Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 9

by Destiny Patterson

  “Huh, you picked up on that… He’s changed a lot lately.”

  “People change as they grow older, it isn’t always bad.”

  “It isn’t always good either. Just… be careful.” He glances at me as he parks the car.

  “What do you mean?” I ask nervously.

  He brushes my arm, “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  So he thinks Carson is going to hurt me… as in break my heart?

  His cell phone rings again, “Speak of the devil,” he grins. “Yes little brother.” He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, we’re here. Okay see you in a sec.” He says climbing out.

  “I had a great time talking to you.” I tell Blake as we cross the parking lot.

  “Me too. Maybe we can sneak off and do it again.” He looks at me hopeful.

  “I’d like that.” I say quickly as Carson and Daelynn come strolling towards us.

  Carson smiles at me then glares at Blake, “Did you have a good time?”

  Blake shrugs, “It was lunch.”

  “Are you feeling better?” Carson asks.

  “Much, I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out anymore.”

  “Journey I can’t wait to show you this mini skirt and top. Carson and I agree it will look amazing on you!” Daelynn beams, “You have to buy it!”

  “I’ll look but I’m not promising anything. So did you find a dress and all for your party?”

  “Yes and I look magnificent in um’. Stephen is going to be drooling.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” I ask as she drags me through the crowd.

  “Ex, actually he broke up with me right before summer. Said he didn’t want to be tied down over vacation but we could still hangout and possibly get back together when school starts.”

  “And you want to impress him?” If she says yes I’ll smack her in the head with her designer handbag!

  “Heck no! I want to make him sorry for being such a dunce! I wouldn’t take him back if he groveled at my feet.”

  “Good, he sounds like an arse.”

  She giggles, “Yes but he’s a cute arse. Anyway I’m over it. I’m moving on to taller, better things, when can I meet your brother?” She grins up at me.

  I start to tell her it’s a bad idea, because of Kadence although I’m not going to tell her about that, when I decide she might just be what Drew needs. “How about tomorrow?”

  “Really, where?”

  “I’ll drag him to the beach with me.”

  She squeals excitedly.

  Glancing over my shoulder I see Carson and Blake in what looks like a heated conversation.

  “Don’t worry about them, they’ll work it out, they always do.”

  I’m not sure what they’re arguing about but it doesn’t look like anything that will resolve quickly.

  “I hope you don’t plan on wearing pants tomorrow.” Daelynn pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “No, I need to buy some shorts.”

  “I know just the place.”

  “Where’s Carson?” I ask Daelynn through the dressing room door.

  “Still outside with Blake, they haven’t spoken to each other like that in a while.”

  “What do you think?” I ask cracking the door open.

  “Oh girl, he’s going to love it.”

  “He who?”

  She smirks, “Well they both will, which one of them were you hoping for?”


  She sighs and hitches her thumb over her shoulder, “My brothers, like you didn’t already know.”

  I fumble with the hem of the white sundress trying to think of what I should say.

  “It’s okay to like them both, you’ll decide eventually.”

  “Am I that obvious?”

  “Call it women’s intuition.” She giggles, “They are related to me but I’m not blind to the fact they are good looking guys, I notice the way girls swoon over them and oh how they are going to be envious of you considering you seem to have caught their eye.”

  Great, just what I need because being new isn’t bad enough. A whistle snags my attention. It’s Carson giving me a lustful gaze as Blake smiles his approval of the dress. Oh I’m so glad I decided to shave my legs! I quickly close the door, them looking at me like that has my stomach doing somersaults. No guy has ever made me this nervous. I change back into my own clothes and grab the other stuff off the rack.

  “Aren’t you going to try on the others?” Daelynn asks as I emerge.

  I shake my head no as I attempt not to look at Carson or Blake.

  “We don’t mind waiting, do we guys.” Daelynn says.

  “Not at all.” Carson says.

  “It’s alright, I don’t need to.” I say walking to check out.

  Blake snickers quietly as I take the assortment of flip-flops and sandals from Dae. Good grief how many pairs does she think I’ll need? Whatever, I’m not taking the time to argue with her. I just want to make my purchase and go.

  “Let me help with those.” Carson says taking my shopping bags as we walk back towards Blake’s car.

  “Where to now?” Daelynn asks.

  My phone starts to ring and I dig through the bottomless bag not paying any attention to where I’m walking. A firm grip yanks me backwards as a horn blasts. It’s Blake and he just saved me from getting hit by a car.

  “Do pay attention please, I have plans for us in the near future.” He whispers in my ear as his grip softens. I peek up at him, my cheeks burning as his light lingering touch spreads the fire through me.

  “Are you okay?” Carson asks juggling my bags then takes my hand and cuts his eyes at Blake.

  “Yeah, I was just digging for my phone and wasn’t watching where I was going. Sorry to scare you.” I tell Carson then look at Blake, “Thanks for, keeping me from becoming a hood ornament.” I almost said saving me but that probably would have made things worse between the two of them.

  “Whew, that was close.” Daelynn shakes her head over the shock, “Maybe we should wrap you in bright yellow caution tape.” She giggles.

  “If I thought it would help I might let you.”

  Carson fights back a laugh, “But seriously, please be more careful.”

  I nod as my phone goes off again. This time I’m searching without moving.

  “Hey mom.” I answer as we continue.

  “Journey, where are you? I tried calling you a few minutes ago.”

  “Yeah sorry I was trying to find my phone. I’m in Hilton Head, is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine sweetie. I was just getting worried usually you would have checked in by now.”

  “I uh, decided to do some shopping. I’ll be home later if that’s cool and we’ll talk then.”

  “Okay honey, just be careful.”

  “I will. Oh, what’s Drew up to?”

  “He’s been in his room listening to music all day. You really should have taken him with you, I think he’s lonely.”

  Doubtful. “I’ll get him out tomorrow. Love you, bye.”

  “Love you too.”

  Carson looks at me curiously as we buckle up.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I thought we were going to the beach tomorrow.”

  “I still plan on it. Is it a problem if Drew comes? I thought you could bring Daelynn and they could keep themselves occupied.”

  Daelynn turns around giving Carson a puppy dog look.

  He sighs, “Alright.”

  “Works every time.” Daelynn smiles proudly.

  Chapter six


  I’ve been snuggled up in bed with Drew all day. I’m sure his parents think he’s being moody. If they knew the truth they’d have a stroke. Sure they allowed me in his room but the door had to stay open at all times, which is the reason he’d come to my place after school. No parental supervision, not that my parents gave me any when they were there.

  “What’s on your mind?” Drew asks brushing the hair out of my face.

“It’s nice to feel your touch again,” I say trailing my fingers down his arm, “I’ve missed this.”

  “Me too. I keep expecting to wake up.” He looks at me sadly then looks away.


  “That’s how I felt the first few days after you… even after your funeral when I was at your house, it was like a nightmare I couldn’t wait to wake up from and see you leaning against my bedroom door in the skimpy pajamas you wore to tease me.”

  “Me, a tease?”

  “I’m not complaining, I enjoyed it, I just thought you’d always be a part of my life Kay.”

  “I’m here now.”

  His eyes seep sorrow, I hate to see him sad. “Do you want to watch a movie? Or we could play a game, you always enjoyed beating me.”

  “No, I’m not up for games right now.”

  “I bet I know what you’re up for.” I whisper nipping his ear.

  He all but jumps out of bed, “Um, I’m going to grab something to eat.”

  “Okay…” I can’t believe he just did that!

  “I’ll, uh, be up, I mean back in a little while.” He says quickly exiting like the room’s on fire.

  What just happened? It went from hot and heavy to we’re five again and he thinks I have cooties!

  A guy’s laughter interrupts my thoughts and I glance around, “Noah?” No response just more laughter.

  “This is not funny prick!”

  “Who are you calling a prick?” The voice that clearly doesn’t belong to Noah asks.

  “You, and if that’s a problem then show yourself and take it up with me instead of hiding like a scared little boy!”

  “Alright, I’m here.”

  Seriously! Do any ugly guys reside here? First it was Noah with his handsome, charming self and now this guy with a total bad boy vibe. Could this be the guy Noah was talking about?

  “Speechless?” He asks walking towards me. His eyes are so dark brown they almost look black except for the odd gold ring around his pupils.

  I shake my head no as I sit up backing into the headboard.

  “The name’s Rouge.”

  “Rouge? No way.”

  “What?” He stops and looks at me confused.

  I climb off the bed and stand in front of him, “Who names their kid Rouge?”

  “I named myself actually.”

  I can’t stop the laugh from escaping. He runs his fingers through his coal black hair and glowers. I cease my laughter immediately; he doesn’t have to tell me to shut up his eyes say plenty. “Sorry.” I apologize. WTH? Why did I say that?

  He grins mischievously, “That’s better.”

  “Why Rouge?” I ask curiously.

  “It’s suiting.”

  “You look more like a Max to me.”

  “And you look way to good to be wasting your time with the living.”

  Awesome, he was watching when Drew blew me off. How embarrassing! Guys never turn me down. I thought that was what he wanted from me…

  “Don’t pout about it,” he says rubbing his thumb over my lip, “he’s an idiot but he’s also alive, enough said.”

  I try to look away but he holds my face in place, “How about we get out of here.”

  “What if Drew comes back?”

  He chuckles, “You’re wasting your time with that boy. Do you honestly believe he won’t be seeing any other girls?”

  He waits for my response but doesn’t receive one so he continues, “To him you are like a moped fun to ride until his friends are around.”

  I raise my hand to slap the dog crap out of him but he catches my arm before I make contact.

  “Sorry, that was blunt but honest and you know it. Do you think he’s going to tell anyone about you? Do yourself a favor and let him go, before you get anymore involved. Journey was correct, it’s not right.”

  “I…” don’t know if I can.

  “Follow me Kadence, you make a decision about him later. Perhaps I can help sway you.”

  Reluctantly I nod yes. His hand slips to my waist and he pulls me close, “Very good, we don’t want anyone to see us so let go of whatever emotions you are holding on to and close your eyes.”

  Letting go is not easy it’s like giving up hope when you finally start to believe that everything just might be okay. However this boy intrigues me, even though he’s sort of a d-bag. I let go of the feeling and close my eyes. His lips press lightly against mine and I start to object but the feeling is so serene. A thought forms in the back of my mind and I attempt to push it away but it lingers, this might be as close to heaven as I get.

  “Open your eyes now.” Rouge says still holding my hand. We’re outside, I’m not sure where exactly but I think we’re still on the property. I look to him. He’s glaring off into the woods at something I can’t see. “What’s in there?” I ask thinking about yesterday and how Noah seemed fearful of the woods.

  “Don’t go in there and you won’t have to worry about it, okay?”

  I nod, “Okay, but what is it?”

  “Curiosity killed the cat.” He says seriously.

  I snicker, “If you hadn’t already noticed I’m way past that.”

  He cuts his dark eyes to me, “In case you’ve failed to notice there is a part of you that refuses to move on.” He places his hand on my chest, “it is very valuable to some even if it isn’t to you. Be careful whom you trust and stay away from the woods. There are things more frightening than death.”

  I look away from him quickly, Rose is walking at the tree line, a smile on her face, I open my mouth to call her but he covers it hastily, shakes his head and continues to watch. She disappears into the trees, undistinguishable voices in a chant start out low. It’s like… they are pleading for me to come. Even though I don’t understand what they are saying I feel the strange pull. I barely move and Rouge wraps me tightly in his arms. Others begin to show up, it’s like they are in a trance as they make their way towards it. I press my hands firmly against my ears trying to ignore it as I watch in anticipation. I want to warn them but I’m not sure what I would even say and they don’t seem to be afraid. Noah passes and looks directly at me but I don’t even think he sees me. His expression is blank and his blue eyes lack luster. I want to reach out for him, stop him but I’m to afraid, to worried that he will drag me with him and I’ll be forced to face the unseen evil. I turn and bury my face in Rouge’s shoulder waiting for it to be over. Silence falls upon us but it’s eerie like the calm before the storm, I know to expect something I’m just unsure as to what. Hesitantly turning, Rouge refuses to release me, which I find endearing but I’m curious as to why he cares. I glance over my shoulder at him, the gold rings in his eyes shining as his grip tightens on me. The wind picks up as the voices return louder than before, I glance at the forest calling to me then back to him. His eyes, the gold is like liquid fire, the thought crosses my mind then I feel the energy sucked out of me as I struggle to keep my eyes open.

  “Where are we?” I ask looking around at my unfamiliar surroundings. The space is bare minus an old fireplace that dominates a wall and strange symbols painted about the room. I push myself up, “Rouge, what happened?” He turns to face me slowly; if my heart were still beating it would be hammering in my chest. I don’t know if I should fear this boy or thank him.

  “It’s the call Kadence, you could feel it couldn’t you?”

  “Yes, I wanted to go. I felt it drawing me in.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you feel it to?”

  “Yes.” He says looking away.

  “How did you fight it off?”

  “Years of practice and keeping my distance.” He walks towards me with a sorrowful expression, “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but it won’t get any easier, at least not for you.”

  “But if you can fight it then you can teach me how.”

  Standing in front of me he holds his hands out expectantly, I place mine in his and he gives me a sad smile, “I wish I could, you don’t
belong here, none of you do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You will see.”

  “What happens to them, when they go in there?”

  He stares out the window, “I can’t tell you that.”

  “Is it unpleasant?”

  “You don’t want to find out.” He cups my cheek, “Promise me you won’t go searching for answers.”


  “Kadence.” He says with an edge in his tone.

  “What? I said okay. Why do you care anyway?”

  “Because it matters to me. You may find this hard to believe but I’m not a total jerk.”

  I think I’m starting to see that though I wouldn’t have thought that a little while ago.

  Shadows scurry by the windows and I cringe at their anger, sorrow, restlessness and fear.

  “Don’t worry you are safe in here.”

  “But them,” I point to the faceless shadows.

  “Pose no threat to you so long as you stay here.” He waves his arms around the room. “This is my fortress and they are not permitted unless I say so. Those symbols aren’t just art work, they hold powers beyond your understanding.”

  “Are they angry at you?”

  He shrugs, “Some of them are.”

  “And the others?”

  “They are confused, lost, and holding onto the one thing they should let go of so that they may be free.”

  “Their emotions?”

  “Some are here for that reason.”

  “And what about me?”

  “I can’t answer that for you. You must search inside yourself, find the truth alone.”

  I frown, I’ve tried the soul-searching crap and I’m still here.

  He squeezes my hand reassuringly and smiles, “I’ll be here for you.”


  “Hi honey, I’m home!” I place my shopping bags on the foyer table and look around. “Hello?”

  “In here,” Mom calls out off to my right.

  Hopefully they aren’t doing anything gross on the couch. I open the living room door to find it completely dark except for the light coming from the T.V. Mom giggles and whispers as Dad reaches for the light on the side table. “Well come in, tell us about your day.” Dad says glancing over his shoulder at me smiling. Smiling back I have to make myself not skip to the loveseat, I’m on cloud nine for the first time in a while.


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