The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2)

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The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2) Page 4

by Nikki Hunter

  She smiled, one that parted her lips and left a gentle dimple in one cheek, and lowered herself over him. As she straddled him, her hips rocked in time with his as he tilted to meet her. Zayn’s muscular arms wrapped around her, holding her against him as she began to wildly buck.

  “Camila,” he breathed into hair, “I won't last much longer at this rate.”

  But that’s what she wanted. She wanted to find her release, one that was coming on quickly, and she wanted to fall into it with him, and let the world shatter around them as they found themselves together in the chaos.

  As the pleasure built, a hinting feeling coiled within her until it came out with a cry that echoed around them. Finding hers gave him what he needed as he let himself go. Their hips slowly came to a stop as they panted against each other.

  Zayn’s thumb ran circles over Camila’s ass while she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I’ve waited too fucking long to do that.” She smiled.


  Together, they traveled through the shadows under the canopy of trees that feathered just like the brush had the first day Camila entered this realm. Camila followed his lead as he transported himself in twenty feet increments. The bond between them felt more awake and alive after their sex on the floor of the unknown forest.

  Camila trusted Zayn when he said he knew where they were going, but she was getting antsy being away from the others for so long. He had explained that they would all meet up just before they reached Queen Noryn’s castle.

  Zayn stopped, swiveling on his heels to look at her. “Here.”


  “Well not here, here. There.” He pointed through the trees at a large gray castle rising high into the skyline. How had she not seen it sooner?

  “Eh.” Camila shrugged.


  “I’ve seen better.”

  “And where would that possibly be?” A familiar voice carried over her shoulder from where they had just traveled.

  “Shit.” Camila gasped as she turned to greet Bekket.

  Eagerly, he ran up to her and scooped her in his arms in an embrace that lifted her off her feet and teased at her emotions. She hadn’t expected to be quite so happy to see him; to see all of them. The others jogged up toward them, grins spreading wide across their cheeks - well all except Yehven. Go figure.

  Bekket gently set her down but kept his arms wrapped around her, breathing her in.

  “Well don’t hog her. She’s ours too,” Lance said, playfully pushing Bekket away.

  Camila laughed as she squeezed Lance against her. “I missed you assholes.”

  Yehven snorted, and, as Camila pulled away from Lance, she pointed at him, “Especially you.” Camila knew the teasing and kind words would both please him and piss him off. Yehven’s yo-yo of emotions was beginning to be something she expected out of him.

  A smile threatened to expose him before he tamed his features with a growl. “The fuck you did. No. You just miss having a pretty face to look at. I’d hate being stuck with that schmuck too.”

  “Oh, you mean this schmuck who finally got laid?” Zayn boasted.

  Playfully, a smirk graced her lips as she walked to Yehven and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “You’d get some too, if you played nice.”

  “No thanks.” Yehven frowned, curling his hands into fists.

  Stubborn ass.

  Kade stood quietly next to him, his arms folded over his chest. It was then, when she stared over at Kade, that she began to notice the blood streaked over all of them. Dirt and dust was worn on their clothing like their new favorite accessory. Zayn was clean, but not the rest? What had happened while they were separated?

  “Why do you all look like shit?”

  Raising his eyebrows, Kade answered with a chuckle. “We saved your ass then we traveled through a forest… Sorry we haven’t had time to shower for you, princess.”

  “Why is Zayn so clean? Did you not defend my honor?” She gasped dramatically, her hand lifting to cover her mouth.

  The group laughed together.

  “My magic tends to keep me farther away from the bloodshed. Get too close and,” he raised his hand to touch her nose a small spark snapping against her skin like static electricity. “Boop. You’ll get shocked.”

  “Uh-uh, no.” Camila swatted his hand away. “I’m a grown-ass genie. You don’t get to ‘boop’ me on the fucking nose.”

  “Well, come on now. I agree enough with the ‘booping’.” Lance pushed forward. “We’ve got a bad queen to take down.”

  As a group, they began walking toward the beautiful archways and columns of the grey castle. Camila eased to the back and strolled with Yehven; their hands ever so often brushing. After a few minutes of walking, he pulled his hands into his pockets. Camila glanced, side-eyeing him as they stepped over broken twigs and cakey mud. She thought about how she would simultaneously like to both throat punch him and move on, and also ride his dick off into the sunset. Men were a nuisance. She thought about how much she missed being on her own. At the same time how could she envision her life without this bond going forward?

  Chapter Eight

  Not Even Frenemies

  Large gold doors loomed over us as we approached. The intricate designs of the four suns danced over the shining surface of the entryway. Two guards stood before the doors, opening them with blank faces as their group stepped forward. Camila gaped up at the magnificent archway. It would lead to their salvation or destruction; she didn't really know which.

  Small pricks of magic began to sting up her arm as she stepped toward the doors. The magic that held the porcelain skin over her true form began to change to her natural olive tone. Frantically, she ripped herself out of the entryway.

  "What's happening?" she asked, shooting her gaze at the men who had already walked forward without her.

  Lance tilted his head in question, walking over to her and extending his hand for hers. "Come on. It's fine. We won't let anything happen to you."

  With a shake of her head, Camila took another step backwards away from the magic that hated hers. Maybe I've always been this way. Maybe I'd always been too frightened of any real form of commitment, so I hid my true form away so no one could find me again. But here I am, surrounded by my, as luck would have it, five gorgeous mates and I still don't think I'm ready.

  "In your own famous words, 'quit being such a big baby' and get in here. What are you afraid of?" Zayn balanced his hands over his hips, the heavy sword that dangled there patted against his muscled thigh.

  "I, uh, this isn't what I really look like," she waved her hand over her human form clad in the same dark uniform the men always wore. "I've never shown my bonded what I really look like. This magic here, it won’t let me keep this form."

  Each one of them wore a different shade of shock over their features, with the exception of Lance who only smiled. He stepped closer to her and took her hand to tug her forward.

  "The castle is spelled against deceitful magic. My powers won’t work here at all. That's why you can't keep this form." Small strands of his brown hair fell over his forehead as he walked backwards with Camila's hands in his grasp.

  "Wait," Zayn stalled. "Are you ugly?"

  His question stirred a string of laughter from Bekket. Kade only looked slightly amused while Yehven's face remained neutral and bored.

  "Just plain." Camila frowned, stepping through doorway and letting go of the magic that held her form.

  I'm still me. I'm still the same fan-fucking-tastic woman that these men found in that old, worn clock.

  The red hair that hung down began to melt into her natural chestnut brown color, the slim oval shape of her face rounding slightly, her green eyes darkening. Even her height was affected as she lost two inches, appearing even smaller compared to Lance's tall frame.

  Lance stumbled over his own feet as he watched her transform, completely enthralled in the process and his own thoughts as to why
she hadn't been this way the whole time. Not one of them spoke; they only nodded their heads and grinned at her, turning to walk in toward their fate. Lance squeezed Camila's hand in reassurance as they strolled in together.

  "So this is okay?" she asked softly.

  "Trust me, it's more than okay. You look beautiful; small, but still gorgeous."

  "Is it even still her?" Yehven asked over his shoulder, his back still turned away.

  "Shut up, you overstuffed meathead."

  Shaking his head, he barked out a laugh, "Still her."

  "And all was right in the world again," Bekket hummed, raising his eyebrows at them before he lead the way, his hands casually tucked into his pockets.

  The throne room, Lance had whispered to Camila, was where they were being taken, and it didn’t take much time to get there. Camila paid no mind to how they arrived, or to the extravagant decorations that lined their halls. Her eyes were glued to the olive skin on her hands; her skin that now everyone would see. Nervously, she wrung her hands together as they entered the throne room. A feeling she didn’t get often; one she didn’t enjoy.

  Queen Noryn was the center of attention with her dark brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail. She stood up from the gold-trimmed throne. She twirled her mauve skirts as she strolled back and forth before the seat. Behind her were four large glass windows overlooking the green of her lands and the light illuminated her as if she were a goddess. Gold steps rose from the swirling pattern of the tile up to her pacing feet.

  “Bekket, Duke of Refural, loving nephew of Queen Katrice,” the queen practically sang with outstretched arms.

  The words struck the group as they abruptly stopped. Camila stiffened along with the rest as she shot a heated gaze at Bekket. Apparently, he hadn’t found that information as important as the rest of them.

  “Oh, did they not know?” She chuckled before continuing. “I see you brought the band of misfits with you, and… what is this other?”

  “Queen, this is Camila. She is magic bound to us and will do no harm to you or yours.”

  Uncomfortably, the group shuffled under her scrutiny.

  “Mmm, see to it that she does not, or she will be forcibly removed.” She frowned for only a second before she cheerily plastered a large grin on her face and spoke again. “And of course, I know the group that guards the tear between realms.” Her smile was sly as it spread across her cheeks. “Yehven Medeiros.”

  Yehven bowed low, his eyes never leaving the ground.

  “Not sure you’re welcome here. The last time we saw you, you destroyed my courtyard, but I supposed we could let bygones be bygones. Now let me guess the rest; Zayn Garen.” Boney fingers pointed into the group.

  Zayn mimicked Yehven’s bow but his face contained his humor as he winked.

  “Zayn, loved by none. Useless orphan on the street.”

  His face didn’t change but Camila knew the words hurt, she felt their bond tighten as if he was pulling strength from her now.

  She didn’t stop there, her features darkened.

  “Lance Sudduth, petty thief. Couldn’t keep yourself out of prison ‘til you struck the deal to guard the realms.”

  Lance kept his face trained and his features neutral as he bent at the waist.

  “Last, but certainly not least, Kade Voltz. Murderer. You, most of all, should be careful while you’re a guest in my court.” Kade lowered himself, before standing upright again and nodding.

  Murderer? He couldn’t be.

  The queen walked down the steps, her heels tapping almost maliciously against the tile.

  “One thing before I send you off, please meet my newest advisor. She will get you taken care of while you rest in my kingdom. It seems your mate is holding onto something that belongs to someone else. Tonight, we meet to discuss this need you speak of.” The queen turned and, pointing back at her throne, a woman emerged as if she had been behind her the whole time.

  Creepy, Camila thought.

  She was tall, slim yet fit, with wild curls of blonde hair falling over her chest all the way to the waist of her emerald dress.

  Beside Camila, Yehven paled.

  The woman glowered down from the dais at him.

  “Oh, Yehven, aren't you glad to see me?” Her voice was menacing as she projected it around them.

  “Oh, shit,” Zayn murmured, shuffling closer to Yehven. “Is that Kym?”

  Yehven didn’t respond, but his muscles tensed and the edge of his mouth twitched; not to hold back a smile but instead a snarl.

  Kym sauntered down the steps walking toward the group. Camila thought she might be lovely if she didn’t give off such an awful sense of arrogance.

  Kym stopped just half a foot away from Yehven, tilting her head to get a view of his downcast face. She reached to touch his chest but was stopped as Camila shot out her hand. Something between anger and jealousy had Camila trembling next to Yehven.

  No evil heartbreaking ex is going to touch my man.

  “Mine.” Camila growled through her teeth.

  Kym’s laugh startled the men. “So you’ve claimed another?” She turned on her heels to face Camila. “Surely, with five mates you can share just one. Don’t be selfish now.”

  No, no, no, no. Don’t make me beat the ever loving shit out of you in the throne room of our hopefully soon to be ally.

  “Excuse me?” Camila raised her voice stepping in front of Yehven and pressing herself closer to Kym. “Don’t get near my mates and try to claim one as your own.”

  “I never said that.” Kym faked offense, her grey eyes wide.

  Taking a strand of Kym’s blonde hair, she twirled it between her fingertips as she spoke in a hushed tone. “Said it, acted like it, had someone else say it for you… no difference.” Gently, Camila tucked the strand behind Kym’s ear with a smile just as fake as Kym’s offense.

  “Ladies, ladies.” The queen tsked. “Let’s all play nice, now. Kym, why don’t you show them off to their quarters?”

  A large cloud of breath blew at Camila’s brown hair as Kym huffed, but she straightened herself. Yehven’s strong hand wrapped around Camila’s wrist, and lightly squeezed in reassurance. Camila frowned and pulled her wrist from his hand. She never liked being touched when she was angry and in this moment she was livid.

  Kym swallowed, “Fine, follow me.”

  So they did; down grand halls covered in reds and gold. Banners danced in the halls with pictures of lions before the four suns, seemingly all very Lion King-esque to Camila.

  Kym led them in silence. She finally stopped before two large doors and turned with a whip of her skirt.

  “Tada,” she said enthusiastically as she pushed open the door to reveal a large living room also decorated in red and gold. “There are five bedrooms. You can each have your own.”

  “Excuse me? There are six of us.” Lance questioned, his arms folding over his chest.

  “She,” Kym pointed at Camila, “can sleep on the couch.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Camila ground out through clenched teeth.

  “I’ll be back at dinner to gather you all. You’ll get your chance to plead your case to Her Majesty's court.”

  Kym smirked then sashayed out of the room, closing the doors with a heavy thud behind her.

  Kade closed the small distance between them and he wrapped his arms around her. A calm began to settle in her bones as his body seemed to claim her.

  “Hey,” he said reassuringly squeezing her within his arms, “we need them. Don’t make enemies so quickly.”

  Men were delusional. Anger grew within Camila; so much so that the calm he had shared was pushed away.

  “Oh, I didn’t start that shit. Little Miss Ruined Yehven’s Life did when she thought she could sink her claws into what is no longer hers.”

  Pushing herself out of Kade’s arms she walked forward and dropped herself on the couch. Zayn and Lance sat down on either side of her. Kade propping himself up on the arm of the couch,
Yehven and Bekket both fell into the two side chairs.

  Zayn scooped her hand up into his, brushing a kiss on the back of it. “Personally, I like possessive Camila. I think she’s hot.”

  Camila laughed; not in a happy way, but in a crazy about to come unhinged way. She pulled her hand from his, bolting upright again.

  “No.” She began, pacing in the middle of the group. “No, none of you get to touch me. How foolish am I?” She paused gritting her teeth at the room.

  The men squirmed uncomfortably in their seats, taken aback by her sudden shift of anger.

  “I forget you aren’t human and so easy to read. I’m overwhelmed by this… this bond,” she spat. “What if I don’t want it? You all lied. You lied to me. The only person whose story didn’t surprise me was Yehven’s.”

  The silence after her outburst was stifling. Yehven’s eyes flickered as he stared into hers.

  “Then, in my defense, you shouldn’t be mad at me,” Yehven said flatly.

  “Oh, don’t even get me started Incredible Hulk. You aren’t even the one who told me your background.”

  “I caught that. Who did?” Yehven said his eyes roaming over the group.

  “The fucking murderer did!” she exclaimed as her finger pointed wildly at Kade.

  Kade tensed, his face red. Camila swore she could see steam rolling out his ears. She could only image how much he felt with the wave of emotions that became a hurricane in the room.

  Zayn stood, stepping closer to Camila. “I didn’t do a thing. It’s not my fault that I was unloved.”

  Ragged breaths escaped Camila as she fought against the tears that brimmed along her eyelids. As she fought against the tug of her bonded in need.

  “Zayn,” she hissed. “That's the thing about the bond of a genie, I loved you from the moment I appear. It was you that didn’t love me enough to tell me a damn thing.”


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