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Lust Immortal (Immortal Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Kelly, Carrie

  “Good evening,” the blond woman said with a sly smile. “You were late getting up. Again.”

  Isabel spread the butter on her bread and watched it melt. “I overslept.”

  Tabby laughed, her pretty face mirthful as she shook her head. “I’m sure you did. Although, I don’t remember seeing you go to your room last night.” Her blonde hair was tied into a bun at the base of her neck, and the lack of sunlight made her look as pale as a vampire.

  Isabel took a bite of her bread and a sip of milk. It did no good to keep the truth from Tabby- she was too nosy for her own good- but she didn’t want to confirm it for fear of someone spreading the news. While Isabel didn’t know exactly what the Vampire Council might do, William was frightened of them. Best not to push it.

  “I can’t really say,” she said and frowned at her food. She really wanted, more than anything, to get some advice from the other woman. Tabby was only a few years older than Isabel, but at least she might know what to do in her situation.

  “Of course you can’t. Well, I hope he’s going to marry you- whoever the lucky fellow is.”

  Isabel nodded and finished her breakfast, knowing that would never come to pass.

  William appeared from his room as she started her first chore of the night, mopping the great flagstone floor at the entrance of the house. Even with rugs in place the floor still got far dirtier than any other besides that of the kitchen. He smiled at her as he passed, his hair neatly combed and tied back. He wore the brown linen britches and jacket she’d made for him several years ago. If he was dressed such she knew he had no errands to run that night- at least not errands that involved other vampires.

  “Is Charles back yet?”

  “Not that I know of, but the sun only set an hour ago. He could still be on the road or otherwise engaged,” she said. Charles rarely seemed to spend the night at home, although he was usually back by sunrise. Whoever he’d met obviously made it worth his while to spend the whole day with them. Unless- no. Nothing bad could have happened to him. That was unthinkable! She’d known Charles just as long as she’d known William, and he’d been far friendlier to her than the elusive older brother. Although she’d never asked, she often wondered how the two were related. William’s strong features and dark hair looked nothing like Charles plain brown hair and even features- made more attractive by his power no doubt.

  “Alert me as soon as he gets in, please,” he said, his voice neutral, but Isabel saw a spark of concern in his eyes and in the twitch of his mouth.

  “Is something wrong, Master?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Isabel! Call me William. And no, I just need to talk to Charles about something.”

  She nodded, and brought her mop across the gray stones just as he walked down the hall. As she thought about it, she realized the younger brother hadn’t bitten her once since her first night with William- and no other vampire had either. That was due to the lack of guests they’d had, which wasn’t uncommon. William wasn’t much of an entertainer, especially when he only had three servants to do all the labor for him. Most of the other vampires in Philadelphia had dozens of servants, one for nearly every job in their household, but William and Charles weren’t like the other vampires at all even though they lived in a home far too big for two single men.

  Voices from the courtyard shook Isabel from her thoughts, and she moved her bucket just as the door opened.

  “Floor’s wet, sir,” she said as Charles stepped inside, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Moorish and Mistress Abigail Perch.

  “Of course,” Charles said, his suit from the night before slightly rumpled as though he’d slept in it. “I was on my way home and look who I ran into. We’ll be in the sitting room. Fetch William at once!”

  Isabel nodded, keeping her eyes downcast as the vampires moved past. Both ladies were lovely, the sort of unearthly beauty all vampires possessed. Although Mrs. Moorish’s hair was stark white, her face was as youthful as a schoolgirl’s. Her fine silk gown rustled as she moved down the hall. Mistress Perch was even more beautiful. Her pale blonde curls were piled onto her head like a crown, and the paleness of her skin made her look like she was made of porcelain. Her cotton gown, dyed indigo, brought out the vibrancy of her blue eyes. They were much brighter and lovelier than Isabel’s own pale blue eyes.

  Mr. Moorish, however, did not hold the same appeal as the others. Like his wife, his hair was also white, although he looked to be in his late thirties. Hooded eyes and a thin mouth made him look unpleasant, even though Isabel knew she should find him attractive. His lips twisted into a smile as she glanced at him, and she quickly looked away. How would William keep them from biting her? He’d explained it was seen as an insult to keep servants from other vampires, and she accepted that. However, he’d also said he’d not allow anyone else to lay a fang in her again. It seemed unlikely he’d be able to keep that promise.

  She hurried toward William’s study, but he emerged as soon as she neared the door, a frown on his face. “Charles has arrived. He and his guests are in the sitting room.”

  William nodded, the look in his eyes one of barely concealed anger. “Send in Tabitha and John.”

  He was going to try and stretch two servants among five vampires? That wouldn’t do! “Master, is that wise?”

  He ran his finger down her cheek, but didn’t say another word as he walked away.

  Isabel frowned as she hurried to the kitchen to inform Tabby. The blonde was on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor when Isabel stepped in. “Guests. Master William wants you and John in the sitting room.”

  Tabby looked down at the water soaking through her skirt and wiped her hands on her apron. “Did he say anything about appearances?”

  “It’s Mr. and Mrs. Moorish.”

  “Oh hell!” Tabby said as she stood and leaned out of the kitchen door to the yard. “John. We’re needed!”

  The shirtless and sweaty form of a man in his mid-twenties emerged from the stables. His finely muscled chest was covered in a thin layer of hair and his skin was skill golden although he rarely saw the sun. Looking at him, Isabel saw why women found John attractive. His eyes were bright and large, and his mouth looked like it held a smile, even when it didn’t. He’d tied his brown hair back with a piece of twine to keep it out of the way. “Where?”

  “Sitting room,” Tabby said, and John nodded and sighed.

  “I’ll get cleaned up.”

  Vampire masters insisted their servants were clean at all times, which meant they had to bathe more than once a week. Isabel guessed it was the enhanced sense of smell that called for such care.

  She went back to mopping the entryway and watched as a freshly scrubbed John and Tabby, in a dry dress, entered the room. While Isabel didn’t like being in the presence of other vampires something about the situation struck her as odd. Charles looked almost nervous about the whole thing. And Charles was never nervous. That just didn’t happen. Unless the council knew about them! Had Charles accidently told? Isabel moved her mop and bucket closer to the door and tried to hear what they talked about inside. Even when she mopped as slowly as possible, she only heard the mumble of voices. What was she supposed to do?

  Suddenly, the door swung open and William stood there, a frown creasing his perfect brow. “Why don’t you come in, Isabel,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Setting down her mop, Isabel stepped inside and stood next to the other servants. All five vampires were seated comfortably on the leather couch and chairs. A fire roared in the hearth and lit candles hung in sconces and sat in candelabras all over the room. Even in that much light, shadows danced across the walls and floor. Every vampire’s eyes in the room looked aglow.

  “It’s such a shame you haven’t been around in months, William. We worked out a perfect arrangement.”

  “What sort of arrangement, Mr. Moorish,” William asked, his eyes on the older man with a fierce intensity.

  “Why, Ms. Perch, of course. You are both young
, Ms. Perch is hardly eighty and you are just turning sixty-one, is it? The perfect time to marry and settle down. She has a lovely estate with a house full of servants for you to enjoy, you do remember don’t you?”

  Isabel kept her face neutral, but her heart raced and she felt close to screaming. Why hadn’t she thought of this before? Even if she and William couldn’t get married that didn’t keep him from marrying another vampire. What would they do? Continue their love affair under his new wife’s nose? Looking at Abigail, her keen eyes and sharp scent, that would be nearly impossible.

  “Ms. Perch? Does she agree to this arrangement?” William asked, his voice steady.

  “Of course I do, Mr. Davenport. How could I not?”

  William seemed to stare at her for a long time, and Isabel fought to keep her tears at bay. Their happiness had been so brief, so fleeting. What would she do now that she had his child growing inside her? If he married Abigail, telling him would be useless. It would just complicate matters more than need be.

  Then, she noticed Charles eyes on her, an intense look she’d never seen the younger brother give anyone. Unfortunately, Mr. Moorish also stared at her, his dark eyes eager.

  “This isn’t up for consideration, William,” Mrs. Moorish said and laughed, like a glass tinkling. “You’ll be married by the end of the month. Charles can keep this house while you move to Ms. Perch’s home. It’s not far, if you’ll remember. I’m sure Charles will retain the servants as well.”

  William stared at the fire, and Isabel could tell by the way he gripped the chair that he held his temper in check- but just barely. Their whole future was falling apart, and there was nothing either of them could do but wait and watch as it did.

  “Isabel,” Charles called and motioned for her to come to him.

  Isabel obliged. Being bitten by him was better than Mr. Moorish by far. He took her hand and pulled her onto the couch next to him then rested his hand on her stomach with surprising gentleness. “You can share with me, if you’d like, dear brother.”

  William’s eyes burned as he looked at Charles, but he nodded nonetheless. He wouldn’t look Isabel in the eyes, however, and she couldn’t blame him. He had to do this or face the council’s wrath, whatever it would be. Isabel only knew he was frighten of it- and if that was the case it must be bad.

  William sat on the other side of Charles, pressing his chest into her body as he moved the hair from her neck. “Please, feel free to drink from our servants,” William said to his guests.

  Isabel watched as John knelt before Abigail and Tabby sat between Mr. and Mrs. Moorish. She didn’t envy either of them.

  Charles bit her quickly, taking no time to leisurely sink his fangs into her flesh. Just as suddenly, William eased into the opposite side of her neck. Each sip made her skin tingle- the slightest brush exciting her over sensitive body. William’s hands dug into her shoulder, fingers pinching into her flesh as he drew out each taste. Charles pulled out first, his tongue lapping at her neck as he caught the little droplets of blood. William followed his lead, each brother gripping onto her and tasting her at once.

  John held his neck and Tabby got to her feet, just as Charles and William let Isabel stand.

  “This is why you need more servants, William!” Mrs. Moorish said and dabbed a smear of red from her lips.

  “Yes,” William said and licked his own lips, catching a drop of Isabel’s blood.

  “You’re dismissed,” Charles said.

  The three servants walked out of the room, shutting the door behind them. Together, they made their way to the kitchen.

  “Strange Master Charles giving the orders, don’t you think?” Tabby said as she cut them each a slice of bread and slid the jam jar across the table.

  “Yes,” Isabel said and absently took a bite of the cold bread.

  “Must be getting ready for his brother leaving,” John said.

  “Poor Master William,” Tabby said and shook her head.

  “Yes.” Isabel knew she should say something, but just speaking felt like burden with her heart in so many different pieces. “I should return to my chores.”

  “Are you sure you can manage after that?” Tabby asked, rubbing her hand over Isabel’s shoulder.

  She wasn’t sure she could manage anything at all, but she had to. William would go off with his new wife. Their love, however brief, had at least given her something to look forward to. Maybe she would leave her servitude after all. She couldn’t stay and watch William with his new vampire wife- her heart would break every time she saw him.

  “Isabel, do you feel all right? Perhaps you should lay down,” Tabby said.

  “I’m fine.”

  John smiled at her. “I’ll take you to your room. You do look a bit pale,” he said and put a strong arm around her shoulder.

  Isabel walked with him toward the servant’s quarters and settled into her room. John stood in the doorway looking at her. The shadows from his candle crawled over his face. “There’s no place for us in their world, besides as a meal,” he said.

  “I know.” And she did know, so why was this so hard? Why had she been such a fool to think she and William could be happy forever?

  “You’ve got your freedom. It’s a good time to take it.”

  Isabel looked at John’s his straightforward handsome face, and nodded. “Would you come with me? I don’t want to go alone.”

  He smiled at her, a sad smile that didn’t reach his hazel eyes. “I give good advice, but I’m not the sort of man you’re looking for. Plus, Master Charles will need at least two servants, won’t he?”

  “I suppose he will,” she said and climbed onto her thin straw mattress.

  John stared at her for a moment then shut the door.

  Over an hour later the creak of the door made Isabel open her eyes, but whoever came in didn’t carry a candle or a lantern. In the darkness, she couldn’t tell if it was Charles or William who disturbed her. Quickly, she wiped the tears from her cheeks and sat up. “I’m sorry Master. I felt weak so I decided to rest.”

  “Has William been drinking too much? I hardly had a sip,” Charles said.

  “No, that’s not it. I just- ”

  “He won’t deny it. They laid out the wedding plans as soon as you left. William’s going to marry Ms. Perch and that’s that.”

  Isabel bit her lip as a new flood of tears poured from her eyes. Why had his admittance of it made her feel worse? She’d been hoping William would say no and run away with her. Of course he wouldn’t! She was such a fool!

  Charles’ dark shape stepped farther into the room. “I am sorry that he’s put you in this situation. But I do have an offer for you. I’m not staying here. I’m going to run away, Isabel. And you can come with me if you want. Since you’re no longer indentured you can do what you like.”

  “Where are you going?” she asked, her voice trembling as she spoke.

  “West, I think. Maybe as far as the French line. While the council might favor William, they have little need for me. I’ve been nothing but a disappointment to them from the start. They’ll give chase, but not into the wild. We should be safe.”

  Isabel’s world had changed so quickly from that morning. How did something like that happen? “Travel into the wild? Where will we live?”

  “There are homesteads, I’ve heard. Listen. We can’t go back to Europe; the council is too strong there. If we want to be free we have to head west!”

  Free. She’d be free from seeing William and his wife. Free from the constant heartbreak of watching the man she loved with another. And he’d be free of the burden of a human lover, a secret that threatened his very life. “What are you running from, Charles?”

  “Toward. I’m running toward something- someone. I have to find someone.”

  “Is it just the two of us? What about John and Tabby?”

  “Tabitha won’t come. John might. I’ve yet to ask.”

  “Fine. When do we leave?”

  Charles stood so s
till in the darkness she almost doubted he was still there. “Tomorrow. We’ll leave at dusk. They won’t get suspicious until we’re too far gone.”

  Less than a day left with William. What was she supposed to do?

  “Don’t tell Will. You know he’ll try to stop us.”

  She nodded, holding her hands to her mouth to stifle the sobs.

  Charles sat on her bed and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close and rubbing her back while she wept all over his shirt. When he pulled back, Isabel didn’t think she could cry another tear for the rest of her life.

  “He might come around, someday,” Charles said and his fingers trailed off her shoulders.

  And when he did she might be dead and gone, Isabel thought, but she didn’t speak it aloud. Instead she only nodded and wiped her eyes. She had chores to get back to.

  William pulled her from her work a few hours before dawn. She’d dined in silence with John and Tabby an hour before, and neither of them spoke of Charles plans for escape. Isabel wondered if he’d asked John to join them or not.

  “No more for today,” William said and pulled her by the hand into his bedroom.

  She nodded and set her jaw, determined not to cry. It would only make the whole situation worse. Instead of speaking, she leaned forward and kissed him, his soft lips pressing into her with as much need and desire as her own. If they only had one more night together she wanted to make it memorable.

  Her lips burned over his cool skin as she nipped at his neck, fingers unbuttoning his shirt. She kissed over the smoothly muscled skin, licking his pink nipples like he often did her own. Above her, William gasped, a sound he usually elicited from her.

  “Isabel, what’s gotten into you?”

  Without a word, she unlaced his pants, taking care as she kissed his stomach. His hardness stood and she tentatively licked the tip. She’d never given him this kind of attention before, letting him lavish it on her body instead. But tonight would be different. She’d show him how much she loved him before she had to leave his side forever.

  William’s hands caught in her hair as she lowered her mouth around his throbbing member. The thickness in her mouth, slightly salty, was different from any experience she’d ever had. The way it beat against her tongue, the feeling of the veins under her lips and she moved it in and out, licking at the tip each time she brought her head back. Her own wetness seeped between her legs as she lapped at the milking substance dripping from his shaft.


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