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Scoring Her

Page 2

by Max Monroe

  He smiled and shook his head, knowing I was ultimately just stalling while I took a moment to find my words.

  Kline intuitively gave me that time.

  I swallowed hard, and eventually, found the strength to admit my biggest fear.

  “What if…what if…the fertility doctor doesn’t give us the answer we’re hoping for? What if I can’t get pregnant? What if I can’t give you a baby?”

  He shook his head slowly and shut his eyes for a brief moment before holding my gaze with his powerful and potent deep blue eyes.

  “Georgia, we are a team. You and me, even fucking Stalter, we are a team. We will always be a team. And if the fertility doctor tells us a healthy pregnancy isn’t possible, then that isn’t your fault. It is no one’s fault. It’s just what’s supposed to happen for us. Baby, no baby, we will always be an us.”

  I looked into his eyes for a long moment, unsure of what to say, the ability of speech seemingly lost.

  “Us,” he repeated. “No matter what, we will always be an us.”

  “Even if we can’t have a baby?”

  He smiled at that, which took me by surprise. I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

  “Yes, baby, even if we can’t have a baby.”

  After the words left his lips, I understood. I understood the smile during what was an otherwise forlorn and very difficult conversation. It was the first time I had said we instead of me or I. It was the first time I’d looked at my difficulty in getting pregnant as our situation versus my situation.

  It was the first time I wasn’t blaming myself.

  “I love you,” I said through my tears.

  He smiled softly and kissed the wetness from my cheeks. “I love you, too, baby,”

  His lips were on mine seconds later, his tongue softly caressing and his mouth moving with such tenderness and love that if I weren’t already seated, it would have brought me to my knees.

  “What do you need right now, baby?” he whispered against my lips.

  “Make me forget about everything for a little bit. I don’t want to think about anything. I just want to feel you.”

  His lips moved across my jawline to my neck to my collarbone and down the center of my chest. Between one bated breath and the next, his swim trunks were on the floor and my bikini and cover-up were tossed across the room.

  He positioned his body over mine and gently moved us so that my back fell against the soft comforter. The feel of his skin against mine urged a moan to spill from my throat, and his lips didn’t stop their seduction, placing openmouthed kisses down my belly until they reached the apex of my thighs.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured against my skin, and then he was making love to me with his mouth, sucking and licking and making me forget everything but the feel of him giving me pleasure.

  I knew I wouldn’t last long that way, with Kline’s head between my legs, his strong hands gripping my thighs, and his mouth doing all sorts of delicious things that had my eyes falling closed.

  A guttural moan left my lips, and it only encouraged him further.

  “Yes, baby,” he groaned, and I felt the vibrations against my clit.

  I was done for after that. My hands gripped his hair, and my hips started moving against his mouth of their own volition, desperately chasing after the orgasm I so badly craved.

  “Come for me, Georgia,” he whispered between sucks and licks. “Come on my tongue, sweetheart. I need to taste it.” He slipped a finger inside of me and massaged that oh so perfect spot until it pushed me over the edge.

  Stars exploded behind my eyes, and I couldn’t stop the incoherent whimpers and moans that left my lips. My thighs tensed and started to shake against his hands as my climax took hold, pulling me into the depths of heavenly hysteria.

  He didn’t waste any time once the waves of my orgasm began to quell. His body moved over mine, and slowly, so fucking slowly, he started to slide inside of me.

  I wrapped my legs around his back and urged him to move faster, but he just smirked and shook his head. “Slow,” he whispered and continued the unhurried pace of sliding his cock inside of me what felt like one goddamn centimeter at a time.

  “Please, Kline,” I begged and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. My breaths were hot and desperate in his ear. “Please. Please. Please.”

  “Can you feel me, baby? Can you feel how hard I am for you? How fucking badly I need you?”

  “Yes,” I whimpered.

  He pushed his hips forward a little more, and then a little more, until finally, he was seated to the hilt. “God, you feel so fucking good, baby,” he moaned, but he didn’t move, seemingly content with just being inside of me, filling me, keeping us connected in the most intimate way.

  But God, I wanted more.

  I needed more.

  A desperate whimper left my lips, and I could feel his smile against my neck.

  “Fast or slow, Benny?”

  “Fast and deep and hard,” I begged.

  “I don’t actually recall giving those last two as an option,” he teased on a whisper as his devious tongue licked along the sensitive skin of my neck.

  “Kline,” I whined.

  “What, baby?”

  “For the love of God, please fuck me.”

  He chuckled softly into my ear, and then reared back so he was seated on his knees and my spread thighs rested in his large hands. He nodded above me. “Hold on tight to the headboard, Benny.”

  My head tilted to the side—not so much in confusion but in stimulation overload.

  “Hold. On. Tight. To. The. Headboard,” he repeated again, and I actually followed his instructions that time, lifting my arms above my head and gripping the heavy wood tightly with my fingers.

  He smirked like the devil.

  Oh, hell yesss…

  His hips punched forward in one hard thrust, and I moaned in response.

  “This what you needed, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  Question and answer time was over after that. Kline’s pace turned fast and deep and methodically unrelenting as he started to really fuck me the way I had been begging for. I was a goner within minutes, shouting my climax so loudly I was certain the people in the water park could hear me.

  And he was right behind me, gripping my thighs tightly and pushing himself deep as he came inside of me on a rough, sexy groan. It was the kind of thing that went beyond auditory recognition and became multisensory. All I had to do was think about it, anywhere, anytime, and I could conjure the feel of it as though it had just happened.

  Breathless, Kline fell onto the bed beside me and pulled me into his arms. We stayed entangled in each other’s arms for a long moment as he ran his fingers through my hair. I even started to drift off to sleep until Kline’s soft chuckle filled my ears.

  “What are you laughing about?” I asked and rested my chin on his chest as I peeked out of one sleepy eye.

  He smirked down at me. “You’re a greedy little thing. One day, you might actually be the death of me.”

  I giggled and rolled my eyes.

  “Everyone thinks Georgia is so innocent, but I know different,” he said with a secret smile. “She’s greedy and a bit dirty and insanely horny.”


  He raised an amused eyebrow in disagreement. “I think you’d keep my cock inside of you all day, every day, if it was an actual possibility.”

  Before I could offer a sassy retort, my phone started ringing and vibrating against the nightstand. I quickly grabbed it and answered before really thinking through why this particular person would be calling me. Since her pregnancy, I had been conditioned to always answer my best friend’s calls, no matter the time or place.

  “Everything okay, Cass?” I asked.

  “Yep,” she answered a little too enthusiastically. “The baby just wants to see you.”

  My brow furrowed in skepticism. “The baby is two months old, Cassie.

  “I know,” she said with amazement in her voice. “He’s crazy smart. I’m pretty sure he said your name. He really, really, really wants to see his Auntie Georgia.”

  Obviously, I was going to have to un-condition myself from answering all of Cassie’s calls. And I probably needed to do that sooner rather than later. I would’ve laid money on the fact that she was literally trying to push her baby off on me for reasons other than sleep.

  Before I could question or react to the familiar sound of soft footfalls across the tile of our hotel room, Cassie’s voice was far too close and not coming from the phone when she asked, “Do you think you could put some clothes on, guys? Sheesh, I’ve been standing out here for what feels like an eternity while you and Kline were bringing it home.”

  I glanced up to find my best friend casually leaning against the doorway to our bedroom. Her eyes glittered with amusement as she shamelessly gave my husband a once-over, paying particular attention to his…

  “Nice work, Big-dick,” she said with a waggle of her brows.

  …Yeah, that.

  “Jesus, Cass!” My cheeks grew hot with embarrassment as I grabbed the sheet from the foot of the bed and tugged it over us.

  Her smile grew wider.

  “Mind explaining how you got in here?” Kline asked, far too calmly, in my opinion.

  She waved him off. “I have my ways.”

  “Why are you here?” I questioned on a shout and sat up on the bed, clutching the sheet to my chest. “And do I even want to know how long you’ve been in our hotel room?”

  “Probably not,” she responded with a shrug. “And Ace wants to know when you’re going to spend time with him today like you promised.”

  “Pretty sure I didn’t promise that,” I muttered.

  “Well…I’m not sure where he got that idea then…”

  A humorless laugh left my lips. “He’s two months old, Cass! His ideas go about as far as when to cry for your crazy huge nipples, a diaper change, and sleep.”

  “What time do you want to come up and get him from our room?”

  “Huh?” I asked, confusion turning my expression from irate to baffled. I glanced at Kline. “Am I in the same conversation? Is this a fucking dream? What is happening?”

  “Think you guys can be ready in about an hour?” Cassie continued on, unfazed.

  My eyes met hers again. “Oh my God! You’re insane! Get out!”

  She forced a frown to her face. “So, you’re not coming up to spend time with your godson?”

  My eyes damn near bugged out of my head. “I’m a bit underdressed to have cuddle time with my godson right now, wouldn’t you say?”

  “He’s going to be really disappointed…”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I groaned. “He’s an infant. He can’t even wrap his little mind around the emotion disappointment.”

  “Okay, okay, I get it.” She held up both arms and started to back away from the doorway. “I’ll let you guys enjoy the orgasm glow for a little bit longer, and I’ll text you when Ace is ready for you to come get him. Sound good?” she asked, but she didn’t wait for our answer. “He’s going to be so excited!” she called over her shoulder, and then a few seconds later, the door clicked shut.

  Kline and I sat there in silence for a few bewildered moments until he whispered, “We need new friends.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. We definitely need new friends.”

  “You know if we don’t go now, we’re going to regret it, right?”

  “Yeah,” I grumbled, moving from the haven of my husband’s postcoital cuddle far too soon. “I’m way too aware.”

  Cassie smirked like a horny little devil woman as she sashayed across the master bedroom of our Atlantis hotel room and toward the foot of the bed, all the while her gaze never leaving the very spot where the sheet rested—more like tented—above my naked hips.

  A man had to be prepared, and when it came to my gorgeous fucking wife, already being naked was the very best kind of preparation.

  Her eyes met mine, and she winked. “Pull that sheet a little lower, Daddy.”

  Oh, fuck yeah. She was breaking out the “Daddy.” This only happens with the good stuff.

  All too eager to please the apple of my eye, the woman of my dreams, my wife, and the mother of my son, I hooked my thumbs under the edge of the fabric and tried to stop my hips from lifting straight to the ceiling. It was bad form to poke her in the eye before she could get her lips wrapped around the ole Supercock.

  And yeah, I’m speaking from experience.

  I know I’m normally better than that, but my wife is the absolute epitome of hot, and the first time postpartum was bound to be subject to a few snags…

  Give me a break. It had been six weeks, for fuck’s sake.

  The last time I went that long without sex was—well, I’m getting too old to be able to remember that long ago.

  “Oh, yeah,” I said aloud as a full musical score of “Get Low” by the one and only Lil Jon played victoriously in my head. Bu duh dum dum dum. I would keep myself in control, not blind her or cause the need for an eye patch, and this would be amazing.

  Hell, I’d bribe whatever fucking god I had to.

  Is there a sex god? And does he or she accept IOUs? I was a little too naked to store money anywhere—at least, not comfortably.

  Cassie’s hips started to sway to my mental music, and the perfect line of her mouth curved up with wicked intent.

  There’s definitely a sex god.

  I fought a shiver as all the things that sexy look meant played in my head. Memories. Fantasies. Combinations of the two and everything I knew I couldn’t conjure in my mind no matter how hard I tried.

  I had just closed my eyes against the onslaught of hormones that a dancing, nearly naked Cassie produced when a sharp cry pierced the seduction balloon we’d been working so hard to inflate.

  We both froze solid, Cassie in a near crouch, one hand grabbing vulgarly at the completely bare space between her legs, a pink-tipped finger poised to make its journey inside.

  “Shh,” I commanded nearly silently, hoping that little Ace was putting out nothing more than a sleepy false alarm. Several seconds bled into a deceptive spell of calm.

  My muscles ached from trying to stay still, and even my face remained stuck in the contorted, completely unromantic grimace of a man who couldn’t take a breath for fear his overengorged balls might explode. Seemingly, just as quickly as I started to relax, a second cry rent the air and dashed all of my hopes, dreams, and dirty imaginings in one fell swoop.

  “Shit,” Cassie whispered as she pushed off the bed and pulled her underwear up to cover all of the things that should never be covered.

  “I’ll go,” I offered, jumping from the bed and shoving my legs and erection into the unforgiving fabric of my still damp board shorts. They’d done nothing more than lay unattended on the floor last night after my late-night swim. My wife was a goddess, taking baby duty for me so I could get in a little exercise. I’d planned to reward her with this very form of enjoyable exercise last night, but the little guy had straight up refused to give in to the Sandman no matter how much Metallica I sang. But he’d finally fallen asleep now…or so we thought. “Me and our boy have to have a talk anyway.”

  It was time for him to learn one of the foremost rules of manhood, the crux of everything I wanted to instill in a son, and it had to do with a pledge to abstain from cockblocking. He needed to know that a woman had every right to say no, should exercise it freely and often, and that if he ever felt that way, that he didn’t want to go forward with a sexual encounter, he should feel confident in his ability to say no too.

  But what he shouldn’t do, ever, was be the third party, the outsider to a pair of consenting adults hoping desperately to make love or bang or fuck like rabbits or any form of the above, that stopped said activity from happening.

  It was the absolute definition of “not cool, bro.” And in my humble opinion, no kid was
too young to learn such an important lesson.

  “Good,” Cassie huffed, opening the door to the bedroom and walking out into the living room of our suite with no top. Her feet made an adorably small amount of noise, much to her chagrin, as she stomped her way from there to the bathroom and pulled a puffy robe off of the hook. “You handle the kid.”

  I smiled at her mock-disdain for our precious son and headed in the direction of his room as she moved toward the main door to the hotel hallway. “And where are you going?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she yelled over her shoulder as she made her grand exit into the public hallway, breasts still out in the open as her robe flew out behind her.

  I chuckled as I first heard a thud, and then the completely unnecessary apology of a family man—someone else’s family man—caught off guard by the luscious, perfect chest of my wife. I didn’t think she even paused, but as the door slammed shut, I couldn’t be entirely sure.

  Still smiling, I padded my way into the dark room of my son and pulled his writhing body from the crib to tuck him against my chest. His eyes were sleepy despite his cries, so I gave him a few minutes of cuddles and bonding before hitting him with the hard stuff.

  When his eyes changed from tiny slits to ovals, I knew the time was ripe for some Kelly-style tough love. “What’s the deal, dude?”

  He didn’t answer, something that was interesting considering he was a baby genius. Sure, most kids couldn’t cogitate at this point, but mine was different—as expected. He was the descendant of my DNA, after all.

  “I get your need for attention,” I told him as I sat down on the couch and pulled him away from my body enough that we could look one another in the eye. “I’m a bit of a seeker of it, myself.”

  He nodded his head in understanding, or as a result of underdeveloped neck muscles, and smiled with a giggle as the edge of my lips curled up.

  “Sometimes, it’s even appropriate. Anytime you’re with your Uncle Kline or your Uncle Wes—”

  “A bit of an attention-seeker, huh?” Kline asked from his casual lean in the doorway.


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