Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 8

by Destiny Patterson

  “All good now?” His brother asks looking at me through the rearview mirror.

  “Yeah, let’s go.” Carson pushes against the driver seat.

  “Since Carson isn’t going to introduce us I’ll do it myself. I’m Daelynn.” She turns around and smiles extending her dainty arm.

  “Journey.” I introduced myself as I shake her hand.

  “Cool name.”

  “Thanks, so is yours, very unique.”

  “It’s okay, I’m finally getting used to it you wouldn’t believe the dumb crap kids say about it.” She shrugs.

  “I’ve received some ribbing over my name as well. Don’t let it bother you.”

  “Blake.” Carson’s brother says piercing me with his green eyes again.

  I look away quickly and he chuckles softly.

  “Journey just moved here from Manhattan.” Carson informs them.

  Daelynn squeals, “I’ve always wanted to go there! I hear they have shops that are tres chic. What’s it like? Why’d you move here? Do you have a sister? How old are you?”

  “Lay off the energy drinks Dae.” Carson says grinning.

  “I had orange juice thank you very much.” She sticks her tongue out at him and crosses her arms.

  “To answer your questions. There are very nice stores, some of them you have to make serious bank to shop in though. Manhattan is busy and really fast paced. My parents thought a change of scenery would be nice. No sister, I have a twin brother. I’m seventeen. Did I miss any?”

  She grins hugely, “Nope. So your brother, what’s his name?”


  “Huh, seems he got the short end of the stick as far as names go. Is that short for Andrew?”

  “No it’s just Drew.”

  “I guess it’s not to bad. Where is he?”

  Carson rolls his eyes, “If you couldn’t tell she’s boy crazy.”

  “Am not,” she huffs, “I like to meet new people.”

  “I’m sure you’ll meet him eventually. How old are you?”

  “I’ll be sixteen this month. Oh you should totally come to my birthday party! It’s going to be fab!”

  “Um… I’m not much for parties or large groups of people, especially ones I don’t know.”

  “You’ll know us and you can bring your brother.” She beams, “It’ll be fun and you can get to know some of the group you’ll be in school with. See it’s a win-win situation.”

  I open my mouth to tell her I’ll think about it but Blake speaks up, “She’s not going to take no for an answer. If that means she has to drag you out of your house kicking and screaming she’ll do it.” He smirks.

  Well that might just be what it takes.

  “She’s right you know, better to start school knowing as many people as possible,” Carson says then looks to her scrunching his nose, “even if they are lower on the totem pole.”

  Daelynn rolls her eyes. I catch Blake looking at me again and he smiles. “Like that’s bothered you before Carson.”

  Carson shoots Blake a look, it’s one I’ve seen plenty of times from Drew. The one that says shut up now or you’re going to get it later. Blake smirks and cuts his eyes back to the road as he messes with the CD player. I look at Carson questioningly and he shakes his head clearly annoyed. “Anyway, do you like to swim?” he asks me.

  “Yes but it’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach.”

  “We’ll go tomorrow then, if you’d like.” He looks at me shyly.

  I’m not completely incompetent. This boy has it down pat; heart breaker should be tattooed across his forehead. But I’m a sucker for cute guys with killer eyes and the way he works those big browns like decadent chocolates makes me melt. “Sure.” My heart skips as it slips out and I realize I’ll have to wear a bathing suit in front of him. Definitely buying a cute cover up between now and then, I’d wear jeans but I’d look plain stupid and completely miserable sweating my butt off. Not attractive at all.

  “I’d say we’d go today but I’m sure Daelynn is going to have us running from one store to another, I hope you like to shop.“ Blake says.

  “All girls like to shop, right Journey.” Daelynn says shoving his arm.

  “I guess most girls do, my friend Kadence can spend all day perusing.” I stop mid sentence and look at the passing cars. Those were the fun days. Trying on whatever she shoved at me, her hoping she’d somehow convert me into a girly girl. I swear she thought I was a life size Barbie doll at times. It irked her when I’d put all the dresses, skirts, high heels and accessories back for jeans, tees and sneakers; but it gave me a good laugh.

  “It must be hard for you, having to leave all your friends behind.” Blake says. I guess he noticed my mood change, of course you’d have to be blind not to.

  Carson slips his hand to mine, “I know it’s not the same but you’ve got me and you’ll make new friends.”

  Blake rolls his eyes and turns the volume up as I force a smile.

  “And I’ll be your new shopping buddy, of course you’ll have to drive. I don’t get my own car until I’m seventeen and this jerk refuses to let me drive his.” She pokes Blake.

  “I told you I’d let you when you have a little more experience under your belt.”

  “Well then someone needs to let me drive every once and a while. Believe it or not I don’t enjoy being chauffeured around.”

  “You don’t have a car?” I ask Carson.

  “No ma’am, I have a motorcycle,” he grins devilishly, “wanna ride?”

  Great one more sign he’s a bad boy. “Maybe…”

  “You’re not scared are you?”

  “No, but I’m not sure if my parents will be cool with it.”

  He bites at his lip, “I’ve got that covered, most adults like me.”

  “We’ll see. If they agree to it I’ll…”

  “Oh, we’re going to bet on it?”

  “Should we?” I ask smirking. There’s no way my parents will let me climb on the back of that death trap.

  Carson glances at Daelynn and she nods happily.

  “If they allow you to then you have to go to Daelynn’s party with me. I do have to tell you though, the odds are in my favor.”

  “You’re on, but when you lose I get to ask one personal question and you have to answer honestly. Oh and just FYI I’m good at distinguishing the truth from BS.” I purse my lips and quickly shake it off. I don’t even need to look at myself to know I was making a mom face! It won’t happen again, but on the bright side at least it wasn’t the butthole face!

  “Oh just so you know my party is semi-formal. If you don’t own a dress and heels you should buy some.” Daelynn giggles, I’m guessing it’s from the mortified expression I can’t hide. Me plus high heels equals a bad combination.

  “Of course if you are going as Carson’s date you can’t really wear high heels, he’s not that much taller than you.” Blake says seriously.

  “You can wear stilettos if you want, as long as you are on my arm it doesn’t matter to me.” Carson squeezes my hand, “I don’t necessarily need my date to be shorter than me,” his eyes trail down my long legs, “besides I’m sure you’d look killer in a pair, perhaps that should have been part of the bet.”

  “It’s not to late to add it in, however I get to add something also.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  Blake glances at Carson from the rear view mirror with a not so pleased look. Daelynn notices it also. “I have a feeling things are going to be very interesting with you around Journey.” She giggles.

  Carson brushes the hair away from my face and gives me a look I can’t describe. All I know is what it does to me and I’m not sure if I like it. “I have that feeling too.” He says.

  Putty in his hands, that’s what I am and it scares me worse than the unseen evil living at my house.

  “Yay! Everyone out of my way, it’s time to get my shop on!” Daelynn jumps out of the car before Blake can put it in park.

“Careful Sunshine.” Blake points at her.

  Carson shakes his head, “I’m worried about all the old ladies she’s going to knock down to get to the sales. She’s lethal when it comes to shopping.”

  “Why, not lil’ ole’ me.” She turns on the southern charm batting her lashes innocently and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Where do you want to look first?” Carson asks me as he climbs out of the car.

  “Umm…” I have no clue nor do I really care, but I don’t divulge that. Blake holds out his hand and I gladly take it getting out. My luck I’d fall out the car and break something. “Thanks.”

  He shrugs, “Not a problem, better safe than sorry.”

  Yep he thinks I’m a total klutz.

  Carson comes around the car quickly, “I’ll take it from here.”

  Sibling rivalry, gotta love it. Blake sort of frowns and releases me.

  “Dae knows all the good places to buy nice dresses, if you don’t already own one.”

  “You are so sure of yourself.”

  “My parents say that’s a good thing.”

  “I’m curious about something.” I glance at him; he’s watching me and I really wish I knew what he’s thinking.

  “What might that be?”

  “Do you always get what you want?”

  “Usually,” he peaks his brow.

  “And what is it you want now?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Well do you think you’ll get it?”

  “I sure hope so.”

  I’m starting to feel light headed and it isn’t because of Carson surprisingly. “I, uh,” my hands feel shaky as I dig through my purse.

  “What’s wrong?” Carson watches me carefully.

  “I haven’t eaten today and I’m starting to feel like crap.” I say wrapping my hand around the sugar tablet bottle and popping off the lid. “I have to get something to eat, I’ll catch up with you guys.”

  “I’ll go with you, we’ll have lunch together.”

  “But Carson,” Dae whines, “You promised you’d help me pick out a dress.”

  Carson’s cheeks turn blood red, “Dae, come on. Blake can help you for a little while.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She scoffs, “He doesn’t have the fashion sense you have.”

  “It’s alright, go with her, I won’t be long.”

  “I don’t want you to go by yourself, what if something happens?”

  “I’ll go with her,” Blake grins, “problem solved little brother. I’ll call when we’re done.”

  Carson starts to object but Daelynn chirps in, “Great! See you guys in a little while.” She drags Carson away, literally. For her to be so tiny she’s surprisingly strong.

  “Please tell me you’re not a vegetarian or some crap like that.” Blake smirks down at me.

  “No, I eat meat.”

  He fights back a smile, “Good.” He says walking back towards the car. “You coming?” he asks over his shoulder.

  I glance in the direction Carson and Daelynn went but they are lost in the crowd. “Wait up!” I call out picking up my pace before I lose sight of Blake. Actually that would be kind of hard to do, he’s super blond, tall and all I’d have to do is look for a group of drooling girls. Yes he’s that cute but I’m not sure if he knows it, he doesn’t act nearly as confident as Carson.

  It’s quiet alone in the car with him, which doesn’t bother me, however I’m thinking he might find it uncomfortable. He keeps glancing at me like he wants to say something but he’s not sure.

  “I tried the whole vegetarian thing once, I let Kadence talk me into it. I did great for a week then my dad grilled steaks and it was over. He knew I couldn’t say no. He was all like ‘not eating meat is unnatural, your body needs the protein’ and then I got an unwanted nutrition class.”

  “He sounds like a smart man.”

  “Yeah, he’s a surgeon, one of the best in his field.”

  “My dad’s a doctor at the local hospital.”

  “Cool, mine starts there tomorrow.”

  “Then I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. They are always having some sort of get together which they take turns hosting.”

  I close my eyes attempting to shake the feeling of unease caused by the thought of having a big party at my house.

  “You didn’t pass out on me did you?” Blake asks touching my thigh.

  My eyes fly open, “No, I’m fine.”

  He chuckles and down shifts preparing to pull into a parking lot, “I hope you like burgers and fries.”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  He laughs, “Carson isn’t fond of them.”

  “Oh.” I meant it as a rhetorical question but I guess it’s good to know.

  “He’s not a fan of red meat, if you ever want to gross him out order a rare steak. The look on his face, priceless.”

  “I’ll remember that.” I say following him in.

  The hostess blushes as we enter, “Hey, uh, two?” she fumbles over her words.


  “Right this way.” She says leading us to a booth.

  Our waitress makes it over in record time. And I thought I got good service with Drew around. I chuckle at the thought but it doesn’t stay in my head like I’d planned. Blake looks at me curiously and I want to hide under the table, he probably thinks I’m a mental case.

  “Do ya’ll know what you want or should I give ya’ll a minute?” the waitress asks.

  “Mountain Dew.” Blake and I say at the same time then we laugh.

  “You first.” I tell him.

  “No, ladies first, go ahead.” He smiles but quickly looks down at the menu.

  “I just want a plain cheeseburger, ketchup, mustard medium rare and a side of mayo.” I say handing back the menu.

  “Same but no mayo.” Blake says smiling at her, “Thanks.”

  “Uh huh.” She says walking off in a daze.

  Blake slightly shakes his head. “So, you’ll be a junior this year?”

  “No, a senior.”

  He ignites a pair of mind-blowing dimples.

  “What?” I ask.

  “So am I.”

  “I thought, never mind.” I shake my head.

  “That Carson would be a senior? He’ll be a junior, so how is it that you’re a grade ahead?”

  “You probably won’t believe this but I’m quite bright.”

  “Why wouldn’t I believe you?”

  “Well because…” I don’t want to state the obvious.

  He chuckles, “It’s alright, I get what you’re saying. You don’t seem like an air head though if that makes you feel better.”

  “Just a clumsy awkward girl.” I mumble looking down at the table.

  He bumps my foot, “Hey, don’t worry about it. We all have our moments.”

  I pull at a strand of my long black hair feeling more that a bit self-conscience with him watching me.

  “Do I make you nervous?” he asks.

  “A little,” I admit peeking up at him, “but don’t take it personally, most people do.”

  He pierces me with his green sparkling jewels and I absolutely see where Carson learned his moves. I really shouldn’t be alone with either of them! I look away post haste.

  “You have amazing eyes, they’re like sapphires. I’ve never seen anything like them.”

  Calm, don’t freak. It’s just my luck that two hot guys show me attention, which rarely happens, and they turn out to be brothers. Faneffingtabulous! Ugh, I’m jumping to conclusions, Blake probably finds me amusing. I glance back at him, crap I should probably say something. “Thanks, that’s what my mom wanted to name me.” Ugh why’d I tell him that?! I could have kept that to myself!


  “Yeah,” I nod my head, “It’s more ridiculous than Journey.”

  “I would have insisted you dance for me.” He says with a roughish grin.

  “You would have been sadly disappointed, I’m no
t all that great at it.”

  “Maybe you just haven’t had the right partner.”

  “I haven’t danced since I quit ballet in middle school.”

  “Ballet, really?”

  “Yeah eight years worth.”

  “Why’d you stop?”

  “My mom put me in it when I had no say so and I just kept doing it because it made her happy.”

  “But it didn’t make you happy?”

  “I’m not going to say that, I still miss it at times but academics are more important than recitals.”

  “You have no idea what a rare jewel you are do you?”

  Oh no, not the butterflies again. I thought I was over this.

  “Here you are.” The waitress sets down our plates. Wow I hadn’t even noticed she’d already brought our drinks.

  “Thank you.” I say reaching for a straw.

  “Can I get you anything else?” She looks directly at Blake.

  He glances at me before answering and I shake my head no. “I think we’re good.”

  I really want to inhale my food but decide against it for fear that I’ll choke on it and he’ll have to do the Heimlich maneuver to save my life. That would top off the embarrassment I’ve inflicted upon myself today.

  “Thanks for bringing me to get some nourishment.” I say pulling out my wallet to pay for my part.

  “Anytime, what are you doing?”

  “Paying for my lunch.”

  “Absolutely not,” he looks at me offended, “I’ve got this.”

  “I don’t mind really, I never expected you to pay.”

  “I know, but if you don’t mind I’d like to.”


  “My dad taught me manners, like when you take a girl out to eat you pay for it.”

  “Though I don’t think that rule applies here I’ll allow it since you seem persistent.”

  He smiles and puts the money on the table, “I,” his cell phone starts ringing and he groans softly as he looks at the screen, “guess we should get going.” He texts back as we walk out.

  “Blake, can I ask you something?”


  “I don’t want to seem noisy, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” I glance at him and he nods. “What’s up with you and Carson?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well you seem agitated at each other.”


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