The Kindness of Kings
Page 14
“Yes, I do.”
“Well help yourself, Bishop. To champagne. Women?”
Mina smacked Louie on the arm. “Louie!”
Louie rubbed his arm and laughed nervously at the Bishop.
“My dear Mina, I am a minister, not a monk,” he grinned as a waitress approached them with a tray of champagne. They watched as he grabbed a glass. “Enjoy your night. This is only the beginning for you two.”
As he walked off Mina yelped like a little girl and grabbed Louie by the arms. “Oh my God, I can’t believe this!” Mina said.
“I can’t believe it either,” Caius interrupted them. “Mina, you look ravishing.”
“Thank you Your Majesty,” Mina reluctantly curtsied to the King and continued to glare while smiling.
“I’m sorry Sedgwick couldn’t make it.” Mina found it very hard to believe that statement was sincere due to the King’s smug smile.
“Well, Sir, I think I will live,” Mina said, giving Louie a look as if to say she wasn’t thinking about Sedgwick anymore. “Excuse me, I have to go introduce myself to some of the guests.”
Mina left Louie and Caius.
“So, I guess you did it,” Caius said to his son while looking around.
“Yeah, I guess I did.” Louie thought to himself that maybe it would be okay to tell his father how he felt at this moment. “Dad… I wanted to say thank you for letting me take over this... Granted you thought I was going to fail, but I’m glad because, I think this was really good for me… and Mom…she would have loved this,” Louie said, looking at his father who for a moment looked as though Louie’s words were reaching him. “Don’t you think?”
Caius stared at him for moment and Louie thought his father might show some type of compassion, but Caius chuckled and shook his head.
“I’m not that impressed, Louie,” the King spoke with ease. “I mean granted, yes you did it, but one little charity isn’t going to shape your character or a country for that matter, if anything you’re showing weakness for the people that don’t even pay taxes. I am glad you’ve gotten the Republic on our good side. Especially Oliver, that prick. Sedgwick will need them when he reigns.” He saw Louie clenching his jaw. “Did you really think my opinion of you would change, Son? Louie, you will forever be far behind your brother. In business, life…” Caius glanced at Mina who was chatting with guests. “… and love, apparently.”
Louie couldn’t believe that in all his glory his father still couldn’t say one nice thing to him. And it just happened. For the first time since he was eleven, he felt tears in his eyes. He didn’t understand certain overwhelming feeling. He was always able to control it, but this time, it finally broke. He couldn’t even blink without the risk of a fallen tear. And he would never in his life give his father the satisfaction of his tears.
Caius slowly smiled at him. “Enjoy your night Son.”
Caius walked away while Louie continued to stand there amidst the laughs and golden beauty. He nodded to himself and the anger and pain inside of him built. Mina saw him and wondered why he was staring at the floor. She glanced at a table near him and saw Bartleby who was sharing the same look of concern for his friend. He looked at Mina and walked over to her.
“Bartleby, what happened?” Mina asked.
“Caius, that piece of shit, basically just spat in Louie’s face with bullshit. That man really is the devil.”
Mina looked and all she wanted to do was take Louie in her arms and comfort him, she didn’t want to see him hurt anymore. Especially, not tonight. Thinking to herself, she quickly came up with a plan.
“Jezebel?” Mina said approaching Jezebel who was chatting with the Bishop. “Did you get Louie’s birthday cake yet?”
“Yes, I did. I picked it up today. Why?”
“We need it… now.”
While Jezebel went to fetch the cake, Mina went to Mr. Oliver and told him that they wanted to celebrate Louie’s birthday early and asked if he would say something before they brought out the cake. He gladly agreed and grabbed a champagne glass along with the supermodel on his arm.
“May I have everyone’s attention?!” he called. “I was just informed that a certain Prince’s birthday is tomorrow.”
Louie turned around quickly, shocked at Oliver’s announcement.
“Now I must say, I knew Prince Louie’s mother once, as we all did. She was a Queen of grace, we called her. This country has not been the same since her passing.” Oliver flashed a smug smile while Caius glared at him for his shady comment. “But tonight, her son has graced us with her legacy and kindness. She would have been very proud, Your Highness. So cheers, and happy birthday to our Prince Louie!”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCE LOUIE!” the crowd yelled, raising their glasses to him.
A small smile appeared on Louie’s face until the lights dimmed. He turned around to see his friends in front of him and Mina between Jezebel and Bartleby, holding a birthday cake with the candles lit. They walked towards him as the guests circled around. Louie was overwhelmed when he saw the special cake that was made for him and smiled broadly.
“Make a wish,” Mina said softly.
He slowly focused his eyes on Mina and humbly grinned. He was completely taken by the kind act. His father’s words were no longer a factor in that moment, as was the crowd or the bad thoughts, it was just him and her and all the possibilities that still seemed a dream, but there was one thing he could admit did come true. She loved him. She didn’t have to be in love with him, it was enough for him that she just loved him as she did the people close to her. Louie blew out his candles. He didn’t make a wish. To him, his wish had been granted.
From that moment on, the party was a success. At 10 o’clock, it was time for Jamie and the other children from the center to go, leaving the guests to revel freely in the alcohol and the men to revel in the women. Even Mina had to admit, the models were a nice touch.
“I said−"
“Shut up, Louie,” Mina said as she stuffed a bite of cake in her mouth.
“I said that the models would bring us more money. Face it, sex sales.” He grinned.
“Whatever.” She washed down the double fudge chocolate birthday cake with a glass of wine.
Tipsy from wine and chocolate cake, Mina and Louie laughed and debated the night’s success. It was 3 a.m. and the party had been over an hour ago.
“Just admit it, I was right.”
“Ugh! Yes, Louie you were right, for once in your life.”
Louie cheerfully grinned at her and stuffed a piece of cake in his mouth, chomping it like a wild animal.
“Ew, you’re gross,” Mina said and laughed.
“This is great cake,” Louie said.
“Yeah, you better get this for me when my birthday comes.”
Mina picked up their finished plates and took them to the sink. Louie walked up next to her and watched as she washed the dishes. “You know we have people that do that.”
“I know that, Louie.” She eyed him curiously. “You’ve never washed a dish in your life, have you?”
Mina shook her head and laughed.
“But I have cleaned my room. Remember my mom used to make us?”
Louie pouted while Mina laughed, remembering Queen Serene forbidding Sedgwick and Louie to play outside when their rooms were not clean.
“We had people that clean and she made us clean it ourselves. Remember, my room is the size of an apartment.”
“I know, Queen Serene was one of a kind. She just didn’t want you guys to be a hundred percent spoiled brats.”
Louie chuckled to himself. “Yeah you’re right.” The alcohol in Louie caused him to keep staring at Mina while she dried her hands.
She looked at him and smiled. “What?”
His smile faded. “Thank you.”
She knew what he was thanking her for.
“No problem. There was no way I was going to let Caius ruin this for you.”
“Yeah, well it doesn’t matter.” Louie shrugged it off, but the pain was written all over his face. He started to turn around, but Mina grabbed his arm.
“No, Louie. It does matter.”
“Don’t ‘Mina’ me. It’s okay to let it out; it’s okay to admit that you hurt. Stop with the shield.” She giggled to herself. “’Louie’, means ‘famous warrior.’” Louie stared at her in shock, little did he know that one random day, Mina researched the meaning of his name. She didn’t know why she did it either, she just thought of him and wanted to know. “You were always your mom’s brave son. It’s okay to be soft sometimes out in the open, Louie. Us peasants won’t bite,” she snickered and hiccupped, making him laugh.
She calmed herself and wanted to say one last thing. “And the title and rank? That doesn’t matter. It’s all bullshit, because if you ask me, no matter if you believe it or not… you… you’re the better man… better than all the Kings in this world.”
All Louie wanted to do was kiss her. For once in his life he wanted to live a dream, but he settled for a hug. He wanted to show her how appreciative he was of her kindness. He pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled to herself and rubbed the back of his neck and lower back. Louie finally relaxed in Mina’s arms, letting himself go. Mina didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the truth or both, but she wanted to take care of Louie. She wanted to take away his pain and hurt. She wanted to make him laugh, smile, and feel. She wanted Louie.
As they started to release their embrace, Mina stood closer to Louie’s face, observing every perfect thing about him. Without thinking, without protesting it, she leaned up and pressed her lips softly against his, causing both of them to shiver. It was quick, but the fire between them was more powerful than anything they had ever felt. Louie slowly opened his eyes, gazing into her shocked eyes at what she had just done. She whimpered at the thought of wanting him, and he frowned, angry at what she had just done. She had released it, the happiness he didn’t have a right to. But he couldn’t go back. Louie placed his hand on the back of her neck and pressed her mouth firmly against his. The soft and tender kiss quickly transformed as he broke away so he could open his mouth and glide his tongue across her bottom lip, causing her to open hers and collide her tongue with his. They savored each other, the taste they had both been curious about since the moment they saw each other. The building passion, wine, and chocolate cake had turned that taste into a drug that was quick to convert them into addicts. She gripped the back of his head with her hand and pulled his jacket as he pressed her against the sink. Pelvis against pelvis, chest against chest, mouth against mouth, the kiss became something more as hunger and urgency overtook them. They took turns licking and biting each other’s mouths and the sounds between them were sounds of lovers making love for the first time. Their passion increased with every part of the kiss. A true lover’s kiss, a kiss so long awaited that once finally created, could drive you mad. And mad they were.. But as their desire mounted, so did their guilt; guilt that unexpectedly hit Mina first. Snapping out of her trance, she released her lips from Louie’s, gaping at him with hunger and fear, while he licked his lips and wanted more.
“I‘m sorry…” Mina began to hyperventilate. “I have to go.”
All Louie could do was stand there as Mina ran out of the kitchen. He leaned against the counter, gripping the sink, trying to focus on something cold and lifeless to take away the intoxicating urge inside of him. He had wanted that kiss for so long. It was exactly how he imagined it, and he hated it, because in that moment, he realized he was completely and madly in love with Mina more than he could ever imagine. He never knew his love for her could grow to a point where he feared for his sanity.
Chapter 15
Mina couldn’t get Louie or the kiss out of her mind. What was she thinking? She kept repeating in her head along with numerous improper images of Louie. Louie was her friend and Sedgwick’s brother. Even though she didn’t owe Sedgwick anything, she still loved him. But Louie… Louie was different. She never knew that she could see him the way she saw him now, as a man… a good man.
“Mina?” Mina jumped at Jezebel’s voice as she entered the kitchen.
“Yes Jezebel?”
“What’s going on with you? You seem jumpy.”
“Um yeah, it’s been a rough morning.”
“So what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” Jezebel looked at Mina, grinning. She knew it was something, but she didn’t want to force her to talk about it. As Jezebel fixed her coffee Mina thought if there was anyone she should talk to, it would be Jezebel, she was wise in her own way, Mina always thought.
“Yes,” Jezebel said, smiling.
“Have you?” Mina winced, trying to find the right words. “Have you ever been friends with someone so …well really was never really friends with them… in fact you despised each other… but one day you become friends… probably the best of friends and you see them in a new light? So everything’s good, the friendship everything… but one day, or more like every day, you’re with that person… you find something…” Mina paused for a moment, grasping for the right words.
Jezebel already knew, so she answered without waiting for her to finish.
“Every day you’re with that person, everyday you find something more remarkable about them… you… fall more in love with them... and who they are… who they are meant to be.”
Mina looked at Jezebel with complete shock. Jezebel was right.
“Yeah,” Mina said. “And it’s like it’s something you never really experienced either.”
“Mina… let’s cut the shit… you’re talking about Louie. To correct you, he never despised you.”
Mina looked down at her feet and cup of coffee, blushing.
“Yeah,” she admitted. “I am… which is insane because it’s Louie; he’s never been that person, that guy that you could feel…”
“Safe?” Jezebel said.
“No… not safe… alive. I feel alive and happy, and maybe safe, but at the same time I don’t care about being safe. I just care about being alive. And so you knew? About Louie’s feelings?”
“The Queen and I would always tease him about it.”
Mina paused for a second, processing what she was saying. Could it be true? Was she falling in love with Louie?
“This is crazy!” Mina continued. “I mean, I’m still in love with Sedgwick, which is also insane because after all the shit he has done, I forgive him… I’m still pissed as hell, but I forgave him… I think it was when me and Louie got close really. Or maybe… maybe I’m not still in love with Sedgwick? Ugh, I don’t know.”
“Okay, I’m going to tell you something,” Jezebel said, sitting next to Mina.
“It is possible to love two people, but it is also possible to fall out of love… you know that actor from the pirate movies? The hot, funny one?”
Mina laughed. “Johnny Depp?”
“Yeah… well one time I read one of his interviews where he said something like you can fall in love with two people, but when you have to choose, choose the second one.”
“Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen in love with the second.”
“But I don’t even know if I’m in love with Louie… I mean I can’t… me and Sedgwick have history.”
“And you and Louie don’t? Mina, sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to see what’s really there.”
“Why is that?”
“Because we’re really afraid of the things that make us the most vulnerable… I’m pretty sure Louie thinks that.”
“I used to think I knew what Louie was about. Over the past year I have learned I was wrong, but now I’m learning more than I would like to.”
Jezebel rubbed Mina’s shoulder and started to walk out. She paused and turned around to Mina to give one l
ast word of advice.
“Mina, whatever you do… be happy… besides, Sedgwick left. Louie stayed.”
At that moment, Mina realized Jezebel was right. It wasn’t about history or who was first. It was about who had fought for her, and that was Louie. In his own way, he had fought for her. He was there for her in more ways than one.
And for Mina it wasn’t giving in to temptation, but giving in to something new. For Sedgwick, he was giving in to temptation.
He had slept late that day due to drinking and the passion of Riley that had overtaken and drugged him. Opening his eyes, he saw the brunette sprawled over his chest, smiling at him.
“Good morning,” she said, smiling.
“Um… hey,” he said, sitting up. He quickly got out of bed and threw his pants on.
“Did I do something wrong?” Riley asked nervously.
“No, nothing.”
“Then what is it?”
“Riley…” He faced her. “You’re a beautiful woman, but… I have someone back home.”
“You mean the woman you are no longer with?”
Sedgwick had forgotten that last night in his drunken stupor he had told Riley about Mina.
“We are getting back together.”
“Don’t be naïve, Sedgwick,” she cooed, wrapping the sheet on her and crawling over to him, placing her hands on his face. “From the sound of her, she seems unworthy of you. You need someone strong enough to accept your title and their place, not some weak common girl.”
Sedgwick grabbed her hands and ripped them from his face. He held her wrists tight as he sneered at her. “You know nothing about her. You’re also a common girl, but a whore at that! So get your shit and get out of my house!”
He pushed her away and went to the bathroom, slamming the door. He leaned against the door and breathed in and out slowly. What was happening to him? He didn’t know, but he had to keep his hope, and his hope was the idea of Mina and him together.
“So you kissed her?” said Bartleby, holding the punching bag for Louie who hit it hard to take his thoughts away from the kiss he had endured from Mina.