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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Destiny Patterson

  Carson wraps an arm around my waist, “You certainly succeeded.” He winks.

  I catch Drew looking at me surprised and he nods his approval.

  Olivia glares at me. This is going to be a long year. I don’t know how but I’ve managed to make an enemy already. Fanfreakingtastic!

  “I need to steal her for a minute.” Daelynn says dragging me away from Carson.

  “Okay, I’m so into Drew but I don’t know what he’s thinking. What if he doesn’t like me and he’s just being nice?”

  I look at the group over Daelynn’s shoulder, “Well here’s your chance to find out.” I nod in the direction. Olivia is all but throwing herself at Drew as she giggles, flips her hair and flirtingly slaps him.

  “Oh, that demon, ginger skank!” Dae says appalled and steps to lay her claim, like it wasn’t obvious to begin with. I grab her shoulder, “Just watch.”

  Drew looks at Olivia disgusted, says something then points his finger at Daelynn and curls it with a smile.

  “I could be wrong but I think you’re about to get your answer. What is her problem anyway? I thought it was obvious that you and Drew were talking.”

  “I guess she’s decided to be a gardening tool for the summer.” Dae grins as we walk back.

  “So it’s a seasonal thing?”

  Dae shrugs, “You have so much to learn, no worries though I’ll fill you in. Think of me as your personal historian, knowledgeable on all subjects related to Savannah’s youth.”

  “When’s my first history lesson?”

  “How about tonight? I can sleep over.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Dae glares at Olivia as she stands by Drew. “Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought this was our first date.” Drew says to Daelynn.

  She flashes her pearly whites to Olivia in a haha hooch get your own man grin. “Yes it is and I thought it was pretty obvious but apparently some people need glasses.”

  Maybe she and Devin can go to the optometrist together.

  “I was just trying to make him feel welcome.” Olivia says crossing her arms.

  “I bet you were.” Daelynn sneers giving her the Death glare.

  “Ladies,” Carson steps between them, “let’s play nicely.”

  Olivia smiles at Carson, “You know I always play nice.”

  He glances at me nervously. “Yeah half of Savannah knows that.” He glowers.

  She huffs and turns tail, “Come on guys our presence will be more appreciated elsewhere.”

  Devin and a couple of girls follow her immediately. Wow, she has them on a short leash.

  Drew puts his arm over Daelynn’s shoulders, pierces her with his big blue eyes and flashes a grin, “Good riddance.”

  “Totally. I swear she is going to push me to far one day and I’m going to go off on her.” Dea nods.

  “I’m not all about violence, however I’ve got your back.” I assure her. Honestly I’m not sure if she could fight, she looks as delicate as a porcelain doll.

  Daelynn chuckles, “Thanks but I can handle my own. Dynamite comes in small packages you know.”

  I look at her doubtfully. I’d have to see it to believe it.

  Dae throws her hand on her hip, “Ask Carson, I’ve put him on his butt a few times.”

  “I let you mighty mouse.” He chuckles.

  She punches him in the arm and I don’t mean a love tap.

  “Okay, fine,” he says rubbing his arm, “she’s mean as a rattle snake and a lot stronger than you’d expect.”

  “That’s what I thought.” She smirks.

  Drew tilts her chin up to him, “You’re a feisty little thing but I like it.”

  Unable to maintain her composure she blushes and seems to be at a loss for words. I think hades just froze over…

  “Well that’s a first.” Carson snickers.

  Standing by Drew’s car Carson takes my hand and pulls me to him, “I had a really good time.”

  “Thanks, so did I.”

  “Are you sure I can’t give you a ride home?”

  “No it’s cool. I appreciate the offer though.”

  He smiles and caresses my cheek sending my heart into overdrive as he gazes at me, his big brown eyes working their magic.

  “Umm,” I look down at our hands. He makes me feel the need to kiss him but then again I don’t. I have a date with Blake tomorrow and I want to see where that goes. Jeesh I feel bad, I mean I’m here with one of the cutest guys I’ve ever met and I’m thinking about his brother! Ugh and tomorrow when I’m with Blake I’ll probably be thinking about Carson… this is going to drive me insane!

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to be nervous.” He says catching my attention.

  “I can’t help it.” I admit.

  He laughs softly, “I’m waiting for you to make the first move whenever you’re ready, no rush. Until then this is cool with me.” He squeezes my hands.

  I hope he has patience because it might be a while… “Okay, so, I guess I’ll talk to you later?”

  “Sounds good to me.” He says wrapping his arms around me.

  Trying not to seem like an awkward freak, which is exactly how I feel, I hug him back with a light squeeze, “So I’ll text you later.”

  “Yes ma’am. Oh, if Dae won’t shut up tell her you’ll call the ghosts for her to chat with. I promise she’ll keep it to a minimum after that.” He chuckles.

  “Does she think my house is haunted?”

  “Everyone thinks that.”

  “Then why does she want to stay?”

  He looks at me like it’s the most ignorant question he’s ever heard. “I don’t know, could it have anything to do with your brother? Not that she doesn’t want to hang with you but I’m sure Drew is an added bonus.”

  “I’ll make sure they behave.” I don’t need him and Blake trying to kick Drew’s butt.

  He shrugs, “She makes her own decisions whether I like them or not. No one can make Dae do anything she doesn’t want to do.”

  “Hello, we’re waiting.” Dae says impatiently out the window.

  “You better go.” Carson says loosening his grip.

  “Finally.” Dae says as we pull off while I glance back at Carson.

  “Should we grab something to eat on the way home?” Drew asks glancing at me through the rear view mirror.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Love sick already?” he asks.

  “No,” I say without hesitation, “I just don’t want anything to eat.”

  “How about you?” he asks Daelynn.

  “Nah, I’m still full from lunch but thanks anyway.” She says turning on the radio and changing the station.

  Oh I don’t know how Drew is going to handle this, hopefully better than me. Country music, I feel like my ears are being violated.

  “I love this song.” Dae says and starts singing along. Watching Drew’s expression I wait for him to grimace or frown, show some sign of distaste but he looks at her smiling. Yep, he’s got it bad already. Perhaps the main thing saving her is that she can actually sing. Rolling my eyes I catch a glimpse of something in the seat beside me, a light haze but it’s gone as quickly as it came. I want to tell Drew, however that’s impossible with Dae here. Unexpectedly the radio turns to a different station and they glance at each other.

  “I think something is wrong with the wiring.” Dae says.

  Drew looks at me, I know what he wants to ask and for a second I’m worried he might. “What do you think?”

  I breathe a sigh of relief, “I’m not sure but we can check it out later.”

  Dea turns it back and smiles, “Or maybe your car doesn’t like my music.”

  I wouldn’t blame it, that’s for sure! I’m so dreading the ride home now. Kicking myself for leaving my ipod at home, of all days it would be when I need it most. Guess I’m just going to sulk.

  Just when I’m about ready to inform Drew he can drop me off on the side of the road and I’ll walk the rest of the way t
he lady’s voice on GPS says arriving at destination. Thank goodness!

  “I have to tell y’all something crazy.” Dae grins.

  Drew glances at her waiting for her to continue.

  “Everyone says y’alls house is super haunted. I’ve been told stories that made my skin crawl.”

  “That’s interesting,” Drew says turning into the driveway, “and you still want to spend the night?”

  “It’s worth the risk.” Dae says seriously looking over at him.

  I swear the three of them must have taken some sort of classes. They don’t have to say anything flirtatiously; their eyes do all the work. She’s got Drew squirming in his seat, which is highly uncommon. If I even attempted to look at a guy that way he’d think I either had something in my eyes or I was slightly off mentally.

  “Do you believe in ghosts?” Drew peaks his brow.

  “Maybe, I’m not sure. It kinda scares me so I try not to think about it.”

  Well I hope they are still keeping their distance. Oh crap, Kadence! I hope she doesn’t show up, who am I kidding she’s probably in Drew’s room waiting to interrogate him about Daelynn. Unless she got so angry she decided to find someone else to… occupy her time. I’m hoping that’s the case, if not maybe Noah can keep her in line.

  “Do you believe?” Daelynn asks turning in her seat to me.

  “I believe what I see.” I smirk.

  “That’s what Blake and Carson say, guess y’all have that in common to.”

  I seriously doubt they mean it the way I do though. Lovely, forget about Kay waiting in his room, she’s on the front porch. I’m not sure how well this is going to go over…

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” Kadence screams as we walk towards the steps, “Who’s she?” She points at Dae disgustedly.

  “Drew, Daelynn, I’ll meet you guys inside.”

  Daelynn smiles and winks at me, “Okay, take your time.” She loops her arm through Drew’s.

  Oh bad move.

  Kay comes flying down the stairs, “What does she think she’s doing?!”

  Noah appears before Kay can put her hands on Dae, “You cannot reveal yourself, you do not want to deal with the others right now.” He warns sternly.

  She turns to glare at him, “Now you’re talking to me? I’ve walked every inch of this stupid property screaming your name but now that you need me to be a good girl so the others can remain a secret you’ll show up?!”

  “Calm down.” He says walking towards her cautiously like it’s a hostage situation or something.

  “Compared to how I want to behave this is calm!” She throws her hand on her hip and points at him, “You don’t tell me what to do! Just march your zombie butt back into the woods and stay there!” She shoves her finger into his chest.

  Noah shakes his head surprised and glances around. Of course by now Daelynn and Drew are in the house and I’m standing here alone gawking like a fool at these two ghosts screaming and arguing as I try to figure out what Kay’s talking about. I really hope no one comes out.

  “That’s right, I saw you and the other spooks zoned out walking into the woods. Care to explain?”

  “How did you…”

  “Not answer the call?” She smirks.

  He nods.

  She opens her mouth to speak, a scream escapes me as the odd eyed stranger from my dream appears behind her and covers her mouth as he looks at me stunned. Noah looks at me confused as I point to the guy silencing Kay. She turns and lets him kiss her then they disappear.

  “What’s wrong?” Noah holds my face in his hands.

  Dropping my trembling arm I shake my head, “The guy from my dream last night, he’s here.” I say holding onto my sanity as much as possible. His words are running through my head and if that’s not bad enough it finally clicks, if he’s here demonic Mary might be close behind him.

  “Journey calm down, shh, it’s alright.” Noah attempts to comfort me as I begin to hyperventilate. I can’t stop trembling or looking around like a paranoid schizophrenic. “Breathe, slowly. You’re safe, I’m here and I’m not going to let anything hurt you.” He says wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my back.

  “What if she’s coming, or if she’s already here? What if he comes back? They want to eat me alive.” A sob catches in my throat.

  He holds me at arms length searching my face as I try not to cry. “Why would you think that?”

  “She told me the first time we met and then last night he said I would be a tasty treat, a delicacy.”

  He looks at me unsure, “I…”

  “You think I’m crazy?”

  “No that’s not it, I want to tell you something but,” he glances around nervously.

  “You can’t? Why not? I don’t understand what the big deal is, I know they are here, it’s not like you are keeping them a secret.”

  “Sometimes it’s best not to know everything.”

  “What are you trying to hide?”

  “Nothing.” He says without hesitation.

  I really want to believe him but there’s a part of me that doesn’t. Trust issues, I’ve got a serious case of them with everyone. I should give him a chance. I just hope I don’t live to regret this! “Okay then what it is?”

  “Can we go inside?”

  “Will you talk to me then?”

  His eyes dart around then he nods.

  “I was beginning to wonder if Drew dropped you off on the side of the road.” Mom says as I pass the kitchen.

  “You look like a bumpkin, what have you been doing?” I ask stopping in the doorway to stare at her in baggy overalls and a tank top.

  She nearly chokes on her drink, “I appreciate your brutal honesty. Actually I decided to start on a new project, you know that awful raggedy looking wood patio in the backyard?”

  “I haven’t been back there, sorry.”

  “Well anyway, I started removing it and you wouldn’t believe what’s under it.”

  Please don’t say a cemetery or Indian burial ground.

  “An old in-ground pool, the tile work is beautiful. I can’t believe it’s in such good shape.”

  “Cool, are you going to fill it up?”

  “The pool company is coming over tomorrow to have a look at it and we’ll go from there.”

  “Nice, I love the beach but it would be awesome to be able to walk out the back door and go for a swim.”

  “I plan on hosting a party in the next month or so, it will be an added bonus. Of course that’s once I can get a landscaper to actually come out.”

  “Huh, you mean the locals aren’t fond of keeping appointments?”

  “I can’t even get an appointment once I give them our address.”

  Dae wasn’t lying; everyone thinks this place is haunted. “Well if nothing else I’ll give you a hand.” And just maybe I can get Noah to pitch in, she doesn’t even have to know he’s a ghost, he can walk right down the driveway like someone dropped him off… I like that, I might mention it to him and since he loves this place so much there’s no reason for him to say no.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “Your outfit is ridiculous.” I stretch the truth, well it is the truth but it wasn’t the reason at the time.

  She grins, “So anyway, how was your date?”

  I slump and traipse to the counter.

  “That bad?”

  “No it went great.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I have a date with his brother tomorrow.”

  “Oh Journey you didn’t.”

  “Yes I did. What am I supposed to do Mom?”

  “So you like Carson’s brother?”

  “Blake, yes what little I know of him, I think we are really going to hit it off.”

  “Do you like Carson?”

  “Of course,” I sigh dramatically, “do you see my dilemma?”

  “Honey,” she says sitting on the stool and patting the one next to her, “get to know both of them, th
ere’s nothing wrong with that. However you shouldn’t lead one of them on once you make a decision because you are afraid of hurting their feelings, unfortunately that’s probably going to happen regardless. Oh, and don’t get serious with both of them.”

  I groan, “Okay, you don’t have to worry about that mom.”

  “I know you are a good girl but it’s easy to sacrifice who you are when you’re new and want to fit in.”

  “I know and that isn’t going to happen, I won’t forget my values to make others like me.”

  “Good,” she pats my hand, “now do me a favor and see what your brother and Daelynn are up to. I don’t think Drew knows how to be as well behaved as you.”

  I nod, “Good night, love you.”

  “Love you too sweetheart.”

  “I like your mom.” Noah says as I start up the stairs.

  “Yeah, she’s cool.” I whisper.

  “So are we going to your room?”

  “After I check on Dae and Drew. Have you seen Kadence?”

  “No nor anyone else.”

  “Good. I hope they keep their distance.”

  “Right now I think you only have to worry about Kadence, she has a loose screw.”

  I try not to laugh, “She does at times. I can’t believe she kissed that guy after ranting about Daelynn like Drew was cheating on her. I told them both they shouldn’t go there and I’m sure she’s vexed at me because Drew actually listened for once, although he should have known better to begin with.”

  Noah silently chews his cheek.

  “What?” I drop my voice nearing Drew’s door.

  “I’ll meet you in your room.”

  “Hey,” I say walking in without knocking; thankfully I don’t witness anything inappropriate.

  “Hey yourself,” Drew says without looking away from the TV, “everything okay?”

  “I guess…”

  He glances at me and I quickly shake my head no. I want him to be on the look out for crazy Kay, I hope she get’s it together.

  “I win!” Dae says triumphantly, “How’d you like getting schooled by a girl?” She drops the controller on the bed and bounces playfully grinning at him.

  “That was cheap, I wasn’t paying attention to the game.” Drew pouts.

  “Highly unexpected, I’d never have guessed you’re a gamer.”


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