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The Secret of the Storm Cloud

Page 7

by Sidney Gibson

  ‘Quiet!’ commanded Azel as they reached the bench overlooking the village green. ‘Stop right here and sit down, I want to talk to you’

  The urgency in Azel’s voice pulled up Justin so sharply that he lost his footing on the long wet grass of the green.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ said Danial in surprise ‘you made us jump’

  ‘Exactly what I intended’ replied Azel irritably. The annoyances of breakfast time had not worn off yet. ‘Be quiet and listen. I must tell you all about Mrs Vee and why you must stop making so much noise’

  When Azel finished Phemie glanced at Danial admiringly. Justin fiddled with his whistle, finding it all a bit difficult to believe.

  ‘Is it really, really true you’re a real crown Prince?’ whispered Phemie in a way that made Danial look at the ground to avert her gaze.

  ‘Er, well yes actually’ he replied ‘but that won’t make any difference to us’ he added hurriedly.

  Phemie squeezed his hand and smiled, not saying anything.

  ‘Oi’ve never met a witch before!’ said Justin suddenly and loudly as if frightened. ‘Ooh, I mean oi’ve never met a witch before’ he whispered exceedingly quietly.

  ‘Follow my instructions and you will be fine. ’continued Azel ‘ There’s no need for panic. Just behave normally and don’t do anything raise any suspicion that we are on to her.’

  Azel paused and gave a little cough. ‘However, I shall stay out of sight. If Venefica sees me she’ll attack immediately and we’ll have lost our advantage of surprise. Justin, you’ll have to make the first move’

  ‘Me? Why me Miss Azel? Oi’ve no powers of magic have I. What if her turns nasty?’

  ‘Don’t worry, Justin. We’ll be watching her every move. If anything looks like going wrong, we’ll be right there, won’t we Danial ?’

  ‘You bet’ said Danial a little too enthusiastically.

  ‘And me’ joined in Phemie.

  ‘You’re quite sure we’ll be safe without calling Sergeant Baggit for back up then?’ asked Justin with a hint of nervousness.

  ‘Quite sure’ Azel reassured him ‘lets be on our way - but quietly now.’


  The dry stone wall surrounding Mrs Vee’s cottage was falling down and overgrown with poison ivy as Azel, Danial , Phemie, and Justin crouched and peered gingerly over the top. Venefica was in the yard, stooped over a rusty cauldron full of a steaming greeny brown substance with lumps and an occasional bubble plopping ominously through its surface. It was balanced precariously on a bonfire of sticks and smokeless coal. Beside her on the ground was a tatty cardboard box half full of squelchy dead rats, several large jars, one of which held what seemed to be different sized fingers, and a pile of dirty clothes. A grey and bony cat, named Pus, with matted fur and a vacant, bulging stare sniffed hungrily at the cardboard box.

  Venefica bent down to pick up another rat to throw in the pot. As she stood up she let off a loud fart. The stench was immediate. And awful.

  ‘Phoar!’ exclaimed Justin loudly. ‘She’s cast a nasty spell on us - ooh, sorry I mean smell’

  ‘Ssshh’ hissed Azel ‘she’ll hear you’

  But it was too late. Venefica turned with a deadly glare. ‘Who be there? Who be there to spy on me? Come out. Come out whoever you are.’ she screeched.

  Azel jerked her head meaningfully at Justin. Taking the hint he shakily stood up from behind the wall and called out timidly.

  ‘It’s only me Mrs Vee. Constable Justin Thyme from the village posh station - I mean police station. Can I have a word please?’

  Justin gingerly climbed over the wall and walked slowly towards her.

  Venefica eyed him suspiciously.

  ‘What do you want? Why were you hiding behind my wall like that? Go way and leave me alone. Go on, get out before I set the cat on you’

  The cat stretched out its long bony body, stared its vacant stare and flexed its claws in anticipation. It was a revolting, mean looking cat and seemed to be smiling sadistically at Justin. He reached into his pocket for his truncheon ready to fend off an attack.

  Azel saw the situation was suddenly getting dodgy and decided to intervene.

  ‘Come on, Danial ’ she said ‘follow me but keep well back’

  Defiantly throwing her cloak over her shoulder, and magic wand held diagonally at arms length in protection mode, Azel sprang over the wall and strode across the garden to confront Venefica.

  In a flash, Venefica changed from a frail, bent old woman to someone impersonating a coil of rusty barbed wire. She twisted her face in cruel recognition of her old enemy.

  ‘Goodwill. Azel Goodwill!’ she rasped ‘I’ve been expecting you. Astonished? Did you think to arrive without my knowledge? You of such puny insignificance? And what do you strive to achieve in my presence this time?’

  The cat had grown to three times its size and crouched beside the frayed hemline of Venefica’s filthy cloak, growling loudly, ready to pounce and claw its mistress’s unwelcome visitors. Justin hurriedly retreated and stood behind Azel. Phemie stood behind Danial, tightly clutching his arm, peering round his shoulder.

  ‘You know the reason I’m here, Venefica’ said Azel speaking in a way Danial hadn’t heard before. It was unyielding and authoritative.

  ‘You will return to Fargon without delay. Go. Go now of free will or we will bring force upon you to leave this place forever.’

  By now, the stuff in the cauldron was bubbling furiously. What evil mixture had she concocted and about to use to bring harm to her comrades? Azel’s fears were jolted in to reality by Venefica’s rasping words.

  ‘We? We will bring force upon you to leave this place forever?’ she aped sarcastically ‘and who pray is ‘we’ dear Azel Goodwill? You and who else? No, don’t bother to lie to me. I shall know the answer - my trusty cauldron will reveal the truth’

  Venefica turned to gaze into the depths of the bubbling mass, waving her claw like hands over it. The bubbling abruptly stopped, its surface becoming clear and mirror-like.

  ‘Ah ha! Now I see’ she screeched dementedly ‘it is the crown Prince Danial himself that comes. A rare honour indeed to have you as guest here in my garden. An honour my supreme mistress Anniolate, will be pleased to share’

  From nowhere a cracked mug appeared in her hand. She scooped it into the cauldron filling it to the brim with the revolting liquid. She turned and stared at Danial , her eyes startling red and inflamed, like boils in black sockets.

  ‘Come closer now. Take a sip of this magic potion I have prepared and learn the delights and powers of the evil side of magic. Here, Prince Danial, drink’

  She held out the mug to him and leered invitingly.

  Danial shook his arm free from Phemie and stepped forward, his face blank, mesmerised by Venefica’s piercing glare and screeching voice. He was captured in some kind of trance and did not know what he was doing.

  ‘He’s been hippotised - I mean hypnotised’ breathed Justin obviously stating fact. ‘What are we to do, Miss Azel?’

  This is what Azel had worried about all along. It was the last thing she wanted to happen and she remembered her conversation at the Palace of Crystal Light when QW had said to her ‘I hold you responsible for his safety, but remember you travel at your own risk. Once the protection of the palace is left behind it is down to you to make sure of the Prince’s safely.

  Now was the wrong time to do battle with Venefica. The immediate safety of Danial must take priority. Escape and fast exit were needed.

  Just a thought brought whatever was needed to the top of Azel’s cloak pocket. She grasped the pack of fog grains prescribed by Miss Wilmcurse. It only needed the few grains which fell into the palm of her hand to instantly envelope the garden in a dense cloud of fog. Through the thickening mist Azel saw Danial lose his
blank look and snap out of the trance.

  ‘Here, hold my hand’ she shouted. ‘Phemie! Justin! Form a chain, hold hands. Follow me’

  Phemie made sure it was Danial’s hand and held on as hard as she could.

  Venefica screamed uselessly into the fog.

  ‘Where are you? Come here. You’ll not escape me. I shall come after you. I know where you live. I’ll get you. Just you wait.’

  There was a falling down noise from somewhere inside the fog followed by an infuriated scream as Venefica tripped over the cat.

  ‘Oh get out of my way, you stupid cat’ she rasped. How do you expect me to see you in this fog? Gerrout of it. Out. Oh no! A thousand poisoned curses on you. Now see what you’ve made me do’

  Venefica had not only fallen over the cat but had also put her bare hands in to the box of dead rats.


  Out of breath, they burst through the door of the shop. Nancy was shelf stacking with her part time assistant, Lucy Change.

  ‘What on earth’s the matter?’ she asked looking alarmed ‘what’s the big hurry all about?’

  ‘Gosh, Mum you wouldn’t believe it if I told you’ gasped Phemie ‘Miss Azel, can I tell Mum or have we to keep it a secret?’

  Catching sight of Justin, Lucy blushed she dropped a tin of prunes noisily on the floor.

  ‘Careful’ said Nancy ‘we can’t sell a tin of prunes if it’s dented, now can we?’

  ‘Ooh - sorry Nancy’ she said, then ‘Hello Constable’.

  ‘Hi Lucy’ said Justin with a big smile, ‘here, let me pick that up for you’

  Azel turned to give Danial a knowing look. But he was lost in a world of his own smiling at Phemie.

  ‘Oh dear’ she said to Nancy ‘Can we go into the back room a moment - there is something I think we should talk about.


  Mr Grabsome had taken what sounded like an emergency telephone call from Venefica - at least he was under the impression it was a telephone call. Certainly his ‘phone had rung, but gave no clue that Venefica was using an old bone with a spell on it to make it work like a mobile.

  ‘Is that you, Grabsome?’ she demanded in a shrill, penetrating voice that forced him to hold the ‘phone away from his ear. ‘Its imperative you come here now. I mean now. Something has happened. You need new instructions. Come quickly as you can’

  Mr Grabsome did not have time to answer before Venefica slammed down her bone. Hurriedly he snatched the car keys off their hook in the hall and ran out to his four wheel drive wagon. By the time he arrived at Venefica’s cottage the fog was just beginning to clear.

  ‘What’s been going on?’ he asked looking round,wondering why the birds had stopped singing and the sun was shining everywhere else.

  ‘Never mind that now Grabsome. We have work to do. Listen to me’

  Since Azel escaped with her chums, the crafty mind of Venefica had worked overtime on a new plan. It was obvious the rumours about QW sending Prince Danial on a mission with Goodwill were true. She dismissed the young policeman from the village. He didn’t matter. Euphemia Snow was the key to success.Take her hostage and use her as a bait to trap Danial. Then set up an ambush for Azel when she attempted rescue. With all three captured, the power of the Evil Supreme Witch could be exploited to eliminate them for ever. Perfect.

  To ensnare Euphemia she would have to get her on her own, and that greedy fool Grabsome could be duped into helping her. He had no idea of who Venefica really was. All he was interested in was making a profit out of selling the rare books she had told him were buried under Nancy Snow’s shop. She decided to be nice to Grabsome, remain polite, and get his full co-operation.

  ‘Ah, Mr Grabsome. How very kind of you to come so quickly to my cry for help’ she said in such a smarmy way that even Sir Clive Butterupp would have been proud of saying it.

  ‘The least I could do, Mrs Vee. How can I help?’

  ‘It’s those two strangers in the village. They have been here asking questions with that Constable Thyme and the girl from the shop. Now, we don’t want anyone else getting in on our nice little earner, do we Mr Grabsome?’

  ‘No,no of course not’ murmured Grabsome’ do you think they’re on to us’

  ‘Not yet but we must take action to persuade them to stay away. Don’t you agree?’

  ‘Why yes I see what you mean. Any ideas what we could do’

  This man Grabsome is such a fool thought Venefica. Have I any ideas indeed. Suppressing her impatience she said. ‘Actually I do have an idea. Go and talk nicely to that girl from the shop. Don’t alarm her in any way and bring her here to see me. Tell her I want to apologise for being rude to her friends. Then we’ll ask her a few questions to find out if they know anything about the buried books.’

  ‘Brilliant’ he said, feeling important. ‘Leave it to me. Nancy Snow has her hair done tomorrow afternoon. Lucy Change looks after the shop and Euphemia’s at home. I’ll bring her to see you about four o clock’

  ‘Splendid’ said Venefica with satisfaction at her cunning trap to catch both Azel Goodwill and Danial in one go. Anniolate was going to be very pleased with her. Very pleased indeed.

  ‘Until tomorrow then’ she cackled to herself as Grabsome disappeared down the road.


  ‘Danial ’ said Phemie, looking at her hands and twiddling her fingers. They were both sat on the sofa in the back room of the village shop talking about the events at Venefica’s cottage earlier that day. ‘Danial, did you know tomorrow is Halloween? Halloween on a Saturday only happens every few years and there’s a special disco on at the Village hall. Would you and Miss Azel like to go. What do you say?’

  ‘That sounds terrific, Phemie. I’m not sure about Miss Azel. Are you going? He dithered awkwardly. ‘I mean would you like to go together like, with me? Would you go with me? I mean, can I take you? That would be really great’

  ‘Oh Danial I’d love that. Come round about seven o’clock and bring a torch ‘cos the lane to the hall is dark. Let’s hope any kids playing trick or treat jokes have gone to bed by then’ she laughed.

  Danial hesitated. ‘Would you do something for me?’ he asked.

  ‘Why yes, of course. What?’

  ‘I’d like you to have this’ he said taking the diamond studded locket on a platinum chain from around his neck. He pressed it into Phemie’s palm.

  ‘It contains a micro chip embedded in a nugget of crystal from where I live. You can wear it as jewellery, but when you hold it and think of me the crystal’s power reads your mind and transfers your thought waves. It then sends map co-ordinates of where you are to my mobile. I can find you wherever you are’

  ‘Wow Danial, it, it’s bbeautiful’ she stammered, not really taking in the bit about map co-ordinates. ‘I shall wear it for ever. It’s lovely. Thank you. How wonderful.’ She took the locket with trembling fingers and slipping it over her head surprised him by throwing her arms round him, hugging tight.

  Flustered, Danial looked at his watch. ‘Whew. Is that the time already?’ he gabbled. Phemie already had him in a tizzy about the Halloween disco and telling him about the dark lane.

  ‘Supper at Hansome House is in ten minutes’ he continued. ‘I promised Mr and Mrs Overwhite so I had better get a move on. They won’t want to be kept waiting for their big eats. I’ll call for you tomorrow night’

  Danial rushed off leaving Phemie wondering what he was going to do all of Saturday without her.


  Nancy Snow had gone off as usual to have her hair done. Phemie was generally bustling about the shop and helping Lucy if it got busy, although as it was now late afternoon there was no one to be served. Until Mr Grabsome stepped in. He gave Phemie an oily smirk.

  ‘Hello, Euphemia’ he drawled, ignoring Lucy ‘and how are you this fin
e day?’

  ‘It’s still drizzling outside Mr Grabsome, but I’m very well, thank you. What can I get for you? A packet of your cigars is it?’

  ‘Well no. Actually Euphemia,’ he whinged slyly, ‘it’s you I came to see. I gather you were there when those two strangers and constable Thyme were at Mrs Vees yesterday?’

  ‘Yes’ replied Phemie cautiously ‘I was’

  ‘Mrs Vee’s worried to death that she may have said something she didn’t mean to say. Something to upset you and she says she would like to say sorry in person. If it would help, I could pop you up in my car just so as she can say sorry to you.’

  Grabsome’s insincerity was obvious, but on the other hand hearing what Venefica had to say might give clues to her game plans and information could be passed on to Danial.

  ‘Yes, all right Mr Grabsome’ said Phemie ‘I’m sure that will be ok - but only for a minute or two. Mum’s back soon and then I have to get ready for the disco’

  ‘Splendid! If you’d like to step outside to my car. This way please’ he said leeringly, and making a thing of holding the door open for Phemie. ‘I’ll have you up to Mrs Vee’s and back before you can say...’ his voice faltered.

  ‘Say what Mr Grabsome?’

  ‘Before you can say ‘gotcha!’ he smirked. Unfortunately, Phemie didn’t realise he meant it.

  Mr Grabsome’s car was a lot bigger and considerably more luxurious than her mum’s twenty year old Mini. Phemie settled into its plush heated leather seats and gazed at its polished wooden dashboard and rows of switches.

  ‘What’s that?’ she asked reaching to put her finger on one of them.

  ‘Don’t touch that!’ yelled Grabsome making Phemie jump out of her seat.


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