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Midnight Revelations: The Watchers, Book 3

Page 15

by D McEntire

  The tears she had been holding broke through. “Yes, Kaku, I think I did leave something very important behind.”

  “Child.” The woman spoke in a soft voice, her hands patting one of Suma’s. “Listen to an old woman’s words. You spent all this time looking out for everyone but yourself…”

  “But, Kaku, I promised my grandfather I would uphold my responsibility, and I will always honor the gift of the Spirits by protecting my people.”

  The woman smiled and nodded. “Yes, and you have been very faithful in that promise, but there is something you must think about. Can you feel the change around us? Can you see the understanding on the faces of our people? They are no longer hiding in the dark, Suma. You have opened their eyes. They are like children finally able to walk on their own.”

  Confused, Suma shook her head. “What are you trying to say, Kaku? I don’t understand.”

  The woman let out a heartfelt sigh. “Suma, you must look into your heart, and find out what you truly need. It will do you some good to pray to the Spirits for guidance. Give it a try and see what happens, eh?”

  With that, the old woman struggled to stand. Immediately, Suma stood and helped her.

  Suma watched the old woman go, then turned and stared out at the mountains again. The sky was streaked with darkening shades of yellow, pink and purple. A pain settled in her chest while confusion, conflicting thoughts and uncertainty filled her mind. She couldn’t abandon her people, but her heart was no longer here. It was in Louisville where she had left it at the feet of a handsome vampire warrior, a Watcher—Rayne.

  Using her palms to wipe away the tearstains on her cheeks, Suma stood and walked toward the old woman’s house. She stepped into the guest room and lay on the bed.

  A long, weighted sigh escaped as she thought about the cave where she had lived when she stood on the sidelines and in the shadows longing to belong. Now, here she was welcomed into the tribe, but the sense of belonging she had yearned for all those years was not here.

  Rolling on her side, she slipped her hands under her pillow and closed her eyes. She felt pulled in separate directions, and it was driving her insane.

  Finally, she let herself drift off to sleep, exhausted by her heavy heart and confusing thoughts.

  Chapter Twenty

  Rayne immersed himself in his work to keep his mind occupied. Brooding over Suma was getting him nowhere. He needed to move on, he told himself daily, but it was easier said than done. Seeing the same heartache in Vane helped slightly. He didn’t wish the pain on anyone, but felt someone close understood what he was going through, even though he had never said a word to his Cell-mates about Suma. They had no idea he’d met someone while on his mission at the Charlestown State Park. He kept his life private, and it was going to stay that way. Besides, what could they do to help? Nothing.

  Rico, another dangerous vampire, was on the loose in the city with intentions of selling a drug that could create a world of trouble within the vampire community. Rayne and Trigg’s return visit to Evan’s mansion to question the butler regarding the drug had been a big waste of time. The old man had managed to kill himself.

  The night of the Charity Bash had arrived. The two week festival was winding down with one more event to go—the big horserace at the track.

  Rayne was pulling a shirt out of his dresser when a knock sounded at the door.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Rayne turned to see Tank standing inside the entry. When he spoke, his deep voice echoed off the walls.

  “Rayne. I need you to head on out to the party and keep an eye on Rosa.”

  Rayne raised his eyebrows, surprised by the request. “Vane isn’t going?”

  Tank blew out a long breath. “He took off, and I have no idea where he went.”

  “Sure, I’ll head out now.”

  Rayne yanked the shirt over his head, but continued to feel Tank’s presence in the doorway. As he tucked the hem into his pants, he waited for his CO to speak again. He had a good idea as to what was on the man’s mind.

  “Rayne. Is there something I can help you with? You just seem sort of…distant lately. Is everything okay?”

  Rayne didn’t know how to respond, but then his male ego took over, and he shook his head. There was nothing any of them could do about his situation. “No. Everything’s fine. I guess I wore myself out with the state park thing.”

  Several heartbeats passed as Tank continued to stare at him. Feeling uneasy at his CO’s scrutiny, Rayne quickly changed the subject before his brother got close to the truth. “If you see or hear from Vane, tell him I’ve got it covered. I won’t let him down.”

  Rayne slipped inside the gates at the location of the Charity Bash without being noticed. While scanning the area, he made eye contact with several Watchers as well as civilian vampires on the Watcher payroll.

  “She just entered the gate,” a Watcher’s voice crackled over the communicator situated in his ear.

  “Show time,” he muttered as he made his way to the front entrance, then watched from the shadows as Rosa spoke with the two sisters hosting the party.

  When she left the ladies, Rayne followed, keeping her in his sight as he had promised.

  Before Rosa reached the door of the cottage being used as restroom facilities for the guests, Rayne cleared his throat to get her attention. He gave Rosa a slight nod when she peered over her shoulder, his silent acknowledgment meant to make her aware Watchers were there for her protection.

  Her look of relief followed by a bright smile momentarily brightened his spirits. Vane had chosen well for his prospective mate, he thought as she slipped through the door.

  Rayne’s communicator crackled once again with an edgy voice. Vane.

  A wave of tension hit Rayne moments before Vane appeared from the corner of the cottage and stepped to his side. A part of him wanted to rib the guy. Rayne did a mental head shake, ashamed at himself for trying to forget his own problems by focusing on someone else’s misery. He held back a growl, disgusted with himself and the entire situation.

  Several minutes passed in silence, and Rayne noticed Vane nervously check his watch.

  A thud from inside the cottage caused both of them to jump into action. Rayne followed Vane into the cottage. Vane tried the knob to one of the bedrooms, but found it locked. Rayne pulled his lock picking tools out of his jacket and gently nudged his brother aside. He could feel the rage radiating from his Cell-mate and knew time was critical. Once he heard the slight click of the lock, he stepped aside, allowing Vane to take the lead once again knowing this was Vane’s fight—a battle for the protection of a mate.


  Rayne cursed as he tried to pull his Cell-mate off Rico knowing Vane would hate himself later for letting the beast loose in front of Rosa, but it was too late. Rico lay broken and torn on the floor, and Vane was covered in blood.

  The tension in the room was thick. Rayne blew out a long breath before it smothered him. Moments ticked off as all three stood motionless in the silence. He noticed Vane kept his face averted from Rosa. Rosa stood in the corner of the room, her eyes wide.

  Oh, boy.

  Rayne had to do something, but he had no idea what. Silently, he stepped out of the room and closed the door, telling himself his brother and his woman would have to work this one out on their own.

  With one last glance at the crowd, Rayne mentally sighed. His job for the night was over. Vane was here to take care of Rosa, if she let him, and he wanted nothing more than to settle in a hot bath and drown his sorrows in a few beers, the strongest thing he allowed himself to drink.

  Giving Vane a few more minutes to talk, he leaned against the cottage. People milled about the grounds of the estate as music played. Rayne could have sworn he saw Suma in the crowd, but knew it was only his imagination. She was gone.

  The cottage door opened. Rayne straightened as Vane and Rosa emerged from the building hand-in-hand. They seemed to have settled their differen
ces Rayne thought, a little envious, but told himself it was honorable to be happy for your brother and wished them well.

  After walking with them to the stage area where Rosa was to perform her set, Rayne left the party.

  The dark water of the Ohio River reflected the lights of the businesses and restaurants across the river, on the Indiana shore. Rayne sat on the hood of his Jeep, parked at the waterfront. He was gazing out at the water seeing nothing but Suma’s face. He wondered how many times he would patrol this area and not think of her. Of them.

  Never had he come across a woman like her. Never had he really cared to, but she had caught his eye, not to mention his heart and his head. She was in him, everywhere, and he couldn’t seem to get her out. How was he going to continue? When would the pain end?

  How long had it taken the pain to end from the loss of your people?

  It had never ended.

  Rayne dropped his head in his hands and blew out a long breath. It had taken him many years to get to the point to where he was able to function without allowing the pain of the past to suck him under. Now, another pain had stepped into its place.

  Sliding off the hood of his Jeep, he jumped behind the wheel, turned the key and headed for the Cell.

  Rayne opened the door to his bedroom, and gazed around the room, longing to see his father once again. With a heavy sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucets.

  As the tub filled he stripped off his clothes, but when his hands touched his totem necklace, he stopped. Looking down at the beautiful hawk, Rayne felt a sense of loss. Suma had embraced her gift with honor and bravery. She had done nothing but adhere to the responsibility bestowed upon her by the Spirits, even after her own people, those she had promised to protect, had turned their backs on her.

  He let the necklace fall from his fingers and rest once again against his chest, then picked up a beer and twisted the top off before settling himself in the hot water.

  Rayne lay with his eyes closed, allowing himself to drift away. He wanted to get sucked into a black hole—one where he could no longer feel.

  The room was silent, except for the slow drip from the tub’s faucet creating a ripple on the water’s surface.

  The soft stroke of a washcloth slid across his chest.

  Rayne thought he was dreaming and allowed a sigh to pass from his lips. Then there was the sound of the washcloth being dipped in the water, only to touch his shoulder and slowly slide down his arm.

  He wasn’t dreaming. Rayne popped open his eyes, and his heart stopped when Suma’s beautiful face came into view.


  Her voice washed over his skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Panicked he was seeing a vision which would disappear as his father had done, he sat up and grasped the hand holding the washcloth to stop its movement.

  “Suma? Wha…what are you doing here? I thought you went to the reservation with your people?”

  He allowed her to ease out of his grasp, watching intently as she dipped the washcloth in the water once again, and went back to washing his chest in slow, circular strokes.

  “I did, but I thought I would go crazy, Rayne. I know we have only known each other for a couple of days…” she lowered her gaze from his face, but continued to wash his chest. He waited as she dipped the washcloth again, her face indicating she searched for the words she wanted to say. When her gaze met his, her beauty stole his breath.

  “I feel something between us, Rayne. Can you feel it? It’s like our souls speak to one another. I couldn’t stay away. I had to see you, at least one more time. I had to know if you wanted me. Do you want me to stay, Rayne?”

  Rayne couldn’t breathe. He could not believe Suma was here beside him. He reached for her so quickly she squealed. Water splashed over the side of the tub as he pulled her across his lap, soaking her clothes. Before she could utter a protest, he crushed his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply. All the emotions he’d felt over the past week flooded through him and came out in that kiss. Yes, his mind screamed, he wanted her, and he would never let her leave his side again.

  Finally, Rayne released the kiss to look in her eyes. “Suma, when you left, a part of me left with you. I can’t believe you are here. Of course I want you. I’ve wanted you ever since our little staring act at the coffee shop, and I wanted you even more when I saw you lying in Dana’s trailer in place of the wolf. You are an amazing woman, Suma. I love you.”

  Suma’s heart soared. Never in a million years would she have thought to hear those words. She kissed him with all the passion she possessed, until Rayne pulled away, a look of concern on his face. “What about your people?”

  “The mayor organized groups of volunteers to protect the people of the reservation…kind of like a group of mini-Watchers.”

  Suma burst out laughing when Rayne brought his up pinky finger to the side of his mouth, imitating Dr. Evil on Austin Powers. She punched his arm for making fun of her.

  “Besides, Grandfather told me so. He said everything is going to be fine, and my adopted Kaku wants to meet you. She threatened my life if I didn’t bring you to the reservation. Another issue is with the volunteer groups. They will need training and education. I have to help them get started before I can step back.”

  Suma hesitated and held her breath. She didn’t want to leave Rayne again. Was it possible for him to go with her, at least for a short while? Could he take a break from his Watcher duties?

  She stared into his eyes, trying to judge his reaction and what he was going to say. When he opened his mouth, she braced herself.

  “Suma, I will go wherever you go. Wherever you are, I will be. I do not want to lose you again. I will take a break, a vacation, so you may do whatever you need to do, then we will go from there. Does that sound okay with you?”

  Suma’s breath let out in a whoosh as all her dreams seemed to come together in that one instant, and she closed her eyes, thanking the Spirits with all her heart. She snuggled closer and entwined her fingers in his. “Thank you, Rayne.”

  Another issue plagued her. Something she felt needed to be put out now rather than later.

  “Rayne? Vampires live a long life.”

  He was staring at her, confused and waiting for her to finish her question.

  “As a Skinwalker, I will also live a long life, but probably not as long as yours. My grandfather had said it comes with the gift of using the totem.”

  Rayne skimmed the back of his fingers along her cheek. “Then, I guess the wolf will have to help me hunt Rogues every night. I will even let her have my kills, if it helps.”

  Suma pulled his hand from her face and placed a kiss in the center of his palm.

  “I’m sure she will like that.”

  When he suddenly leaned forward, then lifted her into his arms she gasped and grabbed his shoulders, afraid he was going to drop her as he stepped out of the slippery tub and walked into his bedroom, leaving puddles of water trailing behind.

  Suma laughed as he tossed her on the bed, then settled himself over her. “Your bed is going to be soaked!”

  “I’m really not worried about that. Besides, I don’t plan on sleeping in it.”

  Suma could only shake her head at his rueful smile. Anticipation grew as she took in his words, but before she could act, he pulled her soggy T-shirt over her head and undid her bra. She helped him remove her jeans and panties, which were soaked and clinging to her skin.

  How she had missed him, she thought as Rayne trailed hot kisses along her temple, down her jaw and to her collarbone, then continued downward to lap and suckle one of her breasts. She rose and arched into him, tangling her fingers in his hair and grazing his scalp with her fingernails.

  Wanting him closer, she lifted a leg and cradled him, loving the feel of his erection throbbing against her lower belly.

  Moans of ecstasy escaped her throat as Rayne’s warm tongue lit every nerve on her body, sending out little electric tingles. />
  Soft lips followed by tiny bites trailed down her belly. She closed her eyes and reveled in the love and passion she felt in his touch.

  When he kissed the curve of her hip and down to her inner thigh, her heart raced. She had never been kissed in so many private places before, and her anticipation was building.

  The tip of his tongue slid along her clit, the sensation so intense she couldn’t make herself hold still. She wanted more, and she wanted to feel it everywhere. Somehow Rayne read her mind, and gave her what she wanted.

  Every cell in her body came alive from his touch. Her heart raced with the building of her coming release. Sinking both hands into his hair, she held tight and rocked against his tongue.

  A powerful climax exploded throughout her body, sending a flash of white light before her eyes. Her breath released in a whoosh of air and sound, not caring if the whole city heard her cries.

  As aftershocks coursed through her body, Rayne settled between her thighs and filled her. She felt stretched, complete, and held on to his shoulders as his pace grew hard and fast, pushing her to another climax.

  Suma opened her eyes, wanting to see Rayne’s face as he made love to her, but her heart skipped a beat when she noticed his fangs, their tips gleaming in the dark.

  Rayne felt Suma tense under him, and he looked at her. From where her gaze was focused, he knew she had seen his elongated fangs. He studied her face, waiting for her reaction. He could handle her fear, but not her rejection.

  Suddenly, Suma clasped his face in both hands and smiled before she pulled him down to her lips and kissed him. The tip of her tongue swept across his fangs, sending shivers down his spine.

  Rayne broke the kiss to look at her once more, his mind wanting to be sure of her acceptance.

  “Suma. You are not afraid?”

  She smiled again and shook her head. “No, Rayne. I am not. You are not a monster. You are a man, a warrior and my love.”


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