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Revealing the Diane Collier Erotic Romance Collection

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by Diane Collier


  The Diane Collier Erotic Romance Collection

  Diane Collier

  Copyright 2012

  Copyright © 2012 Diane Collier - All rights reserved.

  This Kindle book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.


  Clark’s Control

  Christmas Wish

  The Cabin at the Lake

  Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

  Time For A Change

  Clark’s ControlI’d been working at the same insurance company for about five years and had gradually climbed the promotional ladder. After starting there as a basic administration clerk, I now held a post where I ran a department. It wasn’t a bad place to work. If you could ignore the managing director, that is. Tony Clark was a middle aged, balding executive who considered himself to be god’s gift to women and I loathed him.

  I was due to meet with him that afternoon to complete an appraisal. I was looking for another promotion and it rested solely on his judgment. I was nervous and had tried to boost my confidence by dressing to kill, hoping that a little bit of harmless flirting and pandering to his ego would swing his vote in my direction. We all knew about his reputation as ladies’ man, and I was quite prepared to use my feminine wiles to get the promotion and substantial increase that went with it.

  I have to admit that I felt very sexy in my black linen suit with a knee-length skirt. I was wearing black lace underwear in anticipation of going home to my husband later that evening. For some reason, he was always very turned on by my ‘executive’ look. I think he secretly wanted me to dominate him, but was not willing to ask.

  About fifteen minutes before I was due to meet Mr. Clark, my phone rang. I’d been deep in thought, mentally preparing myself for the appraisal and answered somewhat abruptly. “Jenny Payne.”

  “Clark here,” His response was in a crisp voice. “I need to postpone your appraisal for a couple of hours. I’ll see you at six? Not a problem is it?” This was a statement, not a question. I wasn’t really being given a choice.

  “That’s quite fine Mr. Clark. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see you at six.” Somehow I managed to hide my annoyance. It would mean getting home well after dark, incurring yet another lecture from my husband Bruce about how my job was taking precedence over our marriage. The reality was that he would probably be more annoyed that he had to make dinner. I always expected him to be more understanding, since he worked for the same company and knew what Clark was like.

  I dialed the number for his department and waited. Bruce was in charge of the security for our complex, so it wasn’t unusual for him to be on two calls at once, while having a couple of people lined up to see him. Finally he answered.

  “Hi babe,” I said, trying to smooth the way. “How is your day going?”

  He groaned quietly into the phone. “Not too bad, until Clark decided to change all the shifts around. I’m going to be here until at least nine tonight.” I pictured him rubbing a hand across his jaw, trying to erase his tiredness. He sounded as annoyed as I felt.

  “I don’t know what the hell he’s thinking. I’m going to have to stay tonight too. He’s pushed my meeting back until six, so I’ll probably only get home at eight or so.” Bruce wasn’t always happy that I sometimes worked late, but I knew from his lack of response that he was distracted. I could hear someone in the background trying to get his attention.

  “Gotta go baby,” he murmured into the phone. “See you at home later. Order some Chinese or something later.” Then he was gone. I dropped the phone back into its cradle and carried on with my work.

  The afternoon dragged and the staff left in drips and drabs as time went on, until finally it was six and the cleaners arrived to do their tasks. Half an hour later and I was still waiting. From my office I could see that Mr. Clark’s door remained shut and I presumed that he was in a meeting. After much pacing, finger tapping and fidgeting, another hour passed and still no Clark. I was about to go and knock on his door when I heard the elevator door open and Clark stepped out. He made his way between the work stations and made as if to go past my office. I heard him stop a few paces past then he stepped back and peered in.

  He was wearing a white polo shirt and blue jogging bottoms. “Ms. Payne.” It was a statement. “Squash match went on longer than anticipated. Bring yourself through to my office.” I didn’t know if I was more annoyed at the fact that I’d been sitting waiting for him to finish playing squash, or that he wouldn’t acknowledge my marital status. After all, I’d been married for three years already, and it was common knowledge.

  Nevertheless, I covered up my frustration and dutifully followed him to his office. I watched him sink into his leather chair, partially hidden by his excessively large mahogany desk. I took a seat opposite him, in a matching leather visitor chair.

  He sat forward slightly and flicked through the pages of a file. He reached for his glasses and slipped them on.

  “Right young lady. Important appraisal, this one.” There was nothing like stating the obvious, or making me feel like a schoolgirl in front of the headmaster. At twenty eight, I considered myself to be past the ‘young lady’ stage.

  “Personal manager,” he muttered to himself. “Personal manager.” He rubbed his chin with his fingers as if trying to memorize the words. He removed his glasses and laid them on his desk. Sitting back in his chair, he looked at me again over his steepled fingers. “You know there are two of you after this position?”

  “Yes sir.” My competition was Anna Something or other. I didn’t know her well, but disliked her anyway.

  “Now, both you and Miss Booth have the same qualifications and working experience. Since I’ll be working very, very closely with the individual, I need to ensure that the successful candidate is entirely suitable for the position.” He pierced me with a look. “I have one concern with you Miss Payne.” He leaned forward and I shifted slightly in my seat, uncrossing and re-crossing my legs. I saw his eyes following my hands as I adjusted my skirt and smoothed it down. “You’re married.” Again, this was a statement.

  “Yes, I am.” I breathed in deeply, forcing myself to remain calm. “May I ask the pertinence of that to this particular position?”

  “Simple. Commitment.” His tone was condescending. “Miss Booth has proven her flexibility and willingness to accommodate and comply to my needs and demands thus far. I feel that being married may… hold you back.” I wanted to speak but he didn’t stop there. “A lot of travelling, exhibitions, conferences and so on. A lot of time away from home. How will your husband feel about that. Sometimes short notice to assist me with entertaining clients. Will he be jealous of the time you spend with me?”

  I was slow to answer as I tried to formulate a diplomatic answer.

  “I need a one hundred percent commitment from you. Convince me of that and the job could very easily be yours.”

  I sat forward in my chair, my hands resting on the seat beside me. From the direction his eyes went, I was pushing my breasts forward, revealing my cleavage to him. I didn’t sit back, allowing him to ogle my breasts.

  “Mr. Clark, my husband Bruce encourages me in my career. He has never had a problem with the amount of overtime I already do, and will certainly have no problem in the future.” Not all of this was true, but I wanted the promotion. There was still a look of doubt on Clark’s face. “If you’d like to confirm this with him you could call him. He’s working late and will still be in his office.”

  He p
ondered this for a moment, then reached for his phone and dialed my husband’s extension.

  “Clark here,” he barked into the phone. Bruce must have answered him. “Got your wife here. Doing her appraisal for the promotion.” Again, Bruce replied. “Yes,” Clark said, nodding. “You can keep an eye on her at least.” He nodded to the CCTV cameras near the ceiling behind me and I turned to look. I saw them moving slightly and heard a slight noise as they zoomed and rotated.

  Clark was talking again.

  “What do you think of her possible promotion?” Again he nodded and grunted in response to whatever Bruce was saying. “Right. Thank you.” He replaced the receiver.

  I shifted in my seat, wanting to know what my husband could have said to my boss. Clark watched me through narrowed eyes.

  “Your husband says he’ll support you. He knows how much you want the promotion and the extra money.”

  I felt my face flush. I was annoyed that Bruce would have mentioned the money. Yes, we were in debt, but he shouldn’t have spoken to Clark about it.

  “Miss Booth has shown her commitment on several occasions.” Slut! I thought to myself. I’ll just bet she has. “She realizes that the success of the position relies quite heavily on making my life and job less stressful. Avoiding confrontations and so on.” Clark pushed his chair back from the desk and beckoned to me. “Come here Miss Payne.”

  I didn’t move. I saw him raise a thick dark eyebrow and beckon me again. I straightened my skirt as I stood and tried to appear casual as I walked around his desk.

  “Sit on my knee,” he ordered.

  “I beg your pardon?” I thought I must have misheard him. “Did you just ask me to… sit on your lap?” I gave a small laugh. I must be losing my hearing.

  “Yes Miss Payne. Sit. On. My. Lap. Not a complicated instruction.” He looked and sounded annoyed.

  I stepped closer and perched right at the end of his knee with arms folded. I could smell the soap from his shower after his squash game. His arm pulled me closer, almost unbalancing me.

  “That’s better,” he said, sounding smug. “Now, dial your husband’s extension and pass the phone to me.” I spun my head to look at him, shocked at this. “He already knows you’re on my lap. Dial.”

  I remembered the cameras and did as I was told. I leaned towards his desk and dialed Bruce’s number, passing the phone to Clark. His arm was still around me, his hand gripping my hip firmly.

  “You’re watching.” Again, it was not a question but a statement. He knew that Bruce would be watching closely. I was sitting close enough to hear Bruce’s muffled voice and what seemed to be angry and aggressive words. “Take it easy,” Clark ordered. “You don’t want to harm her chances at this promotion do you?” Clark smiled at Bruce’s response. “I thought not.” It didn’t take a genius to work out Bruce’s response. “As you can see, she is only sitting on my knee at the moment.” As he spoke, he swapped the phone to his other hand and settled his free hand on my knee. “How committed are you to her promotion?” Again I could hear my husband’s muffled response, sounding a lot calmer now. As he spoke, Clark’s fingers were moving on my knee, pushing my skirt higher. I didn’t move.

  Bruce said something else to Clark and I saw his eyes flicker to the cameras. “Your wife is a lovely girl.” His palm rubbed along my stocking, further up my thigh. “Such a lovely body. Nice and firm.” He paused and looked down to where his hand had discovered that I was wearing stockings and not pantyhose. “Ah.” He sighed. “Would you believe that she’s wearing stockings and a suspender belt?” His hand shifted my skirt higher to see more. “Very nice,” he said approvingly.

  I could feel myself blushing. Clark was abusing his position of authority and I was just sitting there and allowing it. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

  “Does she wear them often?” he asked my husband, grinning at me like a predator. “I agree. The professional look certainly suits her. Excites me too.” He looked at me directly then. “Wouldn’t you agree Miss Payne?” I couldn’t ignore his erection any longer. It had been pressing against my thigh for the past several minutes. “Well?” he prompted. I nodded in response and he pressed the phone to my ear. “Tell him,” he ordered.

  “Yes,” I said into the phone. “He’s excited.” Clark gestured for me to take the phone from him.

  “Let me show you just how excited I am.” He nudged me off his lap and stood up to pull his pants down. His cock was thick and hard, jutting straight out. He sat back into his chair and looked at me smugly. I realized my mouth was open in shock. “Tell him,” he ordered me.

  My mouth was dry and I was trying to speak. Bruce spoke quietly into the phone instead. “Is his cock big?” He sounded a little subdued. I couldn’t believe that his only thought at that point was how big the other man’s shaft was.

  “Big enough,” I replied as I watched Clark slowly stroke himself.

  “Is it turning you on?” my husband asked.

  “What a question!” I responded angrily.

  “Jenny, answer me. Does it?”

  I was silent for a long time and then, “Okay. Yes it does!”

  Clark held out his hand to take the phone back. “Payne,” he barked into the mouthpiece again, then fell silent as he listened to Bruce. His eyes roamed over my body as I stood before him, his expression lustful and leering. I imagined that my husband was now telling him that it was over, he was to stop whatever he was trying to do to me. To say I was surprised at the next bit was an understatement.

  With a leering grin on his face, Clark nodded at me. “Your husband says you should take your blouse off.”

  “What?” I couldn’t hide the astonishment in my voice.

  “I believe he’s proving his commitment young lady. Let’s not disappoint his effort.”

  I was backed up against the hard wood of his desk by then and looked down at him. He was clearly enjoying his power trip, his arousal thick and stiff in his hand as he stroked himself slowly. At the same time, I was aware that my own husband was watching me on the surveillance cameras. I realized then that what I’d said to Bruce was true. I was inexplicably aroused by the whole situation. I could feel the reluctant dampness between my thighs and knew that my panties would be soaked.

  “Ask him,” Clark spoke impatiently, pushing the phone back into my hand. I hesitated for a moment, thinking about the whole thing.


  “Yes?” His voice sounded rough, hoarse.

  “Have you seen Anita Booth recently?”

  He hesitated before replying. “Yes.” I turned to look into the cameras, to remind him that I was still his wife and he’d better answer properly. I raised an eyebrow in question. “She was in the office with Clark. They were fooling around.”


  “She was… sucking him.” My husband sounded embarrassed to admit this. I didn’t answer him. I handed the phone back to my boss, avoiding eye contact. My fingers trembled as I slowly unbuttoned my blouse, revealing my cleavage and lacy black bra. Only when the shirt slid off my shoulders to the floor did I look into his eyes. The smile on his face said it all. I was struck by the fact that I was being watched by two men, and just as Clark was stroking himself, my husband probably was too.

  “Take off your skirt.” This time I didn’t hesitate to comply with the instruction. “Yes, I see that Payne,” he spoke to my husband again, his eyes moving over every part of my lingerie-clad body. He spoke to me again, telling me to hold the phone and step closer. I did as I was told. With his hands on my hips, he pulled me onto his lap again. He rested his chin on my shoulder as he whispered in a gruff voice into my free ear, “He’s enjoying this as much as I am. You know that don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I replied, trying not to picture my husband masturbating in in his office while breathing heavily over the monitors. I could hear his breathing through the phone.

  Clark’s hand settled on my inner thigh and I heard him sigh with pleasure. As mu
ch as I hated to admit it, the feeling of his hand gliding up my thigh, along with the sound of his and Bruce’s heavy breathing in my ears, was really good. When his big warm hand reached my bare flesh, a shiver went up my spine.

  Without any preamble, he pulled the wet crotch of my panties aside and his thick fingers brushed across my hairless puffy lips. I arched my back involuntarily, sucking in my breath.

  “You like that Miss Payne.” I nodded. “Tell him. Go on, tell him.”

  I cleared my throat as his fingers continued to play over my pussy, opening me up and advancing slowly into my wet cavity. “Bruce,” I said breathlessly.

  “Yes, Jen? What? Tell me what he’s doing to you.” His voice was low and rough, like he was barely holding back.

  “He’s…fingering me…and it’s…” As I hesitated, Clark pushed his two fingers deep inside me, filling my pussy and making my nipples harder. “Bruce…it feels…good.” I could barely think, let alone speak at that moment. I was now completely in Clark’s control and he knew it. His other hand was against my ass, holding me in place while he probed me and I couldn’t move, even if I wanted to.

  When he moved his thumb to rotate around my clit, I let out a loud moan, letting both men know just how good it was for me. I could still feel Clark’s cock against my thigh, hot and stiff, occasionally twitching. The sensations were rippling through my body and I felt like a helpless rag doll.

  “How’s that feel?” he asked me, smugly.

  “I…I…” I was finding it hard to talk.

  “Should I stop Miss Payne?” He started to withdraw his hand, sliding his fingers from my slick pussy.

  “No!” I blurted out, gripping his wrist and holding him in place, preventing him from moving away. “Please. Don’t stop.” I didn’t care that my husband could hear this exchange. My pussy was tingling and his fingers felt so good inside me as he resumed his actions.

  “So, you like me fingering you.” I felt his tongue against my ear, licking and probing.


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