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Logan and Cecile

Page 6

by Ryleigh Rhodes

  I heard the door to the bathroom open, then the rustling of sheets on my bed. I opened my mouth preparing to ask if he wanted the sweats, but he beat me too it.

  "Didn't sleep in sweats last time I was here. Get in bed," he said his tone had a hint of bossy to it.


  Guess it was a good thing he turned me down last weekend considering I didn't even take note of what he slept in. Flipping off the closet light, I made my way to the bed. I doubled checked my alarm clock, eased into bed, then turned off the light.

  His arm went tight around my waist, and I snuggled into his warm body. My back to his front, my head on his bicep. Spooning had its perks, don't get me wrong, but we could be snuggled up in a way sexier position.

  I felt his fingers in my hair and his lips at my neck. His hand went to my chin tilting it back towards him and he kissed me. It was a soft, gentle kiss. He pulled away settling into his pillow.

  "Go to sleep, yeah?"

  "'Kay," I mumbled while smiling. My head settled into his back into his bicep, and within minutes I was asleep.


  The bakery wasn't open on Sundays, mainly for mine and Annie's sanity. We didn't want to get burned out. This also meant I only had tonight to spend at Logan's. I didn't mind driving at night (or early mornings), and in general I didn't mind waking up early to haul my butt into work. I did draw the line at waking up before four am. If Logan and I went the distance, we'd have some logistics to work out.

  Jenna and Aunt Cathy were at the bakery when I left. I gave out quick hugs and kisses and jetted out of there before my mom showed. Annie texted me while I was at Redbox. My mom arrived at the bakery demanding as to my whereabouts. I knew Annie would cover for me, but I would owe her. I was too busy swiping my card and waiting for the machine to spit out the DVD to reply.

  That morning, I packed a bag so I could avoid my apartment after work, and head straight to Logan's. Annie knew my plan, just like Annie knew my pain-in-the-ass mom. Usually I wore comfortable, not ratty, clothes to work in, the ovens and espresso machine equaled sweating. Depending on the outside weather, sometimes lots of sweating.

  If I had a wedding or special event consultation, I'd sport heels and a blazer, which I kept at work. I changed out of my work clothes, before leaving. I didn't dress up, I wanted to keep it casual. Jeans, boots, and a nice sweater that showed a tad of cleavage in what I hoped to come across as casual.

  With the DVD tucked into my purse, I pointed my car south towards Logan's ranch. I'd driven this route many, many times. I didn't travel this way on a daily basis anymore, so I still noticed the small changes in scenery as I drove.

  Before I knew it I'd parked in front of the main ranch house. The last time I was here was the weekend before Logan's parents died. I'd avoided coming back for a long time. Mostly because I didn't want to tarnish the good memories.

  I found a note taped to the front door.


  Make yourself at home. Call me when you get here.


  Snatching the note from the door, I let myself inside. Goose bumps prickled my skin, and I felt myself go back in time, Logan hadn't bothered to redecorate the place. Same couches with the same throw pillows. His mom had great style in the sense that she cared more about comfort and convenience not following a fashion trend. Even the framed pictures hadn't changed or moved in five years. It felt more like home than my parents’ house did. The house was clean, at least for a busy guy like Logan.

  To be honest, I found this more than a little depressing since it reminded me of his mom. Putting my bag down on a wooden bar stool, I sat the desserts on the island, and then dug my cell out of my purse and dialed Logan. He answered on the first ring.


  "I'm here. Just wanted to let you know." I tapped my finger on the island. I was a bundle of emotions right now. Anxious. Excited. Sad.

  "It's gonna be a while before we're done. At least an hour."

  I had no idea what they were doing, but I suspected it had something to do with calving season or putting out bales of hay.

  "Do you still have dinner covered, or do you want me to handle it?" I asked. Pastries and baking were my specialty, but I could still whip up a main course without breaking a sweat.

  "I can handle it, but if you could put on some coffee I'd appreciate it." It didn't matter the time of day, his parents always had a hot pot of coffee on.

  "Coffee. Got it."

  "What'd you bring for dessert?" he asked, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

  "Lemon Bars and a Chocolate pound cake, and I rented The Hangover," I answered.


  Then, quietly in a soft voice he spoke, "Okay, baby, I'll wrap this up as fast as I can ... Later."

  Smiling, I pulled the phone from my ear, stuffed it back in my purse, and cruised into the pantry to find the coffee.


  Logan told me to make myself at home. After I started a pot of coffee, I settled in on the couch. Not long after that I was out. Not just a light sleep out, but a dead to the world out.

  Until pots and pans clanking around in the kitchen startled me awake. It sounded violent, and to be honest it worried me. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I headed to the kitchen and found Logan.

  "What are you trying to kill in here?" I asked. His hair was wet and clung to his neck, so he'd been home long enough to shower and change into a clean t-shirt and jeans.

  "I didn't mean to wake you."

  He was wielding a knife, and I noticed he was trying to chop some onion and bell peppers. Should I go hug him, kiss him? We were getting to know each other again, so I wasn't sure what the protocol was for our current relationship.

  I was over thinking this.

  "That's okay, how long have you been home?"

  There was a large fry pan with ground beef browning along with a big stock pot full of water on the stovetop.

  "Twenty minutes or so."

  I decided to play it safe by sitting on a bar stool and watching him from afar. I noticed the container that held the lemon bars was open on the counter. Logan preferred chocolate, I had made the lemon bars more for me because I didn't think he'd eat all of them in one fell swoop.

  He was so busted.

  "How'd you like the lemon bars?"

  "They're pretty damn good. I really wanted to try the pound cake but it's not cut, and there's icing so I'd probably make a mess."

  The water in the stock pot started boiling and he added a box of macaroni to it. There was no way I was cutting into the pound cake before dinner. He was going to have to wait until after dinner.

  "It's chocolate ganache," I told him in a serious tone.

  "What exactly is the difference between that and normal icing?"

  He added the onion and bell pepper to the fry pan. I worked with food every day, but I'd never tire of the smell of onions cooking. I know most people hated that smell, but I loved it.

  "Icing is a more general term. Kinda like a pair of jeans. You have different brands like Wrangler and Cinch, but there's also different styles like boot cut and straight leg. Ganache is chocolate and heavy cream. Then you can have buttercream, royal icing, glazes, and whipped cream. There's different variations between them all."

  "Never mind, baby, forget I asked."

  I laughed.

  "You haven't redecorated. It was almost walking back in time. I half expected to see your mom in the kitchen," I admitted.

  "I moved into the master bedroom a few years ago. Bought a new bed and some sheets. I don't mind the decor." He avoided looking at me as he spoke, just stirred the beef in the fry pan. I should have steered clear of talking about his parents.


  "I didn't mean to imply it's bad. I just ... wasn't expecting it. This is the first time I've been back here since they passed," I said, not trying to hide the hint of sadness I felt.

  I ran my hand across the edge of the island.

  Setting the spat
ula down, he walked around the island to me. I felt his hand in my hair. He used this soft yanking motion pulling me off the bar stool tilting my head at the same time he kissed me.

  It was hot, hard, and wet. His other hand slid to my ass and hefted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, and I held on. My arms around his neck, fingers threading through his hair. His mouth slid to my neck and I felt tingles, good tingles. He was really, really, good at that.

  "Turn the burners off," I whispered in his ear before giving his lobe a quick nibble. Kissing along his jaw I nuzzled his neck. I continued my assault across his cheek, over to his other ear lobe, giving a light bite. He groaned as my cheek brushed against his and I continued to deliver kisses down his throat.

  He hauled me across the kitchen, like I was light as a feather. He turned off the burners and kept walking towards the bedroom. I raked my fingers down his back, grasping the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled. I wanted to feel his skin against mine.

  He set me on the bed allowing me to fully remove his t-shirt. He pulled my V-neck sweater over my head then tossed it on the floor. I took a moment to stare at his-holy-hotness.

  He stared at me mirroring the same desire I felt. Then he kissed me pushing my back to the bed, his hand going to my breast and cupping it. He lips left mine trailing kisses down my cheek and neck.

  His thumb squeezed my nipple, causing them to tingle, more wetness forming between my legs. My hips bucked into his. We were finally getting somewhere.

  I couldn't help it, I whimpered, "Baby."

  "Relax, there's no rush."

  I wanted this. I'd wanted it for two weeks. Technically, I'd waited years for this. No rush my ass. I needed more of him. I changed tactics from following to leading.

  Using my foot I pushed off the bed, rolling him onto his back, and I straddled his hips. He was grinning at me, but I didn't notice.

  I could feel him even with layers of clothes between us, he felt good. Unhooking my bra I tossed it, while grinding my hips down on his.

  "Damn it, CiCi," he said on a moan.

  "What?" I asked innocently. I was a little impatient. Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to dash to the finish line, I just wanted to get Logan to a point where I knew he wouldn't or couldn't stop. The fire was lit, sucking up oxygen and producing heat. Massive heat.

  Flipping me onto my back, his hands unbuttoned my jeans, and poof, my jeans disappeared down my legs. We were mostly skin to skin, except Logan still had jeans on, and I had panties.

  Logan ran his hands up my sides and settled on my breasts. His mouth found mine. I let out a moan as his hand lightly pinched my nipple. I felt a warm heat shoot down to my happy place. His mouth left mine, but found its way to my breasts. His tongue swirled around my nipple and finally he sucked it in his mouth. I moaned arching my back. He played the same game with my other nipple, I was at the point of no return.

  My hands shot to his jeans, I popped the button and lowered the zipper, I used my feet to slip them, and his boxers, down his legs, and he kicked them off.

  That was much better.

  This was what I'd been waiting for, he was gorgeous.

  Wrapping my legs around his hips, I pulled his hips tighter against mine. My hands skimmed up his back then down his chiseled abs. I touched and tasted him as much as possible.

  His hands moved down my belly to my thighs, followed by his mouth. Soon my panties disappeared. I didn’t know if he ripped them of, or they melted off, but they were gone. And he was there. His mouth and fingers were on me, and it was amazing.

  My hips moved in sync with his hand. He brought me close to the edge then eased off.

  What the crap was that? I bit my lip so I wouldn't say anything stupid.

  His tongue picked up speed again, I was so close I was panting. The things this man could do with his tongue ... heaven. If only he'd let me come. My hips bucked and he slowed down again. I loved foreplay, but this teasing business was not my style.

  "Baby," I begged.

  I didn't have to ask again.

  Kissing his way up my belly, breasts, neck and finally my mouth, his hips settled between mine and he slide home. He was finally in me, we were connected. He paused allowing me to adjust to his size, then he moved.




  It felt ah-ma-zing. Magical. Beautiful.

  He picked up speed, and a nanosecond later, I was there. Moaning, back arching, nails digging into Logan's back, hard orgasm, but Logan wasn't finished. He kept moving as I floated down from my high. His hands pushed my knees higher allowing him to thrust deeper.

  "You're so tight and wet. Fuck!" he said on a groan. His head bent down and he took my nipple in his mouth, lightly biting and teasing. That sent me right back up the mountain.

  I was on the verge (again). "Harder," I mumbled my request.

  Logan complied, slamming into me harder and faster. His finger found my clit and did a slow swirling motion.

  Instinctively my legs squeezed him, my eyes locked with his, and I lost my breath.

  He was strikingly sexy, gorgeous.

  He leaned down and took my mouth. The kiss was primal, open mouthed, tongues. I bit his lip as my hands fisted in his hair.

  He quickened his swirling and a hard thrust sent me gasping over the edge. I close my eyes to fully embrace all the sensations. It's heaven, or what I imagine heaven to be like.

  A few seconds later, Logan buries deep into me hissing in pleasure as he finds his release. He collapses on top of me, and I welcomed his weight.

  I was screwed, literally. I'd have to say my sexual experience prior to Logan had been mediocre at best. I knew I was in over my head, because he and I were off the charts. And that scared me.

  "Did I hurt you?" He kissed my neck, then my cheek. I open my eyes to find him watching me. His eyes are warm, and he looks more than satisfied.

  "No. Why?" I asked still winded.

  "You tensed up."

  "I was thinking ... It's never been like that before." Instantly, I regretted sharing that. I was an idiot. My guard's down and I totally flashed my hand.

  "That's just us, baby. Still think we shouldn't be together?"

  There was no use fighting it. Logan and I, well, we definitely had chemistry. We shared history. After that we were definitely together. Our relationship scared the crap out of me, but I wanted to see where it goes, and I wanted to have a lot more hot, wet, wild, sex with Logan.

  "No. I think we should see where this goes."

  "About time." He kissed me, and not a quick peck. His tongue was in my mouth, and I kissed him back. It was sweet and leisurely. I liked leisurely kisses as much as the inferno hot ones. Yep. I was in over my head, for sure.

  "I'll go finish dinner." He slowly pulled out and froze. "Shit!"

  "What?" I asked, as he rolled away from me and off the bed. He finished pulling up his jeans, but didn't answer.

  Silence then, "Are you on the pill?"

  "No," I shrieked and shot up. "Why?" Panic shot through me.

  "I forgot a condom," he said, in a calm composed voice.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  I sat there in stunned silence. I forced myself to take a deep breath. I kept track of everything using the calendar on my Smartphone, including my period. The only reason I did keep track of my period was to know if I might overwhelm myself with a project.

  Checking would be a double edged sword. If it was the 'wrong' time of the month, that would be great news, however, if it was the 'right' time of the month, that would be bad news and add more stress. The calm from my recent orgasm vanished, poof. Total fucking buzz kill.

  "I'll call Monday, and get an appointment," I said as calmly as I could.

  I was nowhere near ready to have a kid. Don't get me wrong I liked kids, and I planned on having a few, in say, five or ten years, not nine months from now.

  "Baby, it won't be the end of the world if you are, we'll deal. Take a shower, relax. I'll finish d
inner, and open a bottle of wine," he suggested and left the room.

  I sat there contemplating my options. I decided to take a long shower, drink a lot of wine, and take pleasure in my uninterrupted time with Logan. I couldn't control Mother Nature and this pregnancy business so I might as well ignore it and enjoy myself.

  Logan's chili macaroni concoction turned out pretty tasty. We ate standing up in the kitchen, retired to the living room, cuddled on the couch, watched the movie I rented (which was pretty damn funny). I drank wine, enough wine to make me temporarily forget. And I decided to lay the burden on Annie, making her check my phone calendar on Monday.

  Chapter Five

  The Unthinkable

  Annie and I had a system with the bakery. I would get there super early and bake my ass off. Annie would arrive an hour or so before we opened, and start the coffee and stock the case with what I'd made or help me ice cupcakes. Basically whatever I needed. We'd gab with each other while working.

  We had three other part-time employees. I didn't do dishes (perks of being the boss). They did, which was awesome for me. They also worked the counter and did various other chores around the bakery. Annie rarely locked the door behind her. If a customer walked in before we opened at seven, Annie would happily serve them. We were a relatively new business, and snubbing our nose at potential customers wasn't in our business plan.

  Our system not only worked, but it worked well.

  That was until today.

  Until Monday morning. I was catching Annie up on my weekend with Logan when the bell on the front door jingled.

  Annie went up front. After I finished icing a tray of cinnamon rolls, I followed her. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

  I mean abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

  I surprised two scraggly men, one of them holding Annie by her hair, forcing her to open the cash register. I threw the tray of cinnamon rolls at the man across the display case, then I charged at the guy hurting Annie, tackling him.

  Annie rolled away, and mayhem broke out.


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