The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2)

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The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2) Page 3

by Nikki Hunter

  “I can’t.”


  “Get out,” Yehven said, pointing toward the door.

  “I get whiplash from you. From your push and pull.” Camila’s lips turned down as she reached up to touch his face. He turned from her touch, but she followed him, her fingertips touching the coarse hair of his beard. “I haven't decided if I love it or hate it yet.”

  Yehven’s golden eyes, fell back on Camila as she pulled away and walked out of the gym.

  Walking through the hallway outside the room, Camila felt empty, her fingers jumping to touch her lips that still buzzed from his kiss. Would there ever be a time that Yehven didn’t leave her feeling more confused, more aroused?

  Camila stomped through the house to the stairs that lead upstairs. No one had claimed a room yet, so she figured now was her time to stake claim. When she had wandered the grand house she had already found where the bedrooms were, but didn’t give them much of a look as she tried to get a feel for the space. As she turned at the top of the staircase toward the rooms, she wondered where the other men were hiding. They all needed their rest before they took off to find an ally. How did these men relax? She pictured Zayn and Kade together engrossed in either a TV show they found interesting or some sort of card game. Lance most likely was up in Becket's library taking in all of the books.

  Turning the knob, Camila opened the first door. The room was huge. The walls were a neutral grey color that let the plum of the bedding and furniture in the room pop. Two doors on the other side of the room lead to a bathroom and a walk in closet filled to the brim with men and women's clothing.

  This room is as good as any, Camila thought as she closed the door behind her and walked to the closet and began shuffling through the clothing options.

  Hinges whispered as the door to the room opened and closed again. Camila peeked out of the closet to find Lance falling backwards into the plush bed with a book in his hands. She smiled to herself before she walked out of the closet.

  Watching Lance for a minute before announcing her presence, she marveled at the way his dark eyebrows scrunched together over his brown almond eyes as he read. His tongue darted out to moisten his full lips before they parted and he breathed in the book.

  As he turned the page, Camila cleared her throat. He jumped, the book in his hand falling. Pages bent as the literature smacked against his face. Lance, pouted as he sat up, pressing the pages back down evenly.

  “Hi.” She waved.

  “Hey.” Lance smiled, his eyes flashing with the lust of an unconsummated bond.

  Camila’s thoughts were still too frustrated by Yehven’s actions to give much attention to his look, so she merely leaned herself against the wall giving him space.

  “Good book?” she asked.

  “Not as good as reality, it would seem.” He smirked at her, fluidly standing up from the bed. His dark eyes flared as he walked toward her. “I didn’t know this room was taken.”

  Camila cocked her head to the side, shrugging in amusement as she took him in. The tousle of his hair was mussed as if he had pulled his hands through it a million times while he read. His grey, long sleeve shirt pushed up over his forearms that flexed as he held the weight of the story in his hands.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Lance began, his confident steps bringing him and his refreshing scent closer to her.

  Camila pushed away from the wall, “What’s that? I’m all ears.”

  “Which one?” Lance purred at Camila tossing the book onto the bed. “Do you have a preference? Which one of us do you prefer?” His steps were smooth as he leisurely headed toward her like a large cat waiting to pounce. His image sparked as if he were going to flicker away but a second later his image became Zayn’s.

  Zayn’s signature smirk spread across his face as he reached her. “Is it Zayn? Awfully playful isn’t he?”

  Camila stood still as stone while Lance walked behind her, he used Zayn’s lips to press against her ear.

  “Perhaps it’s Yehven,” he whispered before raking his teeth over her earlobe. Strong, muscled arms wrapped around her tugging her against him. Prickles of the scruff along Yehven’s chin raced up and down her neck as if Lance was trying to breathe her in.

  Uncomfortably, Camila thought of the eager press of Yehven’s lips on hers just a few minutes ago. The thoughts turned her cheeks crimson.

  Yehven’s arms faded, flickering until it was Kade that was wrapped around her. Lance stepped in front of her, Kade’s face leaning in against her ‘til their noses touched.

  “Or Kade?” he asked, his voice hushed. “Has he used his magic on you yet? Used it to arouse you? Of the four of us, Kade’s the most talked about by the ladies.”

  Camila looked up into Kade’s eyes, her breath coming in shallow waves from the torturous feelings of lust that were teasing her as Lance paraded as the men.

  It wasn’t long that she stared into the face of her mystery man before Lance shivered and Bekket was standing before her, against her. Lance’s breath was heavy in Bekket’s body.

  “Maybe Bekket?”

  Camila’s hand lifted resting against his muscled chest.

  Clearing his throat he continued, “I didn’t enjoy seeing you together. Not sure how I will manage to share you.”

  Blonde hair fell over their faces like a veil that hid them away. But that, too, disappeared, leaving Lance. A heavy want licked through her.

  Rough hands pulled hers behind her back as he pinned her gently against the wall. The soft fullness of his lips grazed hers as he spoke. “Or could it be me that you fancy?”

  Shivers raised over Camila’s spine, her hands trembling in his grasp. Her body went taut as he inched closer, every inch of her skin aching to be touched all at once.

  An important thought began to dance in her mind, making her lips pull into a taunting smile. Wetting her lips, she spoke, the sound more breathy than she intended. “When you change...does your downstairs bit change too?” She tilted her head against him her voice ever so gentle in his ear. “Who has the biggest dick?”

  Lance chuckled, letting go of her hands and walking away with his arms in the air in surrender. As he neared the door he turned away from her while laughing over his shoulder. “It’s me. I’ve got the biggest dick.”

  With a roll of her eyes, she smirked as the door clicked shut behind him. Camila stood in the silence of the empty room in her own confusing feelings of want.

  Chapter Six

  Where Are The Wings?

  After lying on the bed for what felt like hours on end, Camila finally thought she would emerge from the room for something to snack on. She didn’t need the food, she really could survive without it, but boredom had already eaten away at her.

  She had thought about hunting down Zayn, since he was pretty much always excited to see her, or even try and get Lance to finish what he had tried to start earlier, but she settled for some alone time. The last of which she was sure she was going to get on their upcoming journey. The oversized room seemed to be closing in on her. Suffocating her. So, with a huff of breath, she pushed herself off the bed and out of the room.

  Downstairs, she could hear the TV playing; the boys laughing together as they watched. Leaning against the railing, she took the time to soak it all in. Hearing her bonded sound so happy was almost as good as an orgasm. Camila cocked her head to the side in thought. An orgasm… she hadn’t even gotten one of those yet since she had been here. Some fun here, some fun there, but never enough. They had time, didn’t they? Just this one night? Surely, one of them could pull themselves away to entertain her.

  A devilish grin lit up her face. Camila snapped her fingers for a plum lingerie set. A corset laced up the back that gave her breasts the extra oomph she wanted. The outfit made complete with a garter belt, black hosiery, and black stiletto heels.

  Here I am boys.

  Making her way down the stairs, she stopped on the last step. She posed herself seductively
against the smooth trim of the railing. All of the men had clumped together on Bekket’s couch and were staring at a large flat screen TV. Clearing her throat, Kade and Bekket looked back. Each sending her a quick glance before they turned back around to the television. Louder, she tried cleared her throat, again. This time earning a double take from Zayn, who grinned back at her. Lance noticed Zayn’s backwards glance and followed his gaze back to Camila.

  “You are much more seductive when you are in your fae form. Just saying.” Lance smirked, pushing Zayn’s face forward.

  What? Have they all made a pact to hide their dicks away from me? Come on, now.

  “I can do that for you if you’d like,” she purred.

  “Rather you didn’t,” Yehven grumbled without turning to look her way.

  Zayn pushed away from Lance, standing to stroll up to Camila.

  Quietly, he spoke, “I don’t mind your form either way. You are a very attractive person - er, uh - genie.”

  Camila leaned forward into him, her breath tickling his ear as she replied, “Come upstairs with me.”

  He hummed against her, reaching up to cup her cheek. His lips brushed hers in a soft embrace, one they both hoped would turn into something more.

  “Just come sit down, we ordered pizza,” Lance said, frowning at the pair.

  “And wings,” Yehven added.

  Bekket stretched out on the couch, lazily grinning, “Camila why don’t you just try and relax? Hang out with us. We are more than just pieces of meat, you know.”

  She tried holding in a snort at Bekket’s humor. “You try keeping your hormones in check when you have to spend all of your time with five Greek god looking fae men.” She rolled her eyes. “You all just missed out on your chance to change one of those bedrooms upstairs into a temple of pleasure.”

  Zayn twisted around with his eyes large and begging as he looked back at Lance who laughed and shook his head at him. Camila ran her fingers over the swell of Zayn’s biceps, giving him a pout before she strolled over to the group.

  She pushed herself into the middle, sliding between Yehven and Bekket. Yehven still seemed pretty mad, but then again, wasn’t he always? His body leaned away from her as she stared up at the TV.

  The show they watched was black and white. Odd, Camila thought.

  “What are you watching?”

  Kade leaned forward around Bekket with a wicked grin. “I Dream of Jeannie. Why don’t you have an outfit like that?”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Camila frowned.

  “Well you act an awful lot like the girl in the show; flirtatious, I mean,” he continued.

  “This show is full of lies.” She wagged her finger at Kade. “I cannot give you everything you ask for. I would never wear something so… ridiculous.”

  “You don’t think these pieces of lingerie are a bit ridiculous?” Lance laughed.

  “You don’t think you parading in front of me with your magic to look like the other men, in hopes of wooing me, is a bit ridiculous?” She pushed Yehven back in his seat so she could lean around him as she batted her lashes innocently.

  Small bits of chuckles from the others interrupted the noise of the sitcom playing.

  Lance fought to hide his own smile as he returned her gaze, only turning away from her as the doorbell rang. Standing, he smiled, “I’ll get that.”

  With a triumphant grin, Camila leaned back. Yehven grunted and tilted into Lance’s empty seat.

  In protest of Yehven’s protest of her sitting next to him, she reached over and intertwined her fingers with his. His eye twitched as if he was holding himself back, most likely from screaming at her and his hand was stiff against her palm. He turned, looking over her with a wry look cast on his light features.

  “If you want to hold hands, I’m not that guy.” Yehven slipped his fingers away from hers. Camila caught his eyes, the gold in them so alive yet so repressed. Even though she smirked, his constant dismissal of her left behind pangs of hurt.

  “Don’t worry, love. I’m sure he will come around some time.” Bekket whispered into her hair, running a finger over her arm before cupping her hand in his.

  The savory scent of pizza filled the large living room as Lance walked forward with a piece already hanging out of his mouth. Lance hummed through his next bite, setting the food out for the others.

  “Where are my wings?” Yehven asked, pushing away a box of pizza.

  “Um..oh. I guess they forgot them.” Lance mumbled, moving boxes around as if it would make the wings appear.

  The doorbell rang once again and Camila stood to answer it, patting Yehven’s shoulder. “Must be your wings they forgot.”

  “Wait —” Kade started, “Please tell me you aren’t answering the door in that.”

  She stopped, swiveling on her heels to face the men. Snapping her fingers she put on a pair of sweatpants and a fitted t-shirt.

  Through a mouth stuffed with pizza Zayn tilted his head and spoke, “Hey, do the humans know about you? Genies...Jin?”

  “Not anymore really. It’s not a well-known fact, so let’s keep it that way, huh? Why don’t you focus on your pizza and I’ll get the door.”

  Ringing through the space again, the doorbell pestered her that the deliveryman was still waiting, and apparently impatiently. Smooth brass met her fingertips as she reached for the knob but a loud bang and the splintering of the lumber sent her reeling backwards in an explosion of wood.

  The door burst off of its hinges, many pieces of it embedding itself in Camila’s skin. The noise set the men on edge as the team bolted up from the couch. From where she lay with the scattered shreds of Bekket’s door, all she could make out from the dark evening sky was an even darker figure hovering over her. Camila lifted her arms to shield herself, but the small act of defense wasn’t enough. One jab of the strangers arm made stinging contact with her temple. The dark silhouette melted into an overwhelming blackness that swallowed her whole.

  Chapter Seven


  It was still dark; quiet too. The unnerving pain that stung from where she had been struck told Camila she was still alive. Blinking, she tried to focus on her surroundings. Was that a tree above her? Warmth against her side told her she wasn’t alone either.

  Oh great. Where the fuck did I end up now?

  Damp blades of grass tickled against her elbows as she propped herself up. The figure next to her quickly shuffled away with a gasp. As her eyes adjusted to the lack of light, she found herself curled under a large oak tree. It’s branches fanned out casting shadows over her and Zayn.

  “Oh, I’m glad you’re awake.” Zayn’s body crashed into hers.

  His lips played against hers. The world was spinning; either from the wound on her forehead or from the spectacular kiss that was being planted on her. She wasn’t sure.

  Camila sat up right into Zayn’s arms, one hand sprawling against his wide chest and the other teasing through his black hair. His body was warm; a great contrast to the evening air that was sending wicked waves of cold wind over them.

  “Wait —,” she groaned as she pulled away. “What happened? Where are the others?” Camila felt for her bonds. Everyone was okay; not near them, but okay.

  “Bekket said his house was warded, but it turns out the queen’s magic is stronger than his,” he scoffed. “We took out the few they sent for us no problem, but it’s easier for them to find us if we are together. So we split up.”

  The soft cushion of his lips trailed along her throat creating a trail of heat that shot right through her.

  “Are we alone?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he hummed sitting up. The icy blue of his eyes sparkled as his touch roamed over her collarbone.

  “Where,” Camila licked her lips. “are we going?”

  Zayn’s attention darted to her mouth as she spoke. His large hands skimming up her thighs in a searing path of lust.

  “We will meet at the second kingdom.”

, she released a shuddered breath that caused Zayn to smirk. Somewhere in the distance an animal called out; the sound an instrument in the symphony of the forest’s song.

  Zayn leaned back into her, placing a gentle kiss against her jawline that drew out a small gasp from Camila. She chewed on her bottom lip, a blush dancing over her cheeks. A chuckle shook Zayn’s chest as he skimmed his lips down the length of her throat.

  Feeling the smooth planes of his face against her as his lips trailed down farther toward her chest was enough for her to feel herself get wet. Her muscles ached for his touch. Camila pulled herself closer to Zayn. She supposed he felt the same way as her hand brushed against his swelling cock, just inside his pants.

  His hands seared a path of sizzling heat over her skin as he reached under her shirt, pulling the fabric up over her head. He made quick work of her bra as his nose grazed over the fullness of her breasts. The chill of the wind mixed with her own arousal peaked her nipples.

  A pleasant moan escaped Camila’s throat as Zayn sucked against a breast, his hand teasing against her other nipple.

  The ache within her core began to grow, a burning desire that shouted that she needed him sooner rather than later. Pushing Zayn gently away, she yanked his shirt above his head, discarding it at the base of the tree.

  “There,” she pointed, a single word command for him to brace himself against the tree.

  With a nod and a sexy smirk he sat himself against the trunk of the tree.

  Camila jerked his zipper down while her heart pounded loudly in her chest as his cock all but sprung free of the fabric. She leaned down tasting the salt of his readiness as she slid her tongue down his length.

  “Fuck,” he growled, his hair snagging against the bark as he tilted his head back. He reached down and intertwined his hands in her hair, his thumbs rubbing against her ears, controlling the rhythm. Just as he almost reached his peak, the moment he thought he may lose himself in the blessed glory of her lips, she pulled away.

  Camila stood, stripping away her remaining clothing. Zayn’s eyes were dark with want as he drank her in. The curve of her body, each peak of her breasts, even the point of her hip bones that jutted out were exactly as he imaged they would be. Watching her under the light of the four full moons above was almost enough to send him over the edge as he slowly stroked himself.


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