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Revealing the Diane Collier Erotic Romance Collection

Page 5

by Diane Collier

  Julia stiffened. Pulling herself up to her full height, still considerably shorter than him, she faced him, still stark naked. “Let’s get one thing straight here, Brett. You are not the boss of me. You have no say in what I wear, or don’t wear. If I chose to spend the rest of the day naked, it’s none of your damn business. If I decide to go to the fucking shops naked, it will still have nothing to do with you. So… shut… up… and… mind… your… own… fucking… business.” The last part was accompanied by her finger poking his bare chest.

  She turned away before he could see the tears glistening in her eyes and this time picked up her wrap and tied it around herself before she carried on packing. She’d opened her heart to him, sort of, and all she got in return was rejection. Well, fuck him, she thought to herself. He’d regret it one day.

  In the meantime, the tears plopped onto her blanket as she bent over to pack it away.

  Brett stood watching her, grinding his teeth in frustration.

  Back at the cabin, Julia tidied, making room for the drinks and snacks that Roland would be bringing back with him. They’d planned a party for the next day, a kind of farewell to Roland as he left for his new job.

  Brett finally made his way back up to the little house and stood outside listening to her throw things around. Nothing was breaking which was a good sign… unless she’d already destroyed all the breakables before he’d gotten there. He smiled to himself. She was a feisty, volatile woman. Even as a child, she’d been passionate about everything and her enthusiasm was contagious.

  He dropped his cooler onto the wooden porch and stepped into the open doorway.

  “Is it safe to come in?” he asked.

  Julia ignored him, choosing instead to open the small refrigerator and make space for any perishables that Roland would be bringing back. Brett leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed, and watched her. She’d showered and pulled on a sundress since the beach and her hair was damp as it hung down her back. She was beautiful, even without makeup and he felt that same old stirring in his loins as she clattered around the kitchenette.

  The cabin really was tiny, one open plan room with an adjoining bathroom. There was a small fireplace on one wall with a cluster of sofas around it. Each sofa pulled out into a sleeper, for anyone who needed to crash for the night. In a cupboard against the other wall were rolled up sleeping mats, sleeping bags and pillows. As much as their mother hadn’t wanted them to take over the cabin, she’d gone out of her way to make sure they had all the things they needed.

  Julia suddenly looked at him, glaring. “You can wipe that smirk off your face.”

  “I’m not smirking, I’m smiling. There’s a difference. And, before you ask, I’m smiling because, for some odd reason, I feel happy.”

  She snorted and turned away. “Wash your hands and come and help me. You might as well be useful.”

  He took her bossy instruction in his stride and was soon standing beside her, washing dishes while she dried and packed away. As he finished up, drying his hands on a towel, his phone beeped.

  “Roland,” he explained as he read it. “He’s got some last minute stuff to do and won’t be finished until late.” He’d also invited Brett to meet him in town later for a beer. Without saying anything to Julia, he replied declining.

  Julia was checking her own phone. “Yeah, he’s taking all the food and drink home and will bring it out tomorrow morning.” Julia stood with her hands on her hips and looked around. “I guess I’ll just stay here tonight. I’ve got everything I need anyway.” She looked across at him.

  Brett felt his heart beating faster. This was his chance. If he dared. “Well, I’d planned to stay too, when I thought Roland was going to be here.” He paused.

  “You can stay. There’s plenty of space and besides, it’s just silly to make that long drive home and then back again in the morning.”

  When Brett got out of the shower, Julia had started making supper for them so he helped. Since they had no TV at the cabin, they sat reading their books after eating, while Julia played some music from her iPod.

  Brett still couldn’t concentrate on his book and finally closed it, dropping it onto the floor next to him.

  “You make me crazy, you know,” he finally blurted out, startling her. “You sit there on the beach, naked and think I feel nothing. Now, here you are. Sitting there on the couch.” He realized he was just ranting and nothing made sense.

  “Huh?” she looked at him with a small smile, confused.

  Brett coughed into his hand. “Sorry. Let me start again.”

  “Please do.”

  “Right. I’ve been thinking about what you said on the beach earlier.” Julia was sitting with her knees up, propped against the corner of the couch. She rested her elbows on her knees now and looked at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. “I like you too Jules. More than just like you, but I don’t know how it will work between us. I don’t think your family will be happy about anything between us.” He stopped, realizing just how weak his argument was.

  “Okay,” she said slowly. “So you like me, I like you but you don’t actually want to be with me? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Yes. No. Fuck it. I don’t know.” His mind was in turmoil. She’d been tormenting him since he’d seen her on the beach earlier and the almost constant erection wasn’t helping anything.

  “Okay, then leave it.” She sounded annoyed. “Anyway, it’s late now and I’m tired. Help me pull this bed out please.” She got to her feet and Brett helped her pull out the bed. It had grown cooler as it had gotten darker and he grabbed the pillows and some extra blankets from the cupboard and tossed them onto the bed. “You can sleep there,” she pointed to the other side of the bed, giving him permission to share with her. “I’m sure you’ll be able to control yourself.” The last comment smacked of sarcasm and she stalked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get her pajamas on.

  Brett went in after her and when he came out wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, she’d turned off the light and was already under the covers. She had her back to him as he climbed into the bed and when he whispered good night, she ignored him. He heaved a sigh and lay on his back, looking at the stars outside through a crack in the curtain. It was cool in the cabin, but not cold enough for a fire so the room was almost in total darkness.

  Brett woke up a few hours later, surprised that he’d fallen asleep. He was lying against Julia’s back, his arms around her. Her backside was pressed tightly against his groin and he was cupping one of her breasts in his hand. Her breathing was deep and slow, indicating that she was still asleep. He slowly removed his palm from her breast, instantly missing the contact and wishing he hadn’t moved.

  He tried to move back to his side of the bed, but she kept scooting closer until she mumbled, “’s cold. I’m freezing in here.”

  “Want another blanket?” he offered in a whisper.

  “No.” He could hardly hear her, she spoke so quietly. “Just hold me.”

  Brett sighed then, but moved back. He put his arms around her again and she wiggled until she was pressed against him. He tucked the blanket around her, under her chin, and waited for her to doze off. Unfortunately for him, her wiggling had caused his penis to spring to life again. Nestled against her backside, he lay there, trying his hardest not to move, hoping she wasn’t aware of his erection.

  “You okay?” she finally whispered.

  “Not really,” he answered with a wry grin.

  Without speaking again, knowing that Brett would try and dissuade her, Julia reached behind her and slipped her hand inside his shorts and cupped her hand over his groin. His shaft was thick and hard in her hand, almost pulsing. As she moved her hand slowly up and down, stroking him, he groaned into her hair.

  “You’re killing me.”

  “No, let me do this. I want to,” she whispered.

  Brett couldn’t help but give in to her. He’d been on edge the whole day, frustrated and hard, and
now he sought release.

  “So good,” he mumbled, his blood pulsing in his ears.

  Julia shifted around so that she was lying facing him and used her other hand to pull his shorts lower. She glanced at him, bathed in a shaft of moonlight. His eyes were closed but the look of sheer bliss on his face spoke volumes. She wiggled down under the covers and took him into her mouth. Brett’s hand was on the back of her head, tangled softly in her silky hair as she bobbed up and down.

  “Not gonna take long,” he managed to get out, breathing harshly, as if he’d just run a mile or two.

  Her hand was moving on him, in tandem with her mouth and when she felt him tensing up, she was ready for it. His orgasm ripped through him, pulse after pulse spurting deep into her mouth. Julia welcomed it, relishing finally getting to taste his essence.

  When she surfaced from the blankets, her face was flushed, but she was smiling at him. “Better now?” she asked sweetly.

  He groaned loudly. “Not even close.” He took her hand and placed it over himself again. He was growing harder already, even surprising himself.

  Julia knelt in the bed beside him and without breaking eye contact, she undid the buttons of her top and slid it off her shoulders. Even though he’d spent the better part of the day looking at her breasts, the view took his breath away. Her breasts were perfect, round and not too big. Her nipples were dark and tightly puckered. He reached up to touch her, almost afraid that she’d stop him but she didn’t. She leaned into his caress, wanting more from him and Brett lost the will to fight her.

  She shimmied out of her pajama bottoms and leaned forward to kiss him. His arms went around her back, touching her, rubbing her from her shoulders to her waist to her bottom. He couldn’t believe they were actually doing this. When she threw one leg over him, to straddle him, he felt the wet heat of her womanhood touching his shaft and he surged up under her.

  Julia took him in her fist again, this time drawing him back to position him at her entrance and then slowly, wetly, slid down onto him. For a moment neither of them could move. He could feel her pulsing and clenching around him, and his own response was to jerk and twitch inside her.

  “Oh god,” she breathed out. “I can’t hold back.” Julia started moving over him, slowly swiveling her hips back and forth. “You’ve made me wait so long for this.”

  “Shhh,” he whispered, putting a finger over her lips, then moved to grip her hips. The heat inside her was incredible. She was so slick and tight at the same time, he could hardly hold back and started moving with her. Within moments he heard her panting loudly above him.

  “I’m… gonna…” she started.

  “Go baby,” Brett encouraged her, moving harder and faster inside her.

  “I’m… coming… now,” she cried out, unable to hold back a moment more. Her whole body shook with the effort, her inner walls gripped him tightly as she spasmed around him. Finally it was over. As she relaxed against him, held in his arms, he still penetrated deep and hard.

  “So good,” she said, sleepily. “Now it’s your turn again.” She lifted her head to grin at him through her curtain of hair.

  Brett smiled back tenderly and lifted her slowly off him. Laying her out her back, he knelt between her slender thighs and positioned himself.

  Many long moments later, he was arching his back as he thrust deeply into her. His body quivered as they climaxed, together this time. Panting, trying to recover enough to move, Brett could feel her heart pounding against his chest. She was just as affected by this as he was, and it made him happy. He really did have feelings for her and wondered how they’d be able to make it work.

  They fell asleep, naked and satiated, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  The sound of the cabin door opening woke them. Brett lazily opened one eye and peered into the light to see who it was. Roland! His blood ran cold as he realized the scene as his friend must see it.

  The two of them, clearly naked, were together in bed.

  “Hey,” Roland called as he kicked the door shut behind him.

  “Hey,” Julia replied, her voice gruff with sleep.

  Roland had his back to them as he deposited some bags on the kitchen counter. Without turning around he addressed them.

  “Did I just see correctly? You two, naked in bed together?” His voice seemed loud in the little cabin.

  “I can explain…” Brett started speaking.

  “No,” Julia said to him putting her hand on his arm. “Roland, this is none of your business. Yes, I’m your baby sister but in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a baby anymore. Thank you for your concern, but I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’ll be outside,” he growled and left the room, giving them a chance to get up and get dressed.

  Brett spoke to her quietly while they were still alone. “You need to know something.”

  “What’s that Brett?” she sounded annoyed.

  “I don’t do one night stands. What happened between us, that whole thing yesterday and last night, that’s been brewing for a long time.” She’d finished pushing the bed back into couch and stood listening to him. “Yes, I have feelings for you, more than just liking you. I think we have something real.” He waited for her response.

  Julia looked at the floor, then out the window but didn’t speak for a while. Finally, her voice catching, she responded. “I’m glad. I know it’s not always going to be easy, but I really want to see where this goes with us. I’ve never felt like this before, never had such a connection before and…” she broke off on a small sob.

  Brett took two steps towards her and held her in his arms, offering her comfort. “I’ll go speak to Roland.”

  Outside his friend was pacing. Brett walked across the small patch of grass and stood next to him. “I’m sorry you walked in on us like that.” His voice was quiet and serious. Roland needed to know that he wasn’t just using his sister for a quick shag.

  “I didn’t expect anything to happen between us. Not ever, you have to know that. It wasn’t planned.” Roland snorted. “Seriously bud. I’ve always liked her, she’s awesome. Funny, kind, happy, passionate. She’s just…” He’d run out of steam.

  “Perfect?” Roland asked.

  “Perfect,” he agreed. “I… I think I love her, man.” He was shocked at his own admission. He did love her!

  Roland was smiling at him. “Bud, she’s my sister. I don’t want to know what you guys get up to, but she loves you too.”

  “How do you know,” Brett demanded.

  “Bud, chicks write shit on everything. She’s been writing your name in hearts for years.”

  Brett grinned and headed back to the cabin. This was working out just… perfectly.


  Good Fences Make Good NeighborsThe warmth of the early morning sun soaked into Lee’s skin as she lay on the lounger in her garden. Relaxing naked next to her pool, she was exhausted after a long week at work and sighed as she felt her body warming up. It was almost the financial year end and everyone at the office was running around in a panic, making sure that everything was in order for the auditors when they arrived. Her boss was demanding, expecting everyone to put in overtime at a moment’s notice and it had taken its toll on her now.

  As she lay there, a cool breeze fluttered over her, making her nipples grow hard. She savored the light tingling feeling and she began to drift into a light doze. Her mind wandered over the events of the last week, her boss, her job, her home... until her thoughts became daydreams.

  Her neighbor and friend for the past five years, Travis, had recently helped put up a privacy fence for her. It kept the pool area private enough to allow her to swim or tan naked without any of her other neighbors being able to see her. Not that she did it often, but now that she had the privacy…

  Behind her closed eyes she recalled how he’d looked as he worked beside the other people she’d hired to do the job. She recalled his muscular arms, how they flexed as he’d dug and set posts for her fence. In
her mind’s eye she could see the muscles rippling in his back as he bent over to dig or place posts. The memory of seeing him shirtless and glistening with a hard-earned perspiration turned her insides warm and pulsing with need.

  She missed the intimacy of having a man in her life. Using her accident five years earlier as an excuse her husband had divorced her, leaving her to battle though alone. They’d been married for such a short time, and so young too, that she could hardly blame him for running. There had been problems between them long before he left though. At one time she’d suspected he was having an affair and had been in the process of finding out more but the accident had put a stop to it and then it had become a moot point anyway.

  There were times, not often though, that she was grateful things had worked out this way. She’d been a passenger on the bike that had been sideswiped by a car, and the only one injured. Her ex-husband had walked away without a scratch and she’d had a very bad break around her knee. Months of having a cast, then having it pinned, and then physical therapy had been hard for her. She’d lost her job but the insurance payout she’d finally received had been enough to carry her through as well as put a big down payment on her house.

  She was mostly fine now, suffering only from the occasional pain and limp, and owed it all to her own determination. The physical scars that remained reminded her of her strength and she’d grown to accept them.

  In the background of her daydream she could hear Travis working in his own garden, singing slightly off-key. The familiarity of it soothed and comforted her.

  Travis had moved into his house at about the same time as she had moved into hers and he’d put his own unpacking on hold when he’d seen her struggling around on crutches. He’d moved, arranged, unpacked and cooked for her then, and they’d become firm friends. She confided in him about her accident and the end of her marriage and he’d reciprocated by eventually opening up to her about his own marriage and finding his wife in bed with her boss. Neither of them had been ready for anything more than friendship.


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