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Unbreakable Bond (Fated Mates Duet Book 1)

Page 20

by Jess Bryant

  “Thank you.”

  She nodded at him, wanting to say the same. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t have stuck around Noir. She might never have known Rafe was her mate. She might never have felt like she belonged here but she did now.

  This was home. This was her pack. This was her family.

  Michael gave a small bow of acceptance and then turned his attention back to his brother, “It’s about time.”

  Zoey smiled because she knew it was meant as a joke. Rafe had only been in town a couple of days. They’d gone through every phase of their relationship at super-speed. But it wasn’t really a joke. It had taken them all a really long time to get here, to this point, to find their way to each other and figure out how they fit together. And now that they had, she couldn’t wait to see what fate had in store for them next.



  Something was wrong. The door slamming hard enough to rattle the frame of the small house was the first clue. The sound of scattering footsteps above her was the second. Everyone in the Crescent pack knew to run when their new Alpha was in a mood.

  Luna DeLuca knew better than anyone but she couldn’t run. He’d made sure of that when he locked her in this damp, musty basement. When he’d chained her with silver. As if her wolf needed to be further weakened.

  She was submissive.

  One hard word from her Alpha and her wolf cringed and curled up in a ball in defeat. One order and she bent her neck to obey. Her wolf had long since accepted that they were doomed to this sad, pitiful existence and she’d given up trying to fight it.

  Even if Luna hadn’t.

  Her mind wasn’t as sharp as it usually was. Being confined, being constrained, it was as good as lodging a dagger in the side of a shifter. It weakened her wolf and that weakened her. She couldn’t even remember the last time he let her out to run. She could barely remember what freedom felt like.

  Joy. Happiness. Independence. They were long lost memories, faded and dingy at the edges. Some days she wasn’t even sure they were memories at all. Some days she thought they were dreams.

  This basement was her life now. It had been for weeks, possibly even months. She didn’t know because when he’d dragged her here and chained her she hadn’t been coherent. She’d been drowning in her grief and her pain. In the loss of her family. He’d forced her to watch while he murdered her father. He’d ripped her family from her and with it a part of her sanity.

  She hadn’t tried counting the days and nights she’d spent down here. There was no use. Nobody was coming for her. If anyone had cared enough to try and reach her, they’d have done it by now. Either that, or if they had, they’d been stopped. Been put down, murdered and killed just like her father.

  Like Leo.

  She whimpered at the memory of her brother but shook the awful thought away. Her brother wasn’t dead. He wasn’t. If he were, she would have known. Somehow, she would have felt it. Because he wasn’t just her brother he was her twin, her littermate. Leo was alive. He had to be. But he hadn’t come for her.

  She’d played through all of the scenarios in her time alone. Leo getting away, running away and starting a new life. But that wasn’t her brother. He loved his sisters. He loved this pack. So, was he caught? Captured? Stuck in some other musty basement, chained and weakened by silver? Or was she simply so far gone that her delusions had kept her from accepting the truth, that her brother had been caught and just as brutally murdered as her father had been.

  She didn’t know. Couldn’t be sure. Not about anything. Not anymore.

  The lock on the door at the top of the stairs clicked loudly and Luna scuttled back into the dark corner of the room like a frightened mouse. She knew what was coming, or more specifically who. Her tormenter, her captor, the man that had murdered her father and kidnapped her sisters, that had named himself the new Crescent pack Alpha, tread heavy steps as he sauntered down towards her.

  He came into view slowly through the dim light. First those thick hiking boots, then dark denim encasing long powerful legs. She closed her eyes at the sight of the deep crimson that could only be blood staining his hands. By the time she worked up the nerve to reopen them, he was on the ground, standing just in front of her and he looked just as angry as she’d imagined he was when she heard him come thundering into the house.

  His handsome face, and wasn’t it absolutely revolting that she still thought of him as handsome, was twisted into a scowl. His eyes, those intense green eyes that were rimmed in the dark blue of midnight, were cold and mean. She wished she’d noticed that earlier, instead of just their mesmerizing color. Maybe then she could have stopped all of this. His dark beard and hair were both streaked with blood too, as if he’d been running his hands through it. But the most terrifying part of it all was when he smiled.

  He had the kind of smile the devil himself must have designed.

  Her wolf whimpered and clawed at Luna’s insides. She didn’t want out. Didn’t want to confront the man that had hurt them and the people they loved. She was too scared, too terrified for that. No, her wolf was clawing to get deeper, to hide. She wanted as far away from this man as possible and Luna didn’t even blame her.

  But she refused to cower.

  Luna tilted her chin up to meet his cold eyes head on. She refused to show him her fear. He liked it too much. Fed on it. She’d learned that about him early on and she refused to feed this monster. She purposefully held herself still when he grabbed a stool and propped it in front of her, casually climbing atop it as if they were going to share a beer at a bar. She kept her face blank even if she had to knot her fingers together to stop her hands from shaking.

  “Hello, my love.” He smirked, “How are you feeling this evening?”

  Luna narrowed her eyes but didn’t respond. He didn’t actually care how she was feeling. She knew that. If he did, he wouldn’t have kept her chained up on a full moon, bound by silver and unable to turn. If he cared about her at all he wouldn’t have murdered and kidnapped her family, held her here in the basement as some sort of toy to play with so long as she amused him.

  He was up to something. She knew that much. He had a plan for her. She was nowhere close to giving in to it so she didn’t understand the smile on his face, the one that said he’d won.

  What had he done now?

  “Are you feeling a little pained perhaps?” He tilted his head curiously, “Maybe feel like you’ve been gutted? They say mates can feel that sort of thing but I’ve always wondered if it happens even before a bond is forged. When he dies, do you think you’ll feel that too?”

  Luna fought a flinch of shock and horror. Her mate? Gutted? Dying? Was that why the pain tonight was so much worse? She’d thought it was the full moon. She bit her lip and refused to give anything away when he smirked as if he already knew the answer.

  This. This was why she was so certain her brother was still alive. Because if he wasn’t, if this homicidal, delusional, narcissistic psychopath had killed Leo he wouldn’t have kept her in the dark about it. He would have been down here bragging. He’d have dragged Leo’s lifeless, headless body down the steps and tossed it at her feet while he laughed. So yes, Leo was still alive.

  And, from the foul mood permeating the air, so was her mate… whoever he was.

  Luna didn’t know who he was and she had no idea how this psycho had figured it out. He could be bluffing but… A sick feeling of dread curled through her veins and her wolf whimpered again. There was only one way he could know for sure, one way that he could be so smug about it.

  Nova. Her youngest sister. She’d been having visions since she was four years old. She was a Seer. It was a gift, but also a curse. It meant she could see the future and sometimes that was a good thing but in Nova’s case, it almost always came with a glimpse of danger.

  Her sweet, special sister who had accidentally set all of this in motion. Nova had seen a vision of Luna’s future and she’d told them all about it. She’d said that Lu
na was destined to mate with an Alpha, but not in the Crescent pack. She’d said Luna would leave the pack when her mate came for her and that she would rule over a new pack, giving them a strong alliance.

  The news had been… unbelievable to say the least. Because Luna wasn’t a dominant wolf. She was submissive and every shifter worth their weight knew that an Alpha needed a strong female at his side. If the Alpha female weren’t strong she’d be challenged by the more dominant wolves in the pack relentlessly. Luna had never worried about it, had never even given it a thought. She’d dismissed Nova’s claims as the silly dreams of a child that wanted her big sister to find her happily ever after.

  But it hadn’t mattered that Luna didn’t believe… because Maddox had.

  Maddox Clary, who was cruel and sadistic and took pleasure in causing others pain. Maddox who had always thought he should have been born to rule the pack, not Leo. Maddox who was so desperate for power that there were rumors he’d killed his own littermate simply so he would be the sole heir in his family. Maddox who had set his sights on her from the moment he walked into Crescent territory for reasons she’d never understood. Not until it was too late.

  He didn’t want her. Not really. He wanted what she represented. He wanted what she would offer a mate. Her standing in the pack. Her connections and royal blood. And he’d liked the idea of having a submissive wolf at his side, someone that wouldn’t challenge him or put up too much of a fight.

  That was where he’d made his mistake.

  He’d thought because her wolf was submissive that she would accept his claim. He’d thought he could force her into marrying him. He’d murdered her father, at the very least run her brother off, and he’d intended to claim her and take control of the Crescent pack but he’d misjudged her.

  Her wolf was submissive. She wasn’t. And she would never agree to take a claim that wasn’t from her true mate. Let alone from someone that had ripped her family apart.

  Her father was dead. He’d told her that her mother died of a broken heart not long after. It was the way of the bond. Very few mates were strong enough to survive if their other half was taken from them suddenly and violently.

  Her parents were dead. Her siblings had been ripped away from her. She knew he had Nova and Maya hidden somewhere nearby, held as captives. And Leo… God, where was her brother?

  Not dead. She was sure of it now. But where then? And why hadn’t he come for them yet? She had no idea. If anyone could know where he was it was…

  A sickening thought hit her and she snapped her eyes back to his, “You’re using Nova for her visions. What have you done to her? What did you threaten to make her tell you anything?”

  “Always with the accusations.” Maddox chirped disapprovingly.

  “What’d you do to my sister?”

  “Nothing.” His eyes flashed in the dark light, “Yet. And so long as she keeps telling me about the visions she has, then nothing will happen to her. You have my word.”

  Luna swallowed roughly past her wolf who was clawing at her throat, “She’s had more visions?”


  “And you made her tell you about them.” She felt sick again at the thought that her sister might have given away Leo’s location, wherever it may be.

  “I don’t make the Seer do anything.” He tsked, “But she’s a smart girl. Smarter than you. See, she knows what it would mean for her sisters if she lied to me or tried to keep me in the dark. She knows I’ll hurt someone she loves if she doesn’t do what I ask.”

  “Ask.” Luna spit the word at him, “You mean order.”

  “I’m an Alpha. It’s what I was made for.” He snarled right back, “Just like you were made to submit to me. And you will, Luna. You will or I will do more than just threaten your sisters.”

  Bile rose in her throat at the thought. She was getting accustomed to the threats though. He always threatened her when he came down here but as far as she knew, he’d never followed through and hurt her sisters. He didn’t want her to hate him. He wanted her to choose him. Love him even. Or, more likely, worship him. He wanted her at his side to unite the pack that was still splintered after what he’d done to her father. He wanted her and he wouldn’t lose her easily.

  Something he’d said finally clicked into place in her foggy, malnourished head and she squinted in the darkness, “Nova saw who my true mate is, didn’t she? She saw him and she knew he was coming for me. Just like she said he would.”

  In the original vision, Nova hadn’t known the identity of Luna’s mate. She hadn’t been able to see him. She’d just known that he was an Alpha and that he was from another pack. But Maddox had said he attacked him tonight, which meant…

  “Something changed.” She gasped, “Fate changed and she saw him more clearly didn’t she? She was right? He’s an Alpha?”

  Maddox snarled, “It doesn’t matter what he is. He can’t come for you now. I made sure of that. All he’s going to have time for is to heal for the next few days and by then, you’re going to agree to be mine.”

  “He’s… not dead then?” A small hope that she’d never let bloom inside her before sprouted. There was someone out there that could come for her after all. Her mate. Whoever he was. “You didn’t kill him?”

  “Not for lack of trying.” Maddox growled, “Your bitch sister forgot to mention that the True Alpha was back and that feral bastard caught me off guard. He got between us and we had to retreat. But we did enough damage to keep them at bay for a while.”

  Luna’s head spun, “True Alpha?”

  “Don’t give yourself a headache, love. That fucked up family isn’t your concern. It’s mine. I already spoke to the Seer again. She says your mate will heal and he’ll come for you in three days time.” He met her eyes seriously, “So that’s how long I’m giving you to make the right decision and accept my offer.”

  Hope. That tiny, morsel of hope died a cruel and unusual death. He snuffed it out as quickly as it had sprouted.

  Three days. She only had three days. Three more days and then…

  “If you don’t change your mind and accept my claim on you, I’ll kill Maya. She’s of no use to me. I had thought I’d simply wait for her to come of age and claim her instead but she’s too dominant, too headstrong. You’re the one I want. Agree to be my queen and I’ll let her live. More than that, I’ll make sure your true mate dies quickly. Don’t and I’ll torture them both in front of you until you go mad and then I’ll just wait for Nova to come of age to claim her instead.”

  Luna shuddered at the threat. He wasn’t offering her anything. Not really. He wasn’t offering to let her mate live. He’d only said he would kill him quickly. But he wasn’t Luna’s concern. Not really. She could live without her mate if she had to but she couldn’t live with knowing she was the reason her sister was tortured and murdered right along with their parents.

  A tear slipped down her cheek and she made no move to wipe it away. Maddox smirked. That smug smile of his made sense now. He knew she was out of time. He knew when her mate would come for her and he’d kill him. But worse than that, he knew she would never leave her sisters to his cruelty. Either Maya died and Nova was forced into a claim with this psycho or Luna took it on herself and kept her sisters safe.

  Was there even a choice left?

  “Oh, and just to sweeten the pot. I’ll tell you who your mate is if you want. Wouldn’t want you saying I didn’t give you all the information to make an informed decision.”

  Pain made her eyes meet his. The only reason he’d offer to tell her who her mate was now was to hurt her. He wanted to torture her some more.

  “I don’t want to know.” She blurted out.

  He smirked, “Too bad.”

  Maddox pushed himself up off the stool and put it aside like he always did when he was readying to leave. But he moved a little slower than he normally did, she noticed. Was he hurt? He’d obviously fought her mate tonight and he hadn’t walked away as unscathed as he wanted her
to believe.

  “Michael Hudson, Alpha of the Moirae pack even though he was last in line for it. Strong wolf. Smart wolf. I’d commend him on knocking his brothers out of their rightful inheritance but I won’t get that chance. He’ll be dead soon so it doesn’t really matter.”

  Luna whimpered as her wolf clawed at her again. Her wolf howled and cried out at the thought of losing her mate, even if she hadn’t met him yet. She knew the name. She knew he was a good man. He was a good Alpha. But he couldn’t save her.

  She would never meet him. Never get to know him. Never mate and make pups and have a family with him. He would die and he would be just another name she had to add to her list because it would be all her fault.

  Her cheeks were wet and her eyes were blurry when she glanced back up at the monster in front of her. She was crying, she realized. Crying for all of the things she’d lost. All she still had left to lose. But not this. She wouldn’t let anyone else die for her. Michael Hudson, her mate, couldn’t save her but just maybe she could save him.

  “Okay.” She sniffled.

  Maddox paused, “What?”

  Confusion flashed in his gaze, as if he hadn’t truly expected her to speak. He’d thought she would cower and cry until the last minute. But he’d known what her answer would be and when the confusion turned smug and knowing she broke and stared at her bound wrists and ankles instead.

  “Okay.” She forced the words that would mean her own doom out, “I’ll accept your claim if you swear not to kill anyone else.”

  A slow, evil smile spread across his handsome face and Luna fell into the pit of despair that had been trying to swallow her whole for weeks.


  To Be Continued…

  Coming Soon

  Unbelievable Faith

  Book 2 in the Fated Mates Duet

  Fate can be cruel.

  Luna DeLuca has lost everything except for her faith in herself. Kidnapped, tortured and threatened by a male that’s already killed half her family, she knows the only way to save the other half is by offering herself up to him. To save her sisters, she’s willing to do anything, even accept a claim from a male that isn’t her mate, a mark on her soul that will ruin her forever. But if this is what her family needs, what her pack needs, she’ll do it to save them all.


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