Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 12

by Destiny Patterson

  I can’t resist, I look at him seriously then glance around nervously, “Carson you can’t tell anyone or we’ll have to move again.”

  His eyes bulge, “Witness protection?” he whispers buying it hook line and sinker.

  I almost go along with it and tell him that Dad has made plenty of people sleep with the fishes but I can’t keep a straight face thinking about it. “I’m just kidding, we don’t even know anyone in the mafia. Your expression was priceless.” I laugh.

  “Oh, a wise guy hey?” He tickles my sides.

  “Sorry, sorry, please, stop.” I beg between giggles.

  “How cute,” Drew says over the roof of his car, “Don’t you think Dae?”

  “Sure do. I know someone that would be jealous.”

  Carson cuts his eyes to her and her smile fades, “What? It’s the truth.”

  Drew opens his mouth to speak and I quickly give him the shut the heck up look.

  “So sensitive.” Daelynn mumbles throwing her bag over her shoulder.

  Carson pulls me close; “I was serious about my text last night.”

  “Which one might that be?”

  “I’m the better option. I know how to treat a lady.”

  “Hum, for some reason I don’t find that surprising.”

  He bites at his lip, “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “You were just being honest. Not that it matters but I do wonder how… experienced you are.”

  “As in how many girlfriends I have had or…”

  “For now let’s just stick with how many girlfriends.”

  “Okay,” he nods slowly as he sticks the helmets in Drew’s car and I grab my bag.

  “In the hot seat, how’s your butt feel buddy?” Drew chuckles.

  “Drew.” I warn glaring at him.

  He drapes his arm over Dae’s shoulder, “Staying out of it.” He says as they walk ahead of us.

  “Do you mean relationships that last over a month with more than just hand holding?”

  “Gosh Carson are there that many?”

  He nods not proud of himself. “I… have a hard time letting people get close to me. There are things about me that I’m not comfortable sharing with others but I feel like I can tell you Journey. I can’t explain it I just know you’ll understand.” He slips his hand to mine, “I’m not a bad guy and I hope that in time you come to realize that.”

  I do understand what he’s saying. I myself don’t let many people get close for obvious reasons. “Then it doesn’t matter, it your past, forgotten.”

  “Really?” He smiles.

  I nod, “I know exactly what you mean about running from people, relationships, I’ve done it my whole life.”

  He looks at me understandingly and squeezes my hand, “You don’t have to run from me.”

  But it’s instinct and I can’t help it. However I think things are about to change, unfortunately I’m not sure if it’s him or Blake…

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Nervous.” Stupid, why’d I say that?!

  “I know what you need.”

  I glance at him doubtfully, “Do you now?”

  He grins, “Sure do.”

  “Well are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?” I ask as we walk along a stretch of souvenir shops and restaurants.

  “Wait here.” He says stopping at a deli.

  “Okay…” I really want to follow him in and order a sandwich, I’m starving considering I slept in and then they were at my house before I could eat anything. The aroma wafts out the door and I groan quietly as my stomach threatens to growl. Ugh, he’s going to think I’m a pig, a bulimic one at that since I’m in shape thanks to mom insisting we do yoga-lattes at least three times a week. She’s going to flip if she can’t find an instructor down here, not that she needs one, she could teach classes herself. I might just mention that to her, she could do it from home and the ghosts could join or get a good kick out of watching.

  “All set.” Carson says emerging with a picnic basket.

  “A picnic lunch on the beach?”

  “Yes ma’am.” He smiles and takes my hand, “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “It’s rare that I’m not.” I admit.

  He chuckles, “So what’s your favorite food?”

  “That’s a tough one… If I had to pick one thing to live off of for the rest of my life it would be sushi, yours?”

  “Interesting. Pizza.”

  “Typical teenage guy.” I bump him as we walk down the path to the beach, “Speaking of, I wonder where Drew and Daelynn disappeared to.”

  “She was under strict orders to stay away.”


  “I’m not sure if you noticed but it’s kind of hard to get a word in when she’s around.”

  “Maybe just a little but I really like her, she reminds me of my friend Kadence, never meets a stranger.”

  “That’s Dae for sure. I bet y’all were the odd couple, I’ve noticed that most girls pick friends that are more like them. Do you think her parents will let her come down for a visit? I’m sure y’all miss each other terribly.”

  “Um… she died a little over a year ago.”

  “I’m so sorry, I had no idea.”

  “It’s cool, she’s always with me, I talk to her almost everyday.” Now he’s going to think I’m nuts. Fantastic. “I know that probably sounds crazy.”

  “Not at all, I lost my grandpa a few years ago and I do the same thing, especially when I’m in need of his wisdom.” He smiles.

  Yeah but I bet he never talks back like Kay. He looks at me like he wants to say something. “What?” I ask.

  “Dae took the blanket.”

  “I have a couple of beach towels, I’m not apposed to sharing.”

  “Good, is here fine with you?” he asks stopping shy of the crowd.

  “Yep.” I spread them out on the sand. He places the basket in the middle before kicking off his shoes and sitting down. “I hope you don’t mind subs and chips, it’s sorta hard to eat anything else on the beach.”

  “Perfectly fine with me.”

  “So what are you in to?” he asks passing me a sandwich.

  “Music, reading, writing, drawing.” I make it quick so I can start eating.

  “Do you sing?”

  I almost choke on my food trying not to laugh while swallowing. “I wish but I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.”

  “Play any instruments?”

  I shake my head no.

  “So you just listen?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “What do you write?”

  “Poetry mostly.”

  He grins.


  “I kinda figured, that’s all.”

  “So what about you, what do you like to do besides ride dirt-bikes?”

  “I ride four-wheelers.”

  “Besides things that have motors and go fast.”

  “Fish, football, videogames, you know typical guy stuff.” He grins.

  “You’ll get along with Drew just fine.”

  “He has a sweet ride.”

  I shrug.

  “You don’t think so?”

  “It’s pretty but…”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know, have you ever just disliked something without a reason?”

  He thinks it over. “Yes actually.”


  “My mom has this necklace that she bought from an estate sale and every time she wears it I just want to rip it off and throw it in a fire.”

  “That hideous huh?” I crack.

  “Actually it’s not a bad looking piece, she gets compliments on it every time, there’s just something about it I detest.” He shrugs.

  Maybe he’s sensitive… I’ve heard that object can hold on to the past… like even if the previous owner didn’t stick around it still carries some of their emotions or something like that. I’m not sure how all that works, I deal strictly with the dead.
  “Why are you looking at me like that?” He asks.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”


  I shake my head and take another bite of my sandwich.

  “Not fair, tell me.”

  “Later, I promise.”

  “I’m holding you to it.”

  “So, this party of Daelynn’s, are there going to be a ton of people?”

  “Does it really matter? You are stuck going either way, I’m not letting you back out on me.”

  “I just want to know if I should double dose on the anxiety meds.” I smirk.

  “That might be wise or sneak into your parents liquor cabinet.”

  “I don’t drink.”

  “It was just a joke but seriously you don’t?”

  “No, never tried it.”

  “Whoa, smoke?”

  “Nope, I’m a square and that’s cool with me.”

  “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “How about you?”

  “Occasionally at parties but it’s not something I make a habit of.”

  “That’s good, I’ve seen to many of my peers ruin their lives because of alcohol and drugs. I find it strange that people think they need it to have a good time. Personally I like to be in control of my actions.”

  “I’ll be honest, sometimes I like to lose control. I feel like I’m always being the person my parents want me to be and it becomes overwhelming at times. Do you ever feel that way?”

  “Yes and no. I agree it’s hard at times living up to their expectations, it does get stressful but I have a creative release, I write, sketch or paint when I feel overwhelmed.”

  He looks at me mischievously, “Well maybe you can help me with my creative outlet.”

  I am afraid to ask him what he has in mind. By the way he is looking at me though it will most likely get me into trouble one way or another, time to change the subject. “So… You said you’ve lived here your whole life do you ever get tired of it?”

  “No, I love it here. Although I wouldn’t mind traveling after school, maybe take the summer before I start college and see the world, or as much of it as I can in such short time. Have you been outside of the U.S.?”

  “No but I’d love to, there are so many places I want to go. I thought about studying abroad or something but that probably won’t happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “My parents freak every time I mention going overseas without them and I’m not taking them with me. I guess I’m stuck attending college somewhere nearby, at least within a days trip.”

  “Where do you want to go if you have to stay?”

  “Yale maybe, I’m not sure but I better decide quick, I don’t have long before I have to submit applications.”

  “You have plenty of time, you still have junior then senior year, that’s when you have to make a move.”

  SHOOT! “I will be a senior this year.”

  “Very funny.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “So you and Drew are seniors…”

  “Not Drew, he’s smart but he doesn’t push it, I guess he doesn’t want to get labeled a nerd. I on the other hand want to graduate with honors ASAP.”

  “I assumed you were smart but darn. I guess we won’t have any classes together.” He frowns.

  “We might have lunch together.” I say hopefully.

  He smiles, “That would be cool and I guess I don’t have to worry about getting in trouble for passing you notes during lectures.”

  “Do you make good grades?”

  “A’s and B’s, I have to if I want to stay on the football team.”

  “Well this is a first.”

  “First what?”

  “That I’ve had a crush on a jock.” I admit shyly and stand ready to dive into the ocean to get away from the conversation.

  He leans back on his elbows and looks up at me, a playful gleam in his eyes. “I might be your first for a lot of things.”

  I don’t know how to respond as the fire rushes to my cheeks. That’s it. I have to get away form this boy. He smirks and lightly snickers at my silence, he knows he gets to me. I pull my dress over my head and toss it on the towel. “I’m going for a swim.”

  He stares at me speechless and I begin to worry that my tube top has slipped down and I’m flashing everyone so I do a quick check. Nope, I’m still covered thank goodness! “Are you coming?” I ask hoping for a response.

  He finally meets my gaze, “Good grief.”


  “You have no idea how many heads you are turnin’ do you?”

  I glance around nervously then look at my dress ready to put it back on. A hand slaps my butt and before I realize it my fist meets their face. The guy stares at me holding his jaw as shocked by my action as I am. “Apologize.” Carson says stepping towards the guy who can’t be much older than us.

  The boy stares at him for a minute then looks to me, “What’d you do that for? I was paying you a compliment.”

  Carson opens his mouth but before he can speak I step closer to the guy and shove my finger in his chest, “A compliment would have been verbal, learn some manners jerk.” Maybe Kay has rubbed off on me more than I realized.

  “You don’t have to make such a big deal about it.” He says smugly.

  Carson balls his fist, obviously peeved by the guy. I grab his arm before he can give the moron what he deserves. “He’s not worth it,” I shake my head.

  “Go before I change my mind and knock some sense into you.” Carson warns.

  The guy smirks and walks off mumbling under his breath. Carson wants to beat the hello out of him, no doubt about it but he manages to control himself.

  “Don’t worry about it, he’s an idiot. One day he’s going to do that to the wrong person and get what he’s owed, a butt whooping.” I grin.

  Carson shakes his head, “I can’t believe you punched him, dude teared up for a second.”

  “I didn’t mean to honestly. It was a reflex. I’ve never punched anyone before, well besides Drew but that doesn’t count.”

  “I’ll have to try and keep my hands to myself, your fist is not the first part of you I want to kiss.” He grins before taking off his t-shirt.

  For the love of all things sacred, the boy has got a body! I turn around to help contain my teenage impulses. Usually I’m like whatever when I see a cute guy because I know I haven’t got a chance so I don’t let my mind wander, but it’s different with Carson and I fear I may not be able to behave. Then of course there’s Blake, who I would like to get to know, and being handsy with his brother on our first time out would surely be frowned upon. Carson lightly slips his hand up my back to my shoulder. So much for keeping his hands to himself, he is going to make this very difficult!

  “Ready to get wet?” He asks with a devilish grin.

  “Are you?”

  He smiles broadly and leads me to the water. I squeal as the cold ocean washes up my legs taking my breath. He laughs and pulls me in deeper, “Don’t be such a girl.”

  My response, stick out my tongue and splash him.

  “You’re going to regret that.” He says easily snatching me up.

  “Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it tough guy?”

  The water is up to his waist when he stops, “I was going to throw you in but I don’t want you to get mad at me.”

  “Now who’s being a girl?” I giggle then hold my breath as he tosses me in.

  “You asked for it.” He grins as I resurface.

  “Oh it’s on now punk.” Smirking I lunge for him, he wraps his arms around me and falls back into a wave.

  “Carson!” Someone yells as we wade in the water letting the tide drift us around. He nods in acknowledgement and pulls me along with him. Great, it’s one of the guys from yesterdays group and I’m sure the rest of them are around somewhere.

  “Devin, what’s up?” Carson asks, as we get closer.

  “Not much, just chillin’. Who’s
your friend?” He looks at me curiously like he’s trying to figure out why I look familiar.

  “This is Journey,” he smiles, “she’s new to the area.”

  It finally clicks. “Hey I saw you yesterday at Starbucks, right?”

  “I don’t know, did you?” So it was a smart-butt thing to say but I don’t care, I dislike stuck up people.

  Carson chuckles under his breath, “You probably did. You were with Olivia correct?”

  Devin nods briefly, “Yeah. She’s around somewhere with the other guys.”

  “Journey, OMG come here!” Daelynn shouts from the shore in her hot pink bikini with Drew and a group standing behind her talking.

  Devin looks at Daelynn with a lustful grin, “Your little sis is filling out nicely.”

  “Don’t even think about it.” Carson warns seriously.

  “Who is the dude following her around?” Devin squints as Dae stretches up on her tiptoes to whisper in Drew’s ear.

  “Journey’s brother Drew,” he smirks as we get closer, “Daelynn’s new crush.”

  “Are y’all twins?” He looks to me then Drew.

  “Duh, maybe you should get your eyes checked.”

  Carson squeezes my hand as he bites back a laugh and Devin picks up his pace.

  Poor thing, I think I upset him.

  “You are rather mouthy today.” Carson whispers.

  “It’s an everyday thing, you either get used to it or you don’t bother talking to me anymore.”

  “I like it, however, I may have found the reason you don’t make many friends.” He peaks an eyebrow.

  “Not even close.” I shake my head grinning,

  “Everyone this is Journey, she and Drew are brother and sister if you couldn’t tell.” Daelynn introduces me. A couple of the girls, Olivia included, look at me as though my presence offends them. I almost look down but I’ve had enough of snotty girls who think they are better than me for some reason. They don’t even know me and I refuse to be the black sheep or a pushover. New town, new Journey! Now what would Kay do? “Hey.” I smile and play nice.

  “I’m Tasha,” the curly brunette with large sunglasses introduces herself.

  Everyone smiles and tells me their name then it’s Olivia’s turn, joy.

  “I’m Olivia, I saw you yesterday when you knocked your drink all over Carson.” She grins.

  I figured she’d be a bitty. I smile sickeningly sweet, “I like to make a first impression that sticks.”


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