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Half-Wolf (The Alpha's Daughter Book 1)

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by Nicholas Jordan






  Copyright © 2017 by Nicholas Jordan.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  A RAY OF SUNLIGHT SHONE in through a gap between the curtains, right into Demi’s face, forcing her to roll over in bed so that she was facing the wall instead. She wanted to sleep for just another few minutes at least. But when she heard her alarm buzz in that annoying way that she hated so much, her hopes were dashed. The damage had been done.

  She was wide awake.

  She slapped her hand down on top of the alarm clock on the nightstand by her bed to shut it up.

  Then, heaving a sigh, Demi Van Horn sat up in bed and stretched out her arms. When she went to bed the night before, she had been a year younger, or at least that was one way to look at it. Obviously it was just one day, but one day could make a huge difference in a person’s life. And in this case, it was the difference between sixteen and seventeen.

  She had been looking forward to her birthday for months. There was just something about seventeen that sounded so much more sophisticated than sixteen—more like a young woman than just a teenage girl.

  Was it silly of her to feel that way? Maybe. But she didn’t care. It was her birthday after all. She could feel whatever way she wanted to about it.

  Getting out of bed, Demi strolled over to the window—silently cursing the slight gap in the curtains where the sun had breached her security of darkness—before reaching out and opening the curtains to look down at the grounds of the large estate that she called home.

  A man in overalls and a backwards facing Seattle Seahawks cap was tending the plants in the courtyard while the sound of a lawnmower could be heard from elsewhere, meaning there were other men somewhere mowing the more than three acres of diligently-maintained land that Demi’s aunt and uncle owned.

  It was a rare sunny day for this time of year in the largest city in the Pacific Northwest. There were sure to be many Seattleites emerging from their homes to enjoy the nice weather that broke up the monotony of constant rain and overcast skies more typical of autumn.

  Demi didn’t care much either way. The outdoors didn’t interest her. If something couldn’t be done beneath a roof, it was likely something that Demi was more than happy to live without. After all, what was the point of living in a six thousand square foot home if you spent all day outside?

  Even with the sun shining outside, there was still a bit of a chill in the air. A hot shower was the best remedy for that.

  Leaving the window, Demi went to her bathroom and stripped away her clothes before sliding into the shower. As the steaming hot water washed over her, Demi’s thoughts drifted to school.

  Unlike most people her age, Demi genuinely enjoyed going to school. Sure, she hated being in class and listening to boring teachers drone on and on about stuff that no one in their right mind cared about, but she liked seeing her friends, and she loved all the attention.

  Which—being the most popular girl in school—she got plenty of.

  Being young, wealthy, and attractive had its perks. Anyone who said otherwise was lacking at least one of the three—probably all.

  Although Demi never really thought of herself as vain, the way people treated her, talked to her, idolized her, it told her everything that she needed to know.

  Silky black hair, vibrant green eyes, and an athletic and shapely body toned from years of gymnastics, anyone with eyes could see that she possessed very appealing physical traits. And as she grew older and more mature, those traits only became more and more . . . noticeable.

  So if knowing a simple fact like that made Demi vain, then maybe she was vain. But so what? If anyone had a problem with that, it was just because they were jealous of her.

  After washing away the soap from her body, Demi stepped out of the shower, quickly dried herself off with a towel, and then wrapped that same towel around herself. She left the bathroom and scampered across the room towards her walk-in closet to get dressed.

  But she paused halfway when she heard her cellphone buzz from atop the nightstand beside her bed. She picked it up and scrolled through a long list of texts. The birthday wishes were pouring in, bringing a smile to her lips.

  Demi really loved the attention.

  Pausing just to read some of the more important texts—from her boyfriend and closest friends—Demi then set the phone back down and went to the closet. Once inside, she got dressed in her school uniform—a white button down shirt, gray skirt, black stockings, gold tie, and a navy blue blazer.

  She then returned to the bathroom to dry her hair, style it in a simple ponytail, and then put on her makeup, going a little heavier today than usual because she wanted to make an impression.

  Not that she really needed the makeup to make an impression.

  Then, after snatching her purse and cellphone, she left the bedroom and started down a long hall towards the stairs.

  There were so many bedrooms in the huge mansion that Demi hadn’t even been in them all. In fact, the vast majority of them were never used. Her uncle claimed that they were for visiting family and friends, but Demi couldn’t remember the last time that either had come to the house, and she had lived with them since she was just three years old.

  While descending the long, curving staircase, Demi passed one of the maids, who was on her way up. The woman greeted Demi with a “Good morning,” but said nothing about her birthday. Demi returned the same greeting and didn’t pay the exchange any mind. After all, she had only ever said a handful of words to the maid, who probably had no clue of the day’s importance.

  Besides, Demi was just excited about seeing her aunt and uncle. They always surprised her with her birthday present early in the morning before they had a big breakfast together. They both worked so much that it was really only on special occasions like today that they made sure they had time to spend with her.

  More than anything, she couldn’t stop thinking about her present, wondering what it could be. Last year it was amazing diamond earrings and a whole spa day for her and her friends. Her aunt and uncle had been telling her for weeks that this year’s present would be even better.

  That was nothing new.

  Every year was better than the last, and every year Demi felt like her present couldn’t be topped. But her aunt and uncle always found a way.

  She was dying to learn what they got her this year.

  “Uncle Henry, Aunt Patricia,” she called when she reached the foot of the stairs.

  She heard voices in the foyer. It was her aunt and uncle. She was tempted to rush into the room, but she resisted the urge, not wanting to look childish and overeager.

  I’m seventeen now, she reminded herself. I should behave with a little more poise.

  But when she glided into the foyer, she was greeted by a surprise, and not the kind that she wanted or expected. Her aunt and uncle were both standing by the front door. It looked like they were about to leave for work already.

  Her uncle was dressed in a gray suit with briefcase in hand. His dark hair slicked to the side
to hide his receding hairline as always.

  Her aunt was dressed in a pencil skirt with a white blouse and strawberry blonde hair pinned behind her head in a bun. The elegant-as-always woman looked over her shoulder when she heard Demi enter the room and smiled a perfect smile.

  “Ah, there you are. Are you ready for school? I’ll drop you off on my way to work. Your uncle is about to leave as well.”

  “Um, yeah, I’m ready I guess.” Demi couldn’t believe that neither of them had said a word about her birthday yet. They had to know it was today. They had to.

  “Alright, come along then. You don’t want to be late.”

  “Late?” Demi checked the time on her phone. She normally didn’t even leave for another twenty minutes.

  “Yes, that’s what I said, now hurry along.”

  “I have to get going,” her uncle spoke up.

  “See you tonight, dear.” Her aunt gave him a quick peck on the lips before he opened the door and left the house.

  This has to be some kind of joke. Demi shook her head in disbelief. A really bad joke.

  Just then, all kinds of thoughts and worries came streaming to the forefront of her mind.

  No way is this for real. Unless they’re upset with me. Did I do something wrong? She searched her memory banks, but came up with nothing. No, of course I didn’t. I never upset them. I do everything right. I’m perfect.

  “Come on now, Demi,” her aunt said a bit more forcefully this time. “We really have to be going.”

  “But what about breakfast?” Demi asked.

  “There’s no time. Now come along already.”

  No time? Did I miss something?

  Demi shook her head but did as she was told and headed for the door that her aunt was holding open for her. Even as she was stepping out of the house and walking along the brick walkway with flowers planted on either side, she considered bringing up the subject of her birthday herself, but that would be like forgiving them for forgetting.

  Just as she reached the end of the walk and turned to round the corner of the garage, Demi was treated to a sight that sapped the breath from her lungs and brought her feet to an abrupt stop.

  Parked in the driveway just in front of the garage was a brand new silver corvette with an enormous red bow on the hood. Her uncle stood beside it, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Happy birthday, kiddo,” he said before tossing the keys to her.

  She caught them in both hands and then just stared at them as if she had been given the keys to heaven on earth rather than an expensive luxury car. But for a seventeen-year-old girl, whose image and status were paramount to her, the two were practically the same.

  “Do you like it?” Her aunt came up beside her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Like it?” Demi was almost speechless. “Are you kidding me? I love it. Thank you so much.”

  She hugged her aunt tightly, but briefly, before rushing over to her uncle and giving him a quick embrace too. Then she walked around her brand new corvette to admire every inch of it, her heart fluttering in her chest. Her aunt and uncle had given her a lot of amazing gifts in the past, but—true to their word—this one certainly took the cake.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” her uncle said as he removed the big red bow from the top.

  “Huh?” She looked over at him.

  “Take it out for a spin already. Just make sure that you make it to school on time.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Don’t be silly.” Her aunt’s laughter was like the twittering of a songbird. “We wouldn’t have bought it for you if we weren’t sure. Now go on already. Oh, and feel free to go out with your friends after school. Just make sure you’re home for dinner. Gloria is going to make a wonderful meal for you.”

  Demi still felt like she was dreaming. Even for a girl who practically had everything—as some of her friends liked to point out—this still seemed too good to be true. And she wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

  She climbed into the driver’s seat and ran her hands over the smooth leather seat. Whether it was true or not, she truly believed it was the most comfortable seat she had ever sat in.

  Fastening her seatbelt, she stuck the key in the ignition and turned it to bring the engine roaring to life. A smile teased the corners of her lips when the satisfying sound filled her ears.

  Let’s see what this thing can do.

  Eager to get the corvette out on the road, Demi put it in drive, gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and then stepped on the gas. The feeling of driving her brand new car for the first time was nothing short of exhilarating.

  Best. Present. Ever.


  Demi felt all eyes on her as she drove her birthday present through the school parking lot at a slow pace, wanting to attract as much attention as possible, which wasn’t hard to do in such an eye-catching vehicle.

  She went to a prestigious private school, so she was certainly not the only one whose parents or guardians had money, but very few received corvettes as birthday presents.

  I guess I’m just lucky like that. Demi smirked as she pulled into an empty parking space with no cars parked in the adjacent spot on either side. The last thing that she wanted was for someone to leave as much as a scratch on her beloved new birthday present.

  Killing the engine, Demi pocketed her keys and then grabbed her purse off the passenger side seat. Already, a small crowd was gathering around. Many of them freshman boys.

  So easily impressed. It’s almost cute.

  When she opened her door and stepped out, Demi looked around at her gathered admirers without smiling. Although she did adore the attention, she didn’t want them to know that. That would just make her look pathetic.

  “Hey, nice car,” one of the freshman said. “Where did you get it?”

  Demi locked the car before she turned her attention to the freckled boy with carrot-colored hair who asked her the question. Flashing him a quick smile, she walked right by him, pinching his cheek as she passed. The crowd of boys parted to let her through as if she were royalty.

  The only thought that she paid them as she walked away was wondering whether the majority of them continued to gawk at her car or shifted their attention to her butt instead.

  Fast cars and hot girls were the ultimate curiosities for boys their age. Of course she could look over her shoulder to find out, but that would imply that she cared, which of course she couldn’t let anyone think that—especially not a bunch of hormonal freshman boys.

  Walking towards the school’s main entrance, Demi was gleefully satisfied by all of the “happy birthdays” she got along the way. Many of them by people she hardly even recognized. With as many friends as she had, it was hard to keep track of them all.

  As she drew close to the front steps that led right up to the big double-doored entrance, Demi noticed a pair of familiar faces sitting on the steps, waiting for her. Their names were Amelia and Liz—Demi’s two closest friends. They both shot to their feet and spoke in unison with just slightly too much enthusiasm.

  “Happy birthday, Demi.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled, feeling like she should remind them to show a little restraint. They weren’t children anymore after all. But not interested in bringing that up right now, she made a mental note to mention it sometime in the future.

  She couldn’t have anyone thinking her friends were totally immature.

  That would just make her look bad.

  Demi started up the stairs with her friends on either side of her. They entered the school. As they walked through the halls, everyone cleared aside to give them room, and they drew a lot of eyes—especially Demi. She was the top of the food chain here. Everyone knew that, and no one questioned it.

  “So I heard you got a new car,” Liz said.

  News travels fast. Demi smiled. “That’s right. Not a bad birthday present, huh?”

  “Your aunt and uncle are so cool,” Amelia said. “No way would my parents ev
er buy me a corvette.”

  “At least you have a car,” Liz said. “My mom still drives me to school every day. It’s so humiliating.”

  Demi ignored her friends as they continued to complain about their less-than-perfect lives. She didn’t participate. Complaining was so immature. Besides, she didn’t have anything to complain about.

  Rounding a corner, Demi was heading to her locker when she found someone waiting for her. It was Mike—her boyfriend. He leaned against the locker, wearing that mischievous smile of his that she loved so much. And she could tell that he was holding something behind his back.

  I wonder what that could be . . .

  “I’ll see you guys later,” Demi said to Amelia and Liz before parting ways with them and heading towards her boyfriend with a little more pep in her step.

  “Hey, babe,” Mike greeted her.

  “Hey, you.” She stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the lips. “What do you have there?”

  “Have where?” His smile broadened.

  “Oh come on. I know you have something behind your back. Is it for me?”

  “Now why would you think that?”

  “It is for me, isn’t it? Let me see it.”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have anything.”

  “You forgot what today is?” Demi put on her best pouty face, which never failed to get her what she wanted.

  “Alright, alright. It’s for you.” He finally showed her what he had been hiding behind his back.

  Demi was not impressed.

  “Oh, a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear.” She frowned, having expected more. They’d been dating for nearly a year after all. “Um, thanks . . . I guess.”

  Accepting the presents, she turned and opened her locker before putting both inside and fishing around for her books for first period. That was when she suddenly found his hands reach around her shoulders.

  “Not now,” she said. But he didn’t pull his hands away. “Dammit, Mike, I said . . .”


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