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What Happens in Vegas: A BWWM Alpha Male Romance

Page 8

by Stacey Mills

  She rushed into the elevator and he hastily pressed the button for the fourteenth floor. He did not say a word the entire elevator ride nor did he get close to her. As soon as the elevator stopped at their floor, his hand darted out and grabbed hers and she was being pulled down the hallway. He slid a key card and he pulled her inside somewhat roughly in his haste, looking down the hallway in both directions before shutting and bolting the door behind him. It was then that he pulled her into a tight hug and let out a long, deep breath. “I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice cracking with guilt and concern. “I’m so sorry you went through that. You have no idea how thankful I am you’re safe. You are safe here, at least for now.” He said this as he loosened his grip on her and pulled back to look into her eyes. She fought the urge to break down and comfort him because she had never seen him look so broken. I’m the one who needs comforting now, she reminded herself. As much as it hurt him to put her through this, it was not the same as actually living it. She was not a Verraud and she had nothing to do with the feud other than her connection to Nick. There was no reason she should have to go through this at all.

  She pulled back until he let go of her and she turned around, walking toward the kitchen and away from him. She pulled open the cabinet doors until she found the glasses and took one to pour herself some water. The dehydration she felt suddenly hit her at once and she felt she could not even talk from how dry her mouth was. Nick beat her to it and pulled out a pitcher of water from the refrigerator, carefully pouring it into her glass. She gulped it all down at once and he kindly refilled it before putting away the pitcher. She took a couple sips and set the glass down on the counter, licking her lips and savoring the way the cold water felt on her tongue. As if he could sense her body was about to give out, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. As he gently laid her out on the bed she noticed he was being careful to avoid meeting her gaze but was working to not make it obvious.

  She rubbed her hands over her face and let out a groan of frustration because she had no idea what to say or do. This was all too surreal. Everything involving Nick, both the good and the bad, had been unusual from the very beginning. Even the start of their relationship was very dreamlike in reality and in her memories. What was it that he possessed to make her life like this? She fought with the thoughts floating around her mind and invading the space she desperately wanted to allow some rest. She had this nagging feeling she needed to come to a decision about this relationship, a feeling that intensified to making her feel nauseous because her gut told her to get out. All logic pointed at the exit sign but she wanted to ignore it because everything with Nick, both the good and the bad, had always been so unreal and fantastic. She knew everything with anyone else would always fall short and she did not want to live a life in which she settled. She had never wanted that kind of life.

  She looked up at Nick and saw him sitting tensely at the very edge of the bed, staring hard at the wall directly in front of him. She could tell he had no idea what to do or say either. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes with a small hope that sleep would take her away to dreamland as a temporary solution. Maybe when she woke up they would both somehow know how to talk to each other. It was a vain and feeble hope, perhaps even a cowardly one, but she had no energy left for anything more. That was when she felt his hand press her arm and her eyes shot open, searching his face but failing to meet his gaze because he insisted on avoiding eye contact. He began to rub circles softly on her arm with the palm of his hand, slowly increasing the pressure as if he were giving her a massage. “I’m working to do everything and anything I can to make sure you will never be a target again,” he said somberly. “If you decide to stay with me,” he added so quietly she was unsure if he had actually said it or not. Finally, after a long minute of silence, he turned his head to look at her. “I completely understand if-“

  She weakly held up her other arm and pressed a finger to his lips to shut him up. “We don’t need to talk about this now,” she said quietly. She needed to rest. The exhaustion hit her harder than before and had completely taken over her body and mind now that she was lying on a comfortable bed. Even though his identity had gotten her into this trouble to begin with, she felt more at ease now that she was with Nick in a hideaway. It registered with her that even in a time like this he brought her comfort and that was not something to overlook. She closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep, feeling his warm hand still on her arm and listening to his soft breathing.

  The light filtering in through the crack in the curtains was enough to wake Shauna from sleep. She covered her eyes and rubbed them before allowing them to slowly adjust. It was now 6am, she saw on the alarm clock on the nightstand, and Nick was asleep next to her. He was curled up in the corner of the bed, his back to her, trying to keep his distance. She debated on whether or not she should wake him up and decided against it. She stood up and walked out into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to see if there was anything for her to have. She settled on a small glass of orange juice and sat at the dining table because she was too afraid to sit near a window even though the curtains were drawn. She sat on the chair and sipped her orange juice as she went over the events from last night. Though she had lived it, and she was sure it had actually all happened, it felt more like she had been watching a movie rather than actually experiencing it. It was the type of thing one would never quite be able to grasp the reality of and, for a second, she had the fleeting thought that was something to be grateful for.

  About thirty minutes later, Nick finally wandered out of the room and stopped when he saw her sitting at the dining table. His eyes darted over to the closed curtains before returning to meet her gaze. “Are you hungry?” She shook her head and held up her empty glass of orange juice as if that had been an entire and fulfilling meal. Truth be told, she did not have much of an appetite at the moment. He took the seat across from her and just looked at her for a couple minutes. “How long are we going to be silent?” She did not mean for it to come off so cold but it had and she did not want to bother with fixing it. That was the least of their worries at this moment in time. “I’m sorry,” he muttered again as he looked down at his hands. “We can stay here for some time, it should be safe.”

  “Should be…” she said more to herself than to him, but he had heard it.

  “I’m working on-“

  “I know,” she cut him off. She reached out and placed her hand on top of his. She sighed and said, “I’m not mad at you. And I’m not planning on leaving you either.” She shut her mouth and looked away because it had not hit her that she had never had a choice to begin with. The entire time she was going back and forth with herself, she had no idea her heart had already made the choice and she was not going to be able to change that. Despite the dangers, what she had with Nick was not something she ever wanted to give up. She wanted so desperately, more than anything in the world at this moment, to believe he would be successful in keeping her safe. But the reality of the situation was that there was no way to be sure. Being with Nick automatically put her in harm’s way no matter how much he tried to keep her safe. She pushed all her thoughts away and focused on how she felt. It may not be the smartest choice, she thought, but it feels like the only right one at this moment. She could not fight how she felt and now was the time to fully admit she had fallen in love with him. There was no other reason she would be willing to ignore every logical reason to leave him and focus solely on her feelings in order to justify staying by his side. It had all happened so fast and it all was very intense from the moment they met so it was not a surprise she had reached this place already. If her gut was not betraying her, there was a high likelihood he felt the same way toward her too.

  She knew deep down inside these feelings were not entirely knew. This was not the first time she had been faced with the dilemma of staying in the relationship or ending it. Even from the early days she had chosen this path so there was really no reason to expect anything different no
w. For the amount that the danger had intensified, so had her feelings. And, just like before, she felt like a complete fool for following her heart rather than being sensible and running to safety. But then she would always run away from the great things in life for safety and that sounded dreadfully boring. She was never one to do the boring thing or even the conventional thing.

  He stood up and walked over to kneel in front of her, looking into her eyes with complete sincerity. “I love you,” he told her, “I love you so damn much. I would be devastated if anything happened to you.” She leaned down and they kissed for a long time. It was a soft and sweet kiss for the duration of it but as soon as she stood up and so did he, they both moved forward into a much more passionate kiss. Despite everything that had happened there was still that magnetic pull between them. And if they had to stay here for some time, why not make the most of it? Especially now that she had finally been honest with herself about her true feelings and he had even uttered the very words she had been thinking, she wanted to actually be with him. Nicholas Verraud was both her downfall and her salvation. He put his hands on her back and drew her closer to him, deepening the kiss by running his tongue along her lower lip so she would open her mouth. She did not resist; she only allowed herself to fall into it and enjoy the moment because that was the reason she had made this choice to begin with. It would be pointless to decide for danger and then not even experience it. She let out a sweet sigh of happiness as he kissed along her jawline and then down her neck, landing at her collarbone and licking playfully along it. He kissed back up along her collarbone before licking down it again and then continuing on toward her neck to suck on and nip at it gently while his hands wandered all over her back until they finally landed at her hips.

  Nick took her hand and led her to the living room where he eased her down onto the floor. He first took off all of his clothes before kneeling down and taking hers off slowly, piece by piece. He reached out and grabbed her arms to pull her up and close to him, close enough so he could plant wet, open-mouthed kisses all over her chest. She grabbed his chin and tilted his head up to look into his eyes before pulling him into a kiss while her other hand slid down his chiseled abs to wrap around his shaft. She let go of it in favor of running her fingers along the length of his very hard cock. He stared right into her eyes and asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?” The movement of her fingers stopped and she stared back into his eyes. She knew what he was really asking. And the truth was she was not entirely sure but she would never be. It did not matter what decision she made, she would always question whether it had been the right one. She would always wonder if she had done what she truly wanted to do. So she decided to stay where she was and go down the path that kept him in her life. She did not answer because she could not give him the confident answer he was so desperately seeking. Instead, she wrapped her hand around his cock and began to stroke it slowly as she gave him a long, languid kiss.

  Suddenly, he was pushing her down onto the floor to lie on her back again and he climbed over her allowing his hard cock to rub against her wet slit. He leaned down and gave her a close-mouthed kiss before it turned more fervent and needy. His lips parted with hers to trail down along her jawline, then to her neck where he stopped for a while and sucked. He sucked at different spots of her neck, his tongue darting out to lick the spot before planting a kiss on it and moving on. She could hear their heavy breaths filling the air as he kissed down her chest and began licking her boob in a circular motion while he fondled the other with his hand. He went on to alternate between licking, sucking, rubbing, and pinching her nipples sending a cascade of sensations over her body and filling her with an even greater desire. She succeeded in shutting down her mind completely and focusing only on every physical sensation she was experiencing.

  It was exhilarating to feel this way constantly with him but something about this time was different. It could have been the situation or it could have been the feelings they had admitted but it did not matter; the only the thing that mattered was what was happening now and how utterly amazing it all felt. It moved so quickly and she felt completely lost in it. She cupped her hands on his cheeks and looked affectionately at his face before pulling it back toward hers so they could lock into a sensuous kiss, his hand still fondling her breasts. She broke the kiss and moaned loudly when she felt one of his fingers slide easily inside her as his thumb pressed up against her clit. He added a second finger and worked them in and out of her, never letting up on her clit just like she never let up on the moans falling from her lips. He continued this for a couple minutes until he managed to bring her to orgasm, her head falling back and eyes clamping shut as the sensations running through her body overwhelmed her.

  She felt his hand running up her side and leaving a trail of her own liquids on her skin until he rested it on the base of her neck, applying a slight amount of pressure. This was new, he had never held her that way before and she wondered where it came from. She felt the tip of his cock rubbing against her extremely wet slit and realized she was breathing so heavily she could not even hear his heaving. They kissed and he slowly entered her, not letting go of the base of her neck with his hand. If anything, the pressure with which he held her increased as he began working his cock in and out of her at his slow pace. She heard him grunting as he began thrusting a bit faster and she wanted to moan but she found herself unable to make the noise. It was at that moment that she realized he was holding onto her neck so tightly he was starting to restrict her breath.

  “Fuck,” she gasped out as she shoved him back by the shoulder. He fell back and slipped out of her, regaining his balances before he looked at her in confusion with pupils blown. “You were choking me,” she managed to get out. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He stayed in the same spot and looked incredibly guilty. His eyes had turned from lust to remorse in a second flat. It was then that she saw his eyes begin to tear up and he rushed into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. She sat there completely dumbfounded by what had just happened. He had never held her like that and now he was, presumably, crying in the bathroom. Maybe she was wrong; maybe this was all too much for both of them. She gave him a few minutes before she stood up and knocked a couple times on the bathroom door. She heard him sniffle before opening it and immediately registered his red eyes.

  “Nick,” she said. As she reached out to him he skirted around her and walked back into the living room. He sat on the couch and buried his head in his hands. “I want to promise you safety but I can’t. I can only promise you I’ll do everything I cant to keep you out of harms way.” He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. She felt his warm tears fall onto her skin. “I should have never done this to you,” he said regretfully. “I’m asking too much of you. I love you but I’m selfish for wanting to keep you by my side when I know exactly what that means.”

  Shauna had no idea what to respond. She had never seen Nick so vulnerable. He was always so strong and in control, that was why he was always the leader wherever he went. How was she supposed to handle this brand new side of him? She could not even find the right words to tell herself. She could not even justify staying with him to herself. What was she supposed to tell him now? She pulled back and looked into his eyes and that was when she realized she was also crying. He was blurry through her tears and she wiped them away only to find more sprang out to take their place. She grazed his cheek and said, “I’m sorry” before walking away from him and into one of the bedrooms.

  Chapter 10: No Guarantees

  She sat on the bed for a very long time just staring directly at the wall in front of her. For a period of time at the beginning, she thought of absolutely nothing at all. She only sat there with confusion running through her. When it hit her she might have just broken up with him, a shard of pain hit her all over as if there were shards of glass flying at her and cutting up her skin. She knew, deep down, it was probably for the best and they would both move o
n in time. But she did not want it to be this way and she knew he felt the same way as her. But she could not even leave the apartment at this time so what was supposed to happen now? She could not hide out in this bedroom for days either. She buried her face in her hands and screamed into them out of sheer frustration. This was all wrong. Meeting that alluring man at the club and initiating the relationship they had was not supposed to end up like this.

  She fell back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling trying to think of other ways to work through this. But what it really came down to was the exact same choice. In fact, this choice had already been made when they first started out. So, she thought, If I’ve already made this choice, what am I debating now? But it was somehow different; the decision she had made previously had not offered her a very personal experience. She had not yet been afforded the opportunity to truly know what exact kind of danger she could be placed in. In fact, she did not truly think before now something like this would actually happen to her. It had even taken Nick by surprise. There was no way to know if she would be always be in danger should she choose to stay with Nick now. That is when it dawned on her that breaking up did not guarantee her safety either. She burst out of the bedroom and alarmed Nick so much he nearly fell out of his chair. “What’s going on?”

  “Just because this ends doesn’t mean I won’t be in danger anymore,” she told him. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow in question. She could tell he was trying to work out what she meant and knew he would get there but continued to talk anyway, “They already know I’m important to you and they have my information. Just because we breakup doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly not care if I die or not. They can still come after me.”


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