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Omega's Home (The Alpha's New Omega - Mpreg Book 1)

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by Adams, Rory

  Omega’s Home

  The Alpha’s New Omega #1

  Rory Adams

  Copyright © 2015 RORY ADAMS

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  When the bus stopped at the end of its route, Cameron’s heart began to thump. He was the only one left on the bus, and he shook with terror as the afternoon sun slung in the sky. Being a freshly eighteen-year-old omega in the big city was enough to have his entire, slender body trembling.

  Slowly, Cameron gathered his things and stepped out of the bus. There was a park nearby, and he moved toward a bench, just to get his thoughts together.

  That’s when he noticed the scent.

  It was so overpowering that Cameron froze. Only one sort of person could ever make Cameron shake this way– an alpha. Cameron studied the muscular alpha nearby, glazed in sweat, as he lifted his chin over a workout bar at the edge of the grass.

  The alpha was tall, dark, and handsome with gigantic muscles that bulged all over his massive body. He wore a loose tank top that swayed up and down just above his running shorts. Everything was covered in his warm, musky sweat.

  In an instant, Cameron felt his cock growing in his briefs. He reached down to cover himself, causing his bag full of clothes to slink down. If the alpha caught a whiff Cameron’s virgin omega scent in heat, he could be inclined start some trouble that Cameron wouldn’t be able to resist.

  However, the alpha didn’t seem to notice as he continued his thirtieth chin-up. Then he dropped to the ground, releasing a cloud of dust at his sneakers. The alpha picked up his pace, curling his tank top up to wipe his forehead.

  Cameron stared at the chiseled abdominals that ran along the alpha’s rock hard stomach. Cameron would give anything to be with a man like that. He wondered if every omega was like him and secretly craved the thick knotted cock of an alpha male.

  Of course, Cameron had never seen one in real life before, but he once found a dirty magazine in a bush by his old home, and he’d never been so aroused than he was by the site of a bulging knot.

  Cameron also wanted an alpha for the protection. The world was terrifying to him, even though he was legally an adult now. For a while he could have been considered a lesser beta, but after being forced out of his home very recently by his mother’s angry, alpha boyfriend, Cameron was virtually homeless.

  Luckily Cameron had buried his savings, and whatever money he’d gotten from selling his belongings, outside in an old coffee can. He dug the cash up stealthily, keeping a careful eye on the windows to make sure his mother’s boyfriend didn’t see him lingering in the yard.

  Cameron had tucked the money into the pocket of his jeans and walked away from the only place he’d ever belonged. His mother’s house was in the suburbs, not far from a bus station that took him to his spot in the park.

  At the park, Cameron felt more at peace than he had in a long time. Finally, he had somewhere warm and relatively safe the events of the past week finally began to hit him. Cameron’s throat swelled with emotion, though he refused to cry in public. Loneliness crashed over him in waves until it was all he could see from shore to shore.

  Chapter 2

  A few weeks went by and Cameron was standing in his new apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was still a place that he could call home– for now.

  He stared at his reflection in the mirror in his new apartment, speculating as to how he could make himself look more employable. Though there was nothing striking about his soft, subdued features Cameron thought he was still passably attractive. He’d always kept his dirty blonde hair short and professional looking, though it was getting a little shaggy at the moment. The most notable thing about him were his eyes, which were a complex mesh of deep, forest green speckled with stormy gray and shot through by threads of chestnut.

  Cameron had been living on his own for about three weeks before the money started to run out. He’d rented a dingy, pay-by-the-week apartment in a part of town where it wasn’t safe to go outside after dark. Even with such cheap, sketchy housing and eating Ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Cameron’s savings couldn’t last forever.

  He’d been looking for a job but was having no luck. Everyone wanted transcripts, college diplomas, and letters of recommendation, but without even a permanent address to his name Cameron had none of that.

  Cameron always wanted to go to school, but that didn’t seem to be in the cards for him. Betas with money could afford college and omegas usually ended up working as busboys, street cleaners, or someone’s pool boy if they were lucky.

  Cameron didn’t want any of those jobs. He needed security and something that fit his personality. Cameron always imagined that he might make a great secretary or office assistant. He helped his mother plenty of times in the past with filing paperwork for her job, but it seemed like such a slim chance that any of that would fix.

  It soon became abundantly clear that Cameron needed to look beyond his normal means of a free newspaper to find a job. Eventually, he used an ancient, wheezing computer at the public library to look for job ads online. One particular offer immediately jumped out at the young omega.

  An alpha with a house outside the city was looking for someone to live in his home and help maintain the property. The job included room, board, and a small salary. Good for Cameron, the alpha didn’t seem to be looking for any qualifications or past job experience.

  Cameron had a fair amount of experience patching up his neighbor’s house and he’d done odd jobs for money in high school. This job offer seemed to good to be true.

  Still, could Cameron work for an alpha? What if he found him attractive? Then again, of course he would find him attractive. Cameron always thought that alphas were too intimidating to be around, mostly because of how his body reacted to them.

  There’s no way that he could take a job like this. The pressure would be constant. What if the alpha liked Cameron back? He’d be trapped under the iron fist of his boss, with his ass in the air getting pounded. Sure, that sounds hot to Cameron, but he wasn’t ready.

  Suddenly, Cameron felt his stomach grumble. When was the last time he’d eaten a real meal? It was yesterday. Cameron’s eyes drifted back to classified on the computer screen. Even though the alpha seemed intimidating, Cameron was desperate. What other choice did he have but to send an inquiry? After all, what are the chances that he’d be picked, anyway?

  Cameron hurried to log into his email account and contact the prospective employer. Within the hour the alpha wrote back, inviting Cameron to come by his house and ‘see if this job would be a good fit for him’.

  Chapter 3

  Cameron’s jaw dropped at the sheer scale and grandeur of the house he was approaching. When he read about the potential alpha employer’s house in the country he surely hadn’t expected a mansion. The house was huge and old looking in a stoic, majestic sort of way. Carefully laid stonework, overlaid by centuries of ivy, made up the front. Enormous windows shimmered in the sun, partially shaded by a black-shingled roof.

  A series of bus hops had gotten Cameron within walking distance of the mansion, but he’d had to travel the last handful of miles on foot. It wasn’t a problem because the day turned out to be sunny and beautiful with a sky so intensely blue it looked like you could touch it. Whi
te granite gravel crunched beneath Cameron’s feet as he traversed the mansion’s winding driveway.

  The grounds were partially obscured by lush forest, but from what Cameron could get a glimpse of they looked just as astounding as the house. To even imagine working and living the was almost beyond belief.

  When he finally reached the front door Cameron was quivering with nervousness. His hands shook as he raised the ornate, lion head knocker and let it fall. After a few drawn out, anxious moments the door finally opened.

  Cameron smelled the alpha before he saw him. A tidal wave of thick muscle surged over the threshold, blooming strongly in Cameron’s nostrils. The scent of such a powerfully dominant alpha made the young omega’s insides flutter with both fear and excitement.

  The man standing before Cameron was tall and so muscular that he seemed to fill up the entire doorway with his presence. His shoulders dwarfed even his mother’s beefy boyfriend. His jaw looked like it had been copied from a Greek statue, but instead of lifeless, stone eyes this man had intense, cobalt blue irises. Rich, golden-brown hair framed his head in waves. His suit was immaculate and unmistakably masculine.

  Cameron’s mouth went dry. The alpha fixed him with a sharp, predatory gaze and his knees suddenly felt weak and shivery.

  “Hello,” the man said, stepping forward and extending his hand. He looked to be in his late twenties, the prime of his life. “I’m Jackson. You must be Cameron.”

  “Yes,” Cameron managed to get out. He cleared his throat, trying to block the alpha’s intoxicating musk from of his head. “Thank you for meeting with me.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” Jackson’s voice was deep and rough like the guttural roar of a lion. He glanced over Cameron’s shoulder to the lack of vehicle. “Did you walk here?”

  “Just the last few miles,” Cameron replied as he felt his cheeks heat up.

  Jackson frowned.

  “I’ll give you a ride back to the bus stop when we are finished.” The way he said it left no room for argument. “Please, come inside.”

  Unsurprisingly the interior of the house was just as opulent and magnificent as the exterior. Yet, despite the hand-carved mahogany furniture and oriental carpets thick enough to sleep on, Cameron had a hard time keeping his eyes off of Jackson. The way his dress shirt stretched across his broad, meaty chest was mesmerizing.

  “I’m really just looking for someone to keep an eye on the place and make sure it stays in good repair,” Jackson explained as he led the way deeper into the cavernous mansion. “My business takes me out of town fairly often so I can’t always be on top of everything.”

  They turned down a hallway lined with wall sconces that must have been real crystal. On the right finely carved double doors opened into a vast library. Bookshelves covered the walls from floor to lofty ceiling, all stuffed with ancient looking leather bound books.

  “The only real condition for this job is that you’d have to live here,” Jackson continued. “I feel that’s the only way to properly watch over the property.” He paused for a moment, so abruptly that Cameron nearly ran into him. The brief, close proximity flooded Cameron’s nose with the alpha’s scent again. His head spun and he felt a distinctive tightening of his cock in his pants. He shifted, hiding the small bulge from the alpha’s sight.

  “It would be nice to not be the only one living here.” Jackson gestured towards the front of the house. “There’s some kitchen staff that comes to prepare my meals, but they don’t stay here. I grew up in a big, loud family and I hate to see this old place so empty and silent all the time.”

  Jackson’s facial expression had changed. For a few seconds his eyes lost their icy- blue gleam and melted into something much softer. Cameron’s hands ached to reach out to him. He immediately quenched the insane reflex.

  Jackson quickly recovered his masculine bravado and continued down the hallway. The two men ended their trek at the alpha’s office. The wood-paneled room had an intricate cast iron fireplace on one side and a row of bookshelves on the other. In the back a colossal oval-shaped desk spanned nearly from wall to wall.

  Jackson took a seat behind it in a plush, leather office chair and gestured for Cameron to sit in a smaller seat opposite him. Cameron wondered if Jackson’s chair had been specially made to contain his considerable size; surely his muscular frame would have spilled the bounds of an ordinary seat.

  “So,” Jackson started, forming his long fingers into a steeple, “do you think this job would be a good fit for you?”

  Cameron took a moment to answer, fixated as he was on the alpha’s hands. Cameron always had a thing for nice hands; not a fetish or anything, he just appreciated them. Jackson’s hands were elegantly formed, but they looked big and strong enough to crush bones without a second thought. For a second Cameron imagined how those huge, rough hands would feel touching his bare skin and he felt his hole slicking with excitement.

  Cameron shook his head, trying to clear away the daze so he could answer the alpha.

  “Yes.” He nodded enthusiastically. “I would love to have this job.”

  “Living here wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience?”

  Cameron nearly laughed. He would be incredibly grateful to live in such a beautiful house after the garbage stench of his cheap apartment. The only qualms Cameron had about inhabiting Jackson’s mansion was the knowledge that he would be constantly sharing space with a strong, intimidating alpha. Bruises still purpled along Cameron’s side from where his mother’s alpha boyfriend had thrown him into the stove and he was hesitant to put himself in a situation where he might be attacked by a dominant male again. So far Jackson seemed courteous and gentle, but his terrifying size made Cameron wary. The omega would have more than bruises if this hulking man ever came after him.

  “No, I don’t think it will be an inconvenience,” Cameron replied. “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you.” Jackson smiled, baring perfect ivory canines. “You would of course have a small salary and access to the kitchen staff for your food needs. The run of the house and grounds is yours, though I would ask that you don’t enter my bedroom or personal study.”

  “That all sounds very reasonable.” Cameron tried and failed to keep himself from watching the way Jackson’s lips moved as he spoke. Everything about the alpha was incredibly distracting. He’d never been around an alpha whose scent had such a strong impact on him. Briefly he wondered if that would be a problem for this job.

  “I’d like to hire you then,” Jackson said, standing up and extending his hand for Cameron to shake. Cameron took it, again reveling in the feel of Jackson’s firm grasp around his flesh. “Let me show you where you’ll sleep and work.”

  The quarters Jackson had put aside of Cameron were grander than the young man could have dreamed. The bed was an enormous four-poster with silk sheets, a burgundy goose-feather duvet, and a gossamer canopy. There was a small wooden desk facing a picturesque window. Cameron looked outside to see a fantastic view of the sweeping evergreen forest that sprawled across half the mansion’s grounds.

  “There’s an en suite bathroom,” Jackson told him, pointing to a door Cameron hadn’t even noticed. The bathroom was all white marble shot through with onyx-colored veins. There was a porcelain, claw-foot bathtub and an all-glass shower stall. Cameron guessed the showerhead had more settings than he could ever possibly use.

  Though he was very appreciative of the opulent furnishings Cameron was also acutely aware of the fact that he and Jackson were both occupying a relatively small space with a bed in it. He could feel the heat the massive alpha put off like he was standing next to a radiator. It filled the room, dizzy and intoxicating.

  Then there was Jackson’s glare. He fixated on Cameron in a way that the omega had never experienced from an alpha before. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. Cameron wondered if Jackson wanted to fuck him right then and there as much as Cameron wanted him.

  Cameron was grateful when they went outside to se
e the workshop he would have at his disposal. It wasn’t as spectacular as the rooms in the mansion, but there was a spacious workbench and all the tools he could ever need.

  “How soon do you think you can move in?” Jackson asked as they stepped back into the buttery sunshine.

  Cameron’s heart sank a little at the knowledge that he would have to leave soon and return to his dull little apartment for at least one more night. While part of Cameron wanted to turn tail and run from the terrifying alpha another part of him didn’t want to away from Jackson even for a moment. It was a deeply conflicting sensation.

  “It shouldn’t take me more than a day to gather my things,” Cameron replied. “I could move in tomorrow if you’d like.”

  Jackson grinned and Cameron’s heart slammed against his sternum like it was trying to escape. At the same time adrenaline tingled in his veins at the dangerously hungry expression on the alpha’s perfect, angular features.


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