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Crossroads of the Heart

Page 14

by Savannah Maris

  “Unfortunately, that happens in marriages sometimes. You have to work not to let that happen, and baby girl, the lifestyle y’all chose makes that difficult. I think taking some time off is a great idea.”

  “We’re taking a trip to Paris, then maybe move back here. What do you think?”

  “Here? Why?”

  “His dad wants to retire and Noah’s looking at buying the ranch from him.”

  “I see…”

  “Mom, I thought you’d be happy.”

  “Well, I am, but um...”

  “What? Tell me.”

  “I think your dad is probably telling him the same thing. He’s wanting to retire, too, or at least step back.”

  “Oh my.” I stand and look out the window toward the barn. Could we take on both ranches? “What does Carl say? He doesn’t want it?”

  “Your brother moved away from here as soon as he could. He doesn’t want any part of a breeding farm.”

  “Has Dad asked him?”

  “He made it perfectly clear, Tamryn. He loves the Navy, and he loves California. He and Charlotte are happy there.”

  I nod. “Okay, Mom, I’ll talk to Noah. Do you think everyone would stay?”

  “Jobs are hard to come by here, so I don’t think anyone would be itching to leave a good job.”

  I smile. “Looks like Dad is talking to Noah now from the looks on their faces. Thank you for the heads up before he gets back in here.” I turn to my mother. “I know we’ll be going to his parents and talking to his dad when he comes back inside. We’re staying there tonight, but I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe you, Sadie, and I could go into town for lunch?”

  “I’d like that.” My mother is hugging me tightly when the back door opens.

  “Tams, we better go see my folks.”

  I know the look on his face. He needs to talk to me, and mercifully, I know what about. My eyes tell him that we’re in this together.

  When my mother lets me go, I walk into my father’s waiting arms. “You remember what I told you earlier.”

  “I will, Daddy.” I kiss his cheek. “I’m sure we’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll look at flights tonight, but we’ll be here for a couple days. Earl, maybe you, Dad, and I could go grab a beer tomorrow?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  As soon as we pull up to the house, my parents come out to meet us. We get out of the truck, and my father pulls me in for a quick hug first. “Did you make this right, Noah?”

  “Yes, sir. We’re good.”

  Dad looks at Tamryn and gives her a gentle hug. “Did he make it up to you, sweetheart?”

  “Dad, I think it was my fault, and he tells me we’re good.”

  Dad shakes his head. “No, ma’am.” He points at me. “That boy took a vow and he became head of your family. That means he puts you above his clients. If you didn’t feel that you could talk to him about something that was bothering you, then he failed and he better make it right.” My father looks pointedly at me.

  I look at the small smile Tamryn’s trying to hide because I knew my parents would take her side. She’s trying not to laugh, but I can see the humor in her eyes until she turns toward my mother. Tamryn’s look sobers as she walks toward her. My mother opens her arms for Tamryn and a look of pity crosses her face. Why is my mother giving her a look like that?

  When my dad and I walk up, I hear Tamryn say, “I’m sorry, Ma. I didn’t mean to worry anyone, and I never thought Noah would call the police.”

  “Honey, men can be so infuriating sometimes. He is his father’s son, so I understand how they can be.”

  “But he’s also your son, and you taught him well.”

  My mother catches my eyes. “Apparently, not well enough. If he were younger, I’d make him stay in his room until he figured out who’s more important. He saw his father put this ranch ahead of me once.”

  Dad elbows my side. “And, I would’ve thought you’d learn from my mistake. Boy, you get your hardheadedness from your mother’s side of the family.” He winks at his wife.

  “Dad, let’s just say I get it honestly from both sides.” I laugh as I lean down to kiss my mom. “Ma, we’re good. We’ve worked it out and we’re not going to make the same mistakes twice.”

  “How are you working it out?” My dad walks toward the front porch swing with my mother following while Tamryn and I sit in the loveseat close by.

  “Well, we’ve got a two-part plan. One part includes you.” I point toward my dad.


  “I’m going to stop modeling, at least for a while.” Tamryn looks lovingly into my eyes. “We need to reconnect and maybe start a family.”

  “It’s about damn time,” my dad barks through laughter. “I know your folks are happy to hear that.”

  “We really didn’t discuss that too much.” Tamryn’s cheeks flush as she tucks her hair behind her ear.

  “Dad, I’d like to talk about taking over the ranch.” I cut my eyes to Tamryn. “Earl, wants the same thing as you. Tamryn and I need to discuss it, but with yours and Earl’s help early on, I’d like to try taking on both.”

  Tamryn jerks her head toward me. “Are you serious?” Her smile is brilliant.

  “You didn’t think I’d let something happen to your dad’s ranch because of this one, did you?”

  She shrugs. “I didn’t know, but Mom thinks that all of the ranch hands would stay, so that’d help.”

  “So, you’ve thought about it?”

  “Briefly, but we just didn’t have time to discuss it yet.”

  “Noah, what about your law practice?” My mom’s tone is laced with concern.

  “Ma, if there are any clients who want to stay with me, then they’ll have to come here to see me. But if I take on both ranches, I may not have time for them anymore.”

  Tamryn’s once happy smile turns sad as the sparkle in her eyes fades. “Noah, you can’t give up your dream.”

  I kiss the tip of her nose. I love this woman, and the worry on her face about my happiness just makes me love her more. “Baby, you’re my walking, talking dream. We’ll see how the law stuff goes.” I wave my hand out toward a pasture. “I’ve missed this. As much as I enjoy my actual job, this is more me. The rat race of the city, the suits every day—that’s just not me. I did it because the money was good and I enjoyed my job, but it was just a means to an end.”

  “What end?” A look of confusion spreads across Tamryn’s face.

  “To have enough money for you to quit work, and us to live where we want. We have that.” I place my hand along her cheek. “We can’t buy both ranches out right, but we can build a nice house right here and buy them from our folks a little each year if they’ll agree to owner finance them.”

  My father clears his throat. “Noah, you’re an only child, son. This was going to be yours anyway. I told you to help me sell it because I didn’t think you wanted it.”

  I turned toward my dad. “Are you serious?”

  “Mom says that Carl doesn’t want the ranch either, but we’d have to buy him out of his half of the land since that would be his inheritance.”

  With a broad smile on my face, I can’t hide my excitement. “We can do that.”

  My dad claps his hands. “Then it looks like we have a plan in place.”

  “Good, then y’all can get to work on the grandchildren part,” my mom says with a grin.

  I put my arm around Tamryn and pull her close. “We’re going to Paris for a week when we put the house in Atlanta on the market. We’ll work on it then.”

  Ma slaps her legs. “Good, let’s go inside for some lemonade.”



  “So, when does this plan start to move forward?” Adam glances into the rearview mirror to catch Noah’s eyes. This morning we have a ten thirty flight, so my in-laws are driving us to the airport. With airport security, it’s almost faster to drive.

  “I’m talking to my f
irm this afternoon, and Tamryn is calling her agent at the same time. She’ll work on planning our trip and getting the house on the market.”

  “Remember what the news channels were reporting earlier this week. Keep your heads down. We love you both.” Sadie turns to look in the back seat and blows us kisses.

  Since the news hit about me missing, anyone with a camera has been camping out in airports trying to get a picture of me, according to the news, so we throw on baseball caps along with our sunglasses.

  We keep our heads down and walk straight for the ticket counter. The Columbia airport isn’t that big, so we think we can make it without being noticed, but just as we’re exiting the security check, someone recognizes me.

  “Tamryn? Is that you? Is it true you filed for a divorce from you husband? Who are you traveling with? Is that your new man?” Flashes go off around me.

  I keep my head down and mouth shut as Noah gets between me and the person. With his arm around me and my face buried in the side of his chest, we hurry to an airline’s private lounge where we can stay until it’s time to board the plane. We find a back, corner booth where no one can see me.

  “I swear this better stop, or we’re traveling with security.” Noah looks around before he takes off his sunglasses. “It’s clear, but don’t take off your hat.”

  I remove my sunglasses but don’t raise my head. Noah sits on the outside of the booth so no one can get a clear look at me. He pulls out his phone and hits a speed dial number. “Donald, we’re leaving Columbia and should be back into Atlanta by twelve. Please pick us up. We’ve been spotted and some information seems to have been leaked.”

  “It was on the news last night. You didn’t see it?”

  “No, what did it say?”

  “Someone called a local newspaper and told them to check the divorce filings in Saluda County over the last thirty days. The reporter gave the information to one of those entertainment shows,” Donald says.

  “Gave my ass. Sold is more like it.” Noah takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “Thank you for the information, Donald. We’ll see you soon.” He disconnects the call and turns toward me. “How much of that did you hear?”

  “All of it. Only a few people knew.” I hold up one finger. “The people in the attorney’s office. I guess they could’ve told.” I raise another. “Dale and Becky, but they wouldn’t have.” I hold up a third. “Colt.” I lift my gaze to meet Noah’s. “Do you think he was pissed off enough to do that?”

  “I don’t know, Tams. He was pretty angry.

  I pull up the news feed on my phone to search for anything about us. When I spot the story, I show the headlines to Noah. “Tamryn Carmichael secretly files for divorce from her husband.” There’s a picture showing the first page with DIVORCE DECREE in big bold letters and the last page with my signature. “Oh Noah, I’m so sorry.”

  “Baby, look at me.” He waits until my eyes meet his. “Nothing has been done that can’t be undone. We’ve done less than those people who get divorced then remarry. If we need to, we’ll hold a press conference. Call Harold and see if he’s getting any questions.” He gently kisses my lips.

  I pull up my contacts and call my agent.

  “Harold Smiley’s Office.”

  I tilt the phone so Noah could hear what’s being said. “This is Tamryn Carmichael. Is he in?”

  “Oh, Mrs. Carmichael. He’ll want to speak with you. He’s been pacing the office floor all morning, and he’s in a mood but hang on.”

  “Tamryn, where the hell are you?”

  “The Columbia airport, on my way back to Atlanta.”

  “South America? When the hell did you leave the country?”

  I roll my eyes. Only Harold would think South America verses South Carolina. “Columbia, South Carolina, Harold. Calm down.”

  “Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when I can’t get in touch with you? Have you seen the news?”

  “No, I haven’t. Noah and I were in a lake house with no television, then we went to see our parents and didn’t look at TV.”

  “You’re with Noah?”

  I sigh heavily. “Yes, Harold.”

  “So, those are falsified documents on the TV?”

  I close my eyes as I feel Noah squeeze my leg. “No, they’re real. I filed them on Monday, Noah found me on Tuesday, and then we worked everything out. I stopped the divorce on Wednesday. It was all just a big misunderstanding.”

  An exasperated breath comes through the phone. “Your squeaky-clean reputation is going to take a hit on this, Tamryn.”

  “So, you’ve been getting calls?”

  “What do you think? Yes, I’ve been getting calls. Is Noah with you now?”

  “Yes. I was going to call you later today when I got home to my normal cell, but I may as well tell you now. I’m officially taking some time off, then only taking short-term or local assignments. We’re going away to work on our marriage with the hopes of starting a family. Oh, and we’re moving to South Carolina permanently.”

  “Is that your official statement?”

  “Do I need one?”

  “Yes, you’ve never been in the middle of a controversy before. You need to get out in front of this.”

  Noah nudges me, and I look at him. He motions that he wants to speak. “Harold, we’ll have you an official statement when we land in Atlanta. For now, if anyone calls or asks, she’s fine, we’re great, and there are no divorce proceedings.”

  “Sure thing, Noah. When can I expect the statement?”

  Noah looks at his watch. “By two o’clock.”

  “Got it. Talk to you then. And for what it’s worth, I’m glad you worked it out.”



  We rush through the Atlanta airport hand in hand with our heads down as flashes go off all around us. I hate this shit. As soon as we exit the sliding doors at airport arrivals, Donald is there with the back door open so we can slide into the car quickly. We don’t take the time to put our bags in the trunk, just push them over the front seat once we’re inside. Tamryn keeps her face turned away from the windows even though they’re tinted.

  “Home, Mr. Carmichael?”

  “Yes, Donald, thank you.”

  I entwine my fingers with Tamryn’s. “The only parts of the statement we don’t have are the most important parts.”

  “I don’t want to lie, but in hind sight, it sounds silly.”

  My brows crease, and I tilt my head with concern. “Tams, it wasn’t silly. It was a legitimate issue in our marriage, one we needed to address. Was it extreme? Yes, but maybe we needed extreme.”

  “Okay, so how do we say that I left because I felt you were having an affair without sounding like an idiot who didn’t check the facts first? How do we say that you had no clue that I felt this way without you sounding neglectful? And finally, how do we say that I filed for divorce to get your attention without sounding like a damn drama queen?” She throws up her hands in frustration.

  “I would say that’s your PR’s responsibility, but this is too important to let someone else handle. Maybe we admit our marriage isn’t perfect.” I shrug. “We’re human, too, Tams. We let our careers drive us instead of our marriage which we won’t do again. How’s that?”

  She looks at me as a single tear runs down her face. “Yeah, that’ll work.”

  On the drive home, I work on what to say in my head so I can email it to Harold. For the first time in our marriage, I’m glad we live in a gated community and I think Tamryn is too because of number of cars and paparazzi lined on both sides of the street as we approach our neighborhood.

  “They can’t see in,” Donald says as he slows to allow the gate to open.

  “Tams, kiss me.” My finger guides Tamryn’s face to mine. I gently kiss her lips to distract her from the vultures outside the car. When Donald clears his throat, I break the kiss that not only distracts Tamryn, but ignites me.

  She opens her eyes and I see gratitude in them. “Than
k you.”

  “For someone who makes a living having her picture taken, you really hate it when you’re not on a shoot.” I smile at her.

  “This is my private life. It’s not for sale or for anyone else’s eyes. The world gets enough of me.” She guides my hand to her lips and kisses my palm.

  As Donald comes to a stop in our driveway, we jump out. “I’ve got our bags, Donald. Thank you.” I’m pulling Tamryn out of the car before the door completely opens.

  “Thank you,” Tamryn calls over her shoulder.

  I hurry her into the house before one of our neighbors spots us. I slam the door and lock it then turn toward our bedroom. Tamryn picks up her phone. “The battery is dead. I better charge it before I call Harold.”

  “Plug it in and meet me in our room.” I pull the curtains to our bedroom windows closed to darken the room then head toward the bathroom to start a hot tub of water. Yanking my shirt over my head, I notice Tamryn walk in wiping her eyes. “What’s going on, Tams?”

  “I read your texts.” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “How do I fix this?” She points between us. “Us?”

  I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. “We work on our trust again. But as far as I’m concerned, we’re fixed.”

  “How? How can you trust me again?”

  “Baby, I never stopped trusting you. So, unless you’ve lied to me and I just don’t know it yet, you’ve never given me a reason not to trust you.”

  “Oh Noah…” Sobs leave her and her body shakes.

  “Now, what do I need to do to earn your trust again?”

  Her head rolls back and forth on my chest. “Nothing because it was my stupid doubt that did this.”

  I lift her face toward mine. “No, Tams. I may not have planted that seed intentionally, but I did things to help it along.”

  “Communication will be key.”

  “Let’s wash the travel grime off and then let me make love to you. Right now, I think we need some nonverbal communication.” I wink and flash a smile that I hope conveys my love.


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