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HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)

Page 20

by Sheila Kell

  “We have a large snow storm coming through.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “That will slow down our information.”

  “We’ll make do. It also keeps them from chasing us. So, you can relax.”

  Relax? How could she relax when they wouldn’t even leave the room? They’d be shut up together possibly for days. What happened last night couldn’t happen every day. Raw panic crept its way into her bloodstream, raising her pulse rate.

  “I didn’t think about that.” The sheet slipped down when she’d set the coffee back on the nightstand. She pulled it up and picked up the newspaper.

  He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips and then surged up from the bed. “I’ll cook breakfast. How do omelets sound?”

  “That sounds great.” She observed him as he walked stiffly to the kitchen. That’d been odd. She shrugged. Who knew the minds of men?

  She opened the newspaper and flipped through the pages, wishing she had an article in print. Today she’d write the article she’d promised Kristen. She should have been writing it last night instead of snuggling and then making love with AJ.

  While AJ cooked, she slipped from the bed and hauled her suitcase into the bathroom. She started the shower and waited for the water to warm. Looking in the mirror she noticed the whisker burns and a love mark on her neck. She didn’t regret a thing.

  * * * * *

  Writing the article of her life on the run made Megan truly grasp the seriousness of the fact that people were still trying to kill her. The sick feeling in her stomach worsened with each word she typed. She remembered the terror that had gripped itself around her body when they’d shot up her home. It had been pure luck she hadn’t been killed.

  She had no idea how AJ would react being the major focus of her article. She couldn’t ignore how he’d been protecting her, keeping her alive even when it wasn’t his responsibility. He could’ve left her at the restaurant so she had no choice but to go with his brother and Kate. But he had allowed her to choose. She hadn’t thought to ask him why. One would think he’d prefer to do this on his own.

  If she asked, she’d probably get his usual evasiveness for an answer.

  He’d drawn the line at several things in her article and one had been describing him. Even though Magic Shop suspected they were together, she didn’t need to confirm it. His physical description would have the ladies falling in love. He was gorgeous and a hero. No woman would pass up the article or the man. Jealousy clawed at her with thoughts of another woman wanting him. Good grief, he doesn’t belong to me.

  She had to admit that she’d become attached to him even though she continued to fight it. It wasn’t just the attraction or the way her breath quickened when he neared. When what she now called the ‘fun AJ’ appeared, he was enjoyable to be around. That AJ never stuck around for long. It seemed that whenever he realized he was having fun, the ‘brooding AJ’ returned as if he wasn’t allowed to be happy.

  She stretched, leaning back in her chair. After covering a yawn, she turned to him and caught him staring at her. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. His face may have been impassive, but the desire in his eyes flamed hot.

  “I’m done. Would you like to read it?”

  “Of course.” He gestured for her to move.

  She paced, nervous about what he’d think. Those butterflies now bounced off the walls in her stomach waiting for some response from him. She’d poured a lot of herself into this article. Her experiences only continued to escalate in terms of danger. While that made great copy, it wasn’t so great for Megan’s nerves.

  He turned back to her. “You did a great job. Your boss will love it.”

  She beamed at him. It meant so much to her to have his approval. Her butterflies now had it together and fluttered only for him, for the praise he’d bestowed.

  “There’s only one problem. You made me out to be some kind of hero.”

  Then he chose to yank her down from her floating cloud of joy. Her smile vanished. “But you have been my hero. You’ve done everything to save me. I’d be dead if not for you.”

  He looked away and cleared his throat. “Megan, I’m no hero. I don’t like being characterized as one.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Tough. What I wrote is accurate. You may not think you’ve been my hero, but that article is my viewpoint.”

  What was wrong with him? He’d been nothing but a hero. Was it the term? Did ‘brooding AJ’ think he didn’t deserve such a righteous name? She had to break into that mind of his and learn what made him tick. Most men would be over the moon to be called that.

  He leaned forward, elbows on his thighs. “Megan…”

  “No,” she broke in, waving her arm to stop his words. “The article doesn’t break any of your rules. You dictated what I couldn’t write, but not what I could write. I’m submitting it as it is.”

  Dropping his head in his hands, he let out a long exasperated sigh. “Okay. Submit it.”

  Yes! “You need to show me how to send it securely.”

  “I’ll do that for you.”

  She set her hand on his shoulder sending tingling warmth traveling up her arm and spreading throughout her body.

  A crooked half-smile curved his lips. “Okay, let’s send in your Pulitzer article.”

  * * * * *

  “Kristen, I’m sorry.”

  “I was disappointed when I didn’t receive the article yesterday, but what I just received makes up for it. It’s excellent. The readers will love it.”

  Megan let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d held. Worry that her boss might not like it had left her sitting on pins and needles waiting for a response. AJ had attempted to help her relax with a card game or a movie. She sat only for a minute or two before she jumped back up to pace, every muscle tense, every nerve on edge. “Thanks.”

  “Now, who is this mysterious man you’re with? How do you know that you can trust him? In fact, how do you know him?”

  Her smile collapsed. She wanted to tell her boss, but she’d promised not to divulge anything specific about him. “I can’t tell you, Kristen.”

  A heavy sigh floated through the phone. “I still think you need to come in and go to the FBI. You’re living too dangerously. Let me pick you up and bring you to safety. He can come too.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m staying with him, and we’re not coming in.”


  Why was a really good question. She didn’t trust law enforcement after the protection fiasco. The FBI hadn’t done anything to her. She should trust them. But the more she learned about the Magician, the longer she saw how far his armed reached. “I know he’ll keep me alive.”

  There was a rustle in the background and then another voice came through the phone.

  “Megan, it’s Victoria.” The excitement in her voice didn’t go unnoticed. “Remember the photos you showed me of people you thought might be important?”

  She gripped the phone tighter. Holding her breath, she responded, “Yes.” Could it be? Did she find something?

  “I saw two of them come around. One was that guy you saw murder someone.”

  Great. Damian was more active than she’d hoped.

  “I also have some names.” Victoria’s excitement burst through in her voice.

  Megan moved the phone to her left ear and grabbed a pen. Her blood pumping fast, she couldn’t believe their luck. And now was the right time.

  “I kept hearing the Richards brothers but couldn’t find out who they were. Well, they run the two brothels and the streets. I took some photos that I’d like you to look at in case you see someone you know. Where do I send them?”

  Dang it all to hell and back! This could help them, but she knew AJ wouldn’t allow her to accept another email. She cleared her dry throat. “There’s no way to send it to me. I’ll have to look at it another time.”

  “Oh. Well, I’ll figure it out. If you find something new, please let me know. I
t’s time for us to finish this.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Okay.”

  “Bye, Megan.”

  “Keep in touch with me so I know you’re okay,” her boss said in closing.

  * * * * *

  AJ had finally settled Megan into a bath. If that much worry and anxiety went into getting an article printed, he could live without it. It had taken most of the day for her to connect with her boss. He thought he’d have to give her a sedative.

  After they’d cooked dinner, they talked. Well, she talked. He grunted and turned conversations around, off him as the subject. The woman could ask questions.

  He’d finally convinced her to take a long soak in the tub to relax her tense muscles. And to give him time to think about what to do next.

  Sharing information on the drug operation with her tomorrow would help begin the disruption of Magic Shop’s business. They’d hit him on all fronts. But they’d start slow.

  She’d talked about the girl who worked the prostitution angle. He hadn’t decided what to do with that. His knowledge on that area of business was limited.

  He wanted to trust her with the prison break information, but didn’t want to argue over her publishing it or her doing it behind his back. He’d figure it out. He always did.

  Dropping the curtain he sighed. It’d been a good thing he hadn’t planned to move yet. The snow hadn’t stopped all day. According to the news, the salt trucks couldn’t move fast enough to keep the roads from freezing again before they made another run.

  He looked at his watch. He wanted to go to bed but someone was still absent.

  He knocked on the bathroom door, calling her name. When she didn’t answer, fear gripped him and he rushed into the room.

  He dropped his head and released a heavy breath. She’d only fallen asleep.

  What the hell was he doing keeping her with him? It was about to get very dangerous, and he planned to take her into it. She may not have always acted brave, but she’d followed his instructions. What he’d seen of her on a story, bravery flew out the window for foolishness and stupidity. And he’d have her on a story.

  Self-disgust rolled through his stomach. He’d allowed himself to become who he was. Someone as good and bright as Megan shouldn’t even associate with him. And she shouldn’t be having sex with him.

  He should discourage her. Nothing could ever come of the two of them. Yet, inside her, the darkness and guilt disappeared. He felt whole again.

  Deciding it best he sleep on the pullout couch, he softly called her name to wake her.

  She sighed in her sleep.

  “Megan,” he called louder.

  “Go away, Kevin. It’s my turn,” she mumbled.

  His heart seized. She’d hate him if she ever found out. He’d lied to her. He had been called to take care of her brother. But he’d been too late.

  Reaching down, he shook her. “Come on, my little dove. It’s time to go to bed.”

  She reached up and wound her arms around his neck but made no move to stand.

  Hell. It was hard enough seeing her lying there in the water, now he had to dry her off too. Glancing down at her pile of clothing, his eyes took in the lacy matching blue bra and panty. He really had fucked up his life to be punished so badly.

  He lifted her. “Come on. Stand up for me.”

  After somehow drying her and leading her to the bed, he covered her and looked down as her eyes fluttered closed.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t wear that lip stuff you like,” she whispered.

  There was no help for it. He moved to the other side of the bed, took off his clothes and slid in beside her. She turned on her side, away from him. He pulled her snug against him, against his painful erection. There was no hope for it. She was his, for as long as he could have her.


  The winds howled outside, the snow blew in all directions. The quiet, cozy hotel room provided AJ and Megan with a short reprieve from reality. Looking out the window, he took note of every vehicle that departed and arrived during the night. He didn’t see them, but he knew his brother and sister-in-law took turns watching the hotel, providing them with an extra level of security.

  That had been the only reason he’d allowed himself and Megan the sexual diversion. He wouldn’t put her life at risk just to get some. Even if that some came from her.

  He needed to be out there. On the streets. Not holed up here with a woman who had the girl next door look during the day, but was a tigress at night. The perfect combination in his book.

  The air crackled the moment she stepped into the room. Her light, fruity scented perfume drifted his way, and he felt himself stir. Damn. Normally he would have tired of a woman already. This had to be the shittiest time in his life to be attracted to a good woman. A woman he could see a life with, but could never have it.

  More weight added itself to his already heavy heart. But she was his for now.

  “I really like this hair color. It’s fun.”

  He didn’t turn around. “It looks good on you. But so did your natural color.” Hell, with her, blonde or auburn worked for him. He imagined anything would work. As long it was hers.

  “Is it okay to use the laundry room? Everything I have is dirty. I’ve already worn this sweater and jeans.”

  The thought of her with no underwear shot desire to his already aching groin. “As long as I’m with you.” A snapshot of taking her on top of the washing machine flashed in his mind. He dropped his head and sighed. They had to leave soon.

  “Okay. Where’s the newspaper?”

  He turned and pointed to the desk, waiting to see her face. Her excitement and joy when she saw her article on the front page brought short bursts of lightness to his dark world.

  The public loved her. Her story would excite them and then have them fearing for her life. She bumped herself back to the main story on the national news.

  Reading the article, she absently picked up the cup he’d placed before her and took a drink, her eyes never leaving the newspaper.

  He chuckled.

  “I can’t believe it. Front page again, above the fold.” She turned that bright smile his way. Something shifted inside him. If only things could have been different. If only.

  “You’re big news, my little dove. Of course, they’d put your message on the front page. They love you and are happy you’re alive.”

  She frowned. “I don’t know what I’ll do next. My sources haven’t found anything new.”

  “How about some breakfast? Scrambled eggs and bacon?”

  “You don’t have to cook. I can do it.”

  He removed the items from the refrigerator and set them on the counter. “You cook lunch and dinner. It’s the least that I can do.”

  He didn’t understand why he hadn’t told her that he could help with her next article. He couldn’t wrap his mind around why he worried what Magic Shop would do to her if she wrote any more. They were already trying to kill her. And with her tenacity, keeping her alive will be harder than he ever imagined.

  Guilt settled in his stomach. His selfishness of keeping her with him could mean her life. He would do everything he could to protect her. She deserved that from him.

  “Breakfast is ready,” he called to her.

  She sauntered to the table and sat. “Mm, this looks good. Thank you.”

  He cleared his throat. “It’s time for me to help you with Magic Shop.”

  Megan gasped and looked at him. “Really?”

  AJ stopped his fork midway to his mouth. “Yeah. Really.”

  “Oh my God! You probably know so much.” She almost bounced out of the chair with excitement.

  Making her happy drove a rush of warmth unlike any he’d ever known through his veins creating a lightheadedness that relaxed his muscles beginning with his head and sliding down to his toes. This woman caused more emotions in him then he thought possible.

  “I can’t wait to hear what information you have.” She pushe
d her plate away. “Do you know the bosses?”

  She started to rise from the table.

  “Sit and eat,” he commanded. “We’ll talk when we’re finished.”

  She pulled her plate back to her and pushed her eggs around. He held back a smile. Patience was not one of her virtues.

  “What made you change your mind?”

  He swallowed and thought for a moment about how to explain it to her without her overzealousness taking flight. “It’s time to begin disrupting his business.” She’d only have small stuff to work with until it was time to initiate his plan.

  “You know the police won’t do anything about them.”

  “You of all people should know the power of the press. With enough coverage and pressure, they’ll have to do something. They won’t take the Magician down. But that’s okay, we will.” He’d resolved himself to a ‘we’ instead of an ‘I’.

  “Yes, we will” She nodded.

  He pushed the lump blocking his throat down. He had to try. “Megan, I’m not sure the payment for doing this is worth avenging your brother. If you’re on the street, there’s a chance they’ll kill you. Being dead won’t help you find your brother’s killer. I can do this alone. I can still take you to my brother’s home where it’s safe.”

  She jumped up from the table and knocked over her chair, the sound ricocheting around the hotel room. “Are you kidding me? I may have started this for my brother, but I’m doing this for me now. They tried to kill me, AJ! They are still trying to kill me. There’s no way I’m walking away. If you don’t want me with you, then let me know now.”

  Oh, he wanted her with him. He studied her. He had to take her with him to keep her safe. She’d never make it on her own. She’d already proven that when she hadn’t listened to him about reporting what she’d witnessed to the police.

  “Okay then. Let’s get started.”

  Megan spread her photos and notes over the clean table.

  “Tell me what you know,” he urged.

  “I spent most of the last month getting information from my sources. They’re not part of Magic Shop, so information was limited. They gave me names and helped me understand how things on the drug side were run. I thought I could expose the head of the organization straight away. I just can’t fathom that no one knows who he is. I wonder if even his bosses know who he is.”


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