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Half-Wolf (The Alpha's Daughter Book 1)

Page 11

by Nicholas Jordan

  She got to her feet and went to retrieve the tent from his backpack. Just going through the motions as she got to work setting up the tent.

  She was so preoccupied that she didn’t even notice Tobias come up behind her until she felt his hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw—standing without putting any weight on his wounded leg.

  “W-what are you doing up? You should be rest—”

  Her words were cut short when his arms wrapped around her and pulled her close to him for a tight embrace. Completely caught off guard, she just stood there like a mannequin.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to imply that I don’t care about you.”

  “So you do care?”

  “Yes. Of course.”

  His words music to her ears. A smile spread across her face and her heart fluttered back to life in her chest after feeling crushed a moment ago.

  “Do you feel the s—”

  “Yes,” she answered, not even having to hear his whole question. She finally hugged him back, her head pressed against his chest.

  She closed her eyes and just savored the moment. For the first time since werewolves came into her life—changing everything—she really believed that somehow things were going to be okay.

  Chapter Fourteen

  SLEEP CAME EASIER FOR DEMI than any other night since being forced to leave home. She was warm and safe lying with her head and arm resting on the chest of her werewolf protector.

  It was also the first time since leaving home that her dreams were not plagued by frightening images—mainly of Korver. Like a giant teddy bear, Tobias’s presence kept the nightmares away.

  He protected her both when awake and asleep.

  But despite how peaceful her slumber was, it had just been interrupted by the sound of movement outside the tent. She sat up, all senses on high alert, and listened for the sound to return.

  She didn’t have to wait long.

  Leaves crunching and twigs snapping, there was something wandering right outside the tent.

  The rational part of her brain told her that it was probably just a raccoon or another scavenger coming around to look for crumbs that might have been left behind from their dinner, but the less rational part worried that it could be something . . . else.

  Still, Demi felt much too comfortable and safe to get up and check. She snuggled up to Tobias again and closed her eyes, eager to slip back into a peaceful slumber.

  The sound soon ended, making her feel good about her decision to ignore it. She had nearly returned to sleep when a new—much more frightening—sound was heard.

  Something was scraping against the tent.

  Demi sat up, heart pounding in her chest. “Tobias,” she shook him, “wake up.”

  He stirred. But didn’t open his eyes. “What?”

  “There’s something out—”

  Too late. The zipper was ripped open and a pair of claw-like hands reached inside. Grasped by her legs, sharp nails dug into Demi’s flesh an instant before she was dragged out of the tent, screaming and squirming.

  Then tossed down hard on her back in the mud.

  She was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Dark, shaggy manes, worn and ragged clothing, and sharp yellow eyes were features all four men shared. The eyes were what really stood out to her.

  They were werewolves.

  And they all stared at her as if she were a fresh kill and they were hungry scavengers. That might not be far from the truth.

  “Prettier than I thought she would be,” one of them growled.

  “A little thin for my taste,” another remarked.

  “She can always be fattened up,” the first speaker said. “I’m sure she would look tastier then.”

  “I wonder what a half-breed tastes like,” a third chimed in.

  “Only one way to find out,” the second said as he leaned in closer to Demi, licking his lips.

  Demi cringed and started to turn away from the advancing werewolf when suddenly a cinnamon-colored blur tackled the werewolf to the ground. The others took on wolf form and then moved to help their companion.

  Demi scrambled to her feet, but she wasn’t standing for more than a second before she heard the spine-tingling sound of Hugo’s voice in her ear.

  “Going somewhere?” The giant werewolf wrapped one of his massive arms around her neck and pulled her tightly to his body, twisting her around so that she was forced to watch Tobias battle the rest of the pack.

  He was surrounded by the other werewolves, who had now all matched him by taking on wolf form. All four were gray or gray-brown in color and none were as powerful or imposing as Tobias. But being outnumbered and wounded, the odds were not in his favor.

  “Tobias,” Demi called out to him. “Get out of here. They’ll kill you.”

  But her protector held his ground and faced the wolves as they attacked, eluding their jaws as best as he could and retaliating when the opportunity presented itself. If it were a fair fight, or even just two against one, Demi was sure that Tobias would win. But with the odds stacked against him like this, he was struggling to keep it up.

  The other werewolves circled him, darting in and out to nip at his flank. A cowardly tactic that was paying off nonetheless. Tobias was slowing. He just didn’t have the energy for a fight like this.

  He couldn’t keep up with the swift movements and random attacks of the smaller and healthier wolves. Bleeding from several shallow wounds, Tobias was obviously defeated, even if he refused to admit it.

  “Stop,” Demi pleaded with whoever would listen to her. “Just please stop. Don’t kill him.”

  But the wolves continued their harassment. No one was listening to her.

  “Leave him alone. Please. I’m begging you.”

  “That’s enough.” A new voice was heard. A female voice. Loud enough to be heard over the chaotic fray.

  Everyone stopped in their tracks.

  Seconds later, a beautiful young woman with wavy blonde hair appeared from out of the trees. Dressed in a white gown that looked familiar to Demi. In fact, she was pretty sure she had the same one in her closet back home.

  Demi was almost relieved by the mysterious new arrival, until she got a look at her eyes. Those telling yellow orbs that told Demi this woman was another one of them.

  Another werewolf.

  The woman came to a stop just in front of Demi, smiling at her in a way that made the hair on the back of Demi’s neck stand on end.

  “Remember what Korver said,” the blonde said to the four werewolves who had been attacking Tobias. “He wants them alive . . . both of them.”


  Demi was led through the forest by Hugo, a strong hand grasping her wrist and dragging her along as if she were a disobedient child. Tobias and the four werewolves that fought him were right behind. Two had a hold of his arms. Zero regard for his wellbeing as they forced him to walk in spite of his injury.

  Every time Demi looked back at him, she saw his pained expression and her stomach tightened with guilt. She desperately wished there was something she could do to help him.

  But she couldn’t.

  She couldn’t even help herself.

  Leading the way was the blonde woman in the white gown. Her long hair bouncing with each of her graceful steps. She was so different from the other werewolves.



  But despite all that, there was also something about her that frightened Demi more than the others, with the possible exception of Korver.

  It was nearly an hour before the woman brought the party to a halt at last. No words were needed. She simply planted her feet and the others followed suit.

  Silence followed. No one moved.

  What are we waiting for? Demi wondered.

  She got her answer when he appeared.

  Emerging from the shadows of the trees like some predatory beast on the prowl. His footsteps made no sound as he glided across the forest floor. His yellow eyes vibra
nt even in the darkness.


  Seeing him again brought images of her butchered aunt and uncle to mind. Demi feared him—there was no denying that—but she hated him even more.

  “You’re a hard person to track down, Demi,” Korver said, coming to a stop just a few feet from her. “My friends and I have been worried about you. Being in the hands of a traitor like Tobias, I certainly hope he hasn’t harmed you.”

  “He would never harm me,” Demi narrowed her eyes and fixed him with a disdainful scowl, “unlike you.”

  Korver placed a hand on his chest and gawked at her. “Demi . . . how could you say such a thing? I told you before, your father is like a brother to me. Besides,” he stroked her cheek, “how could I harm my future mate?”

  She slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Demi noticed the blonde werewolf tense. Anger ignited in her eyes for a split second before quickly being quelled by a look from Korver.

  “You’ll learn to appreciate me in time,” Korver told Demi dismissively. “But now you must come with us.”

  “I’m not going with you. I’d rather die than go with you.”

  “That can be arranged,” the blonde woman muttered under her breath.

  “Natasha,” Korver snapped, giving her another warning look. “That’s enough.”

  “Korver.” Tobias tried to take a step forward, but he was held back by the two werewolves that restrained him. “Let her go. This is wrong and you know it.”

  Korver regarded Tobias. “Ah, the traitor speaks at last. Tell me, what lies did you fill our little Demi’s head with, hmm? What kind of a monster did you make me out to be?”

  “I told her nothing but the truth.”

  Korver chuckled. “The truth? And what truth is that? Did you tell her how you were banished from the pack eight years ago for killing another member in cold blood? Is that the truth you’re referring to?”

  Tobias said nothing.

  Demi glanced at him and then back at Korver. “That’s a lie. He wouldn’t do that.”

  “Ask him yourself. He should have been executed for his crime, but your father was merciful. Still, Tobias showed his true colors. He is loyal to nothing. To no one.”

  “I’m loyal to her,” Tobias said, motioning with his head towards Demi.

  “Are you?” Korver grinned. “And is that why you’re taking her back to her father? Because of your loyalty to her? I think it’s for self-interest. You want to regain his favor so that he’ll allow you to be his lapdog again.”

  “Believe whatever you want,” Tobias said. “Your word carries no weight.”

  “Is that so?”

  Korver approached Tobias. The two locked eyes. Demi could only watch anxiously and wonder what would happen next. The contempt was obvious in the eyes of both werewolves. But only Korver was unrestrained, putting all the cards in his hands.

  “What do you think, Demi?” Korver asked without taking his eyes off of Tobias. “Do you truly believe this traitor has your best interests at heart?”

  “Yes,” Demi answered without hesitation. “Yes, I do.”

  Korver smirked. “Well, that’s a shame.”

  With inhuman speed, he threw a punch at Tobias’s midsection, putting the other werewolf on the ground, gasping for air.

  “No,” Demi squealed. She tried to go to Tobias, but Hugo held her back. She was powerless in the werewolf’s vice-like grip.

  Korver turned around. His expression void of emotion. “Finish him,” he told the other werewolves.

  “No, don’t kill him,” Demi was quick to cry out.

  Korver held up his hand and the pack stood down. “He’s a murderer and a traitor, Demi. He deserves to die.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She watched Tobias struggle on the ground. Four werewolves stood over him—all eager to rip him to shreds.

  I can’t let this happen. I won’t let him die.

  In her desperation, an idea formed. She hated it, but it was the only way to save Tobias.

  “Spare him,” she said to Korver, “and I will go with you to become your mate. I won’t fight you anymore.”

  “Demi, no,” Tobias voiced his disapproval, but that only earned him a kick to the gut from one of the werewolves.

  “You will come willingly?” Korver asked.

  “Yes. I promise. Just let Tobias live.”

  Korver stroked his chin, mulling over the idea before speaking at last in a tone that reflected his satisfaction. “You’re smarter than I thought, and I like that. Very well. We’ll spare the traitor. Consider it my first gift to my beautiful new mate.”

  He regarded the wolves surrounding Tobias. “Leave him, but make sure he can’t follow us.”

  One of the scruffy-looking werewolves chuckled at his words and then stomped down hard on Tobias’s wrapped calf, causing him to cry out in agony.

  “Stop it,” Demi pleaded.

  Korver appeared in front of her, blocking her from seeing Tobias. “I said I would spare his life, but I can’t allow him to follow us. He will try to spoil everything.”

  “But you don’t have to do it like this.”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s strong. It will take more than that to kill him.” He placed a hand on the small of her back while also motioning for Hugo to release her. “You made the right decision, Demi. Now come with me. Your future awaits.”

  He began to lead her away. The rest of the pack followed, leaving Tobias alone, bloodied and bruised.

  Demi allowed Korver to lead her. Of course she didn’t want to go with the pack, but she was more than willing to make this sacrifice. They were going to take her either way, at least this way Tobias would not be killed.

  “Demi . . .”

  She heard Tobias calling her name, but she did not look back. It killed her to ignore him, but she resisted because it would kill her even more to look back and see his face. A face she honestly believed she would never see again. And if she looked back now, she was afraid that she would not be able to go through with this.

  I’m so sorry, Tobias.

  And her mind was already made up.

  This is the way it has to be. Tears again welled up in her eyes, and she let them fall this time. I just can’t watch you die.

  Chapter Fifteen

  KORVER STARED UP AT THE ceiling of the decrepit cabin, hands linked together behind his head and thoughts focused on the impending ceremony. It was only a matter of hours before he would take Demi as his mate at last. Then he could reunite the scattered remnants of the pack, and make it stronger than it ever was under the leadership of Ridley.

  “Awake already?”

  Korver looked over and saw Natasha looking at him, hair messy and naked body mostly concealed beneath the covers.

  Korver nodded. “I hardly slept.”

  “You sure that’s not just because I was keeping you up?”

  “Perhaps.” Korver grinned. “Either way . . . I’m wide awake now.”

  “You think the little bitch is up?”

  He shrugged. “Possibly.”

  “Most likely crying her little eyes out. I can’t believe she fell for Tobias. What could she possibly see in him? He’s cowardly and foolish.”

  “And Demi is young and stupid. Why should we be surprised?”

  “And yet you’re going to take her as your mate.”

  “We’ve been over this, Natasha.” He threw his feet over the side of the bed, stretching out his arms. “I don’t have a choice. I can never take my rightful place as alpha without her. The others won’t follow me.”

  “I followed you. And I always will.”

  “Yes, but the others are still loyal to Ridley.”

  “And how long will you keep her around for?”

  Korver knew what she was implying, but he said nothing. Not interested in having this conversation with her. He got up out of bed and grabbed his clothes from the floor, pulling on
his boxers and pants first.

  “She could have a little accident,” Natasha sat up in bed, letting the covers slip away from her body. “You wouldn’t have to do a thing. Hugo and I could take care of it. All you have to do is—”

  “That’s enough of that,” he interrupted her. “I don’t want to hear any more.”

  “But what about us?” Natasha’s displeasure shined through in her tone.

  Here we go again . . . Korver regarded her briefly before throwing his shirt on. He was well aware of what Natasha wanted, but he couldn’t give it to her.

  “Are you going to say anything?” she asked impatiently, apparently suspecting that he wouldn’t.

  Korver sighed. “What would you like me to say?”

  “I want you to tell me what you intend to do. Are you actually going to keep that half-breed as your mate?”

  “That’s exactly what my plan has been. You know that.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about keeping her.”

  Korver had not put as much thought into this as Natasha obviously had. Whether he kept Demi around or not was entirely up to Demi, and how cooperative she decided to be.

  But Natasha would never understand that.

  Unlike him, she was ruled by her emotions. Korver was practical. He was calculating. Everything he did was with the purpose of serving his greater goals. Never did he allow his emotions to interfere.

  “That doesn’t concern you,” Korver told her. “Now get dressed. We have to prepare for tonight.”

  Natasha laid back down and pulled the covers tight around her. “I’m not sure if I’m coming.”

  “You will come and that’s the end of it.” He glared at her. “I suggest you think about your position, Natasha, and realize that you have already beaten the odds for yourself. A she-wolf with no family, abandoned at birth and raised in an impoverished human foster home, it’s a miracle you’ve come as far as you have. I could easily toss you aside and no one would think to question my decision. So remember your place.”

  She remained silent, staring at the wall while chewing her bottom lip. The truth of his words were likely sinking in right now. If she were smart, she would swallow her pride and keep her mouth shut from now on. He liked her better when she just kept quiet and looked pretty anyway.


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