Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5

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Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5 Page 13

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Hunter glanced at Haley his brow furrowed. He didn’t want to think of Katie not waiting for him. He was in love and she was his first love and she would be his mate for life. He saw no reason why it wouldn’t be as he had envisioned. He had been through too much to get home and to think that she wouldn’t be there waiting. That could prove to be too painful.

  “I don’t want to discuss her with you.”

  “Why? Do you think discussing her with the future Mrs. Samsa is kind a weird?”

  “No. The only thing that’s weird is you. Let’s go.” He stood walking in the direction of the car. And Haley trotted along after him.

  Hunter’s thoughts were about sleeping in his own bed. He thought most of all about Katie. Taking her in his arms and making love to her. This time he would buy a ring, ask her out on a date to a fancy restaurant in Samsaville, and then ask her to marry him. He thought about calling as he got closer to home.

  “Do you have a cell phone, Haley?”

  “No. My father said I didn’t need one. We were too far to get any good reception.” He had thought of surprising them. His mother would be surprised, he thought. It was good he didn’t call, he thought.

  He drove all night into the next day only resting for a few minutes at the roadside parks as Haley complained.

  When Haley woke she said, “Can’t we stop and sit and eat like human beings. I need to change my clothes if I’m going to meet your mother. I have to make a good impression. Considering...” Hunter glanced at Haley. Her words were less amusing as he came closer to home.

  “You can’t keep talking about marrying me. I’ve had enough. I wouldn’t marry you under any circumstances. You are not my type.”

  “And what type is that? I bet you only had one woman in your life. The way you talk about Katie she has you under some kind of spell. But don’t worry. I’ll break that spell.” A mischievous grin crossed Haley’s lips. Her tongue brushed over her lips and Hunter caught sight of her salacious young mouth.

  “I can’t wait to get out of this car with you. That’s why I haven’t stopped. I think you have managed to solidify my dislike of teenagers.”

  “Remember you were one once a long time ago,” Haley said. She touched his hand. “Can we stop now? I have to go.” Hunter acquiesced to Haley’s wishes and pulled up to the nearest gas station. He stopped the car and then he remembered that he didn’t have any money for gas, and he had to ask Haley for more money.

  “We need gas and I don’t...”

  “I know. You don’t have any money. I’ve been buying gas and financing this trip. I don’t know if I can keep supporting you. I guess I will have to turn over my father’s bank account to you. He put it in your name as the fiduciary.” She smiled and handed him two twenties to fill up the gas tank.

  Remembering that Dr. Redmond had mentioned giving him money to take care of her, he had forgotten about that. He didn’t want to have anything to do with looking after her money.

  Grabbing her back pack and throwing it over one shoulder, Haley hopped out of the car and shot Hunter a smile, raised her head high and shoulders back, and strutted away. He stood at the pump looking at her as she sauntered to the bathroom. She is certainly a handful, Hunter admitted as he proceeded to take the gas hose, and pump the gas into the car’s tank.

  When Haley returned, her hair was combed and she had on a bright yellow dress, flip flops, and her hair was flowing, no longer in a ponytail. She even added gloss on her lips.

  “What are you all made up for?”

  “You.” She opened the door looking at Hunter with a coy smile on her face, and climbed inside the car. Hunter disappeared into the store to pay for the gas and then he ambled in the direction of the car. Haley liked his cool confident walk. She had never seen men walk in such a manner as him. His head erect, shoulder back, long legs gliding across the concrete pavement. He’s so handsome and that face and body to die for, she thought.

  Hunter opened the car and sat in the driver’s seat next to Haley. She wore a curious smile on her face. He checked the mirror and hit the keyless button and drove out of the gas station.

  “I could never do better than a man like you.”

  “You don’t want a man. You should be looking at boys.” Hunter spoke in a light cynical voice.

  “Well, when I did, you intervened and stopped me from talking to one. I hope you don’t act like that when I get my first boyfriend.”

  “I’m your guardian. You father left me instructions and I will keep you intact until you are at the age of consent.”

  “Then I can marry you.”

  “Then you can date a boy.”

  “That’s not fair. You don’t want me and you’re going to keep anyone from dating me.”

  “That’s not exactly the way it is.”

  “That’s the way I see it.”

  “You don’t count. You’re a child.”

  The snow began falling lightly then heavy. “Are we going to keep at this pace? I think we should get a hotel room. I have some money left.” Hunter glared at Haley.

  “Not on your life. It’s just a spring storm. We get them this time of the year. We’re high in the hills of Nevada. We’re almost home. I won’t stop.”

  “What are you afraid of, me?”

  “Yes, you,” Hunter said in a cold edgy nasty tone.

  “You must be afraid you can’t resist me.” Hunter throws another tiresome glance at Haley. He can’t take anymore of her silly childish banter with him missing Katie, and his family.

  The wipers once were containing the snow, but it was coming down quickly and the wiper blades couldn’t handle it. Hunter strained to see at a distance. He stopped every few feet to clear the snow from the blades until the blades wore and flew off. Yet Hunter pushed on into the night trying to clear the snow with his long arms and hand.

  Haley stare at him and complained. He didn’t listen to her.

  Then the inevitable happened. The car hit a snowbank and it careened off the road and turned over and over, and finally stopped and rested on the edge of a ravine. He glanced over at Haley and the air bag had gone off, and he couldn’t tell where all the blood was coming from. He was unsure whether it was the air bags, or the badly damaged car window which had cause the wounds on her head and body.

  Quickly unfastening his seatbelt he tore hers from around her body freeing her. The car began teetering and threating to fall into the swollen icy river.

  Why did she have to wear that flimsy dress? he thought. He had to get her out of the car because it was ready to roll into the river. Hunter shifted into werewolf form. Taking her in his arms he put her on his back. “Do you hear me Haley? Stay with me. Hold on to my fur.” Surprisingly she did as he said. He was able to travel rapidly on four legs.

  He had to get her to his ranch and keep her warm on the journey. Haley tightened her hands around his neck. He could feel the warmth of her breath on his fur. She was ok for now. He didn’t have time to examine her to see if she had any broken bones. When he felt her hands slipping, he called out to her. “Haley, say something. Keep your eyes close and hold on tight.”

  Hunter blamed himself for making that wrong decision to continue driving when he knew the storm was coming. He thought that he could make it home by night fall and he would be with Katie. She was all he thought about. He didn’t think of the safety of a young girl who had no mother and soon to have no father to take care of her.

  He had relinquished his responsibilities to Haley because his emotions once again controlled his decisions and actions. The blame lay with me, he thought. And he would take responsibility for his lack of judgment.

  Haley opened her eyes and she appeared to be delusional, “Hunter. Where are you?”

  “Keep your eyes shut, Haley. I’m here.”

  “I’m so cold.” He stopped and scooped her up and wrapped her in his arms and began running with her through the snow. Haley relaxed as she felt the warmth of his heavy fur next to her. He carried her like
a baby in his arms whispering into her ear.

  “You will be alright. I’m here Haley. I’ll never leave you.” She smiled and grabbed on to his arms and lay her head against his chest. Because he was running on two legs and not four he ran half as fast. On four legs he could run eighty miles an hour but he could only manage forty to fifty with Haley in his arms. It was going to take him a little longer to get home.

  “I’m warm now, Hunter,” she whispered. He heard Haley over the sounds of the forest and the silent drop of snow. “I love you, Hunter,” Haley said mumbling over and over. Hunter no longer was repulsed by her talk. He was happy that she was alive. He didn’t want to lose her. He didn’t want to forever have her death on his conscience because he was too stubborn and couldn’t see or think about anyone but Katie.

  She had become his friend somewhere between Washington state and Nevada. She had become a beautiful young girl just searching around for someone or something that made sense and someone to love. The only person she trusted was him, and he felt that she would find her mate one day as he had. But not him.

  Humans are different, or are they? He knew when he met his mate. Werewolves feel that connection, and sometimes that connection maybe set through their first sexual encounters, where they would want to mate for life.

  But why was Haley so focused on him and so unwavering about her feelings for him? Surely she didn’t have the instincts that werewolves have. She was just a human female. Then he began thinking about Katie. Maybe her thoughts and desires were not as strong as his.

  During his rush through the forest carrying Haley, Hunter had time to think. Would Katie be waiting for him? Would Katie’s feelings for Hunter be as one sided as Haley’s feelings are for him, as his feelings are for Haley? He couldn’t answer that until he looked into Katie’s eyes.

  Hunter didn’t know how long he had been running. His mind kept him occupied. He saw the lights of his ranch. His family’s ranch. All he needed to do is sprint another mile and he would be standing at his door.

  He began tiring, but he had to do it. His legs felt like two bags of cement as he ran near the frozen river, and through the light snow. Hunter’s magnificent body is holding up under the strain of lack of sleep and lack of food. It was his past years in the wilderness which prepared him for this run.

  Forgetting everything except Haley pushed him forward. The thought of saving a life, and not the taking of a life was what kept him going. The thought of his longings made life so important, made living so sweet at this moment. It was that part of him that is human that gave him the joy that he is experiencing as he nears the door to his home.

  Safe at his door, he shifts with Haley in his arms. He pauses to catch his breath. “Are we home now, Hunter? Can I open my eyes?”

  “Yes. You’re home and you’re safe.” Hunter opens the door. He stands and looks around. Nothing has changed. Then he walks into the living area and he sees people he didn’t recognize. They stand watching at him. He’s naked and holding Haley in his arms.

  One woman screams, “There’s a naked man in the house carrying a child, get him a blanket and call the police.”

  “Where’s Robert?” Hunter questions the housekeeper. Her eyes open wide and she turns away blushing.

  “Robert’s upstairs with the family.” When he glances up, he sees Adrienne, Drayton, and Lycell standing holding on to the banister.

  “That’s not a naked man, he’s my son. My son is home, Hunter is home,” Adrienne says with pride. Robert rushes down the stairs and takes Haley from Hunter’s tight grip. At first he couldn’t let her go. Then with large trembling hands, Hunter gives her to him.

  From the kitchen Devin and Katie rushed in the foyer and see Hunter covered with a blanket at the bottom of the stairs. Devin and Katie’s eyes waver back and forth looking startled at each other. Their eyes wide and mouths open unable to speak, and not knowing what to say. Adrienne rushes down the stairs and grabs Hunter wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “My son. My son. You’re home,” she says. Her hands holding his face. She stares into his deep blue eyes now harden, but filled with tenderness and passion.

  “How did you know it was me? I’ve changed,” Hunter whispered in Adrienne’s ear.

  “A mother always knows her children.”

  The End of Hunter’s Moon book 5

  Coming soon Moon Tide book 6

  Book 7 Moon Eclipse

  First Books in the Insatiable Series

  Book 1 Insatiable: The Lone Werewolf Finds His Mate

  Book 2 Insatiable: A Werewolf’s Hunger

  Book 3 Insatiable: A Werewolf’s Wedding

  Book 4 Insatiable: The Werewolves’ Challenge

  Thanks for reading and buying my books please leave a review. Below is a list of more

  books by Rachel E Rice.

  Books by Rachel E Rice

  Historical Romance

  The Captain and The Virgin 1

  The Pirate and The Captain’s Lady 2

  The Captain’s Revenge 3

  Seduced By An Earl 1

  The Naked Countess 2

  Contemporary Romance

  Obsession: Warm Bodies, Cold Hearts 1

  Obsession: Naked Obsession 2

  Burning Obsession 3

  Tamika Jade: The Case of the girl with the Rose Tattoo 1

  Coming in January, 2017; Tamika Jade: The Case of the Summer Blues 2

  Science Fiction

  The Well 1 2 3

  Erotic Romance

  Blackstone Series: The Incredible Mr. Black 1

  Blackstone Series: Temptation In Black 2

  Blackstone Series: Submission To Black 3

  Blackstone Series: Black Tie Affair 4

  Blackstone Series: Mourning In Black 5

  Coming soon: Blackstone Series: Fade To Black 6

  Stand Alone New Adult Romance

  Finding Summer

  One Desire

  Fantasy/ Paranormal

  Insatiable Series: The Lone Werewolf finds his Mate 1

  Insatiable Series 1 2 3 4 5

  Sign up for a newsletter on Rachel E Rice’s website for chapter reveals, free books, and the latest books before they are published. Please leave a review. Thank you for reading and

  buying my books.




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