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The Walking Whales

Page 21

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  finding whales’ sisters

  Although finding and identifying the astragalus (figure 39) seems a sem-

  inal moment in our thinking of the relatives of whales, it will not be

  The Skeleton Puzzle | 133


  the mesonychid ungulate



  a modern artiodactyl

  ankle shape


  MNHN BR 211





  more or less

  has the shape

  flat or convex

  of a pulley (trochlea)

  in al directions

  in all artiodactyls

  the fossil whale

  the fossil whale



  the fossil artiodactyl

  H-GSP 98148

  H-GSP 18507


  RR 224




  was broken in this fossil,

  its shape not known


  has the shape


  of a trochlea, just

  as in living artiodactyls

  figure 39. The astragalus is the bone on which the ankle pivots in mammals. The

  dog astragalus shows the primitive condition, where the head is more or less convex

  in all directions, while the top part, on which the ankle pivots, is a trochlea (pulley).

  In artiodactyls, the head also has the shape of a trochlea. Whales that still have hind

  limbs, such as Pakicetus, have an astragalus similar to artiodactyls. For

  Ambulocetus, that part of the bone was not found. Indohyus is a close relative of Khirtharia.

  enough to convince the world. That will require an explicit considera-

  tion of all of the morphology of the cetaceans and all of their potential

  relatives: a cladistic analysis. In a cladistic analysis, all differences

  between animals are compiled in a table called a character matrix, and

  all of those differences are explicitly described. For instance, the shape

  of the astragalus is a character of relevance, and one could describe that

  character as having two states: “astragalar head has the ball-shape of a

  condyle” and “astragalar head has the pulley-shape of a trochlea.”

  Numbers are then assigned to these states, usually zero and one (more

  if it is a complex character), and the computer maps those on different

  134    |    Chapter 10

  cladograms and calculates how many evolutionary changes would take

  place  (figure  40).  Our  character  matrix  for  the  whale  work  takes  its

  characters from our own work, but also from that of colleagues in the

  whale  field  such  as  Zhe-Xi  Luo,  Mark  Uhen,  Jonathan  Geisler,  and

  Maureen O’Leary.3 The addition of a pakicetid skeleton to the matrix in

  a cladistics analysis showed indeed that mesonychians should be evicted

  from the extended family of cetaceans.4

  Determining How Animals Are Related

  Our character matrix has 105 characters that are columns of numbers,

  mostly zeros and ones. The twenty-nine species studied are the rows

  in  the  matrix. They  include  pakicetids  and  Ambulocetus,   as  well  as

  artiodactyls  from  hippos  to mouse  deer,  and several  mesonychians.4

  The computer makes sense of the matrix by trying out possible com-

  binations  of  proposed  relationships  and  calculating  how  many  evo-

  lutionary  changes  each  would  take.  For  instance,  the  computer  will

  propose that  Ambulocetus and pakicetids are sister groups, and that

  their  next-closest relative  is  one  of the  artiodactyls,  and this  can  be

  summarized  in  a  cladogram  (simplified  version  in  figure  40,  top).

  The  computer  then  determines  where  on  the  cladogram  each  char-

  acter would change given the particular relationship proposed in the

  cladogram and taking into account what the state of that character

  is in a group that is the most distant relative of all of them (the out-

  group). For instance, we can plot the astragalar character on the top

  cladogram  of  figure  40,  rooting  it  in  primitive  ungulates  that  have

  an  astragalar head  in the shape of a  condyle. Hence, at  the base  of

  the  cladogram,  the  astragalar character  is in  the  zero state.  Moving

  to the  next branch on  the cladogram,  artiodactyls have a  head that

  looks like a trochlea, so that means that an evolutionary change took

  place at that line segment from zero to one, as indicated by the short

  dash and the arrow between zero and one. Since  Pakicetus is similar

  to artiodactyls, no change took place at the next branch, or any other


  To reason through this for multiple characters instead of one is too

  complicated  for  a  human  brain,  but  the  computer  does  it  by  trying

  other hypotheses of relationships, as for instance in the second clado-

  gram of figure 40, where mesonychians, not artiodactyls, are the sister

  group to  Ambulocetus and  Pakicetus.  In this cladogram, the change

  leading to the astragalar head in the shape of a trochlea takes place

  on the branch between primitive ungulates and artiodactyls (change

  from zero to one), and then that character reverses to its original state

  (change from one to zero) at the branch between artiodactyls and mes-

  onychians, to reappear once more (zero to one) at the branch between

  The Skeleton Puzzle | 135

  the mesonychians and the cetaceans. This evolutionary hypothesis

  takes three steps. If evolutionary change is rare, then the relationships

  suggested by this cladogram are less likely than those of the first clado-

  gram, which only took one step.

  But wait, we can maintain the relationships of the second clado-

  gram and yet decrease the number of evolutionary steps. The third

  cladogram proposes that the re-emergence of a condyle-shape could

  occur on the line to mesonychians instead of in the common ancestor

  of mesonychians, pakicetids, and Ambulocetus. Even though the sec-

  ond and third have identical branching patterns, they make different

  statements about the evolution of the shape of the astragalus, and the

  third takes only two evolutionary steps. That is still more than the

  arrangement of the first cladogram, so the computer will point to the

  first cladogram as the most likely reflection of what happened in real

  life. It is easy to imagine that this gets more complicated if we have to

  try all possible branch
ing patterns for twenty-nine species, and impos-

  sible to do by hand if there are 105 characters that do not evolve in

  unison and often point in conflicting directions. However, the compu-

  ter can keep all of this straight and figure out the branching pattern

  that requires the fewest evolutionary changes. That is called the most

  “parsimonious” cladogram.

  The field of systematics studies the relationships among animals by

  using the cladistics analyses explained in the sidebar. Esoteric as it seems

  to most laypeople, it is one of the most contentious areas of the study of

  whale origins, and some of the most argumentative scientists are sys-

  tematists. Having said all of that, figuring out the relationships among

  the animals that you study is important for just about any other aspect

  of biology. The publication of the pakicetid skeleton with a cladistics

  analysis on all the whales5 coincides with the publication of another

  Eocene whale skeleton from Pakistan by Philip Gingerich and col-

  leagues,6 and those papers seal the issue for most scientists: whales are

  related to artiodactyls. That does not mean that the fossil data are

  totally in agreement with the DNA data. The fossil data show that

  some artiodactyl (as opposed to a mesonychian) is the closest living

  relative of cetaceans, but it does not point to a particular artiodactyl as

  being in that position. A mountain of DNA data indicate that hippos

  are the closest living relatives of whales;7 the fossils are just not that


  This bothers me. DNA data can never address the possibility that

  some fossil artiodactyl is even more closely related to whales than hip-

  pos are, because it is not possible to get DNA out of such old fossils. For

  136    |    Chapter 10

  Other ungulates,

  including mesonychids



  Astragalar head shape

  head shape:

  0: flat to bal -shaped

  1: pulley-shaped (trochlea)

  0 1



  Other ungulates



  head shape:

  0 1


  1 0

  0 1



  Other ungulates



  head shape:

  0 1

  1 0




  figure 40. Three cladograms that show to which group of

  mammals cetaceans may be related. Most scientists support the top

  cladogram. Each of these cladograms has implications for how the

  astragalus evolved. A zero indicates that the astragalar head was

  convex; a one indicates that it was a trochlea; and an arrow indicates

  that an evolutionary change took place in one direction or the other.

  now, I have to settle for less: the new evidence has routed the mesony-

  chians in favor of artiodactyls as cetacean relatives. That is a big deal.

  Now we can focus on how pakicetids lived. In the future, I will be pay-

  ing more attention to fossil artiodactyls as I think about whales, but for

  now, I indulge in a part of science for which I have had a weak spot ever

  since my first brush with whales, a long time ago: hearing.

  Chapter 11

  The River Whales

  hearing in whales

  The new pakicetid skulls can really help with learning about hearing. It

  was clear already that cetacean hearing changed when the ancestors of

  cetaceans went underwater. Land ears work poorly underwater, because

  sound in air differs from sound underwater. The fossils showed it too:

  that first pakicetid incus did not resemble modern whales or modern

  land mammals (figure 3); that thick involucrum must have done some-

  thing to sound transmission (figure 2); and the mandibular foramen

  grew bigger over the course of the Eocene (figure 25).

  In general, all the anatomical parts of the organ of hearing in whales

  can be found in land mammals too, but the shapes are different (figure

  41). Land mammals have a canal in the side of the head that gives entry

  to sound: the external auditory meatus. It ends at the eardrum. Behind

  the eardrum are the three ossicles already mentioned in figure 3: malleus

  (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup). In most mammals, the

  ossicles are loosely suspended within an air-filled cavity, the middle ear

  cavity, which is protected by a protective bony shell, the tympanic bone

  in whales. The malleus looks like a club, its narrow handle firmly

  attached to the eardrum, and its wide part having a joint with the incus.

  As sounds make the eardrum vibrate, the malleus vibrates, and the

  vibrations are passed on to the incus. The incus has two arms, the crus

  breve and the crus longum. The former is anchored into the wall and


  ear canal wall of skull

  Land mammals

  Incus large




  and dense


  such as Artiodactyla

  (malleus not


  partly rotated



  cranial cavity



  canal for nerve



  to brain




  acoustic meatus)

  wall of middle ear

  inner ear

  (tympanic bone)





  mandibular foramen

  lower jaw

  ossicles further enlarged Remingtonocetidae


  reoriented in middle ear

  (no ossicles

  malleus fused to tympanic


  tympanic plate


  large and thin




  further enlarged



  of ear region

  bony contact between foramen

  from skull

  mandible and tympanic


  eardrum drawn out

  wall thin

  into cone shape

  further isolation of

  ear region from skul


  tympanic ring

  greatly reduced

  in size

  external auditory


  meatus lost

  petrosal completely

  fat pad located in jaw


  passing through

  to skul in some

  mandibular foramen


  to the tympanic bone

  figure 41. The ear in land mammals and whales. The
diagram at the top left identifies

  all of the parts. Labels in other diagrams indicate which changes took place at each

  evolutionary step leading to modern whales. Dashed lines indicate bones not known for

  the group in question; their shape has been inferred from other groups.

  The River Whales | 139

  helps in keeping the ossicles suspended and able to pivot. The crus

  longum has a joint with the stapes. As the incus pivots, the stapes is

  pushed in and pulled out of a small hole in yet another bone, the oval

  window in the petrosal bone. Behind the oval window is a cavity in the

  shape of a snail shell (the cochlea of the inner ear) that is filled with

  fluid. The pumping causes movements in the fluid, and that stimulates

  modified nerve cells that are arranged in a row along the length of the

  cochlea, passing the signal on to the brain.

  In modern odontocetes (last diagram of figure 41), there is no open

  external auditory meatus; the duct is closed off by the tissues around it.

  The most sound-sensitive part of the face of a dolphin is actually the

  skin over the lower jaw, the mandible,1 and sound travels from there

  through that large fat pad housed in the mandibular foramen of the

  lower jaw (figure 25). Sound constitutes vibrations that pass through a

  material, and these vibrations are passed on to the very thin part of the

  tympanic bone, the tympanic plate. Since it is made of bone, the tym-

  panic plate has unique vibrational properties that are needed for the

  high-frequency sounds that odontocetes echolocate with. The eardrum

  is still present, but it is not a flat membrane. It looks like a folded-in

  umbrella. It may not have a function in hearing at all.2 In whales also,

  the malleus is connected by bone to the edge of the tympanic plate;

  sounds are transmitted by the ear ossicles to the cochlea; and the latter

  works the same as in other mammals. The function of the involucrum is

  not well understood. It has been proposed that it is a counterweight

  during sound transmissions of the tympanic plate,3 but the exact sound-

  transmission mechanism through the odontocete middle ear remains

  controversial, and sophisticated computer modeling of this area sug-

  gests that mechanisms may be different for different cetacean species

  and even at different frequencies.4 The ossicles are much heavier in

  whales than in land mammals. That is strange—sound does not carry

  much energy, and it would be easier for faint sounds to make those

  ossicles vibrate if they were lighter. Possibly, the ossicles do not vibrate


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