Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5

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Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5 Page 12

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “I will never forget you,” she says.

  “I’ll remember that when I’m old and you’re married and have children. Make sure you come around and say hello, put my false teeth in a glass, and change my adult diapers.” Hunter laughed inside. If that won’t dissuade her nothing will.

  “I will have your children.” Hunter’s head shifted to the side. What will it take to convince this brazen child that he’s not for her? She knows so much for her age, yet she’s not aware that she’s in the presence of a werewolf.

  “No more talk like that get out.” Hunter thought of Katie. He had realized that it had been over a year since he has been home. They must think that he’s dead. Time had been passing him by. His life had been passing. But he had learned the lessons his father wanted to teach him. He learned them the hard way.

  There were more lessons in his future that he was destined to learn.

  “I have to get dressed, Haley. Could you step out of the room so I can shave? And please close the door behind you.”

  “Alright,” Haley said kicking at the rug. She wanted to be around Hunter all the time. She fed him until he was able to do it himself. She had been the reason he recovered so soon. He hadn’t been there a week and now he was standing and walking around. The shoulder wasn’t aching any more.

  Standing and looking into the mirror, Hunter’s journey had taken a toll on his body. Once he had a flawless muscular young body. It still bore the strength and power of youth, but now it wore cuts, slashes, and wounds down to his hips. He surveyed it. His body outward with all the bruises and wounds were that of a werewolf who had been to war and survived. It was now a matter of did he survive good or bad. But he wasn’t home yet to make that assessment.

  Hunter walked into the restroom and there set scissors, a razor, and shaving cream. He patiently cut his long beard and then shaved himself. He hadn’t seen his face in years and now he didn’t recognize the face of the werewolf in man form. He placed his hands to his chin and passed his hand over it. He looked older. He was older.

  The face looking back at him wasn’t that of an eighteen year old, not a twenty year old but a far older man. It was not in his handsome face that showed his age. He was as handsome as ever. The young girl thought so. It was in his weary blue eyes that he discerned the maturity. Couldn’t Haley see it too?

  If she really knew him she would run.

  What Haley saw in his face was love. What Hunter saw was his need to return to his Katie. That is the only love he knew. She was the only one that made sense to him. It was with her that he would find the werewolf he had left behind. It was with her he would forget the journey he had encountered. She would take him back to when they first made love and his first kiss. Hunter longed for that and he couldn’t wait to get home to her.

  A knock came to his door, “Are you dressed yet and can I come in. You promised me that we could go fishing today.”

  “Give me a few minutes and I’m coming out,” Hunter shouted. Dr. Redmond had provided an old pair of Levis where the knees in the jeans were worn. Surprisingly they fit. He dropped a flannel shirt over his wonderful young body, tucked his long arms through sleeves, and buttoned his shirt, then rolling up the sleeves. He made a sigh. He was ready. He had gotten used to wearing moccasins and took to wearing them instead.

  When he opened the door, Haley was sitting in the hall on a bench. She had sat there most nights waiting for him to get better. He stood in front of her and she gazed up lovingly in his eyes.

  “Look at you. Aren’t you the most handsome man I’ve seen that isn’t in the magazines or movies.” Hunter smiled. He needed that pick me up, but not from her.

  “You say that because you don’t have boys your own age to fawn over you. You’re pretty in case you don’t know.”

  “I know I’m pretty. But I’m too pretty for just someone ordinary. You’re not an ordinary man.” She smiled, and tightened her mouth; her eyes blinking, but there was more behind that wide, glowing, playful smile, Hunter thought.

  “Let’s not go through that again. Didn’t you say that you want to go fishing?” They walked down the stairs and passed the mud room.

  “Here. These are my father’s fishing poles he won’t mind,” Hailey said handing it over to him.

  “I don’t fish with poles.”

  “With what then?” He held up his large hands. “And if you don’t behave yourself, I’ll use them on you.”

  “You wish,” and she stood on tiptoes and kissed Hunter on his cheek to his surprise. They both turned when they heard the door close with a bang.

  “Haley, where are you.” The voice sounded urgent. It was Dr. Redmond.

  “Over here. We’re going to the lake,” she answered.

  “No you can’t go. You have to leave with Hunter now,” he said clutching her by the shoulders. He looks her in the eyes. Dr. Redmond is breathless. “You’re going to spend the summer on his ranch with his family. They have children and horses and dogs for you to play with. But you are leaving now,” he says his eyes wavering between Haley and Hunter.

  “Aren’t you coming too?” Haley asked.

  “I’ll come for you up later,” Dr. Redmond said looking up at Hunter.

  “What about school?” Haley asked out of consideration for her father. She didn’t really care. She was always ahead of the children in school and bored all the time.

  “They have tutors to prepare you, and if you choose, you can go to the nearby schools.” Dr. Redmond looked in Hunter’s direction for affirmation. Hunter nodded his head yes. Now go get your bags quickly. You did pack as I instructed.”


  “Go quickly.”

  Haley left smiling and skipping. She wanted to be near Hunter and she was more than happy about that.

  “Why is it so important to leave now?” Hunter questioned. Dr. Redmond didn’t reply to his question.

  “Here. Take my car. I have a truck that I can use. I heard that there would be a raid on the werewolves’ territories and the town people would get rid of them.

  “But why?”

  “The few werewolves left in this area have been raiding and killing. And human girls have gone missing, so the humans naturally blame all werewolves. Because the town of Redmond has a population of fifty humans and fewer werewolves, the humans kept our secrets since my father first built this town.”

  It’s the rogue werewolves mixed with the local werewolves who been guilty of kidnapping girls. I know what they’re doing and that’s why I fear for Haley. But it’s more to it than that. Everyone, werewolves and humans, have been blaming each other for their own problems,” Dr. Redmond said.

  “The humans don’t want us here because they claim that some rogue wolves have been destroying their cattle. And they think Haley was stolen. But my wife and I adopted her from a couple who lived out in the woods. I tended to the female when she was sick, and when she died, the man was so distraught that he gave the baby to me and my wife. We love Haley. We didn’t tell her that we were werewolves. She didn’t need to know just yet. Make sure you tell her later.”

  “But aren’t you going to coming for her?”

  “I don’t think that will be possible.”

  “Why?” Hunter inquired. Hunter didn’t need the responsibility of a teenager on his hands.

  “I’m being hunted by the humans and the werewolves. You need to get her out of here.”

  “I can stay and help you fight them off.”

  “You should do no such thing.” He pushed Hunter in the direction of the door. “Go and take care of my little girl.” There was fright in his eyes. Hunter turned and faced Dr. Redmond. “Go, I said. I have no guns. The humans will come with guns and the werewolves are seasoned fighters and they will come in a packs. Your only hope is for me to stay here and delay the inevitable so you and Haley can escape. Take the car and Haley and leave.”

  Haley bounded down the stairs smiling unaware of the conversation with a backpack in her hand. �
��I have everything I need.” She handed it to Hunter and he takes it as she kisses her father on the cheek. Dr. Redmond walks them out of the house and they enter the dark blue BMW.

  “I’ll see you in two weeks, Haley.” Hunter glanced up at Dr. Redmond standing near the car on the passenger side. “Be nice and listen to Hunter. He’s your guarding until I arrive.” Haley shook her head up and down in agreement. She took a satisfied breath as Hunter backed out of the driveway. She waved and looked back at her father standing in front of the home surrounded by forest and trees. There may have been flowers in the pots once because there were many flower pots in front of the entrance to the house.

  A sad look covered Haley’s face, but she waved goodbye until she could no longer see her father. As much as she loved going with Hunter, she hated leaving her father and her home. A terrible feeling covered her and she turned and sat quietly near Hunter.

  Chapter 18

  “Now what?” Hunter said looking at Haley. She gazed at him smiling broadly. The dimples in her cheeks cutting a deep impression on both sides of her flawless fresh skin.

  “Now you take me home to your mother and introduce me and we get married.”

  “Please, don’t start that again. Did you hear what your father said? I’m your guardian and you should listen to me.”

  “Yes sir.” She sat at attention. Head up back straight. “What should I call you?”

  “You can refer to me as Hunter for the moment. I’ll decide if you should call me Mr. Samsa.”

  “That sounds great. And you can call me Mrs. Samsa.”

  “That’s my mother’s name and I don’t think she would appreciate you taking her name. You’re just a child?”

  “I won’t be for long. I’ve had my period for a few years.”

  “I don’t want to hear of such things.” Hunter’s face flushed.

  “Boy, you are squeamish about things like that. It’s nature Hunter.” She leaned over peeping at him trying to figure out how to make him more uncomfortable. Haley enjoyed making Hunter uneasy. He cleared his throat and sucked in a breath.

  “My father is a doctor and he gave me a good education. He taught me about the birds and bees.” Hunter did everything to keep from rolling his eyes at Haley. She had him acting like a juvenile. “I can come down to your level if you’d rather I speak like an uninformed child.”

  “You are uninformed. And you are a child.” Hunter glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “Ask me anything. I bet I can answer your question.”

  “Where are we now?” Hunter questioned.

  “You do know that this car has a directional finder.” She hit a button then pointed. Hunter’s eyes left the road for a few seconds. “This is where we are. Now where are we going?” Haley asked.

  “Here.” Hunter’s long fingers pointed to Nevada on map.

  “Wow. That’s about twenty five hundred miles. I like that. I can be with you all alone. Just think you might fall in love with me along the way.”

  “There is no way that will happen. There are places for grown men who fall in love with young girls, and I’m not eager to find out where they put these men, and where these places are located.”

  “What I’m saying is you can fall in love with me in a spiritual sense. I’m in love with you that way. I’m planning on being a virgin when we get married. I’m not interested in having sex with you now.” Hunter’s eyes shot to Haley and he narrowed his gaze with a tight frown.

  “Here you go again with that. If I have to hear that for a thousand miles, I might put you on the side of the road, and let you hitch hike back home.” Haley looked at him. There was no way she would believe he would do such a thing. Her head dallied side to side and she smiled at him.

  “You don’t scare me,” Haley said with a wide grin.

  “That wasn’t my intentions, but if it was, you would be afraid.” He turned to her meeting her gaze and she saw his eye turn deep dark blue and his eyebrow lifted.

  She was sure he had a kind heart and he liked women and girls. She could tell. Her father could tell. He never would have let her go with Hunter if he thought she was in danger. She fell asleep. She woke because her stomach made a loud growling noise.

  With her hands crossed and a pained look she said, “When are you going to stop for food and a restroom break?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Yes you are. Look.” She pointed to the right. “There’s a place that sells hamburgers.” He slowed the car and pulled into the parking area. There were three cars out front. “Why do you say those things to me when you know that you don’t mean it?” Hunter didn’t answer. He drove around to place the order.

  “What do you want?” Hunter asked.

  “A hamburger, milk shake, and fries.” When the girl at the drive through window asked him, he repeated the order to her. They drove around and then he remembered that he didn’t have any money.


  “I don’t have any money to pay for your hamburger.” Haley reached in her purse and brought out a ten dollar bill.

  “That’s all I need is a man who doesn’t have money. I might reconsider marrying you.”

  “I wish you would. I don’t think I can survive your puppy love.”

  When the order was ready, he handed the girl the money, took the paper tray, handed it to Haley, and drove off after getting his change.

  “Park over there, Hunter.” Haley directed him to park at the entrance. Hunter gazes at her.

  “I have to go to the restroom. You do know what that is.” Haley jumped out when the car came to a stop. She sauntered into the building. He watched at her walk to the counter ask for the bathroom key, and disappear into the bathroom.

  Hunter watched at her as one boy followed her, but seeing him enter the men’s room, Hunter hesitated deciding not to go after him. Then she came out, walked to the counter, and the boy stood on the side of her. She laughed and the boy smiled at her. Hunter jumped out of the car.

  He strode up to the boy. “This is my daughter. She doesn’t date,” and Hunter took her by the arm and led her out. The boy observed them argue and Haley pull her arm away from Hunter.

  He opened the car door and placed her in the car and slammed the door. Then he put his feet on the brakes and hit the keyless button and the car roared out of the parking lot heading for the interstate.

  “What was that?” Haley said in defiance.

  “I made your father a promise that I would take care of you. I’m your guardian.”

  “Well then you will have to come up with a better excuse than, I’m her father. Did you hear yourself? You sound like a kidnapper or something. And I don’t like you interrupting my conversations. He was just a boy who said I was pretty and wanting to know my name.”

  “You can’t trust boys around here. You will have plenty of time to date, but not at fifteen or sixteen.”

  “Says who?”


  “And who are you?” She wanted him to answer her. She wanted him to say her future husband, but he wouldn’t under any circumstances. He wasn’t about to play Haley’s silly childish games. “Now eat your food. It’s probably cold.”

  “When are you going to eat?”

  “I don’t need to,” Hunter said. He didn’t tell her that at peak shape and when he has consumed large amounts of fresh meat, he can go as long as twelve days and maybe more. But he needed water. As they drove further along the interstate he heard the sound of a water fall.

  “We can stop and you can eat. Have you seen a water fall?”

  “Wow that would be awesome. No, I’ve never seen one. It can be like a picnic.” Hunter glanced over at Haley. She was nothing but a child trying to pretend that she was all grown up.

  “When did you start to act like an adult? You should enjoy your youth. Soon you will be all grown up and...”

  “And I will marry you,” Haley said to him.

  “Don’t start that again. I wanted to say that life
isn’t that easy when you’re an adult.”

  “It’s not that easy when you’re a child either. I had to take care of my father when my mother died. I think I was about thirteen and he stopped eating and sleeping. That’s a long story and I don’t want to talk about it now. My father is ok. I don’t ever want to lose him and you.” Haley glanced over to Hunter. He turned his head away from her. He didn’t want her to see the truth in his eyes—that she may never see her father again.

  “The waterfall is over to the right. Straight ahead.” He pointed and pulled off the highway onto a dirt path. Coming to a stop in front of a large waterfall, they sat in the car looking at it. The water is crystal clear and it feeds into a small lake.

  “How did you know it was here; have you been here before?”

  “No. You ask too many questions. Now get out of the car and be careful.” He walked around and opened the door for Haley.

  “You are a gentleman when you aren’t trying to be my father.” Hunter’s eyes settled on Haley for a moment, and then he lay down on his stomach by the lake, and began drinking the water.” Haley stood looking down at him. He was so thirsty he forgot how he was drinking. He was lapping it into his mouth.

  “You are a real cave man. Drinking water from a spring. Not even putting it in your hands. Aren’t you afraid?”

  “Afraid of what?”

  “Germs. Contamination.”

  “No,” he said looking up at her with his eyebrows making a V in his forehead.”

  “You look so handsome when you’re angry,” she said sitting near him with her cold hamburger and watery drink. Hunter sat up quickly.

  “Finish your food so we can go.”

  Biting a piece of the hamburger and drinking her Sprite, she looked on him and said, “I want to enjoy this day. It’s just me and you. When we get to your ranch it will be a lot of people and I probably won’t get to see you.”

  “That’s because I will have a lot of catching up to do with my girlfriend.”

  “You say you have a girlfriend, and you haven’t seen her in let me guess, maybe two years. How do you know you have a girlfriend?”


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