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The Unicorn Box Set (Swinger Bisexual Menage Romance): All Four Episodes Value Priced! (The Unicorn: Swinging and Single Book 5)

Page 13

by Mia Moore

  “Umm hmmm….”

  Pennington had pulled the car out from the station house and they were heading up to their patrol sector. As plainclothes cops, they had the entire command as their stomping grounds, sure; but their sarge told them to pay extra attention to the industrial section. There had been a rash of break-ins last week just after business hours ended.

  “C’mon, Timmy! I’ve been trying to get you laid for the last three damn years, bro. You hooked up with this babe, and all you’re gonna tell me is that you guys got busy? At a god damned orgy? Uh-uh, pardner—I deserve more details than that lame shit!” He was grinning though.

  Buckley folded his arms behind his head and settled into the seat. Yeah, Pennington deserved the medal of honor for what he had to put up with for the last three years. Sure, for the last five years he’d been living like a damn monk. He couldn’t remember the first two very clearly though. Those years he had been pretty much drunk or hung over. Hung over at work for eight hours, and either drunk or sleeping one off the rest of the time. Yeah, those first two years the memory was a little cloudy.

  This thing with Erica was moving pretty damn fast, sure. He was just going to hang on and enjoy the ride. “Well… I don’t know, man. I mean, this girl’s special, okay? And I don’t want to kiss and tell on her just yet, alright? Can’t you just be happy for me for a bit?”

  Pennington cocked his head back. “Special, huh?”

  “Yeah, man. Pretty damn special.”

  “We talking Tanya special here? Or a good lay special?”

  Buckley sat up and half turned to his partner, his face now clouded. “I think Tanya special, man,” he said. “I mean… I didn’t even think about her all weekend man.”

  Pennington’s eyes were wide when he glanced over at his partner. “No shit?”

  “True shit, man.” He had even showed Erica his drawings.

  Pennington nodded. “Alright then, I’ll back off.” He wheeled the car into the parking lot of a diner. “Let’s grab a coffee, and drop it for now then, okay?” Turning the car off, he turned to his partner. “Sounds like this Erica girl was worth the wait.”

  Chapter 33

  Just like Buckley, Erica floated through her Monday. And Tuesday. And the rest of the week. They had spoken by phone, sent text messages back and forth like crazy, and were going to spend the weekend together again. He was working 4-12 shifts this week, and her job was pretty much steady days, so they agreed to save seeing each other until the weekend.

  Which was a good thing, because Erica was now being buried at work. She was at the office at 7:00 a.m., and wasn’t getting back to her condo until well after 10:00 at night. Her big idea about Sustainable Industry had gotten the attention of the firm’s CEO, and from him, the entire Board of Directors. They were all fired up over using her design alterations on the chemical plant in Botswana as a test case.

  She was going to be doing a presentation to the clients on her theory and implementations next week. The clients were flying in to see it at the firm.

  The clients were coming to her! It was going to be a big event—the firm had rented out the best restaurant in Black Rapids for the soiree, and were planning on laying on the full rigmarole for the presentation.

  She was going to have to rehearse! There was going to be a multimedia presentation- music, videos, her technical presentation, and then the big finish.

  “You’re going to be the Steve Jobs of engineering, Erica,” her boss, Victor Quinn, told her during a working lunch in the boardroom.

  “Why not you, Quinn? Why aren’t you doing the presentation?”

  He laughed. “Because I get stage fright, how about that?”

  “That’s no excuse! You don’t think I’m nervous about this?” She took a bite of her sandwich.

  Quinn put down his bottle of ginger ale. “Well, that’s my story I’m sticking with when anyone else in the office asks, Erica. But there’s more to it.”

  Yeah, if the client kills it, he won’t be standing there with egg on his face—she will. It was her idea, so it’ll be her head on the chopping block if this theory tanks. Damn office politics. But she couldn’t blame her boss for staying in the weeds, could she? She frowned into her sandwich. “Oh? What’s the rest of it then?” Let’s hear you squirm out of this, Quinn.

  He sat back in his seat and toyed with his napkin. He shot a look at the door to the conference room, stood up and closed it. He threw the lock on it as well.

  Erica’s eyes narrowed. “What’s with the locking us in, boss?”

  He took his seat back at the table. “I don’t want anyone to walk in on us while we’re covering this, Erica, that’s what.”

  Okay, here it comes. She sat still while watching him. “Then just be honest. You’re really just covering your ass by having me do the presentation, aren’t you?”

  Quinn’s mouth dropped as he stared at her.

  “That’s it, isn’t it, Victor?” she pursed her lips, unable to hide her disappointment in her realization.

  He burst out laughing. “Oh man, Erica! For the smartest engineer in the company, you can sure be pretty dumb sometimes!” He sat forward in his seat shaking his head. “I can’t believe you think that.”

  She felt a blush begin in her chest and creep just up to her neck. “Well, to me, that sounds like a smart thing to do.”

  Quinn nodded. “Yeah, I guess so. Except that wasn’t my thought at all.” He said it shaking his head from side to side.

  “Then why am I being the superstar? Why not you? Or even the Dunwoodie, the CEO? If the client bites, I’m going to be the one surrounded by the glory, not you guys.” She shook her head. “Sorry, Victor, I’m skeptical. I’m too small a fish in this company to be the one that stands out.”

  Quinn sat back in his seat and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I can see you being skeptical. But you’re missing some important facts.”


  “Yeah. First of all, Dunwoodie and the entire Board of Directors are on board a thousand percent on your concept.” He held up a second finger. “Secondly, you’re a beautiful woman, and it is, after all, your idea.” With a smile he shook his head. “Don’t you realize how damn good we look having someone as beautiful and as smart as you doing this presentation? The points we score having you be the spokesperson for your concept will give us more positive press than we can buy!”

  “But if the client doesn’t go for it?”

  “Don’t worry, they will.” He fidgeted with his napkin.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because after Dunwoodie learned about it, he’s lining up other possible clients for the next jobs using your principles. We’re going to have more work than we’ll know what to do with when word of this gets out.” He leaned in. “Look, Erica, if the client balks, we’re walking away from this project.” He nodded at her. “So yeah, the client’s going to bite, don’t worry.” He spread his hands out. “Besides, I guarantee you that they’ll be even more excited about it than we are!”

  That put a completely different spin on it. She felt a little chagrined over her skepticism earlier. “Okay, but if that’s the case, why don’t you take it over, Victor?”

  The side of his mouth twitched up. “If I was ten years younger I would have, Erica. That, you can believe.” He started toying with his napkin again. “When you brought these ideas up last week, I was excited as hell; I saw promotions and an office on Executive Alley, sure.” He glanced up at her. “But I’m tired, Erica. I’ve been feeling really tired lately.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, this project’s going to be my last. I’m going to retire when it’s done. Hell, girl, I’m sixty. It’s time to smell the roses now. So I’m passing the torch to you for the presentation, and you’ll be taking over my office after this project’s completed.” He nodded to the door he had closed and locked. “That’s why I shut the door. The only people that know about my plans are you, and the big chees
e Dunwoodie.”

  She looked at her boss—hell, her mentor. Victor did look a little run down. His color was wan, and there were bags under his eyes she hadn’t noticed until now. She reached across the table and patted his hand.

  “Thanks, Victor. I won’t let you down.”

  He covered her hand with his own. “I know, Erica. You’re going to be great.”

  Chapter 34

  On Friday night, Erica was all prettied up waiting for Buckley. He was finishing up his set of shifts and was going to head straight to her place after work. She had come home from work and took a nap right away—it was going to be a long night! She didn’t start getting ready until after 11:00 p.m.. When they spoke on the phone earlier that evening, he warned her that he was in plainclothes, and could end up making an arrest at the last minute if something should happen. That gave her a taste of what it was going to be like for them.

  She was in the living room at midnight, wearing a sheer negligee and heels. She had her makeup on, her hair done. On the way home she had stopped and gotten a manicure and pedicure from a salon nearby. She hadn’t done such a thing since the last time she was a bridesmaid for one of her friends from college, and was overdue.

  She smiled to herself. At work, Quinn had told her they were going to bring an esthetician in next week to get her prepared for the presentation to the clients.

  “Erica, I think you’re a lovely young woman,” he said. “And while I respect your abilities to no end, we’re going to need to… uhhh…” he paused, searching for the right words.

  “Girly me up some?” she asked sweetly.

  “Well… I don’t mean to offend, but…” again, her smart, glib, clever boss was at a loss for words.

  “But I’m sort of dowdy looking?”


  “Frumpy maybe?” God, she was enjoying watching him squirm!


  “Not sexy enough? Hmmm…?” She leaned forward and had her chin in her hand across her desk.

  “No! I didn’t say anything about sex, Erica!” Quinn’s pasty white face became a whiter shade of pale.

  She giggled. “Relax, Quinn, I’m just messing with you.” She leaned back in her chair, plucking at her basic brown pantsuit. “Maybe I could use some sort of makeover, I guess.” She glanced up. “My wardrobe’s kind of… oh, I don’t know… The firm’s picking up the tab?”

  “Yes! Absolutely! Of course!”

  Oh this was epic! She’d get a new work wardrobe at the company’s expense! And all she would really be doing would be loosening up a little at work! She swiveled in her chair from side to side.

  “Well… okay, I guess… I don’t want to come off as some kind of floozy though…”

  Quinn leaned forward. “Erica, it’s important to the company that you appear professional and attractive, that’s all. We’ll foot the bill, and you’ll have a professional walk you through it, alright?”

  She was doing super duper fist pumps in her head when she said slowly, “Ohhhkaay, I guess… if that’s what you think I should do.”

  Quinn jumped up and ran for the door to her office. “Great! Wonderful! Ms. Blasio from Executive Adornments will be here Tuesday! See ya!” and he was gone.

  She had sat back in her chair with a grin watching his back.

  “Oh, Quinn, what would you think if you saw me now?” she said out loud. The buzzer on her door told her Buckley was here. “And what would you think if you saw me in just a few minutes!”

  She jumped up and opened the door to let her guy in.


  They were in her bedroom minutes later. She shimmied her shoulders to allow the shoulder straps to glide down her arms. She watched his hands unbutton his white shirt and slip it over his broad shoulders and onto the chair nearby. His walnut dark skin glowed in the soft golden light of her bedside lamp. Next, the snap at the waistband of his tight leather pants, and the snick of the zipper lowering, his hands pushing them over slim, muscular hips and thighs as sturdy as oak.

  God, he was beautiful. She reluctantly tore her gaze from his body to slip her thigh high stockings off, then her panties. From the look in his eyes, half closed drinking her in from her chin to her toes, he was feeling it as well. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight while his lips kissed the hollow of her neck, and across her throat to the other side.

  Her breasts spilled from the sides of his hands that were like bear paws, rough against her tender flesh and sensitive hard nipples. His cock was hard once more, pressed into her slightly rounded tummy and ribs. Her leg swept backward, nearing the bed, hands tugging at the ropey muscles in his back, to pull him along with her.

  The edge of the bed now pressed into the back of her thigh and she lowered her body until her ass rested on its smooth cotton surface. Her face was at the level of Buckley’s rock hard stomach and she reached for his cock cupping it in both of her tiny hands. He looked down into her eyes, love and lust plainly showing for a few moments, silently willing her to take him into her mouth.

  As gentle as if it were a flower she was holding, instead of an iron-hard, dark, veined thick shaft, she tenderly kissed the purplish head of it, rolling her tongue over the satin surface, dipping the tip of her tongue into the slit at the top. She tilted her head to the side to flutter her tongue on the underside, all the way down to the base and lower still to lick the ridges of his tight balls. When her finger pressed the area behind his balls, the kick spot, he groaned and thrust his cock forward, skimming the surface of her cheek.

  She continued to lick and kiss his balls, one hand rubbing up and down his cock, while her other hand continued its exploration, inching between the firm cheeks of his ass. He was breathing hard and moaning, softly rolling his hips pushing into her hand. Abruptly, she pulled her hand back, spit onto her fingers and slid them between the cheeks of his ass once more.

  When her fingers touched the hard, puckered ridge of his asshole, she raised her head from his balls to take his turgid cock into her mouth. Her fingers rolled over his anus as she sucked him, until she felt him relax. Softly she applied pressure there until his tight ring was pressing the first knuckle of her finger. Again her finger went still as she sucked his cock like her life depended on it, up and down her head bobbed on his thick meat.

  Above her Buckley was breathing hard, his hands cupped her head, forcing her mouth lower on his shaft. She pushed back for a second, eyes watering, her gag reflex threatening to overcome her. Breathing deep through her nose, she focused on relaxing her throat muscles, even as she felt his rectum relax its grip on her finger.

  When she was ready once more, her mouth eased down until her lips pressed against his pubic bone, feeling her throat expand with his girth inside it. Her finger pushed forward again, until it was inside him to the middle knuckle and then to her hand, unable to go deeper. Her other fingers could feel his balls contract and she pressed the kick spot once more.

  “Oh God…like that…don’t stop. God, keep doing that sucking me and fucking my ass. OH FUCK!!!!” Her throat became fuller still when his cock spurt a hot, thick load, and then another and another. She pulled back to swallow and dove her mouth onto him again, coaxing out every drop of cum.

  His hips jerked backward away from her mouth and fingers, bent over her back, his hand on her shoulder pushing her away.

  “My God woman. That was good but you’re draining me.” He stepped to the side and literally fell onto the bed next to her, eyes closed. She turned and kissed him softly. “Be right back.”

  In her bathroom, she scrubbed her hands and then brushed her teeth. She’d have to buy an extra toothbrush tomorrow for Buckley…and maybe a robe.

  Chapter 35

  They didn’t spend all day Saturday in bed.

  That afternoon they went to a local craft fair in downtown Black Rapids. It was a pleasant early summer’s day.

  Erica admired the artisans’ work in the sculpting and leatherworker’s booths whi
le Buckley found some of the intricate woodworking displays fascinating. Holding hands, they wandered up and down the exhibits set out in the outdoor market.

  “Hey, Timmy!” a voice called from behind them.

  “Oh maan…” said Buckley. He turned around to see his partner approach. “What are you doing working?” he asked.

  “Overtime,” said Pennington. He gestured to where a few other cops were standing. “Easy duty, good money, what’s not to love?” He turned his head to Erica and back to Buckley.

  “Joe Pennington, this is my girlfriend, Erica Porter. Erica, this is my partner, Joe Pennington.”

  Pennington blinked twice at Buckley, then glanced at Erica.

  Girlfriend. He just called me his girlfriend! Career woman, swinging single or not, Erica’s heart sang. He said it sooo… normally! She was flying.

  Pennington stuck his hand out and Erica gave him a hug. He raised his arms to hug her back, but seeing the look in Buckley’s eye, just patted her shoulders. Like any old older cousin, big brother might. Who had in his arms a Playboy Bunny.

  “Well, the Sarge over there is looking at me, bro. I’ll see you on Monday.” Pennington walked off.

  Erica took her boyfriend’s arm and hugged into him. She looked up at him slyly.

  “Let’s go home, Buckley. I want to show you my pictures.” And that’s not all, ‘boyfriend!

  They had taken a nap after their late afternoon romp and were in the living room looking at Erica’s photography. Everything between them had happened so fast she never had the chance to show them to him with the same sort of detail he had shown her his own drawings.

  “You took all of these, right? They’re not something you printed off the internet or something?” Buckley asked. On the wall were images from New York City, San Francisco, Tokyo, Beijing, Mumbai, Rome, Paris and London. Plus another bunch of cities he couldn’t recognize.

  “Yes, that’s right.”


  “A couple, yes,” she said, gesturing at the European cities. “But for the most part I was in the area for work.”


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