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Revealing the Diane Collier Erotic Romance Collection

Page 3

by Diane Collier

  Debbie pulled her scarf closer, smoothed her short blonde hair and rang the bell. Moments later she was being pulled inside, hugged, examined from head to toe, hugged again and felt like she was finally home again. Sandra’s delighted squeals brought Joe and Penny to greet her and once again Debbie was enveloped in the loving warmth of that she’d missed for so long.

  “You’re just in time,” Penny was saying. “Joe and I are just finishing up the dinner so you have about five minutes to settle. Put your bag down, change if you want to and then we’ll see you in the dining room, okay?”

  Debbie couldn’t resist giving Penny another hug as she smiled and thanked her.

  “Oh, don’t be silly sweet girl,” Joe was saying. “You’ve been away too long. We’re all glad you’re home now. Now scoot along and get your room sorted out. Sandra, help her carry her bags will you.”

  Chattering the whole way, Sandra led her to her old room. They were so alike in so many ways, yet totally different in looks. Where Sandra was tall and curvaceous, Debbie was shorter and almost skinny. While Sandra had been developing hips and breasts as a young girl, Debbie hadn’t. Sandra envied her ability to eat anything she liked without gaining weight, but Debbie would have gladly spent the rest of her life on diet if it had meant she had the stunning figure of her friend.

  “Bradley’s home you know,” Sandra warned her with a knowing look. Debbie frowned at her and then smiled warmly.

  “Great. With Anna?” she asked in a lackluster voice.

  “Anna?” Sandra looked at her quizzically. “Babes, you need to read my emails once in a while. I told you about two years ago that she’d bailed on him. She was involved with some guys at school and decided that Bradley wasn’t exciting enough, or smart enough or rich enough or whatever. Last we heard, she was knocked up by one of them and had dropped out of school about three months before getting her degree. Thank god! I’m glad Bradley’s rid of that witch.”

  Debbie couldn’t speak. He wasn’t married? He was single? He was free?

  “Did I ever tell you that I missed you?” Sandra laughed and hugged her again. “Let’s go eat dinner. The parents have been so excited that you were coming home, they’ve made all your favorite things.” Arm in arm they left the room.

  Debbie stood in the dining room door way for a moment, enjoying the family bustle as Penny and Joe brought the various dishes to the table, bossing Sandra around and feigning exasperation with each other. Suddenly she felt herself being picked up and spun around. Squealing with surprise, Debbie heard Brad’s voice in her ear.

  “Ah, little Skinny Minnie. I didn’t see you there. I nearly tripped over you!” Bradley teasingly laughed and deposited her back on the floor, helping her to steady herself. Brad grinned at her, “Welcome home Minnie, we’ve missed you.”

  “You have? I missed home too you know. I’m glad I came back.” She smiled shyly at him. Feeling a little bewildered and overwhelmed, Debbie let herself be led back into the dining room and sat at the table.

  Yes, she knew he was home, but hadn’t thought as far as sitting across the table from him for dinner. Suddenly she couldn’t eat without spilling, drink without making a noise. She felt self-conscious and awkward. She’d made herself believe that she’d only encounter him the next day and had hoped for that extra time to be able to prepare herself mentally for the meeting.

  Dinner was just like old times, with Brad and Sandra teasing each other and Mr. and Mrs. Parker exchanging loving looks while indulgently chastising their offspring. After dinner was over and the table had been cleared, Penny declared it was photo time. Amidst the familiar groans and complaints, she managed to get them all into the lounge and directed and arranged them all for picture taking.

  “Hey guys, you know I’m going to take the photos, whether you cooperate or not,” Penny laughed. “You have a choice you know. You can do it smiling or you can do it crying. Either way, I’m getting my pictures.”

  Debbie laughed at the familiar refrain. Penny’s photography hobby was a source of pain for the entire family, but they all knew that the sooner they let her have her way, the sooner Penny would be done. Ten long minutes of posing later, they were done. When they all got up to follow Penny to the computer to see the results and select which ones got deleted, Bradley pulled her aside, holding her arm tightly and whispering into her ear.

  “So, Minnie, have you been naughty or nice?”

  She closed her eyes as she felt the shiver down her spine. Forcing herself to be strong, she pulled away.

  Her voice was strained. “I heard about Anna, and I’m sorry.” Feeling like an idiot for her response to him, she stormed out of the room and left him standing there. Why oh why couldn’t she be more sophisticated and flirt back? Why was she always such a serious little mouse around him?

  The atmosphere between them was strained for the rest of the evening, but no one else seemed to notice. She was aware of every time he looked her way, but she wouldn’t make eye contact with him or speak to him directly. Finally, when they all started excusing themselves for bed, she was glad of the respite and made the break to her own room where she lay tossing and turning after a hot shower, unable to sleep.

  The house was dark and silent as she walked on tiptoes into the kitchen for a drink. Bypassing the soft drinks, she reached into the fridge for a beer. Not being a big drinker, she thought that maybe it would relax her enough and she’d be able to get to sleep. She stood staring out of the kitchen window as she took long sips of the cold beer. Thinking about Bradley and her response to him made her uncomfortable. She didn’t want to start down that road now otherwise she’d never fall asleep. A small noise behind her startled her and she spun around tucking the empty bottle behind her back, expecting to see Sandra.

  It was Bradley and he looked good enough to eat, standing there in his boxers and a tee shirt, his hair ruffled.

  “What’re you doing?” he questioned in a soft gruff voice, his eyes raking over her, taking in her pajamas.

  “Nothing,” she sounded as guilty as she felt. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Me either. I can smell beer,” he looked at her quizzically until she finally showed him the empty bottle, putting it onto the counter beside her.

  “You’re drinking my beer. You party animal you, standing here in the dark sneaking a drink.” Brad chuckled. “You’ve changed since the last time I saw you.” He opened the fridge and took out a beer for himself. “Another?” he offered. Debbie shook her head. One was plenty for her.

  “How’ve I changed?” she asked, curious. She still felt exactly the same as she always had. She felt like the naïve, gauche school girl that had a crush on her best friend’s older brother. Dreaming of him and sighing over him but never brave enough to tell him.

  His eyes raked over her, making her body heat up as she realized that he could probably see straight through her cotton sleep shirt.

  “You’re all… grown up. I feel like I don’t know you anymore.”

  Debbie looked away, trying desperately to quell the butterflies in her tummy. “That’s what happens when we get older. Growing up.” She sighed softly. “I don’t think I’m that different though. Inside. I’m still the same girl.”

  Leaning back against the sink, she folded her arms across her chest and watched him in the shadows. “Have you changed?”

  “I suppose,” he took a swig and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Bradley took a step towards her, almost touching her but not quite. Suddenly she was aware that he was only wearing his boxers and she was in her sleep shirt. He reached a hand up and gently touched her spikey blonde hair. “When did you cut your hair? I remember it being longer. And darker.”

  She tried to move away but couldn’t. “Years ago.” She nervously fingered the hair in the nape of her neck. “It’s too short, I know.”

  “No,” his voice was gruff. “It suits you. It’s really sexy.” His face was close to hers. Too close. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek
and smell the beer and toothpaste. If she turned her head slightly…

  “What are you doing?” she whispered as his lips brushed hers.

  “I don’t know. Making up for lost time?” His lips moved over hers gently, teasing and tantalizing, as if he was testing her. The kiss suddenly became harder, his lips moving over hers until she opened her mouth to him. Her natural response was instinctive. Her stomach flip-flopped with desire and she knew the solitary beer had nothing to do with it. Somehow she found herself wrapped in his arms, and soon had her own around his broad shoulders. Bradley lifted her easily and seated her bottom on the edge of the kitchen counter, stepping between her legs.

  Debbie clung to him, unwilling and unable to stop what was happening, even though she knew it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. She could feel the evidence of his desire pressed against her hot core, causing her to melt further. Her flimsy lace panties were no protection against his rigid lust. His hands were all over her, cupping her ass, her breasts, and yet she didn’t care. Nothing past that moment mattered. She’d dreamt of him doing just this, she’d longed for it and thought it would never happen. She wanted to have this moment, even if it meant regret in the morning.

  His fingers were moving between her legs, rubbing her through her damp, lacy panties and she arched against him, wanting more. He moved the fabric away, and suddenly his fingers were inside her, probing and filling her. His thumb rotated around her hard little nub and she exploded. The orgasm ripped through her without warning, almost making her cry out. Bradley held her tightly, kissing her deeply through it. When Debbie finally stilled, shocked at her response, he leaned back, searching her face.

  “We shouldn’t have done that,” he whispered, frowning.

  “No. We shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s not like that. I shouldn’t have done it, is what I meant.” His voice was filled with regret.

  She felt herself flushing, not sure how or why she’d gotten into this situation with this man. She’d promised herself she’d stay away from him and now this. And now he was sorry he’d kissed her and touched her? The ache in her chest made it a little hard for her to breathe.

  “Umm… I should go. To bed, I mean.”

  “Don’t. Let me explain.”

  “Bradley, there’s nothing to explain. Forget it please. I need to go to bed now.”

  Bradley stepped back allowing her to slide off the counter, but didn’t try and stop her that time. She glanced up at him quickly, trying to gauge his mood and only saw a pensive look on his face, almost surprise.


  “Sweet dreams Minnie.”

  Bradley lay in bed thinking about her. She wasn’t his kid sister’s skinny friend anymore. She was cute and sexy and oh so responsive to him. He’d always had a thing for her, but felt it was wrong to hit on her. Even when she’d made big cow eyes at him all through high school, worshipping every stupid word he’d said. Even way back then he’d wanted her like nothing he’d ever believed.

  He’d avoided getting involved with her, knowing that it would only end up painful and awkward for both of them when it ended.

  But that kiss!

  It had happened by accident, he hadn’t planned any of it. She’d been so sexy standing there, the faint light from the garden lighting her silhouette through her nighty. He also knew that she hadn’t felt or responded like any other girl he’d been with. She’d been so eager, so ready for him, opening herself up for him. He knew she’d wanted it as much as he had. Her almost instant climax told him so.

  He groaned as he felt his own body responding again to the recent memory of her and knew a long hot shower was the only way he’d get past this so that he could get to sleep. Finally, relieved and released, he fell asleep, trying to think of a way to win her over and show her that he had genuine feelings for her.

  The following morning was a hectic rush in the house. Everyone had last minute things to attend to. Sandra and Debbie had some gift shopping to do, and had arranged to have a quick lunch with some friends in the mall. Mr. and Mrs. Parker had left earlier to attend to some errands and Bradley announced that he was going to see some friends.

  Debbie did her utmost to put Bradley out of her mind as she wandered through the mall with Sandra. For a short time she succeeded, but the moment Sandra left her alone, arranging to meet up later, she couldn’t help herself. The memory of him kissing her and touching her the night before came flooding back, washing over her and leaving her feel weak. Her response to him had been so quick, so sudden that she had been shocked. She was no virgin, but this was something new for her. To be so wet, so hot, so quickly was a surprise.

  Now that he’d told her he regretted it, she knew that staying away from him altogether would be the best thing. As she stood there, absently holding on to a scarf she was buying for Mr. Parker, she felt a warm breath on the back of her neck and then a gentle kiss followed. Jumping with shock, she spun around, ready to confront the pervert that had dared to attack her in public.

  “YOU!” she almost yelled. Realizing how loud she’d spoken, she toned it down to an angry whisper. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Bradley stood in front of her, grinning like a fool. “Saying hello?”

  “Normal people use words. Like ‘hello’. Try it sometime.” She was angry with him, with herself. She was angry at the response she felt looking at him, how warm and fuzzy she felt inside. Happy almost. She knew that if he’d asked her, she’d have followed him into the changing room to make out with him and she was annoyed with herself for it.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked playfully.

  “My aim is good. I seldom miss,” she joked back. “What are you doing here? I thought you had plans with Mike.” She stepped around the clothing rack so that it was positioned between them, protecting herself.

  “I did. I’m done. Now I’m here.” He grinned.

  “A man of few words. Thanks. So, why are you here? With me?”

  “I wanted to see you Debs. I think we should talk.”

  “I disagree,” she lowered her eyes. “I think that we should just both forget that it ever happened and carry on like before. No one can know about that.” She looked at him pleadingly, wanting him to agree to just leave it be. She needed to have the space to get over it.

  “Really? You felt nothing then?” Bradley challenged her.

  “Well… I…” Debbie stammered. “Obviously…” She couldn’t finish and felt herself blushing, as she looked anywhere but directly at him.

  Bradley laughed. “That’s not what I meant.” He leaned closer, keeping his voice low so that no one else in the store could hear him. “I know what you felt last night. I was there, remember? I felt what you felt.” He was reminding her of where his fingers had been at the time.

  She remembered her orgasm again, vividly and felt the heat and ache in her groin.

  “I can’t do this Bradley.” She needed to be away from him. She needed time to think and come up with some kind of plan that would keep them away from each other without the rest of the family finding out.

  He reached over the clothing rack and placed his rather large warm hand over her small cold one and looked at her intently.

  “Don’t leave now. Let’s find somewhere to talk. A coffee shop or something.” He thought he could hear the desperation in his own voice and hoped it was only him that could hear it.

  “Later,” she said, hoping to deflect him from his mission. “I’m meeting Sandra in about five minutes and I still have a ton of stuff to do.”

  “Later?” he queried.

  “At home? We’ll find somewhere to talk,” she half promised him. Maybe he’d forget. Maybe they’d be so busy that there wouldn’t be time. After all, they were expecting company for dinner that night and the house would be crowded and busy. People would be milling around and no place would be quiet or available. Oh god, she hoped he’d forget.

  Bradley cocked his head to the si
de and gazed at her with narrow eyes, as if testing her trustworthiness.

  “I will make a point of it Debbie. I am not going to let you keep putting it off,” he assured her before walking away.

  Her shoulders slumped as she pondered the mess she was in. All she had to do was avoid him for two days and she was home free. Tomorrow was Christmas, and she was leaving the day after that. Then she could start again, putting him back into the little filing cabinet in her brain, marked ‘Do Not Open’.

  Lunch with their old friends was pleasant, catching up on each other’s lives and relationships. Because they weren’t driving, they each indulged in some Chrismassy type cocktail that was on special, and then it was time to return to the Parker home. Sandra looked at her questioningly when she offered to take both of their purchases to the gift wrapping service in the center, knowing that it would take hours of waiting in the queue, but declined Debbie’s offer.

  Debbie mentally kicked herself for her obvious eagerness not to return home. Would it really be such a major issue for the two of them if they had a quick, quiet fling? Her best friend’s brother? It would only be for a couple of days anyway, and he certainly seemed keen, despite having told her that it was a mistake.

  Mistake. That was the key word, she reminded herself.

  She’d had enough of keeping secrets, especially the one about her feelings for Bradley, and by getting physical with each other, sleeping together, it would be even worse. He was right. It was wrong to get involved with him. She was leaving in a couple of days, he’d forget about it soon enough. He’d forget about her soon enough and lives would go on as normal.

  What she meant by ‘normal’, was that she could lick her wounds in private and cry as much as she wanted without anyone guessing what was wrong.

  Later that night, party over and all the guests departed, Debbie was standing under the hot soothing shower. I should sneak over to Bradley’s room, she thought to herself. The thought of offering herself to him filled her with butterflies and heat. Having convinced herself that a little part of him was better than nothing, she’d tossed out all her previous arguments quickly, deluding herself for the moment that she’d be okay with a quick hot affair with him.


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