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The Darling Strumpet

Page 37

by Gillian Bagwell

  Rose heard the long exhalation and waited, counting. But no inhalation followed, and the small hand she held was still. She raised it to her cheek, taking a last caress. Nell’s eyes were closed, her face finally free from pain, at peace. A tendril of russet hair strayed over her forehead, and for the last time, Rose gently brushed it away.

  ROSE HAD SAT SOME TIME WITH NELL, AND DR. HARRELL HAD COME back, to pronounce what anyone could see-that Nell was dead. And now Meg and Bridget were washing her and laying her out in the soft candlelight.

  One of Nell’s hands was at her side, closed around something. Bridget uncurled the fingers. In the palm of the hand lay a small knot of ribbons, its blue and gold streamers flattened and faded.

  “What’s that?” asked Meg.

  Bridget shook her head. “Some penny fairing, it looks like. Who knows? We’ll leave it with her. It must have meant something to her. Mayhap it will give her comfort on her path.”

  OUTSIDE, THE WORD SPREAD THROUGH THE WAITING CROWD IN A rush of whispers and gasps. Nell was gone.

  A tiny red-haired girl among the press of people listened in wonder at the sighs and sobs around her and tugged at her mother’s hand.

  “Who was she, Mam? Was she a princess?”

  “No, poppet, she was one of us.”

  The little girl looked upward and watched in awe as a lone firework burst in the night sky, a shower of bright sparks exploding in a corona and then fading gently into the blanket of stars.


  There are so many people to thank for their help on Nell’s long journey to print…

  My editor, Kate Seaver, for her enthusiasm and making it happen.

  My wonderful agent, Kevan Lyon, who has shepherded me and the book along since before I had a complete first draft.

  Elise Capron, the first agent to read part of the manuscript, who liked it, wanted to see more of it, liked that, and passed me on to Kevan Lyon. My foreign rights agent, Taryn Fagerness, for making sure that Nell would be published in Britain and Turkey! (So far…)

  The members of my writing groups, Emily Heebner, Willow Healey, Elizabeth Thurber, Gil Roscoe, Bill Treziak, Carolyn Howard-Johnson, and Uriah Carr, whose thoughtful feedback helped shape Nell’s story into something far better than it would have been without their suggestions.

  Kerry Madden, whose belief in the book encouraged me to keep writing and whose teaching helped me be a better writer.

  The members of Kerry Madden’s classes at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena, the first people who heard any of the manuscript, who loved Nell and gave me valuable suggestions about telling her story.

  My many good friends in London, who gave me friendship and hospitality, believed in Nell and in me, and accompanied me on research jaunts. Some of the highlights:

  Alice Northgreaves wandered around Windsor with me, provided general enthusiasm and many helpful suggestions and ideas, and also read the manuscript with an eye for Americanisms and anything that would strike a British reader wrong.

  Donna Stevens also read the manuscript; made use of her contacts at The Tower to find out where Buckingham would have been held; took me to a luncheon given by the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers, where I really did feel like Nell Gwynn at Whitehall; and who has offered unflagging willingness to portray the third harlot on the left if Nell makes it to the screen.

  Alison Guppy drove me to Epsom, where we had a delightful day, including an enormous lunch at the King’s Head, where Samuel Pepys stayed in the summer of 1667, when Nell was cavorting next door with Dorset and Sedley.

  Laura Manning believed from the beginning, and frequently asked me “How’s the book coming?” when almost no one knew I had started writing it. She and David Lyon rescued me when I had lost my wallet in London, took me to see the dinosaurs at Crystal Palace Park, and found a fax machine on a Bank Holiday evening.

  Tim Ross read parts of an early draft and educated and entertained me with his lexicon of twentieth and twenty-first-century London slang.

  Clare Vicary and Alex Laing spent a memorable Bonfire Night with me on Blackheath and on the long tramp into Lewisham to get the bus to Brockley.

  Buck Herron fed me many delicious meals and emotional sustenance.

  Laura Tarantino spent a wonderful afternoon with me at Ham House. Fortunately, we didn’t know about the ghosts until later.

  Jackie Rowe explored Oxford with me, and she and Laura Hewer took me out for a wonderful day at Audley End and Saffron Walden.

  The habitués (and sons of habitués) of the Lord Nelson Pub and Ferry House Pub on the Isle of Dogs and the many other Londoners who lent their faces and voices to characters in Nell’s London.

  The Reverend Canon Martin A. Seeley, Principal, Westcott House, Cam-bridge, who provided patient, thoughtful, and invaluable guidance about Dr. Thomas Tenison’s spiritual counseling of Nell, introduced me to the vicar of St.-Martin-in-the-Fields, unwittingly served as my model for Dr. Tenison, and gave spiritual care and friendship to my mother and truly heroic support to my family and me in many ways during my mother’s long illness.

  The Reverend Nicholas Holtam, Vicar of St.-Martin-in-the-Fields, who also gave me very helpful comments about Dr. Thomas Tenison’s ministering to Nell, provided information about Nell’s grave, and introduced me to Malcolm Johnson’s book St. Martin-in-the-Fields and Edward Carpenter’s Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury: His Life and Times.

  The Venerable Dr. William Jacob, Archdeacon of Charing Cross, who provided me with information about Nell’s grave.

  Malcolm Johnson, for his very informative book St. Martin-in-the-Fields and for information about Nell’s grave.

  My father, who introduced me to Nell many years ago, gave me occasional financial help as I was slaving over a hot computer, and provided suggestions about ballad-singers and music.

  My sister Rachel Hope Crossman, who provided expert knowledge on pregnancy, childbirth, and babies.

  My sister Jennifer Juliet Walker, who designed my gorgeous website.

  The very helpful members of the staff at the Theatre Archives of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Library, the William Clark Davis Library, the Los Angeles Public Library’s Central Library, and the Dabney Library at Caltech.

  Anne Melo and the staff at the Pasadena Public Library, for their help with my many Interlibrary Loan requests.

  Alison Weir, who told me about the existence of Interlibrary Loans.

  Hilary Davidson at the Museum of London, for allowing me to view so many beautiful pieces of clothing from Nell’s period.

  The lovely lady at the National Portrait Gallery in London who in November 1991 took my mother and me down to the basement and pulled out Nell’s portrait for us to see.

  Diana Gabaldon, for being an inspiration and for her lovely review quote.

  C.C. Humphreys, actor and author of the Jack Absolute series, for his superb review quote, as well as for the first one, which was as pithy and piquant as it was unprintable.

  Leslie Carroll, author of Royal Affairs and other wonderful books, for her enthusiastic review quote.

  Stephen Jeffreys, whose brilliant play The Libertine introduced me to the Earl of Rochester. Samuel Pepys, whose diary recorded for posterity many scenes of Nell’s life on and off stage and left such a vivid picture of her times.

  All the wonderful bloggers and reviewers for their help in getting the word out about The Darling Strumpet, including Sarah Johnson of Reading the Past, Amy Phillips Bruno of Passages to the Past, Margaret Bates of Historical Tapestry, Anita Davidson of Hoydens and Firebrands, Marie Burton of Historical Fiction Connection, Carlyn Beccia of The Raucous Royals, and Miss Moppet of The Misadventures of Moppet.

  Jim Piddock, whose performance in the one-man show “The Boy’s Own Story” in San Francisco in 1982 inspired me to begin researching Nell with the thought of putting her life on stage.

  Weston DeWalt, who gave me early advice and encouragement.

  The late Leonard M
ichaels, whose class at U.C. Berkeley long ago gave me the confidence that I could write, which stuck with me for the many years when I wasn’t writing.

  Jane Merrow, an early acting heroine of mine, who made my month with her great compliment, “I am a born Londoner and you brought old London completely to life.”

  David Paul Needles, who has been there when I really needed him so many times. Khin-Kyaw Maung, a life-saving friend for many years.

  Sarah Ban Breathnach and Melody Beattie, whose writing helps me every day.

  All the authors whose books have given me so much joy.

  And finally, much love and gratitude to my three fairy godmothers: Katherine, who took me in from the cold and helped me get my feet under me; Dilys, who rescued me when I had lost my way and led me onto the right path; and Mari, who guided me to the top of the mountain until I could see the sun rising ahead.


  Nell has been in my mind and heart for a long time, and I’ve tried to tell the story of her life as fully and as truthfully as possible. When I knew the facts, I used them. When I didn’t, I surmised what was likely. Occasionally, I invented, based on what seemed possible and in keeping with Nell’s life and times.

  Almost all of the major characters and many of the minor ones were real people in Nell’s world. Dicky One-Shank is my creation, but there were sailors who worked as stagehands, and Nell surely knew some of them. Jack and everything to do with him are my invention. He began as a fairly minor character, but kept shoving his way onstage, and the members of my writing group thought he was such a great villain that they urged me to make him a bigger part of the story and not let him drift away once Nell left Madam Ross’s.

  Readers with detailed knowledge of the period may notice that I have given Charles Sackville his earldom and other titles a few years early. When Nell first knew him, he was Lord Buckhurst, but my writing group found they got confused between Buckhurst and Buckingham, so Buckhurst became Dorset.

  I moved up Moll Davis’s pregnancy by about a year so it came at the same time as Louise’s and Barbara’s, but those two ladies actually did give birth within two weeks of each other.

  Dr. Tenison did give Nell’s funeral sermon, as she had hoped, and saw to it that she was buried in the vicar’s vault at St.-Martin-in-the-Fields. The crypt now houses a nice café, and when I went looking for Nell’s grave some years ago, I was told that it might be under the ovens. According to several sources, many graves were obliterated when the church was rebuilt in the 1720s. Vicar Holtam of SMTF told me that Nell’s burial was “so recent and significant” that she might have been reburied, though no one now knows where. I’m sure Nell would be pleased to know the good vicar considers her significant. But wherever her bones may lie, she lives in beloved memory.

  With young Nell in the forefront of my mind, I was particularly moved when I read about a book called Half the Sky and the authors’ efforts to effect real change in the lives of young girls forced into prostitution.

  I visited their website, and hope you’ll take a look…

  “Half the Sky lays out an agenda for the world’s women and three major abuses: sex trafficking and forced prostitution; gender-based violence including honor killings and mass rape; maternal mortality, which needlessly claims one woman a minute. We know there are many worthy causes competing for attention in the world. We focus on this one because this kind of oppression feels transcendent-and so does the opportunity. Outsiders can truly make a difference.”


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