Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 11

by Destiny Patterson

  “Shh, it’s alright.” Comforting hands caressing my cheeks wakes me from the nightmare. “Drew?” I ask reaching for the lamp, his voice sounding different. Not Drew. Scooting away quickly I look at the blue eyed stranger. “Who are you? How’d you,”

  “Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m Noah.”

  “You left me a letter.”

  “Yes, I’ve been making sure the others do not frighten you. They haven’t scared you have they?”

  “Who is Emily?”

  He glances around, takes a bit longer to pass the closet, “Emily?”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “She’s harmless. I’m surprised she introduced herself, she’s rather shy.”

  “We haven’t officially met,” I smirk, “I dreamed about her last night.”

  “Odd. Is that what had you so upset?”

  “That was you in the kitchen?”

  “Yes, I apologize if I startled you. I couldn’t help myself.”

  I cover my face embarrassed and groan.

  “What is the matter?” He asks scooting closer.

  “I was hoping no one saw my moment of weakness.”

  He pulls my hand away, “It’s alright to be afraid, you can’t be strong all the time.”

  “I shouldn’t be fearful, this is something I’ve dealt with my whole life. Sometimes it doesn’t bother me and sometimes it does. However I was talking about crying into the pint of ice cream I shouldn’t have been eating.”

  “Yes your father seemed rather upset about it going to waste. What is afternoon delight, is it like a dessert?”

  I giggle, “I guess some call it that, just depends… You don’t get out much do you?”

  “What’s funny? It was a serious question and no I don’t get out much. I don’t like to leave this land, it makes me tired.”

  “Sorry, it’s a code word for a three letter word that ends with x and it’s not a number.”

  “Oh… well, um…” he looks flustered but not angry flustered. It’s like he doesn’t know what to say next. Wow I thought I was the only teenager left that got like that from the mention of that word, but he’s worse than I am.

  “So you stay here all the time? Don’t you get bored?”

  “Sometimes it get’s rather dull, same thing day in and day out until new families come. Then we catch up with what’s going on around the world. Technology, it’s a fascinating thing. All the new inventions are mind-boggling. I remember the first television I saw.”

  “That sounds so strange coming from you.”


  “Minus the clothes you look like a regular kid my age who shouldn’t be surprised by all the advances man kind has made. We’re spoiled by it.”

  “Young man,” he smiles, “I am far from a child dear.”

  “I am aware. I can’t imagine growing up in your era, having to do everything the hard way, no Internet or cell phones. That had to suck.”

  He shrugs, “We were happy, hard work is good for you, it never hurt anyone. We didn’t have all these high-tech things, you can’t miss something you know nothing of.”

  “True,” I say lying back down, “do you like all the new stuff?”

  “Some of them, though I do think some have replaced a sense of formality. When I was younger, if you liked a girl you would go to her house, meet her parents and ask for their permission to court their daughter. Now adays no one does that. It’s to easy to call or text, meet up some where and parents are none the wiser as to what their children are doing because everyone minds their own business or are to caught up in their own lives to care about anyone else’s. It was nothing like that in my day, of course there weren’t nearly as many people around either.”

  I chuckle softly and close my eyes waiting for him to continue.

  “Am I boring you?”

  “No it’s interesting listening to your opinion.”

  “Was that sarcasm?”

  “Not at all, continue, what do you like?”

  “Cars, movies,”

  “Really, what kind of movies?”

  “All different kinds, though I’m not fond of the newer horror, to much gore if you ask me.”

  “I’d have to agree with you.” I say fighting a yawn.

  “I won’t keep you up, I just couldn’t stand seeing you look so terrified.” He says standing.

  “You don’t have to go.”

  “I probably shouldn’t be in your room anyway, it’s improper.”

  “You are truly a southern gentleman. It’s alright if you stay though, I’d sleep better knowing I’m not alone.” I’ve totally gone off the deep end! He looks at me uncertain. “I promise no one will ever know and you don’t have to stay all night, just until I fall asleep.”

  He nods and sits down at the foot of my bed, “One question before you go to sleep.”


  “What were you dreaming about that had you so afraid?”

  “Bloody Mary’s demonic wench of a twin and some dude with strange eyes.” I’m not positive but it looks like he might not be unfamiliar with them… “Do you know who I’m talking about?”

  He shakes his head, “No but it sounds scary.”

  “It was, well goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, I hope you sleep well.”

  “Did you sleep alright?” Noah asks turning from the computer as I kick the covers off.

  “Yes, thanks. I didn’t expect you’d still be here. Have you been on the computer all night?”

  He smiles guiltily, “It is one of my favorite advances. Did I forget to mention that?”

  “I believe you did, I don’t mind though. Have you seen Kadence?”

  He turns back to the screen, “No, but your brother peeked in here a little while ago.”

  “Did he see you?”

  “Absolutely not. What are your plans for the day?”

  “Drew and I are going to the beach with some kids I met yesterday.”

  “Sounds swell.”

  “Swell,” I giggle, “I hope it will be.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Hey, what happened to the bags of clothes?” I ask looking around.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of putting them up for you.”

  “You must have been bored. Do you ever sleep?”

  “Sleep, why would I do that?”

  “Kay sleeps.”

  “Old habits die hard, she’ll soon learn she doesn’t need to.”

  “That would be cool.” I tell him while I decide which dress to wear, “I’m always saying I feel like I need more hours in a day when I’m in school. There isn’t enough time to get all the assignments and studying done, forget about a social life.”

  He turns to face me and his smile fades, I glance over my shoulder thinking someone may have decided to finally visit. Nothing unless he’s seeing something I’m not, which is highly possible. “What’s wrong?” I whisper.

  “Are you going to wear one of those in public?”

  “No, I bought them to parade around the house in.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “That was sarcasm Noah. Of course I’m wearing them out.”

  “Clothing now days is so revealing.” He shakes his head disapprovingly.

  “Kay wasn’t stretching the truth, you are old fashioned.”

  He rolls his eyes and goes back to reading the screen. I guess I’m getting ready in the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” He asks as I reach the door.

  “To change and crap.”

  “I didn’t need to know about your bodily functions.” He says grossed out.

  My face is burning, he takes things to literally, “That’s not what I meant by crap, I meant brush my teeth, fix my hair and do my makeup. Jeesh you really need to get out more.”

  “Then why not just say what you mean?”

  “Not many people explain things in detail anymore, but I guess to avoid awkward situations like thi
s I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “Perhaps I should look up more commonly used words…”

  “Slang, yeah you might want to do that. Try urban dictionary.” I say closing the bathroom door. He’s going to be there all day.

  I paid little attention to the doorbell and just assumed Mom had ordered something off line; she has a bit of a shopping addiction. “Journey.” Dad yells from downstairs.

  “Coming.” I finish putting in my eyeliner and run back into my room to grab my sandals.

  “Wow.” Noah says looking at me.

  “Did you learn a lot of new words?”

  He looks away quickly, “Yes, but I was referring to you.”

  “Oh, uh, thanks. Well I guess I’ll see you later, make sure to cut everything off when you’re done.”

  “Bye.” He says quietly as I exit the room.

  “Holy crap!” I exclaim rounding the corner and running into Daelynn.

  “Nice to see you too.” She giggles.

  “I wasn’t expecting you yet. Where’s Carson?”

  “Downstairs chatting it up with Joe and Susan,” she smiles mischievously, “he’s making quite the impression, I hope you have a good pair of dancing shoes.”

  I shake my head, “He can kiss butt all he wants, they’ll never agree to it.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you. So where’s tall, dark and handsome?”

  I point to the opposite end of the hallway, “I’ll go get him.” I hope Kay didn’t show up last night!

  “I’m coming with.” She says following closely, “So does he know I’m coming?”


  “What did you tell him about me?”

  “Just that you are cute.”

  “Aww, thanks.”

  “Drew,” I say tapping on his door.

  “Almost ready, come in.”

  “So,” I start.

  “We’re taking my car since you got to drive yesterday,” he says finishing tying his shoes.

  “Is that your Chevelle?” Daelynn asks.

  Drew looks up quickly and smiles, “Yeah.”

  “Nice. I’m Daelynn.” She says confidently, “Maybe you can take me for a ride in it sometimes.”

  He stands and glances at me with a smirk then walks towards Daelynn, “Whenever you’d like.” He says smiling down at her.

  Dae’s cheeks flush but she plays it cool, “I’ll let you know.”

  “I should probably get downstairs and make sure mom and dad aren’t telling embarrassing stories about me.” I say honestly worried what they are telling Carson. I’ll die if I walk into them telling him about my first dance recital.

  “I’ll be down in a sec.” Drew says.

  “I’ll wait on you, if that’s alright.” Dae bites at her lip looking at him.

  “That’s cool.” He smiles suavely.

  Mom looks up at me with a big approving smile as I enter the kitchen where they are seated around the table. Carson stops midsentence and turns around, “Well hello.” His eyes sweep over me and he bites down on his lip like he’s keeping himself from saying something. “Carson was just telling us about his summer endeavors.” Dad says.

  “Really and what might that be?”

  “When he’s not at summer camp for the less fortunate children being a counselor he rides his dirt bike in various competition to raise money for charitable causes.” Dad says clearly impressed.

  “Wow, I didn’t know that.”

  “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me yet but you will.” He smirks.

  “Apparently he’s very good at it.” Mom grins.


  “I’ve been driving dirt bikes since I was four, it has helped me be responsible. I learned at an early age that they are not toys and you must respect them or they will put you on your butt.” Carson says seriously however there is a playful glint in his eyes.

  “Carson’s dad works at the hospital where your father starts tonight.”

  “Yeah Blake mentioned that at lunch yesterday.” I say before I realize it.


  Carson doesn’t look thrilled and I swear if he badmouths him I’ll punch him!

  “Blake is my older brother. Journey felt bad yesterday and though I wanted to take her I had already promised Daelynn I’d help her find a dress for her birthday party so Blake took her instead.”

  “Well it was very kind of you to keep your promise to your little sister, most boys wouldn’t do that.” Mom says.

  Oh he’s way to good at this parent thing.

  “Where is Daelynn?” Carson asks.

  “She and Drew are coming down, he had to finish getting his stuff.”

  Carson looks past me uncertain as a chill runs down my spine, “I’m not sure if I trust that kid.” Noah whispers in my ear.

  Carson looks very displeased before turning back to my parents, “So, I understand if you say no but I was wondering if it would be alright to take Journey for a ride on my motorcycle.”

  My parents look at one another in silent conversation, I swear it has to be because they’ve been together for so long.

  “I would never do anything without your approval so if you say no I won’t. I get it, Daelynn might be my little sister but I’m very protective of her and if some guy tried to talk her into doing something my parents didn’t agree with, I hate to admit it but I’d put his lights out. I will respect your decision either way.”

  Dad firmly puts his hand on Carson’s shoulder with a serious look. I’m laughing on the inside, he’s totally not cool with it!

  “You must understand that even though Journey is seventeen she’s my little girl and if anything ever happened to her because of someone else’s stupidity… well I’m sure you can imagine what I would do.”

  Carson nods slowly, nervously.

  Dad grins scarily, “I’m sure what you are picturing is far less… painful. With that being said, I’m trusting you Carson, don’t make me regret it.”

  “What?” I ask dumbfounded.

  “Sounds like someone lost a bet.” Daelynn giggles.

  “Bet?” Drew asks.

  My parents look at me expectantly.

  “So I invited her to my semi-formal birthday party and she shot it down immediately, then I guess she decided she felt sorta bad so she said if y’all would let her ride Carson’s bike she’d go as his date. Dress, heels, the whole shebang.” Daelynn explains quickly.

  “Well,” Mom purses her lips at me and pats Carson’s hand, “looks like you have a date.”

  Daelynn laughs, “I told you so!”

  “I can’t believe you guys.” I seethe.

  “Lighten up,” Drew shoves my arm, “I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”

  “Well you guys and girls have fun.” Mom says as I turn to leave.

  “We will, thank y’all.” Daelynn says following Drew out.

  Carson stops at the door turning to my parents, “I’ll return her in one piece, promise. I’ll treat her like family.”

  “I bet you will,” Drew chuckles under his breath as mom smirks.

  Grabbing Carson’s arm I drag him down the stairs before he has my parents ready to arrange our marriage.

  Daelynn holds out her hand as we reach Drew’s car.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Give me your bag, I’m riding with Drew, you’re riding with Carson.”

  I start to object but I see Kadence in the distance and she doesn’t look happy. “Fine. Uh Drew you might want to get to moving.” I say tilting my head in Kay’s direction. He looks at me strangely, clearly he doesn’t see her but now I look like I have a tic or some weird neck issues… GREAT. “Just hurry the heck up.” I shove the helmet on and climb on the back of Carson’s bike wrapping my arms around him awkwardly. I mean I have to hold on to something, I can’t believe my parents agreed to this! What if I fall off? If I don’t die from it then I’ll die of embarrassment. Oh God, please watch over my accide
nt-prone butt. I send up a silent prayer as Carson takes off down the driveway, Drew staying a safe distance behind us. I guess he’s making sure he doesn’t run me over just in case. You have to be kidding me! Noah is standing near the end of the driveway. Please don’t let him be solid, please don’t be. Carson revs the motor and guns it laughing hysterically as I tighten my grip on him. Noah vanishes seconds before he can become road kill. What the heck is Noah’s problem all of a sudden? Not that I know him all that well but that’s just the point, why does he care who I hang out with? And another thing, he doesn’t even know Carson so how can he not trust him? If it had been Blake would he have said the same thing? Ugh, I just don’t get guys, Dead or alive they’re all the same. They have no right to talk about females being complicated. And I swear if another guy blows his horn I’m going to bless him out!

  Drew pulls up beside us at the red light and grins, “Hey, you might want to fix your dress, you’re showing off your white bikini bottoms.”

  “White?” Carson smiles mischievously as I attempt to tuck my dress under me and not knock us over. Daelynn gives me the thumbs up, for what I’m not sure and we take off again, this time without flashing anyone. Note to self: Never wear a dress on this thing again! I’m just glad I wasn’t wearing the usual thong, MORTIFYING!!

  “So what did you think?” Carson asks as I climb off.

  “After I got over the initial fear and flashing everyone, it was fun.”

  “So you’ll ride again?”

  “Why not?”

  He takes the helmet from my hands, sits it on the motorcycle with his, pulls me close and gives me that darn look. Here we go again, the colony has returned.

  “You look amazing. I wanted to tell you that earlier but I wasn’t sure what your dad would say, he’s kinda intimidating.”

  “He’s a gentle giant, then again I’ve never really seen his dark side… I’m sure he has one though.”

  “I’m not sure if that was supposed to comfort me or scare me more. He seems like he could be one of those mafia dudes.”


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