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Love by Chance (A Contemporary Romance)

Page 3

by Debra Elizabeth

  Chapter 6

  Alysa breathed a sigh of relief when the plane’s wheels touched down on the runway. It was fun travelling, but it felt even better being back in the States and sleeping in her own bed soon. It had been a grueling trip, but they’d done well and had come home with three new investors lined up. Their added capital funds would help the company’s expansion that she and Alan thought was the logical next step.

  She turned toward her Vice President. “I’m glad this trip is over. I have a new appreciation of you, that’s for sure.”

  Alan chuckled. “You get used to it, but I’m not sure I would have convinced that third investor without your help. Your presentation and delivery of the salient points were excellent.”

  “Thanks. We make a good team, huh?”

  “Indeed we do.”

  By the time they made it through customs, it was nearly 6:00pm. Both were dragging a bit.

  “Do you want to grab some dinner?” Alan asked.

  Alysa shook her head from side-to-side. “Honestly, as much as I’d love to, I am beat. I want to go home and soak in my tub. Besides, you need to get home to your wife and kids. I’m sure they missed you.”

  “I’m sure Mary missed me, but clearly, you don’t have experience with teenagers. If I get a nod from the boys, I know I’ve been missed. In any case, if I’m not in until noon, don’t worry. Just trying to catch up on my sleep.”

  “That sounds good. I’ll see you when I see you.”

  The pair walked through the airport and down to baggage claim. Their limo driver John was waiting for them. He grabbed their bags off the carousel and escorted them out to the car. He dropped Alan off first.

  “How was your trip, Ms. Stevens,” John asked.

  “Exhausting. I don’t know how Alan does it.”

  “Yes, he does travel quite a bit, but trust me, he comes back exhausted as well.”

  “Good to know.”

  John pulled up to her apartment building. He got out of the car and retrieved her bags before opening the car door for her.

  “Can I bring these upstairs for you?”

  “Thanks, John, but I can manage.”

  John nodded and got back in the car and drove away.

  She put the key into the door and pushed it open dragging her suitcases behind her. It was good to be home. She walked through the apartment, heading straight for the Jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom and turned on the hot water. A good long soak was exactly what she needed. While the water was running, she went back out to the kitchen, grabbed the wine from the refrigerator and poured herself a generous glass.

  “Welcome home, me!” She raised the glass to no one and took a sip. The echo of her own voice in her empty apartment was another reminder that she had no one special in her life. She sighed and ambled off to enjoy a well-deserved soak in the tub. Tomorrow, it would be back to the grind and another day of meetings.


  Scott dialed the phone and waited for Lisa to pick up.

  “Alysa Stevens’ office,” she said. “How may I help you?”

  “Hi, it’s Scott Anderson again. I was wondering if there were any cancellations today on Ms. Stevens’ calendar. I’d really like to see her today if possible.”

  “Could you hold for one moment, please? I’ll be right back,” Lisa said. She put Scott on hold and got up and knocked on Alysa’s door.

  “Come in.”

  “Sorry to bother you, Al, but I have Scott Anderson on the phone again. He’s that investor guy and this is the third time he’s called for an appointment. Your 11:00 am cancelled. Can I give him that slot?”

  Alysa glanced up from her computer screen. She had been elated when her 11:00 cancelled, hoping to catch up on all the emails that had come in while she was in Taiwan. “Sure, why not. I didn’t really want to catch up today.”

  Lisa giggled. “Thanks, Al.” She went back to her desk and picked up the phone. “Mr. Anderson?”

  “Yes, I’m still here.”

  “I can fit you in at eleven this morning. Is that convenient for you?”

  “Absolutely. Thank you.” Scott closed his phone.

  A smile creased his face. He would see her in two hours. He went to his computer and printed out the mock-ups for the logo and the website. After he finished kissing her until her lips were raw, he did want to show her these and get her thoughts on them.

  Time seemed to stand still. How could one hundred and twenty minutes turn into an eternity? Scott tried to focus on other projects he had in his queue, but he couldn’t concentrate. He was too excited to finally face Alysa again. Knowing that he wouldn’t get any more work done, he shut down his computer, grabbed the folder with the logos and put it in his briefcase. If he walked slowly enough, he would only be forty-five minutes early for his appointment.


  “Hi, I have an appointment at Solar Winds,” Scott told the security guard.

  “One moment, sir. Let me check the schedule.” The guard clicked on a few windows on his computer screen until he found the right one. “What’s your name?”

  “Scott Anderson. I’m a little early, but I wasn’t sure about the traffic.”

  The guard nodded. “Yes, traffic can be brutal some days. You’re all checked in. Take the elevators to the left. Solar Winds is on the 15th floor.”

  “Thanks,” Scott said. He walked through the turntable and headed for the elevators. His heart was beating rapidly and his hands were clammy.

  Get a hold of yourself. She’s just a woman!

  The elevator dinged and the doors swished open. Scott stepped inside and pushed number 15. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. The floors flew by, and in a flash were at the right floor. The doors opened and Scott stepped out into the corridor. He went to the directory to find the right room before heading down the corridor.

  The suite at 1525 was tastefully decorated with a modern flair of light-colored wood and glass walls. He walked to the receptionist desk. “I have an appointment with Ms. Stevens at 11:00,” he said.

  The young woman glanced up. “Your name, please.”

  “Scott Anderson.”

  “Miss Stevens is in another meeting at the moment, but I’ll let her assistant know you’re here. Please have a seat.”


  It wasn’t long before a petite woman came walking toward him, her brunette hair piled high on her head. “Mr. Anderson. I’m Lisa, Miss Stevens’ assistant,” she said extending her hand.

  Scott shook her hand. “Pleased to finally meet you. I know we’ve talked on the phone a few times.”

  “Yes, I always like to put a face with a name. Would you follow me, please?”

  They walked down the corridor past a conference room and three offices before reaching the president’s office. Lisa tapped on the door and walked in. “Mr. Anderson to see you.”

  Alysa got up from her chair, but her hand caught the edge of a pile of papers on the corner of her desk and they went flying. “Oh, I’m such a klutz.”

  Scott brushed past Lisa and into the office. “Perhaps, My Lady Constance could use some help with that.”

  Alysa’s head snapped up. She knew that voice and there he stood. Her d’Artagnan. He wore a smile that nearly split his face, and those dancing green eyes bored into her.

  She dropped the stack of papers. “Oh my god, it’s you! Where have you been?”

  “Searching for you, My Lady,” Scott said, bowing with a flourish of his hand. “You’re a hard woman to find.”

  Lisa stared at the pair. “It was you all along. I had no idea. I’m sorry.”

  Scott looked over his shoulder. “It’s okay, how could you have possibly known. I’m here now and that’s all that matters.”

  “Well, it’s about time you showed up,” she said before leaving and closing the door.

  Alysa stood up never taking her eyes off Scott, drinking in the site of him. He was more handsome without his mask, with his shock of tousled brown ha
ir, high cheekbones and strong jaw line, but it was his sparkling eyes that stayed constant.

  Scott crossed the floor and pulled her into his arms. “I can’t believe I found you.”

  Alysa nodded. “I’ve searched for you as well. I was beginning to think you were a figment of my imagination.”

  “Indeed, I’m not. Let me prove it to you.” He cupped her face and leaned in to place the lightest of kisses on her lips. “Yes, it is you, my lady Constance.” He breathed in her scent and left a trail of kisses down her slender neck.

  A slight moan escaped Alysa’s lips.

  Scott held her face in his hands afraid to ever let her go. “I’m so sorry I ran out of the ball that night,” he whispered between kisses. “That text I got was from my brother. He and his wife were in a car accident and I needed to get to the hospital right away.”

  Alysa pulled away, searching his face. “Are they okay?” she asked tentatively, afraid he was going to tell her he needed to leave again.

  Scott caressed her cheek. “They’re fine. Everything is fine now.”

  “You have no idea how hard I looked for you,” Alysa said. “Even Lisa tried, but no one knew who you were.”

  “I know. I ran into the same thing when I tried to find you.” He leaned in and kissed her again. “I lost hope of ever seeing you again until I saw you at the stockholders meeting. I knew you in an instant.”

  “You did?”

  His kiss answered her question and she kissed him back. Long, lingerly kisses continued for some time before the couple broke apart.

  “Would you like some coffee,” Alysa asked. “I can buzz Lisa.”

  Scott smiled. “Yes, that would be great. I actually have some things I wanted to talk to you about. Well, I have many things to talk about, but shall we get the business part over with first?”

  That got a chuckle out of Alysa. “Sure.” She pressed the intercom button. “Lisa, could you bring in two cups of coffee, please.”

  “Of course, be right there.”

  Scott went over to the small conference table and sat down.

  Alysa picked up the stack of papers that had fallen earlier, before joining him. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

  Scott spread out the three different logo ideas he’d come up with. “First, I should say that I’m a graphic artist and web designer. I took the liberty of coming up with new designs for a company logo and web site.”

  Alysa picked up each design and studied them. “These are great. I love the concept you’ve come up with. I’ll have to confer with my vice president before making any final decisions, but we will definitely be choosing one of these.”

  “Of course. No problem. If they’re not what you want for the company, I’m sure I can design something else. Funny thing is, I wanted to talk to you at the stockholders meeting before I knew it was you.”

  “You were there?”

  “Yes, but my the time I picked my jaw off the floor, you had finished speaking and left the stage. I couldn’t get to you fast enough especially since everyone else wanted to talk to you as well.”

  Alysa leaned back in the chair. “I never saw you, but I’m not sure I would have recognized you by sight alone. You cut your hair.”

  Scott ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, I did that after the ball.”

  There was a knock at the door before it opened. Lisa came in carrying a tray with a carafe of coffee, cups and cream. She brought it over to the conference table. “Is there anything else I can do?”

  Alysa looked at Scott, then at her assistant. “Can you please cancel the rest of my appointments today? Extend my apologies, but something urgent has come up.”

  Lisa looked at Scott and smiled. “Of course, no problem.”

  “Oh, Lisa? One more thing, can you call for the limo?”

  “Sure, what time do you want it?”

  “In about thirty minutes. Mr. Anderson and I will be going for lunch at Rochelle’s.”

  Lisa nodded and slipped out of the office.

  Scott looked at Alysa with one eyebrow raised. “Rochelle’s, huh? Expensive taste you have.”

  “Only the best for one of my stockholders,” she said with a wink. “Now, what else do you have to show me?”

  For the next thirty minutes, Scott explained his ideas for the company website, showing Alysa mock-ups of the designs.

  “These are really fantastic. I’m anxious for Alan to see them. Would you consider coming back and presenting your ideas again to my senior managers?” Alysa asked.

  Scott reached for her hand. “Of course, anything that would allow me to spend more time with you.”

  Alysa leaned over and kissed him deeply. She had finally found the man of her dreams. She could hardly believe it. All her searching, and he was one of her stockholders all along. Fate was a fickle master.

  She pulled back. “Oh my, I think we should go to lunch.”

  “On one condition,” Scott said.


  Scott pulled out his phone. “May I have your personal number?”

  Alysa chuckled. “Of course.” Her intercom buzzed just as she finished telling Scott her number. “Oh, that’s the limo. Are you ready?”

  Scott stood and reached for her hand. “I am indeed.”

  The young couple walked out of the office hand-in-hand and went down to the limo. They enjoyed a leisurely lunch together and talked for hours. The limo was waiting for them when they finally emerged.

  John got out of the car and opened the door. Alysa slid inside and Scott was right behind her. There was a cold bottle of champagne waiting for them. “A gift from Lisa,” John told them.

  “Wow, that’s some assistant you have,” Scott said, pouring them each a glass.

  “I know. I’m so lucky to have such great people at the company.”

  “May I propose a toast?”

  Alysa nodded. She raised her glass and looked longingly into Scott’s eyes.

  “Thank you to whatever fate first brought you to that masquerade ball. For it was there that I met the woman of my dreams.” Scott clinked her glass, and they sipped their champagne.

  Alysa pressed the button to lower the glass between her and the limo driver. “John, please take me home.”

  John nodded and turned right at the next corner.

  “Oh, Scott, that was a beautiful toast and I, too, thank the fates that day,” she said.

  It didn’t take long to reach Alysa’s apartment building When John opened the limo door, she took Scott’s hand and led him up to her loft apartment. Once inside she threw her keys on the side table and continued straight on to her bedroom, never letting go of him.

  Inside her most treasured space, she turned to him. “I don’t usually…”

  He reached out and put his finger on her soft full lips. “Shhh….My Lady. There is need to talk.” He reached up and pulled the hairpin out of the tight bun at the nape of her neck and her blonde hair flowed down over her shoulders. His bent down to kiss her and his hands dove into her hair, relishing the silky feel of it.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, between hungry kisses. “I knew you were special the moment I laid eyes on you at the ball.”

  He helped her out of her coat and threw it on a chair nearby, then turned her around so that he could unzip her dress. Nothing would be rushed. He slowly pulled the zipper down, kissing every inch of skin that he exposed.

  Alysa shivered under his touch, a moan of delight escaping her lips. The dress fell to the floor, she stepped out of it and turned to him. She wore only a lace bra and panties.

  Scott inhaled sharply at the site of her. She was perfection, a vision, an angel on Earth.

  Alysa reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. Her hands slid inside and roamed over his well-toned chest before getting to the rest of the buttons. She pulled it off his shoulders and it floated to the floor.

  They pressed together, skin-to-skin and began to sway to an
unheard melody. They only had eyes for each other. Nothing else mattered, and all their longing and frustration of their search for each other melted away.

  Scott scooped her up in his arms and gently laid her on the bed, never taking his eyes from her lovely face. He shed his pants and sat down on the bed. His kisses started at her lips down her neck and to the swell of her breast.

  Alysa never took his eyes off him.

  “Amazing,” he said. His hands slid over her belly and down her long lean legs, her skin was as soft as velvet.

  Alysa gasped with pleasure.

  He was intoxicated with her and couldn’t get enough. “I’m at your service, My Lady, whatever pleases you.”

  She pulled him down on top of her. “Make love to me.”

  Her touch sent a shock through Scott. “My pleasure.” He kissed her again, a kiss full of love and pent up desire.

  Their dance of love was exquisite, each of them perfectly in tune with each other’s bodies. Hands touched skin, lips locked and tongues probed every sweet taste they had to offer. They never lost their rhythm. He kissed her deeply, more deeply than he had ever kissed before, until they both rode the wave of ecstasy, shuddering and trembling with delight.

  Scott was reluctant to break the spell, but after a few moments he rolled off her. He leaned up on one elbow and slowly let his hand trace down the length of her body. “You were perfect,” he said.

  Alysa gazed into his eyes, those beautiful green eyes that she could easily see herself drowning in forever. “No one has ever made me feel the way you do.”

  Scott leaned down and placed a feather-light kiss on her lips. “That’s because you were meant for me.”

  “Are you for real? Please tell me you’re not playing some elaborate game. You’re not d’Artagnan swooping in to rescue Constance. I don’t want to see you walk out that door again and disappear. I don’t think I could bear it.”


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