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SEAL’s Fake Marriage_A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 105

by Ivy Jordan

“I know, and I get that you’re angry and hurt, but she’s been raising that kid on her own for three years. Dude, she’s just been trying to protect him. You can’t blame her for that.”

  “She told him,” I chime.

  “She told who what?” he asks, clearly confused by my statement.

  “She told Alan that I’m his dad.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t call her?”

  “I didn’t, but she left me a message last night, apologizing again, and she told me that she told him, but that he didn’t quite understand. He’s three, though, so I guess that isn’t all that surprising, right?”

  “Umm, no. It’s not. But you are not three. So, when are you going to man up and call her?” Tyler asks me again.

  I sigh. “You are such a girl sometimes, you know that?”

  “Just because I’m in touch with my feelings doesn't make me a girl. That’s misogynistic; do you really want to teach that to your son?”

  “No,” I say.

  “You know I’m right. I’m always right,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “And smug. Don’t forget smug.”

  “Just call her.”

  “I will.”

  “When?” he asks.

  Before I can answer, the sound of my front door swinging open and then closing warrants my attention. That’s when I hear Josephine's voice call out. “Hello! Cade, honey, where are you?”

  “Is that-” Tyler starts in my ear.

  “What the hell? I’ll call you later,” I say hastily as I hang up on him. I drop my phone on the couch and jump up, meeting Josephine in the hall. Her face lights up with a smile.

  “Baby,” she coos as she approaches me. She flings herself at me and tries to kiss me, but I avert my face quickly, and her lips graze my cheek. She pouts as she pulls back. “Is that any way to say hello? Kiss me, Cade.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I demand as I pry Josephine off me and push her away from me.

  “I still have my key, and you didn’t change the alarm code,” she chimes like she knows I didn’t change it just so she could come over. She couldn’t be more wrong. I make a mental note to change both as soon as possible.

  “You need to leave. Now,” I command.

  “Cade, I came to check on you and make sure you’re okay.”

  “Okay? Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

  “Oh, you must be in denial. Poor baby,” she says, running her hand along my arm. I yank away from her touch. “I saw on XYZ about that lying bitch. Those commoners are never good enough for people like us, Cade.”

  “People like us?” I question, studying her face, wondering what she’s really here for.

  “Yes, you know. Famous. A-list. The elite. She was never like us, Cade. Never will be. She’s a lying whore, and you deserve so much better.”

  “What, like you?” I laugh loudly, and Josephine frowns.

  “Yes, like me. No one gets you better than I do.”

  “You know that you liked having an attractive man take you out all over town, but you don’t know anything about me. You never cared about me, only yourself.”

  “What, you think that slut cares about out? In your dreams. She cares about your money, parading that kid around and going after your fortune,” she spits.

  “You don’t have a damn clue, Josephine. She’s not a whore,” I bite out.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” she shrugs. “But she’s not in your league, Cade. She’s not even that pretty. And, she’s just some nerd scientist who teaches in a public school. What are you supposed to do with a woman like that? You certainly can't take her out in public. You’ll be a laughing stock, showing up places with someone that looks like her.”

  “You know what, Jo? There’s only one laughing stock and it’s you. You’re so ugly inside that it’s starting to show on your outside.”

  “Oh, Cade,” she laughs. “You silly, silly man. You don’t know what you need. That’s why I hired that private investigator. How else would you have ever known about your son if not for me? I’m prepared to take you back and forget all about this little episode. We can start fresh, me and you. Doesn’t that sound perfect? Just the two of us. We’ll never have to see that awful woman again.”


  “Yes, baby?” she purrs as she sidles up to me.

  “Give me back my fucking key,” I say from gritted teeth. She steps back flustered. “Give it to me!” I raise my voice, losing patience with her. She reaches into her purse and pulls it out, throwing it at me. It bounces off my chest and skitters across the floor.

  “Now get the hell out of my house and my life,” I continue. “Don’t ever come back. I mean it. We are done. Over. Through. We are never getting back together. Not now, not in two weeks, not in five years. Not if you were the absolute last woman on Earth. Never. You are a bitch and hiring a private investigator to follow me around and dig into Serena’s life is the lowest you could stoop.

  “You say Serena isn't in my league, but the truth is, you aren’t in her league. She’s better than you, and you can’t stand it because you’ll never be as good as her while she doesn't even have to try. She just is.”

  “She kept your son from you. Who does that?”

  “She had her reasons.” For the first time, I can see why Serena didn’t necessarily want to be part of my world back then.

  “You're just going to justify her lies?” Josephine asks in complete shock.

  “It’s really none of your damned business. Get out.” I point to the door.

  “She’ll never understand you the way I do. She’s just an ugly ass scientist whore.”

  “Do not ever speak about the mother of my child like that again,” I roar. Josephine’s eyes widen, and she steps back from me. I take several breaths to calm myself. “Get out of my house, and don't ever fucking come back. Do not speak to me. And don’t you even think about Serena. I do not love you, and I never did. I am in love with Serena, not you. Do I make myself clear?”

  Her mouth falls open. “You can’t mean that, Cade. What we had was good.”

  “What we had was toxic, Josephine. You never loved me.”

  “I did,” she insists.

  “You didn’t. You loved parading me around to prove something I’ll never understand. Serena doesn't need that. She doesn't need the world to think she’s perfect, like you do. She has character and layers to who she is, and I love getting to know each and every one of them.”

  “She’s still ugly,” Josephine mutters.

  “See, now I know that’s just your jealousy talking because Serena is sexy as hell. Every time I see her, I want to make her mine, I want to hear her cry out my name. I just want her. It’s exciting and passionate every time. It’s not lackluster, and I’m never just going through the motions like I did with you. Furthermore, she looks that good all on her own. No makeup, no tens of thousands of dollars spent on plastic surgery. She’s gorgeous without even trying – something you will never be.”

  “I’m going to give you one last chance to reconsider, Cade,” Josephine says, stepping toward me again. “One last chance to tell me that you love me and don’t mean anything you just said.”

  “How completely moronic can you be? I meant every word of it, Josephine. Now, you have exactly two minutes to get out of my house and off my property, or I call the cops, and you’re the next scandal splashed across XYZ.”

  She inhales dramatically, and tears begin to form in her eyes as we stand there staring each other down. Thing is, as much as she’s a cold-hearted bitch, she’s a good actress, so I know it’s bullshit. “Thirty seconds,” I tell her, walking to the couch and grabbing my phone.

  “Cade...” she tries one last time.

  “I’m not messing around, Jo. Stop your fake tears and get the hell out. It’s over between us. It’s been over for months. Accept it and move on, because I have.”

  “Fine, I’m leaving. Goodbye, Cade,” she huffs and stomps toward the door.

nbsp; “Goodbye, Josephine,” I say gruffly as she swings the front door open with more dramatic flair than is necessary. I watch until her car pulls out of my driveway. Back inside, I close the door and pick up the phone to call my alarm company.

  “Yes, hello, this is Cade Thomas. I need to change all the codes on my system, and do you maybe have the number to a good locksmith that you recommend?”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Yet another day has slipped by. I have been trying to focus all day while reading over my stack of term papers, but my thoughts always seem to stray to Cade. He still hasn’t called, and at this point, I’ve given up hope that I’ll hear from him, despite Ashley’s continued faith that things will work out. It was my turn to cook dinner, but Ashley took pity on me and ordered pizza. She said she was simply craving a deep dish, but I’m certain she’s just afraid I might get distracted and catch the kitchen on fire. She might not be wrong.

  I turn and glance down the hall to check on Alan who’s playing in the sun room by the back deck, then try to focus so I can at least finish grading the term paper I’m only a couple of pages from completing before the pizza arrives. When there’s a knock at the door, I know that might not happen. Ashley goes to answer it.

  I am deep into reading the term paper, and I don’t look up until Ashley clears her throat. When I do, a lump forms in my throat. Cade is standing behind her.

  “I’m going to take Alan outside,” she says softly. I can only nod, and she squeezes my hand as she passes. When I hear the door close behind her and Alan, I make eye contact with Cade.

  “Hi,” I say quietly as I stand from my chair.

  “Hey,” he replies flatly. I start towards him, but my steps halt and tears begin to trickle down my face. I can’t help but think he probably doesn’t want me near him. In seconds, Cade is in front of me and pulling me into his arms. The moment he does, I lose it. My tears fall freely, wetting the front of his shirt. He just holds me.

  “I’m so sorry, Cade. If I could do it over, I would take it all back and do it so much differently. I’d tell you when you showed up in my office and noticed the picture.”

  “I know you’re sorry, Serena. It’s okay,” he says soothingly as he rubs my back.

  “It’s not okay. It was awful of me.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I know now, and all we can do is go forward from here.”

  “Forward? As in together?” I look up at him, tear-stained face and all.

  “If you’ll have me,” he responds softly, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

  “Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?” I admit.

  “Let’s sit down,” he says, leading me to the couch. For a few moments, we just sit silently beside each other. I revel in the feel of Cade’s arm around me. I wasn’t sure I would ever be here again.

  “Why did you keep it from me?” he finally asks, breaking the silence.

  “I was afraid,” I admit.

  “Afraid of what?”

  “Everything. At first, I was afraid you might not want a child changing your life. Then I was afraid of how you’d react when I told you. What it would mean for Alan…and for me. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that someone like you would ever want to be with someone like me.”

  His brow furrows and he looks down at me like he doesn’t understand. “You’re so confident, though.”

  “Maybe in most areas of my life, but not when it comes to relationships. I guess I do pretty well at hiding my fears. You know there have only been a few men in my life. Most men find my career and — this sounds a little arrogant to even say — but my intelligence off putting, even some of my colleagues. After I had Alan, it was even harder.

  “I’ve never really connected with someone like I did with you. From that first meeting I felt it. And, I ran away that night because I just couldn't fathom how we would ever work out, so I thought it better to save myself the heartache.”

  “Anyone intimidated by how intelligent you are doesn’t deserve to be around you. I love that you know about things I don’t, and I love that you can teach me about how stars are born or how you discover new parts of our solar system. And, I love that you listen to me when I tell you about something you don’t know anything about, so you can understand it. You’re involved, and that’s rare. And not only are you intelligent, but you’re witty and beautiful, and the best mother I have ever met.”

  My heart flutters in my chest. I want nothing more than to kiss him just for being there. “You’re pretty special, too, Cade. The fact that you listen to my ramblings about anything scientific, and that I truly feel as though you hear me when I talk to you, that’s hard to come by. Even when two people have similar things in common.”

  “Yeah? Well, you know what I like the best about you?”

  “What?” I ask.

  “Your love for fried chicken,” he says with a grin.

  I laugh, and Cade laughs along with me as he tugs me closer.

  “I had a hard time seeing what was in front of me and accepting the obvious truth,” I tell him.

  He smiles. “What truth is that?”

  I sit up a little and turn toward him. “That I love you. I love you, Cade.”

  He leans in and captures my lips under his in a soft, sweet kiss. “I love you, too, Serena,” he whispers against my lips. He pulls me into his embrace, and we kiss. My heart is immediately full and truly happy. When we break apart, Cade touches his forehead to mine.

  “What do you think about you and Alan moving in with me?”

  “’s too soon.”

  “Says who?” he chides.

  “Won’t we confuse Alan?”

  “We’re a family, so let’s be a family.” Tears well in my eyes when he says it. “Let’s talk to Alan,” he suggests. I nod, and we get up, walking outside to find Ashley and Alan. Ashley looks up first and smiles knowingly as Cade and I walk out hand in hand.

  “Alan?” I call out to him.

  “Cade!” he yells out, running towards him.

  Cade scoops him up and hugs him tightly. “Hey, buddy.”

  “Mommy say that you’re my dad, she picked you,” Alan sing-songs.

  “She sure did pick me,” Cade agrees. “I have a question for you. What would you think about you and your mommy moving in with me at my house?”

  “Can my panda bear come?” Alan asks.

  Cade laughs. “Of course, he can.”

  “Is there candy at your house?” Alan continues.

  “All the Twizzlers and M&M’s you can eat, pal,” Cade assures him.

  “Mommy! We live with Mr. Cade now!” Alan says as he wriggles from Cade’s arms to get down.

  Everyone laughs, and once again, I begin to cry. Cade reaches for my hand as we all follow Alan inside who is talking a mile a minute.

  “Hey, why are you crying?” Cade asks, leaning in to talk close to my ear.

  “They’re happy tears, I promise.”

  “They better be,” he says, wiping one away.

  “When Alan gets a little bit older, though, can you have the talk with him?”

  He chuckles. “Oh, I see how it is. Shuffling the hard stuff on me already,” he teases.

  “Shut up,” I smack his arm.

  “Yeah, I think I can manage that. We’ll have to figure out a way for him to understand that you didn't buy me from the dad store in the meantime, though.”

  “Probably a good idea,” I agree. I tug Cade’s hand to move him forward when the doorbell rings. “Pizza’s here. You hungry?”

  “Starving, but pizza in a box isn’t exactly what I have in mind,” he smirks.

  “Let me talk to Ashley and see if she’ll watch Alan. Maybe we can go back to your place, and I can show you just how much I love you,” I wink at him.

  “I think I like the sound of that.”

  “Thought you might,” I smiled.

  “Tomorrow we can start packing your place.”

p; “In a hurry, are you?”

  “I missed out on three years. I have a lot of catching up to do, and I don’t want to miss another second with you. You’re it, Serena Jacobs. Like it or not, you’re stuck with me,” he pulled me to him and kissed me tenderly.

  “I think maybe I’m going to like it.”


  The next morning, I wake up feeling like I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that the pieces of my life have finally fallen into place. I roll over and snuggle against Cade’s back, and he turns so he’s on his back, lifting his arm so I can slide in beside him and rest my head on his chest.

  “Good morning,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

  “I told Ashley we’d be back in time for breakfast this morning,” I tell him.

  “That’s fine. And then, we can get your things from her place before we head to your house to get what you need for a few days. We can have movers get the rest next week.”

  “What should we do with my furniture?”

  “Are you attached to any of it?”

  “A few things,” I admit.

  “You can bring whatever you want, and we can donate the rest.”

  “Well, we’ll need Alan’s bedroom furniture, but your bed is far and away more comfortable than mine, so no debate there. I have a china cabinet that has been in my family for years, but I don’t know where you would put it.”

  “We’ll find a place for it. Anything else?”

  “My desk.”

  “I have a spare room we can turn into your office,” he offers.

  “What about Alan?”

  “There’s a guest bedroom we can turn into his room and it has an attached bathroom. It’s white but we can let Alan pick out colors and hire some painters.”

  “You’d really do all of that for us?”

  “Of course. I love you, Serena, and I love Alan, too. You’re both very easy to fall in love with.” I blush, and he holds me close. “Before we go though, I need to tell you one thing.”

  I sit up and look down at him. His expression is serious. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” he says as he sits up. “I just want you to know that the day before yesterday, Josephine showed up here. She did hire a private investigator to dig up dirt on you, trying to break us up. She came because she thought she’d won and we’d get back together. I made her leave and reminded her that she and I didn’t have a future together in any lifetime or any alternate reality.”


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