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Down & Dirty_Zak

Page 12

by Jeanne St. James

  “Just shut up and fuck me.”

  Zak’s hips jerked, and he chuckled. “You got it, babe.”

  He shifted until he had her knees pinned to her chest with his. Then he slammed her until her hips bucked wildly underneath him.

  The harder he fucked her, the louder she got. He wouldn’t be surprised if they heard her wailing all the way downstairs and over the music, too. But he wasn’t going to stop her. No way.

  Best. Sound. Ever.

  He curled his body over her until he could shove his face into her neck, inhaled her scent as she squeezed and pulsed around him.

  “That’s it, babe,” he murmured against her neck. “Give it to me. Give me everything. Fuck, gonna lose it soon.”

  He sank his teeth into her neck and she arched it back, crying out. “Zak, I’m coming.”

  Sweetest sentence he ever heard in his life. And it was coming from his babe’s mouth. “That’s it... squeeze me tight,” Zak said against her ear. “Christ, you’re so fuckin’ wet.”

  When the ripples started around him, clenching and releasing his cock, his balls squeezed and he let go inside her with a grunt.

  After a moment, he dropped lower, still trying to keep his weight off her. But he didn’t want to, he wanted to cover her, wrap her around him tighter, feel her damp skin against his.

  He pressed his forehead to hers, trying to steady his breath.

  “Baby,” she said with a satisfied sigh, her eyes closed.

  He stilled and sucked in a breath. “Babe, look at me.” She opened her eyes, meeting his. “You just call me baby?”


  “Yeah, you did.”

  “You imagined it.”

  “No way.”


  He tipped his chin. “Babe.”

  “Yes, baby?” she teased softly.

  He smiled, then slid out of her to fall to her side, gathering her close. “Yeah,” he breathed, satisfied with her response.

  A moment later, he rolled away from her with a groan. “Let me get rid of this. Don’t move.”

  He didn't have to worry about that, there was no chance of her moving. He’d pounded all the bones right out of her body. Sophie’s eyes tracked the way his muscles moved under his heavily tattooed skin as he walked to the tiny bathroom attached to the room. She wondered how many of the other rooms had a private bathroom like this.

  Then, she wondered whose ass was nicer, his or Diesel’s? She let out a little snort at her pervy thought. She rolled onto her side, facing the direction he went, and propped her head on her hand while she waited.

  When he came back out sans condom, she couldn’t pull her eyes from his lean, cut body. The man did not let himself go while in prison, no, he didn’t. She opened her arms when he got closer and he climbed onto the bed right into them, pulling her tight against him.

  A little sex and she’d totally lost her damn mind. Never in her life did she think she’d be cuddling with some tattooed, ex-con, badass biker. Even if he was a sexy one. In fact, her friends and family back home would probably want to commit her if they knew.

  But they’d never know. She’d make sure of it. She’d enjoy a few hookups with him, then get back to concentrating on building her business, making it a success. He’d probably get bored soon anyway, move on to his next conquest. There were plenty to choose from downstairs, and she was sure there were more who would jump at the chance at being a part of a club of all alpha men.

  While she appreciated an alpha male, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to be stuck dealing with one on a daily basis. They were too bossy, too controlling, too possessive. Too everything.

  Though, she had to admit, some of his bossiness turned her on. Some. Not all. Some frustrated her, too.

  She tended to be the domineering one in her past relationships. Which usually didn’t bode well for said relationships. So, she could appreciate a man who would stand up to her, give it back to her as good as she gave it. She didn’t have any respect for a man who acted like a whipped dog, but still—



  “You’re squeezin’ the shit out of my arm. Everythin’ okay?”

  She tried to focus on his face which was just inches away. She softened her grip on his bicep, slid her hand down his arm, and as soon as she got close to his, he intertwined their fingers together. He lifted their clasped hands to his lips, kissing each of her fingers. That’s when she realized he was missing something most of his “brothers” wore.

  Jewelry. Lots of silver. Turquoise. Brass. Chunky rings on almost every finger. Earrings in one or both ears. Medallions and pendants hanging on chains and cords. He had nothing adorning him except his tattoos.

  Which was perfectly fine with her. She was never into men who wore jewelry, even badass stuff. Not that she ever had a bona fide badass before.

  The man studying her with the beautiful blue eyes was her very first.

  “No rings. No necklace. Nothing. Why don’t you wear them?”

  “Used to. Had to take them off when I went inside. Just haven’t pulled them back outta storage. Most my shit’s at Ace’s farm. Haven’t had a chance to get out there. Only got out a couple days ago, remember?”

  How could I forget?

  “But you normally wear that type of stuff?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah. Why?”


  “Ain’t nothin’, babe. You don’t like it?”

  It was her turn to shrug.

  “Don’t matter to me, either way, Soph. You don’t like it, won’t wear it.”

  “Really?” He’d change one of his biker ways for her? No.

  “Just one ring that’s important to me, anyhow.”

  “Please don’t tell me it’s a wedding ring and you’re married.” Jesus. That never even crossed her mind.

  He laughed and dragged a finger along the hair falling across her face, tucking it behind her ear. “No. Got no ol’ lady. Well, I’m wrong. Now I do.”

  “If you’re talking about me, I’ll have you know, I’m not an old lady. I’m only thirty-three.”

  He feigned shock. “You’re thirty-three?”


  “Damn, you’re old.” She shoved him and he chuckled. “You’re older than me.”

  She stilled and her eyes shot to his. “What?”

  “Yeah. Got me beat by a year.”

  Her breath returned. “Oh. A year isn’t much.”


  “What?” She laughed. “No.”

  “Yeah. That’ll be your biker bitch name,” he teased. “Cougar.” He did a bad impression of a growling cougar.

  Sophie rolled her eyes. “Biker bitch. Never.”

  “Yeah. My ol’ lady.” He pointed a finger at her. “You.” Then he pointed the finger at his own bare chest. “Mine.”

  Grunt. Grunt. Chest Pound.

  “You don’t own me.”

  “The day you wear my cut, I do.”

  “I have no idea what a cut is.”

  “My colors.”

  She shrugged, still confused.

  “The leather thingy with the patches I wear over my shirts.”

  “That grungy vest is called a cut?”

  “Not grungy.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “It’s not,” he insisted.

  Sophie snorted. “Stinks, too.”

  “You sayin’ I stink?”

  “That dead cowhide with those dirty, grimy pieces of cloth stuck to it does, yes.”

  Zak tangled his legs with hers, quickly flipping her over onto her back. He rolled his weight over her to pin her to the bed. He stared down at her. “So, you want me to wear it every time I’m fuckin’ you. That what you’re sayin’?”

  “Every time? You think there’s going to be a next time?” Her voice lifted at the end until almost a squeak.

  “Sure of it. This is the third. There’ll be a fourth. Maybe in a few minutes.”

sp; “Huh.”


  “So freaking cocky.”


  “Okay, so why is this one ring important to you?”

  “It was my granddad’s.”

  “One of the bikers who started this club.”

  “Yeah. How’d you know that?”


  “Bella’s breakin’ you in.” He sounded way too satisfied with that fact.

  “I doubt that’s why she told me. I was curious about the club.”

  “You can ask me anything. Just don’t always expect an answer. Won’t tell you club business.”

  “Why not?”

  “Babe,” he simply said as if that should answer it all.

  “Because I’m a woman?”

  “The way it is.”

  “I can’t understand why the women all put up with it.”

  Zak lifted his shoulders. “We give good dick.”

  Sophie’s breath stuck in her throat for a moment. Then it rushed out of her when she laughed. “What?”


  She shook her head, a tear popping out with how stupidly funny that statement was. “You all give good dick, so that’s why they stick around and deal with your archaic ways?”


  “Holy shit,” she murmured. “Seriously. That’s hilarious.”

  “But true.”

  “Sure it is. You want me to test it out?”

  “Fuck no. You don’t touch any other brother down there. An’ they know better than to touch you.”

  “Is that so?”

  His jaw got tight and his eyes hard. “Yes, Sophie, that’s so. You don’t fuck around with another brother’s woman. Not if you wanna live.”

  “Loyalty’s important then.”

  He didn’t answer, instead he dropped back to her side and threw an arm over his head, staring at the ceiling. “We do things differently. Our own rules. Our own justice.”


  “Don’t fuck with another brother, Sophie. I’m tellin’ you now. Won’t be good for you. Won’t be good for the brother.”

  His voice sounded hard, serious. And she realized just how serious since he was using her actual name instead of his normal easy-going “babe.”

  He turned his head and pegged her with his gaze. “Got me?”

  She sighed. “Believe me, there’s no chance I’m sleeping with anyone downstairs. I shouldn’t even be sleeping with you.”

  His eyes softened a little. “We haven’t slept yet.”

  She whacked his arm. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, babe, I do.”

  Back to “babe.” Her relief at that disturbed her.

  “Bella tell you my dad and brother are cops?”

  Sophie pushed up onto her elbow and stared into his face. His eyes flicked to her then back to the ceiling.


  “Yeah,” he answered on a sigh.

  Well, that was a twist she didn’t expect. And he didn’t seem too happy about it. But then, she was sure the feeling was mutual. She wondered what it would be like to be on one side of the law while your son was on the other. Had to be tough, maybe eat at you.

  “Well, that’s… Tell me how you became a biker then. What made you choose this way of life?”


  “What do you mean? You just said your family aren’t bikers. They’re cops, which are far from bikers. Different end of the spectrum.”

  “Not that far. My granddad, Bear, was a Vietnam vet. Came out of the war in the early seventies and started this club with a soldier buddy named Doc, Ace’s dad. So, it’s in my blood. It’s in my father’s blood. My brother’s, too.”

  “But they resisted.”

  “Not entirely. They belong to an MC, too.”

  She shook her head. “How can that be?”

  “They both belong to the Blue Avengers. A cops’ MC.”

  “Cops have a biker club?” She was having a hard time wrapping her brain around that new piece of information.

  “Yeah. Not uncommon.”

  “I never knew that.”

  “Have to remember, babe, cops are part of a brotherhood. An MC is a brotherhood. Goes hand in hand.”

  “Guess they’re not outlaw bikers, but in-law bikers.” She snorted. Though Zak didn’t laugh. Whatever. She thought it was funny and clever.

  “Mitch, my dad, wanted to keep free of the outlaw life. Especially after his pop got killed. My uncle Rocky embraced it. Also wanted revenge. But now he’s doing life inside because of it. So is Doc.”

  “That’s not a way to live.”

  “No, it’s not. That’s why my generation of brothers, which includes my cousins, have worked hard to pull us outta that life. Make it legit. Can’t afford to lose any more of us to the concrete box above ground or the one below ground. Just gotta keep Pierce on board.”

  “Pierce,” she echoed.


  “I remember. Why wouldn’t he be on board?”

  “Prefers the old ways.”

  “Murder and mayhem?”

  “Somethin’ like that. Eye for an eye. Retribution. Revenge. Reckonings.”

  “They never did anything about you being set up yet, though, right?”

  “Didn’t say that.”

  “So, they did?”

  “Didn’t say that.”

  “If they didn’t, will they?”

  “Club business, babe. Not for your ears.”

  “Yes, because I’m a silly woman.”

  “Didn’t say that, either.”

  Sophie blew out a noisy breath and flopped to her back, deciding the ceiling must be interesting to stare at, since he was staring at it so hard.

  As she studied the stained drop ceiling over the bed, a thought rushed her. One of the local cops stops in the shop on a regular basis ever since she opened its doors.

  “What’s your brother’s name?”

  “Axel.” His eyes narrowed. “Why?”



  “Nothing. Such a unique name. You said he’s a cop, right?”

  Gah. She was stumbling over her words. And Zak didn’t miss anything.

  “Babe, just had that conversation.”

  “I know, I’m just trying to wrap my head around it.”

  She didn’t want to tell him that his cop brother was a regular at the shop. Didn’t want to? Hell, she wasn’t going to.

  “And how’s your relationship?”


  Not. Good.

  She had a suspicion that Axel stopped in because he was interested. But she wasn’t telling Zak that. It could be he was just being friendly. He certainly was nice to look at. She rolled to her side, studying Zak’s face. Why hadn’t she noticed the similarity?

  Maybe because Axel’s hair was cut super short and more military-like, while Zak’s was on the longer side. And the beard… Had to be the beard, too. But the blue eyes. Yes, she could see the resemblance.

  He always came in for her red velvet cupcakes with the cream cheese icing. He’d only buy one because he said he needed to stay in shape. And even under that uniform with his Kevlar vest and his duty belt, she could see he was fit. And hot. Can’t forget that part.

  Plus, she got the joy of watching him eat it. Lick the icing from the top in a way that made her squirm.


  She had actually hoped he’d ask her out on a date. Especially after she noticed he didn’t wear a wedding ring. In fact, she made sure to keep red velvet cupcakes in the display case every day.

  That was Zak’s brother.

  Shit. Guess that date was out of the question now.

  Because that would be just weird.

  Wouldn’t it?


  She should have been more forward with him. Asked him out for a date. Because maybe if she had been dating Axel, this may not have happened.

  Though, Zak hadn’t aske
d any questions before hauling her ass upstairs two nights ago. If she had been dating Axel, it might have put a bigger rift in their relationship after his brother fucked the woman he was dating. It might have been a little worse than a rift. It might have turned into a war.

  And she would have been the cause of it.

  Apparently, the brothers had similar tastes.

  “What are you thinkin’ about?”

  Shit. Uh… “Round two.”

  A smile spread over Zak’s face, his eyes darkened, and his expression looked hungry. He rolled over her, pinning her wrists above her head. “Can do, babe. Top or bottom?”

  Chapter Ten

  Sophie carefully extracted herself from Zak’s sleeping embrace. Surprisingly, the badass biker liked to spoon. Every time she had shifted throughout the night, he shifted with her. Not one minute had gone by where he wasn’t touching her in some way. Could be he was worried she’d slip away during the night.

  She padded to the bathroom to take care of relieving her bladder, then quickly returned to his bed. She glanced at her cell phone sitting on the nightstand. 3:30 AM. At least the loud music finally died down. She imagined the clubhouse common area was littered with bodies sleeping or passed out and was sure the rooms upstairs were full, too. She couldn’t miss the hooting and hollering, the moans, groans, and curses through the thin walls throughout the night. Which meant others had heard her and Zak, too.

  Her cheeks bloomed with heat at the thought. Though she had no reason to be embarrassed, at least they hadn’t had sex on the bar or a pool table in front of everyone. Now that would be embarrassing.

  Mumbling, Zak’s hand came out from under the sheet to curl around her naked hip. She looked over her shoulder at him. He still seemed to be sleeping since his eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted as he breathed steadily. She should leave. She really should.

  But to be honest, she liked falling asleep in his arms after their third round of getting down and dirty last night.

  Down and dirty. Zak told her that Down and Dirty ‘til Dead was the club’s motto, that the founders had come up with it way back when the club was established in 1974. A long time ago. This club had deep roots in this town. Although, she couldn’t understand the appeal of the lifestyle, the club was, in a sense, its own community. Had its own laws to live by. Any issues amongst the members, they handled it internally. Club business never leaked outside their membership. If it did, it was serious and would be handled as such.


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