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Lucky Strike

Page 6

by M Andrews

  I crawl over her, kissing every inch of her perfect body. Tracing my fingers along the lines of the tattoos that embellish her left arm. I remember every afternoon we spent at Rudy’s Tattoo Parlor getting our sleeves done like it was yesterday. Each sparrow, each peony on her arm representing a moment in time when we were at our happiest. When the world was ours.

  Resting my hands on either side of her head, I hover keeping her locked in my gaze as I slowly push my length inside her, filling her to the hilt. She’s so warm and tight. She feels better than I had remembered. That night in the club happened so quickly I didn’t have a chance to savor the moment. Now that I get my redo, I’m going to enjoy every thrust, every moan that falls from her lips and every pulse of her orgasm.

  “Ryder fast...” She starts to say but drifts off as I sink deeper inside her. Her pussy milking me to go deeper.

  “Shhh. Just be in this moment with me. With us. Feel how perfect we are together.”

  I sit up pulling her with me. My fingers tangling in her hair and pulling her head back in a hard tug of my wrist. A tiny gasp escapes her lips as my tongue glides up the nape of her neck to her beautiful full lips. My hips snapping hard, driving my cock deeper into her tight little pussy. Her nails digging into my shoulders. The delicious sting of pain ignites a deep fire inside me, forcing me to go harder.

  The bed creaks beneath us as the headboard bangs against the wall. Lucky’s screams of pleasure echoing through the tiny room. Her pussy is throbbing and pulsates around me. Her body begins to shake her release taking her over. God damn she looks so fucking sexy when she comes. Her green eyes glow dark with lust. Her little whimpers and moans continue as I pound into her are the most incredible thing I’ve ever heard. She holds me tighter against her as I work myself to the brink. Her pussy milking me for all that I have until I’m blowing my load into her giving her what she needs.

  We sit in the middle of the bed still tangled in each other coming down from our high. I sweep away a few stray strands of hair from Lucky’s eyes. Her breath calming and I can tell she is still in a blissful daze.

  “See how good we are together. This is how good it can be all the time.”

  Two hours later Lucky and I find ourselves standing in awe outside the large two story white Victorian house, that as kids we only dreamt about seeing.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually standing outside Mikey’s house.” Her face erupts into an enormously excited smile. I haven’t seen her smile like that in years.

  “You know what we have to do, don’t you?” She gives me a sideways glance as she grabs the hem of her T-shirt.

  “Truffle shuffle,” I reply with a smirk.

  “Truffle shuffle!” She cheers. We both lift up our shirts and start to shake and dance around.

  I freeze in my spot when I hear Lucky laughing. She looks like the happy, carefree young girl that used to truffle shuffle in my living room when we were kids. I haven’t seen her this carefree since she came back from San Francisco seven years ago. Lucky stops and turns to see why I’ve stopped dancing.

  “What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks

  “It’s just I haven’t heard you laugh like that since we were kids,” I reply.

  “I’ve laughed plenty of times since then, weirdo,” she scoffs, smoothing her shirt back down.

  “Not like that.”

  “Whatever you say, crazy. Now come on, we have more places to see. I want to see the jail where the Fratelli brothers escaped.” She grabs my hand and pulls me back down the path to the car.

  The sun is beginning to set when we finally make our way down to Cannon Beach, where the Goonies started their adventure. We spent the rest of the afternoon touring around Astoria. Seeing the jailhouse and the diner where Chunk sees the car chase with the Fratelli’s and the cops. It was an amazing afternoon and was good to see Lucky smiling and laughing again.

  We make our way down the sandy beach, stopping at the water’s edge. I move behind Lucky and wrap my arms around her, and we stand quietly watching the rays of orange and red dancing across the ocean. It’s like a fucking dream.

  “Thank you for today, Ryder. I really needed this.” She softly smiles, resting her hand over mine.

  “Anything for you, Lucky,” I say, then kiss her cheek. I know she needed this day but so did I. Once we get back to Seattle time will start again. And the potential of Jackson showing up only grows with every mile we get closer to home. I just hope if he does show his face again, Lucky will have the strength to let him go and choose me. Which means I need to make damn sure I give her a reason to fucking stay.

  “We should be getting back to the hotel, we have to get back on the road in the morning.” I start to pull away but Lucky stops me.

  “Wait, we should make a wish before we go.” She reaches into my coat pocket and grabs out two pennies.

  “Lucky, if you haven’t noticed this is the ocean, not a wishing well.” I chuckle.

  “No shit, Ryder. What I mean is that since we didn’t get a chance to make a wish in the wishing well from the movie, we could, at least, make one here.” Lucky closes her eyes and holds her coin in her hand as she silently makes her wish. Once she’s done, she opens her eyes again and launches the coin out into the ocean.

  “What did you wish for?” I ask lifting a curious eyebrow up at her.

  “If I tell you it won’t come true.” She grins then looks down at the coin in my hand. “Aren’t you going to make a wish?”

  “I don’t have to, I already got my wish.”

  “Oh really, and what wish was that?”

  I close the gap between us, leaning into her ear I whisper, “You are my wish.”

  As the miles tick by I can feel the knot in my stomach growing bigger and bigger. We are just twenty miles outside of Seattle. Twenty miles until I have to face the music with Lucy and Brooke. Things went better than expected with Ryder, but who’s to say I will have the same luck with them. Brooke maybe, she and Brian are the reason Ryder started looking for me again. Lucy, on the other hand, can hold a grudge like a motherfucker. She still brings up the time I ripped the head off her Barbie doll when we were eight. She might never forgive me for walking away from her and our friendship.

  “Are you okay?” Ryder asks from the driver’s seat.

  “I was until we started getting closer to home. I wish we could have stayed in Oregon.” I let out a saddened sigh resting my head against the window, watching the trees go by. “I left Brooke at one of the biggest moments of her life. She got married and had a baby and I don’t even know what she had.”

  “She had a girl. They named her Ella, and she’s the cutest little kid on the planet. And baby number two will be here in three months.”

  “And now I feel even worse. What kind of person just abandons their best friend when they need them the most? I am a heartless human being.”

  “That’s enough!” Ryder shouts. “Look, you fucked up, but everyone makes mistakes. I let my guard down and my best friend got shot and he almost died. The guilt almost ate me alive but instead of letting it kill me, I manned up and faced my mistake head on and made things right with Brian and me. Now it’s time you grow a fucking pair and face your mistakes and fix it. You have a chance that not many people get in this lifetime, so don’t fucking waste it.”

  I’m taken aback for a moment, it’s been awhile since Ryder has had to kick my ass. But I know he’s right. Not many people get a second chance and I can’t let it slip away from me. I made things right with Ryder, and now it’s time for me to put my big girl panties on and stop running and hiding and get my two best friends back.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you, but this pity party you’re having is not you. I know this emotional shit is hard for you, and I know if given the choice you’d much rather jump out of the moving car than face Lucy and Brooke. Which is why I’ll be by your side to help you through it.” Ryder rests his hand on my knee, tenderly rubbing my bare skin.
His rough hand sending a reassuring calm through me.

  “Don’t be sorry, you’re right. You always are in these cases, and as much as it pains me I did promise no more running. I know I can do this as long as I have you.” I slide my hand over his, lacing our fingers together. As long as I have Ryder I know I can get through anything. I just have to resist my urge to run.

  We pull up to Brian and Brooke’s house as Ryder kills the engine. I get a flash of Brian’s excited face the morning before I left when he came to the coffee shop to tell Lucy and me he got Brooke her dream house. I wish I could have been there to see Brooke’s face when Brian gave her the keys. Just then I’m hit with an overwhelming urge flee.

  Ryder gets out of the car first then jogs around to my side to open my door. He holds his hand out for me. Just sliding my hand into his gives me a jolt of confidence.

  As we walk closer to the door, I can see Brooke through the living room window sitting on the floor with Ella and they are playing peek-a-boo. Brooke looks positively happy, unlike when we first met almost three years ago when she first moved to Seattle. She always looked so sad and lost, but now that she has Brian and a beautiful daughter she’s beaming with joy. Marriage and motherhood suits her.

  The moment we step up to the front porch Lola jumps up in the window, barking loudly. Fucking crazy ass dog has always hated me. Brooke looks over and spots us through the window. My heart begins to beat rapidly when I see her get up from the floor and walk to the door. I squeeze Ryder’s hand tighter when I hear the deadbolt click open. My breathing stops the moment the door opens.

  Brooke comes into view, she’s dressed in black leggings and a red and white plaid shirt and I can see the faint signs of a baby bump beginning to show. I meet her big blue eyes, the tears beginning to well up in them, just as they are in mine. Brooke crosses the threshold and envelopes me in her arms and that’s when the tears start to stream down my face. My hand falls from Ryder’s and my arms wrap around Brooke.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I chant over and over again. It’s the only thing I can get to come out.

  “Shhhh. It’s okay, I’m so glad you’re home.” Brooke gently rocks me in her arms.

  Ryder sneaks past us and heads inside the house to give Brooke and me a little space.

  “I’m sorry for running away like I did. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve felt so empty without all of you.” I sob into her shirt. The emotions flooding out of me. It feels both painful and freeing.

  “Ryder told me everything that happened that night and I understand, sweetheart.” She pulls away and cups my face in her hands. “No more tears. Your home now and you’re safe. That is all that’s important.” She gives me a warm smile and hugs me again.

  “How is it that you are so forgiving?”

  “It’s because I love you, and I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. I also believe people deserve second chances. But if you ever pull that shit again, I will punch you in the clit,” she warns. My thighs clenching at the mere thought of her doing that.

  Don’t ever piss off Brooke.

  “I promise this will never happen again. Now can I meet your beautiful little girl?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Brooke grabs my hand and leads me inside. Ryder is sitting on the floor with Ella in his lap, making silly faces at her. Brooke lets go of my hand then scoops up Ella into her arms.

  “Ella, this is your Auntie Lucky. Lucky this is Ella Faith.”

  She hands Ella to me. Ella looks up at me her big brown eyes studying my face. She is so damn cute in her little red and white plaid jammies, that match Brooke’s shirt and her big red bow headband.

  “Oh my God, Brooke she’s beautiful,” I say before giving her a little kiss on her chubby little cheek.

  “We call her Brian’s mini me,” Ryder chimes in walking up behind me.

  “If Brian were a girl he would definitely look like her.” Brooke smiles rubbing Ella’s back.

  “It’s a good thing your daddy is a cop because the boys are going to be beating the door down to get a piece of you.” I give her a little grin.

  “Your Aunt Lucky can teach you how to kick the little boy’s asses like she did mine,” Ryder teases.

  “Ry-Ry,” Ella mumbles, reaching her hands out for Ryder to pick her up. He scoops her up and holds her above his head then brings her down to blow a raspberry on her tummy. She lets out a cute little squeal of joy.

  “She certainly loves you.”

  “Those two have become good buddies. Ella loves her Uncle Ryder.”

  It’s cute watching Ryder with Ella. He never really bonded like this with Bailey, Lucy’s daughter. Ella just adores him and it’s kind of sweet. He’s going to be an amazing dad, assuming I can get my shit together enough to give him kids.

  Brooke grabs my arm and leads us upstairs, leaving Ryder and Ella to play while we talk. We walk down the hallway, my eyes quickly glimpsing at the pictures hanging on the wall, ranging from Brian and Brooke’s wedding to Ella’s first birthday. All happy memories I missed out on. The feeling of guilt rushes back. I’ve missed so much.

  We step into Brooke’s bedroom, she closes the door behind us and motions for me to join her in the little sitting area by the bay windows. I slowly walk over, looking around the room. There’s a big king sized bed, covered with large fluffy white pillows and a matching duvet. My eyes catch a glimpse of the painting hanging on the wall above the bed, it’s the painting I did for Brooke after Brian and she were engaged. It’s a painting of them on the beach the day Brooke said goodbye to Jake and gave her heart to Brian. It was a sweet moment and I can’t believe she actually kept it.

  I slump down in the mint green chair next to Brooke. All I want to do is cry until I pass out. I’ve been hit with so many emotions the past few days I feel completely dizzy like I’ve been on a nonstop roller coaster ride. I’ve built so many walls up to keep myself from feeling anything but distrust and anger, that now as these walls have come down it feels like I’m being ripped into two different people. The bitter hate filled Nadine and the newly born Lucky, who doesn’t know how she’s going to navigate her new life.

  Brooke reaches her hand over, gently placing it over mine. “I know the past few days with leaving Mexico and having Ryder tracking you down must’ve been taxing on you. How are you doing with all of this?”

  I can’t hold it back any longer. My eyes open the floodgates and the tears start flowing. I’m sobbing uncontrollably, my breathing becoming more labored. Brooke squeezes next to me in my chair. She wraps her arms around me and rocks me while I cry. This whole not holding back your emotions crap is complete bullshit.

  A wet slobbery tongue sliding across my face pulls me out of my slumber. I crack an eye open and see a massive mound of brown and white wrinkles laying on top of me.

  “Good morning, Spike.” Spike licks my face again before rolling off of me and over to Ryder’s side. Spike and I got to know each other quite intimately last night as he spent most of the night trying to hump my leg. Leave it to Ryder to adopt a dog that’s a bigger horndog than he is. But Spike is a big sweet dog, though.

  I roll onto my side just in time to see Spike practically devouring Ryder’s face with his tongue. “Should I leave you two alone?” I ask with a chuckle. Finding this whole scene quite hilarious.

  “That’s enough, Spike,” Ryder groans, pushing Spike down. Spike moves across to the foot of the bed and nestles between us.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Ryder leans in giving me a good morning kiss then pulls me into his arms.

  “Good morning.” I nestle in closer to Ryder’s massive frame kissing the spot on his chest just above his heart.

  “What time is it?”

  As the words slip from Ryder’s mouth we hear a muffled, “Oh God, I love your cock,” come through our bedroom wall. Damn Brooke’s got some lungs on her.

  “It’s seven.”

  “How do you know that?” I ask.

“Because that scream has come through that wall every morning at seven since the first night I stayed here,” Ryder replies. “How about we give them a run for their money?” Ryder holds me tighter against him and I can feel his morning wood pressing against my stomach.

  He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck, leaving a trail of warm kisses in his wake. I glance up and spot Spike sitting up on his hind legs, his head cocked to the side watching us.

  “Ryder, Spike is watching us,” I say tapping him on the shoulder.

  “He’ll leave once we get going,” he murmurs against my neck.

  I push him away. “I’m not having sex while your weird dog watches us.”

  “Come on, Lucky, he probably just wants to see how a real alpha dog does doggy style.” He tries to pull me back to him, but I push his ass to the floor.

  Ryder’s head pops back up and he gives Spike an evil glare. “What the hell, Spike? You’re not supposed to cock block your bro. The one that rescued you, gave you a home, and three hot meals a day and some fine ass tail to bang whenever you want,” he scolds.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to go get some coffee.” Rolling my eyes, I throw back the blankets and climb out of bed. I slip on one of Ryder’s T-shirts before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

  I turn the corner and see Brian standing there and my stomach does a flip. Brian was still out working a case by the time Ryder and I crashed for the night, so I didn’t get my chance to apologize to him yet. After the flood of emotions I had dealt with seeing Brooke it was good, I got some sleep before talking with Brian.


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