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What Happens in Vegas: A BWWM Alpha Male Romance

Page 4

by Stacey Mills

  She turned so her back was to him and looked over her shoulder to indicate he should unzip her dress. He did so right away and made a sound of delight as he admired how his own skin looked against her own brown skin tone, his breath catching in his throat as more and more of it was exposed to him. The dress slipped right off her body and she kicked it away from where they stood, turning to him so he could admire her body in just a pair of white lace panties. Her skin was incredibly smooth all over, her full breasts round and heavy in a very appealing way, her stomach tight and toned, and her wide hips giving her thin body an incredibly sexy curve. He walked up to her for a kiss, his hand running down her back until he was cupping her large, round ass and squeezing it. He then ran one hand up her side until he was fondling her boob as he kissed her, enjoying the way it felt every time a small moan escaped her mouth into his. He began massaging her boob slowly, feeling her nipple harden under the palm of his hand so he gave it pinch before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her body flush against his own. She moaned quietly again, pulling her head back to catch her breath. As she arched her back, he ducked his head and took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked causing her to giggle in delight.

  He kissed her neck and began sucking on it gently as he hooked two fingers under the waistband of her white panties and pulled them down, his tongue traveling down from her neck to her chest and stomach as he knelt down slowly to remove her panties all the way. He tossed them casually over his shoulder and looked up at her with eyes completely darkened by desire. He slowly began to lick from the middle of her thigh up higher and higher until she felt his tongue land flat over her slit. He could already taste her liquids and groaned at the warmth on his tongue, the warmth so intense he even felt it on the skin of his face. She moaned and stuck her hips out so he slipped his tongue into her and buried his face between her legs as she started moving her hips back and forth, moaning loudly in no time and trying to balance herself against the wall. He ran a hand up her leg until it landed on her hip bone and ran his fingers down so he could start massaging her clit gently between his thumb and index finger. She cried out in pure pleasure and he reached up to hold her hip, her hands bracing his shoulders as an orgasm took over her body and threatened to make her collapse.

  He swiped his tongue along her slit one last time before standing up and holding her as the last sensations of the orgasm coursed through her body. Once she had regained enough strength, she took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. As she kissed him he pushed her back onto the bed and took off his shirt and pants before climbing over top her in just his boxers. He lowered his hips and began to grind them against her, groaning at the friction and the feeling of her liquids beginning to soak through the fabric. When his erection strained too much against his boxers, he stood up and took them off. She sat up on the bed and looked at him with eyes full of just as much desire as his own. She stood up and walked to the bathroom, coming out with a condom still in its wrapper. She tore it open and knelt down in front of him, licking from the base of his shaft up to the head just once before rolling the condom onto his erection.

  She stood up and kissed him deeply, pressing her hips forward and rubbing herself against his erection and causing him to groan loudly in a mixture of pleasure and frustration. He grabbed her shoulder tightly and spun her around, bending her over the bed and squeezing one of her ass cheeks tightly before rubbing his cock along her opening. She moaned and wiggled back onto him as he took hold of her hips and position his cock right at her entrance, plunging it in as deep as he could. She cried out and threw her head back, balling up the bed sheets under her hands. He began thrusting fast and hard as her ass wiggled backward onto him, allowing him to penetrate her deeper. He moved one hand down from her hip so he could massage her clit as she jerked erratically and he felt himself right on the verge. He worked her clit and tried gyrating his hips as he thrust into her to bring her to orgasm and he succeeded right as his own slammed into him. His hips jerked forward with finality and he let his body fall back onto the floor as he panted and struggled to catch his breath. Meanwhile, Shauna was collapsed onto the bed and panting as well, still exposed to Nick.

  It took a few minutes for either of them to have the strength or will to move. Shauna took her shower first and was out relatively quickly, dropping herself onto the bed and curling up as he walked into the bathroom for a shower. By the time he was out, she had drifted off to sleep and he admired how beautiful and peaceful she looked. He draped a thin sheet over her clean, naked body and spread out on the other side of the bed to sleep for a while as well.

  The next day, Michelle was over Shauna’s apartment for the first time in two weeks. Though they had talked on the phone, they had not actually hung out in person since their last talk. Shauna took the opportunity to happily answer the millions of questions her friend had to ask about her new relationship. Inevitably, Michelle asked how the sex was and Shauna debated on how much to actually tell her friend. They had never been shy about their sex lives before but there was something different this time around, as was the case surrounding pretty much every aspect of her relationship to Nick. Shauna decided to be completely honest with her friend but spared some details. Nonetheless, Michelle was left impressed by how well things were going and how satisfied Shauna seemed to be.

  It was when Shauna came back from a bathroom break that her friend startled her by suddenly letting out a gasp and frantically calling Shauna over to the couch. Michelle swiped the screen of her phone and showed her a photo, as she asked, “Isn’t this him?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Read the headline!” Michelle practically shoved her phone in Shauna’s face, forcing her to jerk her head back and snatch it out of her hand. The headline mentioned something about a young millionaire party animal becoming a trend and, sure enough, there was a photo of Nick standing at the bar on the night they first met. Party animal? It was all she could do to gape at the picture as a hundred questions paraded through her mind. This was not the kind of image she had of Nick at all but why would this article be published so suddenly? There had to be a reason for him being included in this.

  “I told you! I told you he was a millionaire, I told you about his family. But this is insane,” Michelle said as she looked between the picture and Shauna’s shocked face. She prodded her on the shoulder and asked, “What’s this about? You really have no idea?”

  Shauna found she was unable to speak so she simply shook her head and continued to scroll through the article. It did not mention anything specifically about Nick until near the end and even then, the details were extremely vague. What it did mention was that he was part of a family that had amassed a great amount of wealth but he seemingly cared more for partying and womanizing than continuing on the family business. She took note the article did not bother mention what the family business actually was. She sighed and handed the phone back to Michelle who was trying to pick apart her emotions just by looking at her face. “So he’s just another rich player,” Shauna said in a hollow voice. She felt so stupid for having fallen for his game and thinking there was something different about him.

  After their first date, she had an idea he was well off given he owned his own boat and was only in his thirties, or at least she assumed he was. The way he dressed, his car, and the restaurant he had chosen had also tipped her off to him being well off but she just assumed he had a great job. She never imagined Michelle was right about his being a millionaire from old family money because she had only mentioned it. Shauna, for some reason, had not given it as much thought as she might have expected or even bothered to look into it. What was most surprising, however, was the way the article portrayed Nick as someone who just liked to spend his money recklessly while picking up women. He seemed so far off that mark and she simply could not wrap her head around how wrong she had been in reading him. After spending this time with him she felt so foolish to have been so wrong about everything she thought she knew about

  “This has me all messed up,” she told Michelle. She went on to talk about how she felt things she had never felt before, how she took chances and did things she normally needed more time for, and detailed just how intimate everything had felt. “It seriously felt like we were in a deeper relationship already even from the first date. It was crazy. Even he felt it. The thing that really gets it me is that I didn’t think I knew this because of some empty words. You know those guys who say things they think a woman wants to hear to make her fall for his act? It wasn’t like that with him. It was all feeling, all chemistry. But I guess his game is on another level.”

  Michelle made a humming noise as she stepped back and sat on the couch very clearly thinking about everything. Shauna looked over at her and could tell she was choosing her words wisely as she continued processing everything she had just heard. “Let’s not jump to conclusions,” she said slowly while looking at Shauna cautiously. “This is a tabloid. We don’t really know what the deal is. You’ve been spending quite a bit of time with this guy, it just doesn’t make sense.” Shauna only gaped at her before pushing herself up and off the chair to walk over to the kitchen for a glass of water. She needed to calm down and stop berating herself for having fallen into Nick’s trap and slept with him so quickly and easily. Brooding over it would not change the past and would only end up making her feel worse. She gulped down the entire glass of water and placed it in the sink before turning to Michelle and saying, “I think I need to be alone for a while.”

  Michelle grimaced but stood up and walked up to her. She placed a hand on her arm and said, “Let me know if you change your mind.” She walked away and grabbed her purse on her way out of the apartment, leaving Shauna alone with her thoughts and feelings.

  Chapter 6: Taking the Plunge

  It took everything in her not to call Nick in a fit of anger and go off on him. “What will that even accomplish, don’t be stupid,” she said out loud to herself. She threw her phone onto the couch and paced around the living room trying to think of a way to calm down. She was incredibly worked up and this was, yet again, a curious effect Nick had on her. Though she would normally be upset if something like this happened she would never have felt so betrayed given how little she knew him or how new their relationship actually was. Though everything was charged between them from their very first encounter at the club and they were now regularly dating, going on three weeks, she knew that was not actually a long time. As she strode into her bedroom she stopped in her tracks at the sound of her phone ringing. She was not sure why or how she knew it was Nick calling. She debated for a brief moment completely ignoring the call but knew she needed to talk to him and his calling first was the perfect excuse. She ran to her phone and, sure enough, his name was on her screen. She hurried to answer and gave a short and out of breath “hello” before waiting for his response.

  “Shauna,” he said, “We need to talk.”

  She cleared her throat and nodded, briefly forgetting he could not see her. “We do,” she said sternly. Though she was not going to express her feelings at this moment and tell him everything she had on her mind, she was not going to hide the fact she was upset. “We should meet somewhere private,” he told her. She suppressed the strange thoughts that threatened to creep into her mind. Now was not the time for her paranoia to take over and cause her to envision dozens of bad scenarios. It was a serious conversation and having it in private was for the best, it was as simple as that. “We can meet at my apartment,” she muttered before actually stopping to think about it. Though, when she did consider it, she felt a lot safer having him come over than her going to his place. He had visited her apartment once already, after all, and she had yet to ever go over to his place. This was another realization that did not sit well with her and made her wonder why that was. He agreed and said he would be over in less than an hour to which she said “okay” and gave a curt goodbye before hanging up. She walked into her bedroom for a change of clothing and to get ready for his arrival.

  She had just finished putting her hair in a ponytail when her doorbell rang. She walked over and looked through the peephole out of habit because she knew it would be him standing on the other side of the door. She opened the door wide and motioned for him to come in but did not greet him. Picking up on her cold attitude, he did not lean in to greet her either. She shut the door and walked over to the dining table, taking a seat and motioning for him to sit across her.

  “You’re upset,” he told her simply. It was not an accusation but merely a statement to let her know he had picked up on it. This made her angrier because he did it in the same way he did everything else, in the way that had made her fall for his act to begin with. She placed both palms on the surface of the table and pushed herself up, leaning over the table and looking straight into his eyes with clear frustration. “Is this about that article on-“

  “Yes,” she breathed out before turning away from him to walk into the kitchen. She opened her cabinet and pulled out two glasses, slamming it shut before opening the refrigerator and pulling out a pitcher of fresh juice. She poured some into both glasses and walked back to the table without bothering to put the juice back in the refrigerator. “It’s not true,” he told her quietly as he received the glass of juice from her. She stared at him and sat in her chair, not breaking eye contact and not giving in to his words.

  “That article only got two things right, neither of which my being a party animal or womanizer are correct. You already know my name is Nicholas Verraud and I am,” he sighed and finished by saying, “a millionaire.” She stared at him blankly but said nothing. She was not sure exactly what to say to that and she still had not decided if she believed him or not. She definitely believed he was actually a millionaire but she thought it was too convenient that the article had gotten only the negative information wrong. “Oh, it also got another thing right. I’m not quite interested in continuing in the family business but I have other, legitimate reasons for that.”

  Shauna took a sip of her juice and studied him carefully from over the rim of her glass. He looked and sounded very honest but that was part of his trick after all. Then it hit her he had no reason to try convincing her otherwise if he had already gotten what he wanted out of her. If he was not actually interested in her, there was no reason for him to work this hard to explain what was happening. There had to be something else here and she could be completely wrong about that but there was only one way to find out. She thought of what Michelle had told her earlier that day and decided to take the plunge. She would give Nick the benefit of the doubt and hear him out then go from there. It was the only way to go about it and if she decided to give him a chance, she needed to do so with an open mind or else it would be pointless. “Why don’t you want to continue in the family business then?” He had mentioned there were legitimate reasons and she wanted some kind of explanation that was not as vague. It was the only way she could actually consider believing him, the only way his words would not sound like empty excuses.

  He was very hesitant about answering her question only making her doubt him even more than she already did. He stood up and paced back and forth in front of the dining table, looking like he was about to speak a couple times but promptly shutting his mouth and shaking his head. She watched him do this over and over again for a couple minutes and just when she had decided it had been enough, he turned to her and placed his hands on the top of the chair he had been sitting on. He heaved a deep sigh and told her, “It’s complicated.”

  She scoffed and said, “You’ve got to be kidding me. You went through all that and you think you can just say it’s complicated? Come on, Nick.”

  “There are things you don’t know, things you can’t know.”

  “Why did you come over here today?” She said this in such a quiet but severe tone it made him pause and look at her while holding his breath. It had been a disarming question, to be sure, but it was the way she asked that really caught him off guard

  “To explain. To continue. I wasn’t lying when I told you there is something special about you and I really wanted to see where this could go.”

  “So if you want this to continue, don’t you think this is something I’ll find out about at some point? If there is something I shouldn’t know, you need to stop and ask yourself why that is. Can you really build a relationship around that reason?”

  Nick exhaled in frustration and dragged his fingers through his hair, hastily pulling out the chair and dropping down onto it. When he looked back at her, his facial expression had changed completely. It was now extremely serious and hardened; it was a pretty forbidding expression that warned her to watch her words and actions. “I’m telling you this because I want to. I want to give this a chance and it’s something you will need to be aware of at some point anyway.” He licked his lips and looked around before saying, “Verraud. That’s not just any last name belonging to just any family.”


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