Book Read Free

Full Exposure

Page 22

by Diana Duncan

  Ariana smothered a gasp. Oh, no! Dante had come to make his own deal with Tasia. To protect Ariana. He’d martyred himself for her, she knew it as well as her own name. “Dante,” she breathed.

  Shock flashed in his eyes before they darkened. His nostrils flared with anger. Then his face went as hard and cold as the mirror above the bar. “Ciao, Ariana,” he drawled as indifferently as if he’d never kissed her, never held her, never made love to her. His aloofness was so convincing, a chill crawled up her spine. “Here on business?”

  She fought a momentary battle with uncertainty. Surely Dante wasn’t a real traitor? Surely he didn’t think she was?

  No. She believed in him. Believed in his promises. He was playing his part, just the way she was. Now he’d be caught in the surprise arrest. If he resisted, he could get badly hurt.

  Well, she’d be damned if she’d let him.

  “Ciao, Dante.” She sent him a silent plea, while striving for the same cool tone. His spoken words often had subtext humming beneath. She hoped he would discern her true meaning. “I assume we’re here for the same reason.”

  He shot her a barbed glance, his eyes chips of black ice. “Money.”

  Tasia nodded as if satisfied. “Now we can proceed.”

  Ariana declined champagne and caviar. She accepted coffee only to give her nervous hands something to do.

  Their hostess popped champagne and filled glasses at the far end of the room, and Dante bent to growl in Ariana’s ear. “Why in the hell are you here?”

  She held his gaze. His features were edged with stress and fatigue. “You thought you’d scared me off and I’d be curled in Mommy’s lap, whimpering?” she murmured.

  His eyes narrowed. “I underestimated your stubbornness.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” She gripped his forearm, his muscles steely beneath the supple leather. “Grab a Zodiac, lifeboat, whatever, and leave!”

  Fury tightened his chiseled face. “What are you up to?” he managed to yell in a whisper. “You will get yourself killed!”

  “I’ll be fine. Make an excuse and go!”

  “If you think I would leave you here, you have underestimated me. San Gennaro, help us both.”

  He visibly stifled his ire as Tasia returned with two filled flutes and sank gracefully onto the maroon velvet love seat. She handed a glass to Dante and patted the cushions beside her. When he sat, she leaned so close her breasts brushed his arm. “A toast.” She slid her palm intimately up his thigh. “To a mutually beneficial partnership.”

  Ariana’s fingers curled with the urge to commit violence, and Dante’s sardonic glance said he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  Dante set his glass on the coffee table. “What exactly do you want from us?”

  “Beautiful and practical.” Tasia crossed her long legs. “I had an important buy arranged in Athens today, and my brokers are incommunicado.” Anger flared in her eyes, and she took a deliberate sip of champagne. “Dante, I’ve learned that you’re a skilled broker. I’d planned to ask Ariana to help me slip on board Alexandra’s Dream.” She took another sip. “But since I am unable to reach my contacts, I’ve reconsidered. I won’t risk myself if anything happens to be…askew. However, I do have another job for Ariana.”

  “What kind of job?” Ariana asked, remembering the FBI agent’s admonition to lure Tasia into discussing specifics.

  “Since my contacts have left me adrift, I need you to take some papers aboard Alexandra’s Dream.”

  “I won’t courier anything blind.”

  Tasia smiled. “You’ll make an excellent business associate.”

  Dante rested his elbows on his thighs and spread his legs wide. The aggressive male gesture not only displaced Tasia’s hand, but commandeered maximum space on the love seat, crowding Tasia into the corner. “And I don’t deal without knowing what my associates are involved in,” Dante added. “Are you connected with the Camorra? What is this about?”

  “Wise of you to steer clear of the mob. I pay well to do the same.” Tasia watched Dante over the rim of her champagne flute, making Ariana chafe with anxiety. She needed him gone when the police arrived. Provided the FBI could find the yacht.

  “I do adore a thorough man,” Tasia added. She stared at Dante for a lingering moment before strolling to a small wall safe and extracting a stack of papers, which she handed to Ariana.

  “Invoices for antiquity purchases…by Elias Stamos?” The surprise in Ariana’s voice was genuine.

  Tasia sat and regarded Ariana. “Have you ever been betrayed by a lover?”

  Ariana went still. Her apprehensive glance flicked to Dante. “I’m female and breathing, aren’t I?”

  Dante’s brows lowered, and Tasia laughed. “I knew you would understand.” Her mouth hardened. “As a young woman working in my parents’ taverna on Corfu, I fell in love with a patron. He was wealthy and came from a good family.”

  Ariana fumbled with her cup and hot coffee stung her leg. Tasia was involved with Elias Stamos! Were they using Alexandra’s Dream to smuggle antiquities? Fate couldn’t be so cruel to Sadie.

  Tasia passed her a linen napkin. “When I became pregnant, he walked away. He didn’t think me worthy of his name, though I bore his son.”

  Dante’s disconcerted gaze sought Ariana’s. She swallowed a lump in her throat and stared into her coffee, the same rich brown as Dante’s eyes. Was he worried about the possibility of becoming a father?

  He frowned at Tasia. “Elias Stamos abandoned you and his child?”

  “Oh, he provided financial support, through his lawyers. He thought he’d bought me off, like a common prostitute. He left us on our own and married another woman, better suited to his station. They had two daughters before he was widowed.” Tasia nodded at Ariana. “I hear he’s sniffing after your mother.”

  She blotted her pants so she didn’t have to look at Tasia’s cruel smile. “You want revenge on Elias.”

  “I imagine that makes you happy, as you were so devoted to your father. It will be a double blow to Elias to discover that Sadie’s daughter works for me.” Tasia’s eyes glittered. “After his wife, Alexandra, died, I swallowed my pride and went to him again, begged him to acknowledge Theo. There was no longer a reason not to, but he refused.”

  “I’m…dismayed he would shun his only son.” And isn’t that what you asked my father to do to me?

  “Eventually, Elias agreed to meet him…if Theo initiated it. They’ve developed a sort of relationship.” Tasia snarled. “Far too little, too late.”

  “From what I’ve read of Elias, he came from wealth,” Ariana said carefully. “But he built his cruise empire on his own, with hard work and strong ethics.”

  “Elias had every advantage, but I built my empire from nothing! I’ve studied hard, worked harder and planned carefully. Now, it’s all in place. Tomorrow, Elias will be arrested for smuggling.” She offered Ariana another napkin as coolly as if she weren’t plotting to torpedo a man’s life. “The fact that he’s only guilty of possessing a massive ego makes it all the sweeter.”

  “Theo condones your revenge against his father?” Ariana crumpled the stained linen, attempting to hide her horror. Not only would Elias be devastated, but so would Sadie, along with Elias’s daughters and granddaughter.

  “Theo is too honest to trust with this. He knows nothing.” She shrugged. “He’s only met his father recently, and will get over his duplicity.”

  Dante angled his body toward Tasia. “You’re a patient woman, and very clever to wait so long. No one will suspect you. How have you arranged this?”

  “I knew there was much more to you, Napoletano, than a gorgeous face.” She glided scarlet-tipped fingers down Dante’s cheek as Ariana fumed. Where was the FBI?

  Tasia glanced at Ariana. “Remember the vase in the ship’s library, Ariana? Before it got broken, it was assumed to be a reproduction. My people planted many stolen artifacts aboard. Some are on display as ‘reproductions’ and some
secreted inside the ship Elias named after his precious lamented Alexandra. Today’s purchase was to be the pièce de résistance. An almost perfectly preserved fourth century bust of Aristotle discovered during the excavations to build the new Acropolis Museum. Elias contributed generously to the museum fund. Possession of a stolen artifact regarded to be one of the truest representations of Aristotle ever found will earn him not only a prison sentence, but the hatred of his countrymen.”

  Tasia scowled. “Police investigators will receive an anonymous tip. They’ll find the invoices Ariana took aboard, along with recent deposits to Elias’s ‘secret’ bank accounts. I had planned to watch him be arrested, but with my contacts at loose ends, I’ll have to settle for hearing about it from Ariana.”

  She poured another serving of champagne. “Elias is treated like a god in Greece because of his pride in his heritage and large contributions to Greek cultural institutions. But not even his money will prevent his beloved cruise empire—and his prized reputation—from imploding after he’s arrested for bastardizing antiquities.”

  “Hell hath no fury,” Dante muttered drily.

  Tasia caressed her bracelet. “After Elias is in jail, Dante will help me broker the antiquities from the island—my retirement fund. For a generous payment, of course.”

  The stateroom phone trilled, and Tasia rose to answer it.

  “Stay calm,” Dante warned Ariana. “Don’t do anything rash.”

  Tasia hung up after a brief conversation. “The captain requests our presence on deck to meet a visitor.”

  Ariana held her breath. Hopefully, the cavalry. Tasia led and Ariana hung back, forcing Dante to slow behind her. As Tasia ascended the stairs, Ariana turned to him. “I’m expecting the police,” she hurriedly whispered. “I’m wearing a wire, and I hope they heard everything. I’ve negotiated a deal for you with the FBI. In return for our joint cooperation and testimony against Tasia’s ring, you’ll serve less than a year. Then your record will be wiped clean.”

  Stunned amazement flashed in his eyes. “Why do men fool themselves into believing they can control women?” he muttered.

  “Listen,” she hissed. “I had the agreement faxed to me at the ship’s library in writing. I had arranged for you to voluntarily turn yourself in later, but I didn’t know you’d be here. Don’t resist arrest.”

  Tasia called down the stairway. “What’s the delay?”

  “Sorry,” Ariana answered. “I forgot my jacket.” She cupped Dante’s warm, bristled cheek. It might be the last chance she’d have to touch him for a very long time. Her throat tightened. “If you go straight, I promise I’ll be there when you get out. I promise I’ll wait for you.”

  Ariana turned and hurried up the stairs, smothered by foreboding. Dante would have had a choice if he’d been given the option to turn himself in. Would he hate her for bargaining away his freedom? What if he tried to escape? Her heart lurched. Dante was intelligent enough to accept the chance for a new life.

  Up top, the wind shoved Ariana forward, and the deck pitched under her feet. She staggered and gripped the railing. The yacht was now anchored in a secluded cove, surrounded by lashing gray waves. Distant rock formations jutted from the choppy sea. There were no signs of civilization. Or visitors.

  Dante covered her hand with his, gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze. “No matter what happens, trust me.”

  What was he going to do? Ariana turned to face him, and saw Agent Esposito boarding from a speedboat moored at the stern. The Interpol Agent’s right hand gripped a big black pistol.

  Ariana frowned in puzzlement, even as Dante released her and went rigid. “The Interpol agent,” she murmured. “What’s she doing here?”

  Tasia boldly stepped forward to challenge the new arrival. “What is this all about?”

  Agent Esposito smiled, but there was no humor in the gesture. She trained her gun on Ariana. “If you’d pick up your damn messages, you’d know. Wake up, Anastasia. You’re harboring a traitor. She inclined her head toward Ariana and Dante. “You two, don’t move. And keep your hands where I can see them.”

  Dante swore, and fear surged in Ariana like a cold, choking wave. “W-hat? But you work for Interpol.”

  Tasia’s accusing gaze locked on Ariana. “She’s also been on my payroll for years. And I pay better.”

  The blood drained from Ariana’s head, making her dizzy. “Can’t I trust anyone?”

  Tasia sighed. “Explain, Yvonne.”

  “How do you think I’ve supplied you with information all these years? I have the phone lines monitored. Daddy’s girl spilled her guts to the FBI.” Esposito scowled. “She negotiated a deal for handsome here and sold you out.”

  “I’m so disappointed, Ariana. I liked you.” Tasia shook her head. “We women always make the wrong choices when it comes to men.”

  Agent Esposito shrugged. “I’m afraid there will have to be a drowning accident. Poor Miss Bennett was already distraught over her father. Then the alleged kidnapping and suspicions about her own culpability pushed her into complete instability.”

  Ariana’s heart hammered against her ribs as Dante subtly shifted. He was preparing to defend her, no matter the cost. Trapped, terrified, she knew who she could trust, more than anyone. Her tough guy.

  Keeping the gun pointed at Ariana, Esposito moved closer to Tasia. “Everyone in the security office saw her breakdown. When she disappears from the ship and her body is found floating not far away, a tragic fall overboard will be easily accepted.”

  Dante’s stance went combat ready, his level stare fixated on the women. “So far, your crimes only warrant jail time. Don’t cross the line into murder.”

  “Killing her seems rather drastic.” Tasia looked at Agent Esposito. “As Derek’s daughter, her life does have some sentimental value. She’s quite attractive. I have associates who would pay top dollar for her…services. She’d never be heard from again.”

  A low growl rumbled in Dante’s throat, and Esposito shook her head. “Too chancy. With Derek gone and his evidence in our hands, the girl isn’t connected to us. We’ll never be caught.” She motioned Dante aside with the gun. “You can still prove your usefulness. Be smart and step away from her. Or you can choose to join her. Nobody will miss you.”

  Ariana started to protest, but Dante spoke over her.

  “Wrong,” he said calmly. “I am an undercover police officer, working for a multinational task force. For obvious reasons, I don’t carry a badge or identification, but my supervisor will confirm when provided with a code number.”

  Ariana reeled. “You’re a cop?”

  Dante’s gaze didn’t waver from Agent Esposito as both women stonily assessed him. “Headquarters knows about Giorgio and the priest. They have copies of the intel on the iPod and notebook, and coins from your island stash are in their possession. I’m wearing a tracking device and have already signaled an extraction team. You are surrounded. You’ll never get away with killing us. You be smart, and surrender. There’s no way out.”

  The Interpol agent’s eyes narrowed. “Nobody knows about me. And nobody will.”

  Ariana’s heartbeat thundered in her ears as she stared into the bore of the gun. Stared into the eye of death. “Wait! I’m wir—”

  Esposito’s finger tightened on the trigger. A flash seared Ariana’s vision, a roar echoed. Dante shoved her down, threw his body in front of her as three blasts fired in rapid succession.

  Dante jerked with each explosion. His blood sprayed the deck and then the force of the bullets slammed him over the railing, into the sea.


  “DANTE !” Ariana screamed. A splash resounded and water geysered up.

  She didn’t think. Didn’t hesitate. She tore a life preserver off the railing and jumped after him.

  The icy slap of water ripped away her breath, and she floundered. One hand death-gripped the life preserver and she flailed with the other. She grabbed Dante’s hair and yanked him to the surface. �
��Breathe,” she yelled. He didn’t move, didn’t respond. “Dante, breathe!”

  He coughed weakly, and her heart leaped. He was alive!

  Even with the flotation device, their combined weight pulled her low into the roiling waves, and she choked on brine.

  Dante coughed again. Blood streamed from his shoulder, more blood streaked his face. There was blood everywhere. He struggled against her. “Let me go. Too heavy.”

  “Stop fighting me!” Panic screamed inside her, but she stubbornly clung to him. “I’m not letting you go.”

  Bullets pocked the surface, ploughed into the waves. She kicked toward a rock formation that looked miles away.

  Though weak and injured, Dante kicked also. “You can’t swim.”

  She gritted her teeth against a surge of hysteria. “Just move!”

  The hail of bullets stopped. Esposito probably figured they were doomed, and the shark had escaped.

  Sharks. Dante was bleeding profusely. If they didn’t drown first…Ariana thrust aside crippling fear. “C’mon tough guy, a little farther.”

  The ocean slammed her against the rock formation, knocking the breath from her again. She dragged Dante into a gap between boulders. Freezing water pummeled her. She held fast to Dante, battling terror. His face was as colorless as the murky sky. The sea around them churned red with his blood. She had no way to stem the bleeding or prevent shock. “It’ll be okay, Dante. The cavalry is coming, right?”

  “Jacket,” he mumbled. “Kevlar panels. Heavy. Get it off.”

  Buffeted by pitching waves, she tried to brace against a boulder so she could comply. She needed to keep him alert. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a cop? I’m furious with you.”

  He merely groaned.

  “Hey, tough guy. You passing on a fight?”

  “Tesoro,” he whispered. “Forgive…” He went slack.

  She shook him. “Dante?” Helpless despair clenched her insides. “If you die on me, I will never forgive you, do you hear me?”

  She was trying to alternately beg and bully him back to consciousness when helicopter blades thwacked overhead, whirling wind and water into a stinging tornado. Speedboats roared up and frogmen rappelled from the chopper and splashed from boats.


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