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HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)

Page 29

by Sheila Kell

  Megan looked out the window. “What do you think Carl did today?”

  AJ snorted. “I imagine he tried to think up an excuse and a fall guy for the bust.”

  “Do you think he can get out of it?”

  “Not a chance.” He looked down and smiled softly.

  “You sound confident. How do you know?”

  He shrugged. “Trust me.”

  “Do you think he had to meet with the Magician one-on-one instead of in the big meeting we want?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll ask his tail every place he visited and who visited him.”

  She loosened her grip. “You have a tail on him?”

  “Of course. We can’t afford for him to run. We have a tail on all of them, and they’ve been oblivious to it. They’re too confident.”

  She looked around and frowned. “Where’s Paul’s tail?”

  Devon looked up from his laptop and turned from the passenger seat to glance at her. “You won’t find Danny.”

  “I have to say that this sucks.”

  AJ pulled her close again and tightened the blanket that covered her full body. As men, they just sucked it up. He wished they could have kept the car running for her warmth.

  “Did you let your boss know you’d have another big article for her tomorrow?”

  “Yes. Again, she threatened to stop taking my articles if I didn’t tell her what they were about before I submitted them. She fluctuated between worry and anger. I’ve never seen her like that before.”

  Journalists, with the exception of Megan, bothered him. He’d never trusted them and still didn’t. No matter what they said, they couldn’t keep their mouths shut. “You didn’t tell her what was happening tomorrow, did you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Don’t let her push you into giving away our plans. We can’t afford for her to tell the FBI.”

  His secure cell phone rang.

  “You’re good to go. Well, gray area good to go. Just be careful,” Arthur said. “Do you think you’ll find what you’re looking for?”

  “I hope so. Did you get a warrant to put the GPS on Paul’s car also?” It was a stupid fucking thing to need a warrant to slap one of those on a vehicle. But many things the bureau did seemed fucking stupid.

  “Of course,” Arthur responded. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re watching his house, waiting for him to leave. Is my team ready for tomorrow?”

  “Yes. Do you plan to tell me what they’ll be doing?”

  “No. I’ll tell them right before I need them.”

  His boss sighed. “I don’t like that you’ve become tight-lipped with me. I hired you for this. I thought you trusted me. I’m trusting you by allowing you to use these valuable resources without my knowledge of their task which goes against everything we do. My boss will have my ass if he finds out.”

  He did trust Arthur. But, AJ hadn’t identified all of the leaks in the FBI so he wouldn’t chance someone knowing the task ahead of time.

  “This is your show, AJ. Just don’t fuck me over or you’ll regret ever knowing me. Oh, and remember you are wanted. Consider turning her over so I can clean this bullshit up before it gets beyond my ability to help.”

  AJ tilted back his head and sighed. “I appreciate you covering for me. She won’t go and I won’t force her, even if it makes me wanted and most likely fired.”

  With a grunt Arthur ended the call.

  The worst part was that no matter which choice AJ made, keep her with him or turning her over to the FBI, he might not be able to keep her safe. His gut clenched. He had to have made the right choice. “Megan, I have to leave the car for a few minutes. I need you to stay here with Brad and Devon.”

  A stricken look appeared on her face. “Why? What are you going to do?”

  “I’m just walking right over there.” He pointed to Paul’s SUV. “I need to put this on it.” He showed her the slap-on GPS tracker he’d pulled from a new black bag that Devon had brought.

  Brad turned to them. “And how the fuck do you plan to do that? Don’t you think a man hobbling on a cane might be noticed?”

  AJ glared at him.

  His brother reached back. “Hand me the damn thing.”

  Task completed, they settled back in to wait.

  Megan finally spoke up, “This is boring. Isn’t there something we can do?”

  Brad grinned, but AJ wouldn’t allow him to suggest one of the raunchy games they played when stuck in the car. He opened his mouth to say the first thing that flew out but Devon got in the first word.

  “Jimmy’s making a visit.”

  Interesting. He had no reason to visit Paul unless he happened to be passing a message from Carl. AJ wished he’d been able to bug the place.

  Megan looked in Jimmy’s direction and smiled. “He’s going to be pissed tomorrow.”

  The brothers chuckled.

  AJ kissed her cheek. “Yes he is.”

  * * * * *

  Paul left his house, and Megan’s pulse rate shot through the roof. Even with her nosing around to get a story, she’d never broken into a house. Fear and excitement welled within her. Her hope was they didn’t get arrested.

  Brad handed AJ a device that looked like a smart phone. “It’s good to go.”

  “I thought we couldn’t have regular phones?” she asked.

  “It’s our GPS tracker,” AJ explained.

  “That’s cool.”

  “Yes it is. Now come on. We need to get a move on.”

  Devon calmly stood in front of AJ, scanning the area, acting as if he belonged there with someone kneeling behind him, picking a lock. He held an electronic device he’d explained cracked security alarm codes. Impressive.

  Her job was to hold onto the GPS tracker and monitor Paul’s movements, letting them know when Paul was returning. She repeatedly glanced at it, worried the man would turn around, come back and catch them.

  The door opened. “Okay, let’s go.” AJ used his cane to stand, and Devon slid inside.

  “What are you looking for?” she whispered, entering the house.

  “Records. They supposedly keep track of their clients, their new identities, where they settle, etc.”

  He didn’t wait for his brother. He tugged her behind him as he briefly peeked into each room. All she caught were glimpses of brown everywhere.


  He pulled her into a room with wine colored walls, dark furniture and one very large window that provided the view of the front yard.

  Devon walked in and sat behind the computer. He snorted. “The idiot didn’t log off before he left. He definitely wasn’t expecting us.”

  “What do you want me to do?” She glanced at the tracker.

  Without even looking up at her, AJ answered, “Look around for anything that has information on the prison breaks. But, more importantly, keep an eye on the GPS.”

  She nodded and tugged at her gloves.

  “Leave those on,” Devon told her. She hadn’t even realized he’d been cognizant of anything except the computer screen.

  She knelt down and opened the dark wood two drawer file cabinet while AJ rifled through the loose papers on the desk.

  “Bingo. For such a smart man, he’s not careful with this information.” Devon pulled a thumb drive from his pocket, plugged it into the computer and began copying files.

  She sifted through documents in the file cabinet.

  AJ looked over to her. “Anything good?”

  She shook her head, disappointed she hadn’t found anything helpful. “Not really. It’s normal things, house deed, car title, tax returns.”

  He ducked his head and opened a file folder. “Where is he now?”

  She gasped. She had been so lost in flipping through the files that she’d forgotten about checking the GPS. “Oh God. AJ, he’s coming back! I’m sorry.”

  AJ sent a text on his secure phone. “How long, Dev?”

  “I need two more minutes. I’ve a
few files left, including one on officials they have bribed and blackmailed.”

  “We don’t have that long. He’ll turn on this street any moment.” Her heart beat faster. If she didn’t make them hurry, then they would get caught, and it would be her fault. They’d trusted her with this one thing, and she’d let herself get sidetracked snooping.

  She wondered what Paul would do? Would he kill them outright? He was sure to know there was a hit on them, and now, Devon had been caught in their fight.

  AJ smiled at her. Actually smiled! He was enjoying this. “Look at the tracker again.”

  She looked down and furrowed her eyebrows. “He’s stopped at the corner.”

  Devon grabbed his thumb drive and stood. “Done.”

  AJ grabbed her hand and rushed her to the front door. “Now it’s time to go.”

  She looked at the tracker. “He’s still not moving.”

  AJ turned and winked at her. The three of them filed out of the front door. He propelled her forward without his brother.

  “Don’t look. Just keep walking. He’ll catch up,” he told her.

  “Brad’s gone. What will we do?”

  AJ stepped toward the gray car slowly approaching them. “Danny will give us a ride as Brad’s busy with a broken down car at the intersection.”

  It took her a moment to process what he’d said. She’d wanted to applaud the brilliance of these men. “Do you think he’ll know we were in his house? What was the paper you hid in the office?”

  He shook his head. “I doubt it. He didn’t have his deadbolt locked. That would’ve been our only giveaway since we wouldn’t have had time to lock it.”

  “And, unless he’s computer savvy, which I doubt based on what I saw, he won’t know that I was there,” Devon added.

  “Did anything identify the Magician?” Fingers crossed in her mind he had found something to help them.

  “Not that I noticed, but I’ve quite a few files to review. Don’t count on his being named. Even Paul is smarter than that.”

  A devilish grin stretched across AJ’s face. “We’ll find out. We still have plenty of cards up our sleeves.”


  “How will you do this? You didn’t even bring your cane to help you walk?” Worry reflected in the furrowing of Megan’s brow.

  “Why do you think the twins are tagging along?” AJ smiled cheekily.

  “We do have names,” Matt retorted.

  “Yeah. The twins.” AJ chuckled. They’d picked on him his entire childhood. Not only had he been the youngest Hamilton brother, but he’d been born on the first of April. An April Fools’ baby. They had never let him forget it. That love of poking at him had bled over to the H.I.S. team. Even with the ribbing, he knew without a doubt they had his back. He and Megan were safe.

  A grunt sounded from one of the twins in the back seat and Megan giggled. Ah, a smile looked much better on her.

  They had to move to his Plan B to learn the date of the prison escape. This had a chance of tipping their hand, but they had to do something. They needed that bust. This group couldn’t slip through their fingers. They’d just set up elsewhere with their excessively large bank accounts.

  They found a parking space across from Tony Mather’s house, a driver on the prison break team. AJ dialed a number on the secure cell phone. Before anyone could speak, he said, “I’m here,” and then hung up without waiting for a response.

  The four of them cautiously approached the door. With a nod to his brothers, he confirmed they were ready.

  His pulse rate increased as adrenaline shot through his body. He’d never tire of this.

  Ignoring the doorbell, he pounded his fist on the door three times and then removed his weapon. He glanced back to witness the twins placing their hands on theirs, but leaving them holstered as they tightened their coverage around Megan.

  He didn’t expect this to be dangerous, but one never knows how a suddenly caged animal would react. With his brothers protecting his little dove, he could keep his attention on the task at hand.

  A tall man with shaggy, sandy brown hair opened the door and gasped when he saw AJ and the weapon pointed at him. After scanning his uninvited guests, the man straightened, changed his demeanor and acted as if someone held him at gunpoint daily.

  “AJ,” Tony said with a nod.

  “Inside,” AJ demanded, waving his Beretta.

  Following his instructions, the man turned and walked into his house followed by their group.

  “That’s far enough. Let’s go to your dining room.”

  Tony was prodded to a red leather chair pulled back from his dining table.

  “Have a seat. Matt, put the cuffs on him.”

  AJ’s brother walked forward.

  “Put your hands behind the back of the chair and don’t try anything. I’ve been shot and am not in the mood for any more shit.”

  He breathed a silent sigh of relief when Matt returned to protect Megan.

  Tony shot AJ a furious look. “There are a lot of people looking for you, especially now that they know you’re not who you said you were. You’re a Fed,” he spat out.

  AJ holstered his Beretta, taking in Tony’s words. When had they found that out? And how did they find it out? At this point it truly didn’t matter if they knew. AJ wanted the leak, but one task at a time.

  His cover being blown worked to his advantage right now.

  “Good. Then you know that I’m about to bust you.” He turned a chair around and sat across from his prey.

  A panicked look struck the man’s face. “W-What?”

  “You heard me. I’m having you arrested. You’re the first of Paul’s team I’ve come to see, so I’m giving you an opportunity to help yourself. And, you will go to prison today unless you help me.”

  Tony flattened his lips and shot a venomous glare at him. “Are you kidding me? I’m not telling you anything. I don’t want the Magician on me. I don’t have a death wish.”

  AJ shook his head. “Tony, Tony. You don’t understand. Even the Magician will go down this time. Your entire team will soon be arrested. The first one to talk has a chance at protective custody and a new life. If you don’t want to be the first to talk, then I’ll go to someone else on the team. One of them will see the writing on the wall and spill their guts.”

  The man blanched. “What do you mean the Magician is going down?”

  “I’ll be arresting him too.”

  Tony’s eyes bulged. “Do you know who he is?”

  AJ allowed a cool, confident smile to curve his lips. “I will.”

  His brothers had visited the night prior while Megan slept. They’d discussed the information gathered to date on the investigation being quietly conducted by the H.I.S. team. Putting together their facts, they created a short, solid list of possible suspects. Megan wouldn’t like any of them so he hadn’t shared the information with her. At some point the two of them would need to discuss it, but he didn’t want to see the pain it might cause.

  “How?” Tony asked.

  AJ stood and walked around the man. Without the cane to hold some of the weight off of his leg, pain pulsed through it with every step. “Don’t worry about that. Here’s what’s going to happen. We’ll arrest you for your part in the operation. Taking me with you on a mission was a mistake.” He stopped in front of him. “After I arrest you, I expect Paul will have you sprung. Unfortunately, the Magician will think you spilled the beans to either me or the police and will put a hit on you.”

  Tony’s eyes widened again. “What?”

  AJ assessed him. This could be easier than he thought it would be. He’d expected some fight from Tony and truthfully was disappointed not to get it. AJ needed to take his anger out on someone. They’d shot at him and Megan.

  “The Magician won’t take the chance that you made a deal or talked. We can keep you alive with the Witness Protection Program if you become our source of information, testifying against Paul and your team.”
r />   The man visibly trembled. “I don’t want prison, and I don’t want to die.”

  “You really should’ve thought of that before you joined Magic Shop. I’m not in a position to promise you anything but the chance to live.”

  He dropped his head and a loud, defeated sigh emanated from him. “Are you sure the Magician will put a hit out on me, or are you just saying that?”

  AJ held in laughter at the question. Did Tony think it would be that easy? That he would get reassurance it was no joke? “I’m one hundred percent certain he will do it. He’s had people killed for less than that.”

  Tony swallowed audibly. “Are you sure you can keep me alive?”

  AJ contained his triumph. He had him, hook, line and sinker. “There’s a deputy U.S. marshal on the way here. He’ll take you to prison or into protective custody. That’s your choice, Tony. It’s a live or die decision. It should be an easy choice.”

  “What about my girl? I don’t want to go without her.”

  That was the reason AJ had chosen Tony first. The question had been expected, and AJ had cleared the way if the man asked. “Are you ready to marry her?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then I think we can work something out.”

  Relief shifted in the depth of Tony’s gaze. “Okay, I want protection.”

  AJ smiled, returned to his seat and sat. “Good choice. Now, how about you give us some information?”

  “What do you want to know?” The man’s voice broke betraying his nervousness.

  “When is the next prison break?”


  Shit. He’d know it was soon, but fuck, he’d have to work fast.

  Tony answered all of the questions to AJ’s satisfaction. Another person’s life he’d saved.

  A deputy U.S. marshal walked through the door and AJ stood to greet him. “Protective custody and no one knows except your protection detail.”

  * * * * *

  Megan covered the mouthpiece of the cell phone. “Victoria has all of the information on the brothels and prostitution ring. She wants to meet in person for us to review each other’s photos and information to pull everything together.”

  AJ shook his head. “You two have talked daily. You ask me the same question every time. My answer hasn’t changed. You discuss with her only what you’re prepared to publish. You are not to…”


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