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Entangled Love

Page 11

by Jessica Gray

  “I’ll let him know. You have a good evening…”

  “Wait. Wait, would you please give this number and my cell phone number to whomever picks him up. Let them know they should call me immediately if anything should happen this evening.”

  “I’d be happy to.” The nurse confirmed both numbers and then disconnected the call

  Evelyn sat at the kitchen table, still trying to take in the fact that her father had acted in her best interest. Maybe she would make time this weekend to go visit him. Oh, and she would have to turn her phone back on, just in case someone needed to get ahold of her while she was with Jeremy.


  Evelyn’s phone rang again, just as their waiter brought their salads. This was the tenth call in the last thirty minutes. After the first call from Michael had disrupted her date with Jeremy, she had placed her phone on vibrate. She had been reluctant to turn it off, because of her father’s accident. Her phone kept indicating the presence of new text messages as well. Michael was being relentless.

  Jeremy pretended not to notice how agitated Evelyn was becoming, but finally spoke up, “Is there a problem? It appears that someone wants to get in touch with you very badly.”

  Evelyn shook her head, “It’s not important. Just a minor annoyance.” She smiled at him and began eating.

  Jeremy began eating as well. When her phone vibrated, again several minutes later, he put down his fork and inquired, “Why don’t you just turn it off?”

  Evelyn felt horrible, “I wish I could. Before you arrived this evening, I received a phone call from the hospital. My father was involved in a car accident this afternoon. He’s fine, just an injured ankle and some bruising. They released him and a friend was taking him home. They are going to call me if anything worsens or he needs assistance before morning.”

  Jeremy saw the concern on her face, reaching across the table he placed his hand upon hers and squeezed, “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad he’s okay, but I can understand your wanting to be reachable. Maybe if you spoke to whoever keeps calling you, they would stop for the evening?”

  Evelyn considered that highly unlikely, but she hadn’t actually taken any of Michael’s calls, it couldn’t hurt. “I could try that, if you don’t mind, that is.”

  Jeremy shook his head, “No. Please answer your phone next time and see if you can help solve whatever emergency is requiring them to repeatedly disturb you.”

  Evelyn’s phone started vibrating before Jeremy finished speaking, excusing herself from the table, she answered “Hello?”

  “Evelyn, why have you been avoiding my calls all day?” Michael demanded.

  “Michael, I’ve been very busy today. Was there something you needed that couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”

  “Didn’t you get my text messages?”

  “Yes, and I didn’t respond because I already had plans for this evening. In fact, your repeated calling is disrupting those plans and I would appreciate it if you would stop calling and texting me tonight. I can’t turn my phone off because I’m waiting to hear about my father, so please quit calling.”

  “What’s wrong with your father?” Michael asked. He had heard the concern in her voice.

  “He was involved in a car accident this afternoon. He’s home now, but is supposed to call if he needs anything or his condition worsens.”

  “Evie,I’m sorry…”

  “Don’t call me that. My name is…”

  “I know what your name is. Sorry. Old habit. Look, why don’t I go out and check on your dad for you? You can enjoy your dinner and I’ll call you later and let you know how he is.”

  Evelyn was shocked, Michael was offering to do something nice for her father? “Michael, you don’t have to do that…”

  “No. I don’t mind at all. I haven’t seen him since I’ve been back. It will give me a chance to catch up with him. I’ll give you a call later and let you know how things look. Enjoy your dinner.” With that said, Michael hung up. He would go check on Evelyn’s father, and then have a justifiable reason to call her later.

  Evelyn hung up shaking her head. Michael was just full of surprises the last several days. Glad that someone was going to be physically checking on her dad tonight, she returned to the table and finished her date with Jeremy.

  Jeremy attempted to engage her in lively conversation, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Michael and her dad. Finally, Jeremy suggested they call it a night and drove her home. Evelyn felt horrible for having been so distracted while at dinner, but Jeremy said he understood and suggested they try their date again. He would be travelling out of state for several weeks, but promised to call her upon his return.

  Keeping the Rules

  By Monday morning, Evelyn was sick to death of hearing from Michael. He called her at least once an hour with some tidbit of information and inquiring as to what she was doing. He had sent flowers to her house and to the office. He brought her lunch on Friday without even asking first. When she informed him she already had plans, he demanded to know with whom. When she refused to tell him, she caught him spying on her from the mezzanine in the office foyer as she met Henry.

  She tried talking to Victor, who was no help at all. He just listened, smiled, and told her that everything was going to be fine. Mandy thought Michael’s attention was sweet and didn’t understand why Evelyn wouldn’t give him a break and forgive him. He hadn’t asked for forgiveness yet. He hadn’t even mentioned his feelings yet. Nothing had changed as far as Evelyn could tell.

  After lunch with Henry, she decided to do some shopping and called Victor and told him she was taking the rest of the afternoon off. She wandered around the shops and several hours later, arrived home with her purchases.

  She had noticed both Victor and Michael’s cars gone from the company parking lot when she finished her shopping, but thought nothing of it at that time. Arriving home, she noticed both vehicles parked in front of the duplex she shared with Victor. Thinking that they must have brought some work back to Victor’s place, she grabbed her purchases and headed for her front door.

  She was so focused on finding her keys, she didn’t see Michael waiting for her and hearing his voice behind her caused her to jump. Whirling around, she faced him, “Michael, you scared me. What are you doing here?”

  Putting her key in the lock, she opened the door and prepared to step inside when his hand on her arm stopped her. Turning her back to face him, he said, “Evelyn, you’ve got to stop avoiding me and ‘us’.”

  Shaking her head, “There is no ‘us’, remember? You need to back off and let me get on with my life.”

  Michael shook his head, “I can’t do that. You are my life.” Deciding that talking was going to get them nowhere, he crowded her back against the partially opened door.

  Evelyn backed up and almost tripped when her heel found the threshold. Stepping up and back, she prepared herself to slam the door in his face, when he pushed her through the door, slammed it, and captured her mouth with his.

  Framing her face with both hands, he turned her and put her back against the door, never once letting up on the kiss. He poured all of his frustration into the kiss, taking advantage of her gasp and ravaging her mouth with his teeth and tongue.

  Evelyn gasped for breath, pushing against his shoulders, until the rightness of being in his arms once again registered. All of a sudden, the resistance faded away and her arms wound around his neck and pulled him closer. She began kissing him back, pouring all of her feelings into the kiss.

  Michael felt her body relax and took advantage. Turning her around and steering her towards the bedroom. His hands busied themselves, running up and down her back, while his mouth continued to master hers.

  Once in the bedroom, he quickly helped her shed her clothes while she did the same. Laying her back against the covers, he looked down at her and saw her smoldering gaze staring back at him. He was pleased to see the desire he felt for her mirrored in her eyes.

  Not wanting to r
isk her rejection, he opted for action, rather than words. He worshipped her body with his, paying special attention to the areas that were sure to ratchet her arousal to a higher level.

  Evelyn had stopped thinking back at the front door. Now she was simply feeling. Running her hands across his sculpted chest, she took pleasure in hearing him moan his appreciation whenever she found a sensitive spot.

  Michael let his mouth drift down to the spot where her neck and shoulder met. With little sucking kisses, he travelled lower, all the time keeping his hands moving on her, creating a trail of pleasure that shot straight to her core.

  Evelyn writhed in pleasure, wanting him to quit stalling, and just take her. Finally growing impatient, she pushed against his shoulders, rolling them both so that she lay atop him.

  Placing her knees to either side of his hips, she glanced up to see him trying to contain a smirk. Rising up, she took him inside and was pleased to see the smirk fall away and a moan push from his throat.

  Grabbing her hips, Michael soon took over, directing the pace of their lovemaking. Michael tried to will her to meet his eyes, but she kept her eyes downcast, and as she neared the finish line, she closed her eyes, and threw her head back in rapture. Michael followed her over the edge shortly after.

  Pulling her down to his chest, he pulled a blanket over her back and adjusted her to a more comfortable position. Continuing to rub her back, he felt her body relax and her breathing even out as she drifted to sleep.

  Closing his eyes, he gave in to the need for rest. When she woke up, they needed to talk.


  Evelyn started to stretch, only to feel the presence of a warm body beneath her own. Opening her eyes slowly, she saw Michael watching her from beneath his lashes. Quickly glancing at the bedside clock, she realized that she had fallen asleep.

  Sitting up, she pulled the blanket around herself and pushed her hair back. She watched Michael for a moment before speaking, “You’re still here.”

  “You fell asleep and I didn’t want to disturb you.” Michael reached a hand up and brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek. “You don’t look like you’ve been getting enough rest.”

  Evelyn was starting to feel uncomfortable. How could she have had sex with Michael again? Nothing had changed. “Michael, I think you need to leave.”

  Michael sat up, “We need to talk first. You’ve been avoiding me…”

  Evelyn needed to gather her defenses around her before Michael had a chance to hurt her again, rising from the bed, she wrapped the blanket around herself and repeated her request, “Michael, this was a mistake. You need to leave.”

  “That’s what we need to talk about. Our relationship.” Michael stood and began pulling his clothing on.

  “We don’t have a relationship. Your rule, not mine. Or have you forgotten all of your rules?” Evelyn was slowly losing control and needed to hurry his departure along.

  “Rules can be changed. And, I was wrong. We do have a relationship. We…”

  Holding up a hand to stop him, Evelyn said, “You don’t get to be the only one who changes the rules . You didn’t want a relationship then, and I don’t want a relationship with you now.” Not trusting herself to keep it together anymore, she grabbed the end of the blanket, and headed for the bathroom, “I’m done with this conversation. Let yourself out and lock the door behind you.”

  Michael watched in shock as she entered the bathroom and engaged the lock. He had just been dismissed. Knocking on the door, he said, “Evelyn, this is not going to go away. We need to discuss this. Come back out here and talk to me.”

  “Michael, be gone when I get out of the shower, or I’ll call for help and have you removed.”

  Hearing the shower turn on, he stared at the door for another minute, before turning with a curse and gathering the rest of his belongings. After letting himself out and locking the front door, he headed for Victor’s rather than his car. Maybe Victor could help him talk some sense into Evelyn.

  New York

  Victor opened the door to see Michael standing on the porch, looking completely lost. Moving back to let him in, he gestured to the living room as he closed the door.

  “What are you doing out tonight?”

  Michael looked at Victor, he seemed to have it all together. He was dating Mandy and things seemed so easy for him. “I was waiting for Evelyn.”

  Victor nodded, “You know she lives next door, right?”

  “Yeah, smartass. I just came from there. She kicked me out.”

  Victor hid his grin, Good for her. “Well now, I’m sure she had a good reason.”

  Michael shrugged, “Yeah, I guess. She won’t even listen to me when I try to apologize for how things went down. I keep trying to tell her how I feel, but she cuts me off or walks away. She won’t even give me a chance.”

  Victor nodded again, “Sounds familiar. Hurts to be on the receiving end, doesn’t it?”

  Michael said nothing for a while. Finally, he pleaded, “Victor, I need you to talk to her for me. Tell her about our discussion and how I now realize that I was wrong to stay angry and treat her so callously. You have to talk to her for me; she listens to you.”

  Victor shook his head, “Michael, you and Evelyn need to make your own peace.”

  Michael shook his head, “No, we can’t. Just talk to her for me, get her to at least agree to hear me out. If I can’t convince her to give us another chance, then so be it. But I need her to at least agree to listen to me.”

  “I don’t think she’ll listen to me either, Michael.”

  “Maybe not, but will you at least try?”

  Victor looked at his friend and determined to do anything he could to help these two people finally admit their feelings to each other. Nodding his head, he agreed, “I’ll try.”

  “Thanks man. I’ll owe you one,” Michael said with a relieved smile on his face.

  Victor grinned and assured him, “You can be sure I’ll collect.”


  Victor waited until Evelyn had finished her first cup of coffee before approaching her office. Entering, he asked, “You got a minute?”

  Looking up from her computer screen, Evelyn gave him a smile and gestured to the chairs, “Sure. What’s up?”

  Victor didn’t want to ruin his friendship with Evelyn, and took a moment to collect his thoughts. “Michael came to see me last night.” Seeing Evelyn’s mouth thin and the welcome fade from her eyes, he warily continued, “He wants a chance to explain things to you. He wants you to agree to sit down and talk with him; to see if your relationship can be salvaged.”

  Evelyn shook her head, “There is no relationship to salvage. There never was. I loved Michael for most of my adult life, but it was just a game to him. He never really cared about me, or preserving our friendship. He especially didn’t care about having a relationship with me.”

  Victor shook his head sadly, “You’re wrong. He did, he was just afraid of getting hurt again. When you told him about Henry, it crumbled his world. He had been chasing you for months, and you kept pushing him away with excuse after excuse. He was going to tell you how he felt about you after dinner that night. We had it all worked out, and I was going to excuse myself before dinner arrived so he would have you all to himself. Evelyn, he was thinking long-term and commitment. He wasn’t just playing around.”

  Evelyn thought about Victor’s words. Michael had never given her any indication that he was serious about a relationship with her. He had assumed she had just become his new target, and as soon as he claimed it, he would move on to the next victim. Hearing Victor explain that Michael had been thinking in other terms shook her world.

  “Think about how he felt when he heard you telling him you were going to run out and marry a guy you’d never met, just to save your father again.”

  Evelyn looked up, “But I didn’t do that. You talked some sense into me and it didn’t happen. Why was he so mad about something that didn’t happen?”

bsp; “Evelyn, he thought you married Henry. He wasn’t aware that you hadn’t married him until he’d been back here for a while. He’s spent these last three years, letting his anger at you build, because of something he assumed had taken place.”

  “Oh,” Evelyn was starting to see the bigger picture. “But, once he found that out, why was he still content with treating me like he was? I don’t get it. He shouldn’t have been angry at me anymore.”

  “What can I say,” Victor stretched his arms out, “he’s a guy. We don’t always do the smartest thing.”

  Evelyn thought about that for a second, but then shook her head, “It doesn’t matter. I’m thru waiting around for Michael Jennings to get his head out of his ass. I’ve moved on. Jeremy Tomlinson is taking me to the symphony in a few weeks, and Henry has asked me to go away with him this weekend.”


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