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Amber Reed Mysteries Volume One: Romantic Comedy Mystery Series Box Set (Amber Reed Celebrity Crimes Investigation Agency Mystery Box Set Book 1)

Page 18

by Zanna Mackenzie

  Tina nods and sits up straight in her chair.

  I usher her out of the room and Siobhan offers to make her a cup of strong tea with loads of sugar as I beckon to Bert to follow me back into the room.

  “Take a seat, Bert,” Charlie says, gesturing to the one in front of the computer.

  The footage has now been rewound to when the car pulls up at the gate.

  “Tell me if you recognise anybody on the tape,” Charlie adds.

  We see the car and Candi and then the guy gets out of the car too. Charlie zooms the tape in. First on Candi and then on Daniel.

  “Him!” Bert says, pointing at the screen. “It’s him!”

  “You recognise him from where?” I prompt.

  “That night at the Wheatsheaf pub. The man who was with Ryan and Mitch. That’s him!”

  “I think,” Charlie says with a note of satisfaction in his voice. “We’ve got our man.”


  At some unearthly hour of the morning the police have taken the statements from Bert and Tina. Daniel Parry has been brought in for questioning and is currently in the other interview room.

  The senior officer is waiting to start the interview once Charlie is ready to join him. I wait in the room next door from which I can hear and see what’s going on.

  “We have evidence which places you as being with Joel McKarthy up on the moor on the edge of the quarry a few nights ago,” Charlie begins. “Care to tell us what happened up there?”

  Daniel shrugs. He’s dressed in a suit this time and looks as though he’s about to go out to dinner somewhere posh. Maybe that’s exactly what he was going to do when the police hauled him in for questioning.

  “We have witnesses as well as evidence,” Charlie says, his voice even, looking calm and relaxed as he sits in the chair opposite Daniel.

  “He got what he deserved.”

  Charlie leans forward, placing both elbows on the table positioned between the two men. “And what was that then?”

  “I’m surprised he’d lived as long as he had. The number of people he screwed over. World’s a better place with him dead.”

  I shiver. Nobody knows Joel is dead other than those involved in this investigation. The case is still top secret until the police make their formal statement and then Ennis’ manager will release an official statement from him expressing his great sadness and asking for privacy for the family in their time of grief. If Daniel has just said he knows Joel is dead then that means he did kill him.

  “Thank you for your confession,” Charlie says, leaning back in his chair with a smile on his face.

  For a moment Daniel looks confused.

  “You must have realised the news of Joel’s death hasn’t been released yet,” Charlie explains to him. “So if you knew he was dead…” he lets the sentence hang, unfinished.

  Daniel slams a hand on the table. “I don’t regret it,” he shouts. “I hated his guts. Full of himself he was. Just because his brother is famous he thought he could do and say what he wanted. Get who and what he wanted. He took Candi away from me. We were happy but then she met him and next thing she dumps me, saying she’s with Joel now. He got what he wanted from her. Used her. After he ditched her she didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. Wouldn’t come back to me no matter what I said or did. She still wanted him.”

  “How did you track him down in Palstone?” Charlie asks.

  “Candi was high. She came to see me and said she was desperate to talk to Joel. She said she’d called him, flirted with him and he’d invited her to see him at his brother’s place. He’d wanted nothing to do with her before when she’d tried to contact him but this time he’d said yes. I guess he was as high as she was on this occasion. I agreed to drive her there so I could find out where he was for future reference.”

  “Did you give Candi drugs, Mr Parry? We know you’ve been done for possession before. We also have evidence you’re involved in a recently set up drugs ring.”

  He shakes his head in disgust. “I knew that Ryan couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Idiot wasn’t up to the job but he needed the money and we needed a place out of the way for storage for a few weeks.”

  “How did you know Joel was up on the moors that night?”

  Daniel laughs. “Pure good luck. I was driving to the house to try to get in and pick a fight with him. I’d had enough of Candi whinging on about Joel this and Joel that, all the bloody time. She just couldn’t get him out of her system. It was doing my head in. As I neared the gates I saw him pulling off from the gatehouse in his car with some girl. I turned the car round and followed them. I didn’t plan to kill him but when I got up there I heard stuff, sounds. It was obvious he was getting off with this girl he’d taken up there. I lost it and shouted at him to leave her alone. He appeared from behind some stones and started yelling at me to get away. We argued and I pushed him, he stumbled and fell over the edge.” He shrugs. “Simple as that.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Charlie says, coming out of the interview room twenty minutes later, a signed confession from Daniel Parry now safely filed away. He slips an arm around my shoulder. “It’s been a long night.”

  At my request Charlie drives straight to Ennis’ place and parks outside the guest house. I get out and head for the back door of the main house, Charlie catches up with me, slipping a hand into mine. “Are you sure?”

  I nod. “Yes. I want to be the one who tells Ennis what happened and lets him know the man who killed Joel has been arrested.”

  “It’s highly unorthodox,” he says, frowning. “I’m the one leading the investigation. Normally it would be me who does that.”

  Fixing my best flirty smile on my face I squeeze Charlie’s hand. “You can do unorthodox, Charlie Huxton, I know you can. I know you like to break a few rules now and again.”

  He returns the gesture, gently and briefly squeezing my hand and then nods. “OK go and do it. You promise me you’ll come over to the guest house when you’re done? I think we have some unfinished business to sort out.”

  “I promise.”

  Before I reach the steps to the door of the main house I can see it’s already open and I spot the outline of Ennis, waiting for me, he must have heard Charlie’s car arrive back. He steps aside to let me in and we walk down the hall to the kitchen.

  “It’s over,” I say, hugging him. “It’s all over.”

  I hold him tight as his tears finally fall. My heart breaks for him and I hope and pray one day he’ll find peace from all of this. I wish he was happy. I miss the boy who used to make me laugh, who was my best friend and my first serious boyfriend. In a way I suppose I still love him.

  “Want a drink?” he eventually asks. “I could use a whisky.”

  I nod. “Please.”

  “So come on then,” he says putting a bottle and two glasses on the table and sitting opposite me. “Tell me everything. What happened to Joel?”

  Between sips of blissfully warming whisky I fill him in on everything. He listens, not interrupting. After I finish, the silence hangs heavy in the room for a few minutes.

  “Thank you,” he says, not looking at me. “Thank you for agreeing to do all this for me. I owe you big time.”

  I reach across and place a hand on top of his. “You’re one of my best friends, Ennis of course I’d do anything I could to help.”

  “You and Charlie even managed to get the answers before the police deadline,” he says. “Tomorrow the whole world will know Joel is dead and all hell will break loose.”

  “What are you going to do?” The last thing he needs right now is to be harassed by journalists and TV news crews.

  “We’re leaving,” a voice says and I turn to see Siobhan standing in the doorway.

  Ennis looks up, surprise on his face. “What?”

  She walks over until she is behind Ennis’ chair then she rests her hands on his shoulders and he leans back against her. “I have a friend, she’s an air hostess and away on a lon
g trip at the moment. We’re going to stay at her place until the funeral. The media hounds will never find us there. We need to get away for a while. This whole thing has been a huge strain on us, on our relationship.”

  Ennis pulls one of Siobhan’s hands to his mouth and gently kisses her fingers. “My head has been all over the place. I was so wound up about what happened to Joel I didn’t think to plan for when the police make their official statement.”

  “You didn’t need to plan, I did it for us.” She lifts her gaze to me. “Thank you for helping out. I know it meant the world to Ennis and I’m grateful.”

  I nod, momentarily speechless.

  “Come on,” she says, helping Ennis to his feet. “We’ve got packing to do. We need to be out of here as soon as possible.”

  I stand up. “I’d better go.”

  Ennis kisses me on the cheek and, leaving me totally flummoxed, Siobhan hugs me.

  “Yes. Don’t keep Charlie waiting,” Ennis says with a grin.

  “Oh.” I blush. “I’m not. I mean, we’re not…”

  “I don’t want to know what you two are getting up to,” Ennis says, holding up a hand to silence me. “None of my business. I have however decided I like and trust Charlie now. He’s good enough for you. Siobhan and I will be leaving soon so you and Charlie have total privacy in the guest house tonight. My advice would be to make the most of it.”

  He heads for the staircase but Siobhan hangs back. Turning to me, her voice quiet, she says, “I’m sorry for always being off with you before. I thought…” She pauses, chewing on her bottom lip. “Well I’m sure you know what I thought.”

  “So why the sudden change of heart?” I ask.

  She looks towards the stairs and Ennis’ rapidly retreating back. “Ennis and I had a long overdue chat. I was insecure and I took it out on you. Sometimes I struggle to believe a guy like Ennis is happy with a girl like me. I’m nothing special. I’m not famous.”

  I smile. “You’re special to Ennis, I know you are. He loves you, he’s told me so many a time. You never had any reason to worry about anything going on between Ennis and me.”

  “I know that now.” Her face breaks into a smile. “Anyway, I’ve seen the way you look at Charlie, like all your Christmases are about to come at once.”

  My cheeks blush bright red again. “I do not!” I protest. Then add, “Do I?”

  “Oh yes,” she giggles. “Don’t worry though, I’ve seen Charlie looking at you in exactly the same way!”


  I make my way across to the guest house, wondering what is about to happen. The case is closed. Mystery solved. Charlie will be leaving soon. This past week has been beyond crazy. At times scary and difficult. At others exhilarating and hugely satisfying. I think Charlie and I have made a good team but what happens now?

  As I step inside I see Charlie is sprawled on the sofa, eyes closed. I want to trace a finger down his cheek. I want to unbutton his shirt.

  I want to do much, much more.

  But he’s leaving.

  I walk across to the sofa and lean forward, reaching a hand to touch his cheek and he opens his eyes.

  “You told Ennis? Is he OK?” he asks and I nod.

  “Charlie,” I begin, then stop myself, pulling away my hand.

  He reaches for my hand and rests it back against his cheek. “Yes?”

  Does he want the same thing I want? Does he want us?

  I meet his gaze and see eyes heavy with not just a lack of sleep from the past few days but eyes heavy with emotion and desire.

  This is probably another thing I can add to my already extensive ‘most stupid things I’ve ever done and said’ list but I’m going to say it anyway.

  “I want us to get involved.” I say, holding his gaze. “Do you? Not just pretending this time but really involved.”

  “Yes.” Still lying on the sofa he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my fingers.

  “Can we?” I say.

  He gently pulls me onto the sofa next to him. “We could but you know it would be tricky. With my work, I’m away a lot. How would you feel about that?”

  I shrug. “It’s not ideal but people do manage to have relationships in these kind of circumstances. How long between call up for assignments with the CCIA? On average?”

  “Difficult to say. Sometimes I work back to back on assignments. Other times there might be a couple of week’s gap.”

  “Do you have another assignment to go to now? Any other work you’re committed to in the next few weeks?”

  He shakes his head, watching me closely. “Not yet.”

  “So you could stay for a while? In theory?”

  He nods. “But eventually…”

  “What if I don’t care about eventually? I just care about now.”

  He sighs. “You might end up changing your mind and I don’t want you resenting me for never being around. I’d hate that,” he replies, sounding annoyingly sensible.

  I don’t say anything. Thinking over his words. He’s right. Typical Charlie. What did he say to me that time when I was upset about finding Bert all beaten up? He said you have to stay calm. Stay focussed. Don’t let your emotions get involved even when it’s personal. Right now it looks as though he applies the same philosophy to his relationships as he does to his work with the CCIA.

  “You’ve gone quiet on me,” he says, resting a hand on my knee and gently squeezing.

  “So you don’t want to get involved with me then?” I say, pushing myself upright, away from him.

  He shakes his head. “I didn’t say that.”

  Now is so not the time to play the enigmatic card. Does he want us to date or not?

  “Charlie, for once, please just answer the question with a straight yes or no will you? Do you like me? Do you want us to get involved?”

  I hold his gaze. Determined to get an answer out of him.


  Hallelujah. Finally, we’re getting somewhere.

  “There’s something I want to ask you about though,” he says. “About you and Ennis. What happened back then? Why did you break up?”

  “After university we tried to keep our relationship going but he started getting jobs here and there. Bit parts in TV and adverts with the studios in Manchester and London. I could feel us growing apart but I wanted to stick around just in case there was any chance we might be able to make things work. Pathetic eh? I put my life on hold for him.”

  Charlie shakes his head. “It’s not pathetic at all. It shows how much you cared about him. Did he love you too?”

  “Yes, he said he did. I think he meant it,” I reply. “I know he’s good at his job and acting, but I don’t think he was lying to me,” I add, attempting to make light of things.

  “And after the two of you broke up, what happened then? You still didn’t move away?”

  “No. I’d settled back into life in Palstone by then. Having my friends and family on the doorstep was great. I started working at the pub and the paper, got some savings behind me. Got my little flat. I didn’t want to move away.”

  I close my eyes. Remembering.

  “You don’t regret your decision?” Charlie asks, his voice low.

  “No. Not really. I may have missed opportunities but I like my life.”

  “One more question,” Charlie says. “It’s definitely over between you and Ennis these days is it? I mean, you’ve stayed in touch with each other as friends all these years and I thought he looked annoyed when he found you at the guest house that first morning…”

  “It’s definitely over,” I interrupt. “Ennis is just a friend. He’s with Siobhan and I’ve moved on. Maybe not in terms of location, but in terms of heart and emotions.” I smile at Charlie, still lying back on the cushions. “Why? Were you jealous?”

  He doesn’t answer but he does take my hand again, bringing it to his lips and tenderly plants a trail of feather soft kisses across my palm before pulling me down next to him on the sofa ag


  I wake up alone.

  I can hear kitchen-type noises and get out of bed. One of Charlie’s T-shirts has been laid out on a chair and I presume it’s for me to put on as a nightshirt if I want it. I pull it on and walk through into the main living area. Charlie is making coffee.

  Proper coffee. With filters and one of those fancy machines.

  “Hey, you’re awake,” he smiles. “Thought I’d let you stay in bed. Catch up on some sleep.”

  OK that was sweet, but it would have been wonderful to wake with Charlie next to me to cuddle up to.

  “Want something to eat? I can do some eggs or pancakes, though they won’t be a patch on the ones you made the other day. Cereal? Toast?”

  I’m about to answer when his phone buzzes into life. That bloody phone. He checks caller ID.

  “Sorry I need to take this.”

  I nod and wander across to the fridge in search of orange juice.

  “OK,” I hear him say. “When?”

  I turn around having found a carton of juice and he’s looking directly at me. He doesn’t look happy.

  “Tonight?” he says in an exasperated tone to whoever is on the other end of the phone.

  He flashes me an apologetic look then heads for the back door, letting himself outside to finish his phone conversation in private.

  I dump the juice on the kitchen worktop as my mind starts to whir. Tonight what? A date? A job? I forget about breakfast and the juice, my appetite gone, and head for the bedroom to take a shower.

  I have a feeling I’m in the way. Not a good start to our ‘new’ relationship. Do we even have a relationship? I’m starting to wonder…

  By the time I’m showered and wrapped in a towel and walk back into the bedroom Charlie is sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s swapping his phone from one hand to the other, head down. Hearing me he looks up but doesn’t say anything.


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