down on my knee. “You’ve been eating at me all semester.” His head tips down to look into his lap. “Every time you walk into my classroom…”

  I caught my breath. I had been eating at him. I hoped it was big giant bites but I’d take nibbles or even licks. “Sir,” was the only word I uttered but it was filled with hope and need and stuffed with desire.

  His hand raised from my knee to stop me. “Missy,” he looked at me then. “It’s not a good idea. My tastes are not meant for your average college coed. If you decide you’re unhappy after we’re done, it my job, my entire livelihood on the line.”

  I took a breath. After today, I understood what he meant. This potential job was the only thing keeping me from throwing myself at him. I couldn’t risk losing this opportunity. “I understand. I really do. But I am not your average coed.”

  A hand came down on my other knee. I turned to Trace. “That is what they all say.” Trace’s voice was hoarse and his eyes intense in the dark interior of the car. He didn’t sound judgmental or condescending, more hopeful.

  “Let’s go inside.” Ethan took my hand then, helping me scoot past the steering wheel. He grabbed my waist as he lifted me with sure hands out of the truck. His touch sparked the need in me that had been bubbling all semester. “Thank you for your honesty,” he murmured in my ear before taking my hand again and leading me in the house.

  For a split second, I forgot all about the job as his hands lightly caressed my skin. Then he removed them. I shivered at the loss of his touch and wondered why he didn’t just take me home, but then I remembered… the job. I had to set aside any personal feelings to try for this position. I was fucking this up already. I needed to focus.

  As I walked inside, a cozy family room was to my left and a dining room to my right. The table had been pushed to the side and in its place was a white screen with a camera pointed at it.

  “What is all this?” My eyebrows went up as I assessed the equipment in the room. I’d been in front of and behind the camera for a lot of videos in my time, but those usually involved a lot less clothing.

  Ethan gave me a long heated look as if he could read my dirty mind. “If you’re up for it, we thought we could give you some practice in front of the camera. Trace could coach you. If he likes what he sees, he will recommend you for a formal interview.”

  I nod and step into the room, taking a peek around. The equipment looks professional. “Where did all this come from?”

  “I brought it with me. I wanted to help you get comfortable tonight,” Trace spoke. “But we can use this for a more formal screen test tomorrow. I hope you don’t take offense, but I wanted to make sure you showed some affinity for the position before I dragged other reps in.”

  I understood. “If I could just use your powder room,” I turn and give them a tremulous smile. “I just need to make sure my hair--”

  “It looks perfect,” Ethan replied tightly.

  My eyes met his. I wanted to say that I have to primp before the camera but the words die on my lips. Because Professor Brandt has turned into Ethan tonight, and Ethan is even hotter than the Professor I fantasized about. “My lip gloss,” I swallowed, holding up my purse.

  He steps up to me, his hand coming to my back. I swear it burned into my skin, my body heating. “I’ll take you upstairs. The light is better.”

  “Don’t be gone long,” Trace rumbled behind me, his voice like a vibrator against my clit and he wasn’t even touching me. It makes me want to come and I wonder briefly how I am going to do this.

  Walking me to the bottom of the stairs, he pointed up. “It’s at the top of the steps. Can’t miss it.”

  I nodded and his hand slid off my back. Climbing up a few steps, I turned back and my eyes met his. “Thank you for this opportunity, Professor Brandt.”

  “It’s only Professor Brandt in class. Here it’s Ethan.” His gaze burned into mine.

  With a nod I turned and headed back up the stairs.

  I didn’t have very long but I do my best to compose myself and then open the door to return back down the steps. I can hear Ethan and Trace whispering furiously to one another but as my heels hit the steps, their voices stop.

  Returning to the makeshift camera room, Trace took my hand and stood me in front of the camera. My body buzzed with energy at his touch but I
ignored it, taking a breath.

  He gave me a panty wetting smile. “Try to relax. I am going to ask you basic questions just to see how you look through the lens, how comfortable you are speaking. Try not to move your head. Keep your face relaxed and smile.”

  “I’m ready.” I squared my shoulders and looked into the camera.

  “Name,” he asks as he fiddled with the lens and the angle of the camera. Ethan stepped up next to him.

  “Melissa Hayes,” my grin widened, “But please, call me Missy.”

  They both chuckled as though I’ve made a joke. They ask me basic questions first about myself and then about chemistry. My answers are confident, self-assured. I even manage to crack a few jokes.

  Twenty minutes later, Trace steps back. “You’re a natural.” His smile was huge as he came over and wrapped me in a hug.

  I had blocked them out, and my attraction to them, but it all came crashing back. I untangled myself from the embrace. “Thanks,” I grinned, my hands smoothing my shirt. It was so nice to hear. But all the same, it was officially time for me to leave. I wanted these men. And at least Ethan has made it clear that wasn’t happening. “What happens next?”

  The doorbell prevented either of them from answering as Ethan left to open the door. I’d completely forgotten he’d ordered food but as he came back, the smell of Italian reminded me I never ate dinner.

  “Follow me,” he gestured towards the kitchen. It’s adorable and amazingly clean for a bachelor. He gestured toward an open shelf. “If you grab plates and silverware in that drawer to the left, I’ll get us some wine.”

  I nod and do as instructed, refraining from answering, Yes, sir. This whole night has messed with my vibe. I’m sassy and I go after what I want. But somehow with them, I don’t want that me. I want to please them both and I feel like I can do that by giving them some space now.

  Trace grabbed napkins from a drawer and I was struck by how comfortable he was in Ethan’s kitchen. He must be here often.

  Ethan returned and uncorked the bottle, as Trace unpacked the food and I finish setting the table. It’s the most domestic scene I’ve ever experienced since leaving for college. Honestly, it was nice.

  We sit to eat, a companionable silence falling around us. Finally Trace speaks. “You were really amazing tonight.”

  Setting down my fork, I gave him a soft smile. “Thank you.”

  “But I am dying to know, what happened to that sassy girl I met in the classroom today.” Trace gave me a wink.

  “She got majorly rejected on the car ride over here.” I picked my fork up again, looking down at my plate.

  “Missy,” Ethan’s voice is stern and confident. It’s the voice that makes me quake inside in all the best ways. “I wasn’t rejecting you.”

  I look at Trace rather than Ethan, who winked at me. “You rejected her.”

  “It’s not your job on the line. You know my rule about students,” Ethan gritted out.

  They clearly don’t agree. I wonder if this was what all the whispering was about earlier. “I’m only a student for a few more months.” I shrugged.

  Ethan gave me a long look. “I know you are a consenting adult, and I know you won’t be a student for much longer, but neither of those will matter if you were to make accusations against me.”

  “You keep saying that. I know it’s a possibility as a professor but most girls on campus would be happy to share your bed.”

  Trace reached out then. He slid one of the tendrils of hair that is lose around my face between his fingers, and gives me a grin. “Our tastes our a little exotic.”

  I grinned back at him. “Do tell.” Because my tastes are more than a little exotic.

  “That isn’t a good idea,” Ethan cleared his throat. “Especially considering the sorority you belong to.”

  Oh my god. It all clicked into place. My sorority does some kinky shit but we kept it secret. He thinks, just like those frat boys, that I am a goody goody. “You know my sorority isn’t what is seems right?”

  “Do tell,” Trace quirked an eyebrow.

  “I’ll do better than that. I think what this moment needs is a show of faith.” I pulled out my phone and tapped the screen, going to my recent videos.

  Pressing play, I lay the phone down on the table. For a moment, nothing happens and then the moans of Morgan and her two hotties fill the room. Both men have their eyes glued to the screen as a fourth person’s breathing fills the foreground of the audio. You can’t see me, of course, but I can be heard as I softly moan.

  “That’s you,” Ethan’s eyes slashed into mine.

  “I was the videographer.” I grin. “Though I’ve been in front of the camera too.”

  Trace’s hand glided from my hair to my neck. His fingers stroking my skin. “What were you doing while videoing this threesome?”

  “Masturbating.” I answer with a sassy grin. I hear his intake of breath as Trace slid his hand down my collarbone, his touch igniting fire while my eyes are locked with Ethan’s.

  “You are a naughty girl,” Ethan whispered, his eyes near black, they are so intent upon me.

  I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to. “Now tell me one of your naughty secrets.”

  He paused for a moment. Then taking a breath, he answered. “Trace and I prefer to share.”

  “Can you handle that?” Trace’s hand is sliding down the V of my oxford.

  I almost rolled my eyes. “I can handle that.”

  “Have you done it before?” Ethan’s voice has dropped even lower. He sounds… jealous.

  I hesitate, I don’t want to upset him but I know he wants the truth. “Yes,” I answered honestly.

  “Come here,” his teeth are gritted as he pushed his chair back. Still seated, he beckoned me towards him.

  Trace dropped his hand, which had just dipped into my cleavage. I stood and walked around the table towards Ethan.

  Without a word, he spun me around and unzipped my skirt. Shimmying it down my hips, he let it fall to the floor. Then turning me again, I was falling for a second before I landed face down across his knees.

  Flipping the tail of my shirt up, he pulled my panties into the crack of my ass. The tug at my clit had me wiggling in his lap but then his other hand came down across one of my ass cheeks with a hard thwack.

  I cried out in pain and in pleasure as his hand came down again on the other cheek. The sting only accentuated the pleasure on my clit and I rolled my hips as another slap came down on my reddening ass. “Yes,” I hissed.

  “I told you she was right for us,” Trace said as I heard his chair scrape back too.

  Ethan’s breathing was ragged. “I need to know you’re comfortable with this. That you like it.”

  “Yes,” I moaned as his hand pulled tighter on my panties. I wanted them both so much.

  “Yes, sir,” he corrected as he stopped spanking me and began massaging the skin, his fingers dipping to my mound, rubbing along the fabric. I was going to come in seconds if he didn’t stop and I bucked against his hand.

  “Yes, sir,” I moaned. “Please, sir.”

  “Not yet, you naughty girl. I should spank you longer. I don’t like thinking of them touching you. As long as you are with us, there is no one else. Am I understood?”

  No one else? I’d made a career out of fucking whoever I wanted but the truth was, I didn’t want anybody else. Not after meeting them. “Yes, sir,” I moan again rolling my hips against the pressure of his hand.

  He ripped the fabric to the side and then dragged his fingers through my folds. I clenched the legs of the chair, my body spasming.

  “No coming, yet.”

  Trace was in front of me, and lifting my head, he held my chin and gave me a hard kiss, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. One of his hands reached out to cup my breast, massaging it through my shirt.

  My nipples are instantly hard when Professor Brandt starts working my clit with one hand while the other pushes into my soaked pussy.

; I spasmed, nearly coming, but just manage to hold it back as Trace started undoing my shirt. Pushing my bra to the side, he lifted me higher so I sink down further onto Ethan’s hand. When he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, I lose it. All the pent up frustration exploding.

  “Fuck,” I cried out the orgasm ripping through me. Then, “I’m sorry.”

  Ethan’s hand pulls out of my pussy and a second later smacks across my ass again, his wet fingers stinging even more. I can’t believe how much I love it.

  “I told you not to do that.”

  “Sir,” I moan. “I’ve been waiting for so long.”

  Instead of spanking me again, he groaned too, his mouth planting a kiss on the small of my back. Then he turned to Trace, “Clear the table.”

  Ethan stood me up and stripped off the rest of my clothes. I’m naked in front of them, while they are fully dressed but somehow the vulnerability only makes it hotter. I’ve gone so far, done so much, this feels refreshing.

  Ethan tugged off his shirt, revealing to-die for chest and abs. As he kicked off his shoes and pulled down his pants, his thick cock springs out at me. I drop to my knees, and giving my lips a lick, as I looked up to him for permission. I know I don’t get to choose.

  He managed to hiss, “Yes.” And then I am taking him into my mouth. I can already taste the precum on his fat head and I licked it clean before swallowing down as much of him as I can. “Missy,” he panted. “Holy shit, sweetheart.” His hands were in my hair, scattering pins everywhere.

  Ethan grabs me from under the arms and pulls me up. My eyes held the question, why did he stop me? “I want to fuck you, sweetheart. So badly. I won’t make it very long if you keep doing that.”

  Then he spun me around so my ass was facing him and he bent me across the short side of the table.

  That’s when I realized that Trace was already naked and his cock is at full attention inches from my face. I look up at him, a pouty expression plumping my lips. “Please, sir.”

  He steps closer, and I open my mouth to suck in the head, swallowing him all the way to the base. “Christ, Missy.” He grunted. “She is amazing.”


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