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Slaves of the Circle T

Page 9

by Charles Graham

  Especially Lila, and his eyes glittered with cold fire as he visualised his redheaded wife kneeling in Cassie's place, her slim wrists locked in steel cuffs to a slave collar clamped around her pretty throat and her neat little bottom upraised to receive the whipping he would administer. Perhaps he wouldn't even gag her, he thought, it might be much more enjoyable to let her scream and beg for mercy as he disciplined her, but if she imagined, even for one moment, that she would receive gentler treatment or that he would take it easy on her just because she was his wife, she was going to be sadly disappointed. Lila was going to be a full slave, just as Cassie was a full slave and as he pictured Lila's despair and horror as she was forced to serve him as a slave, Rod gave a wolfish smile and his lust grew stronger and more urgent.

  He bent down to insert an extended forefinger into Cassie's unprotected sex and as she felt the callous invasion of her body, she gasped in immediate need and her buttocks clenched in an instinctive effort to defend herself.

  "Oh, so you would try to defy your Master, would you? We'll soon see about that. Stay right where you are and don't move, bitch. Not one inch, you hear me?"

  Cassie froze, her eyes wide with fear as she heard him cross to the far wall and begin to rummage through the cupboards and her brain raced with wild ideas of jumping to her feet and running away before he found whatever it was he was looking for and came back.

  She had been untied for the training session and although she still wore steel cuffs on her limbs, they were not locked together. There were no physical restraints to stop her running, but Cassie was held in position by bonds far stronger than mere steel, mental bonds, she knew herself to be a submissive slave and had been conditioned to obey. Added to which, where could she run to? Alone and naked, almost a hundred miles from help?

  She forced herself to remain still, miserably aware that by not even trying to escape, she was confirming her own subjugation in the eyes of her Masters. But what else could she have done? Then it was too late for second thoughts, because Rod was behind her, his hands fastening a long steel spreader bar between her ankle cuffs, holding her widely spread and unable to close her legs.

  "Kneel up, slave. Hands behind your back."

  As soon as she was upright, he locked her wrist cuffs and then, to her discomfort, forced her elbow cuffs together and locked them, too. With her arms lost to her and her breasts thrust prominently forwards, Cassie was completely helpless and dared not even try to protest as her arms were pulled down behind her and clipped to a ring in the centre of the spreader bar, arching her backwards so that her breasts and belly formed a sweet curve.

  "Open your mouth."

  The gag was a thick cylinder of solid rubber on a leather strap and was very effective, preventing any semblance of speech and wedging firmly behind Cassie's back teeth as the buckle was pulled tight and fastened. Her eyes widened and she moaned in anguish as Rod lowered her onto her back, then stood looking down at her, his lips curving into a cruel smile as he toyed with the crop at his belt and chuckled, "Now let's see you defy me, slave."

  Pinned by her own body weight, her arms trapped behind her back, calves doubled under her thighs and ankles held wide apart by the spreader bar, Cassie couldn't move, far less defy him and gave a muffled squeal of horror as he knelt beside her and raised the crop.

  Her thigh muscles corded in vain efforts to close her legs, but it was quite impossible and her blue eyes stared beseechingly up at his smiling face as she begged for mercy in the only way she could.

  "Next time, slave," he told her flatly, "you will know better than to try to resist, won't you?" and the crop whistled down, burning a stripe of stinging fire into the soft flesh of her inner right thigh. Cassie screamed into her gag, then screamed again as a matching stripe blazed across her other thigh, but could do nothing else to alleviate the furious heat that radiated outwards from her whipped flesh and as he stared at her shocked face and said, "That was just a warning, slave," she knew that she would never again dare to disobey him. His strong fingers traced the red marks left by his whip and as she felt his touch, Cassie shivered, slave heat igniting in her belly as he stroked the smooth skin of her thigh, each caress inching higher towards the moist pink lips of her unprotected sex.

  After a week in the hands of the four male dominants and Lila, every one of Cassie's fragile defences had been systematically stripped away to leave her utterly vulnerable to their ruthless dominance and as Rod's knowing fingers brushed lightly against her labia, the helpless blonde whimpered in terrible need and her belly churned with submissive passion.

  Taking his time, he allowed the tips of his fingers to trail slowly up and down the full length of her sex, watching her face and listening to her breathy gasps as he built her arousal and her labia grew slick with the juices of her intensifying need. Without missing a stroke of his fingers, he chuckled softly, "You sure are one hot and sexy little slave, Cassie. A couple of touches and you're begging for it."

  Cassie blushed a vivid scarlet, knowing that it was true, but that it wasn't her fault. She had not wanted to be a slave, but had been given no choice and her sexual responsiveness was the direct and inevitable result of the training she had been forced to undergo by Rod and his uncle and Tom and Earl and even Lila. They had made her what she was and both he and she knew it, but that still didn't make it any less humiliating to be reminded of it.

  Ignoring Cassie's embarrassment, Rod sent his free hand to her breasts and the red-faced blonde shook her head wildly from side to side as her nipples were captured. Her ineffectual protest achieved precisely nothing and as each nipple was rolled between his fingers and brought to straining rigidity, Cassie moaned in passionate anguish and her sex oozed wetly as her arousal was forced still higher. But not quite to the point of climax, because Rod meant to make her squirm for all the insults inflicted on him by Lila. Insults that had culminated in Cassie's sexual submission to Lila.

  Unaware that she was being punished for something over which she had had no control, Cassie knew only that her whole body burned with a raging passion and that she would do anything, literally anything, to be given the orgasm she longed for so desperately. The frantic trembling of her breasts and belly as Rod toyed with her, told of her unbearable torment and frustration, but her bondage held firm, displaying and offering her for his pleasure and amusement and she could do nothing to quench the inferno of submissive lust consuming her body in the flames of her enforced need.

  Rod delayed for as long as he possibly could, but at last he could control his own desires no longer. Tearing off his clothes, he threw himself on top of Cassie and buried his huge, rock hard erection in the hot, slippery depths of her cunt. Cassie screamed and climaxed with ferocious power as he entered her, then climaxed a second time as his thick shaft plunged to the core of her belly, the double climax releasing a scalding flood over his rigid flesh as huge, racking convulsions tore through her and she surrendered unconditionally to his erotic mastery of her.

  Shuddering and pulsing in the throes of her frenzied passion, Cassie could hold nothing back and she was forced to exhibit a seemingly limitless capacity for abject submission and sexual subjugation. Her blue eyes opened wide in fearful dread as her Master's shaft grew even larger within her and he gathered himself for his final conquest of her. With a hoarse grunt of effort he lunged with overwhelming power and as Cassie screamed in terrified ecstasy, his shaft pounded into her, impaling her mercilessly and crushing her beneath his muscular torso as he raced towards his own release.

  Deep in the spinning, boiling whirlpool of her belly, Cassie felt his bulging maleness begin to jerk and twitch as his heated seed jetted into her body. She shrieked her helpless submission and a third gigantic climax burst over her to send renewed waves of love juices crashing down to mix with his spend as she came and came and came again in uncontrollable spasms of shattering intensity.

  Panting for breath and with her sweat-streaked body shaking to the internal explosions of her fervid lu
st, Cassie whimpered in the rapturous ecstasy of her slave-orgasm and gazed timidly up at the grinning face of the man who was her undeniable Master, just as she was, beyond question, his slave. As her eyes met his, he gave a chuckle of pure pleasure and nodded slowly, "That was quite satisfactory, slave. Not perfect, but at least adequate. I would have whipped you if it had not been."

  Cassie gaped at him in disbelief, hardly able to believe her ears. Adequate. He only felt she had been adequate, after everything he had made her endure, after three tremendous climaxes, she was only adequate. Her eyes sparkled with anger and her brain raced furiously with protests her gag would not let her deliver. But then he bent his head to her breasts and as his lips encircled her erect and achingly sensitive nipples, she gasped and trembled, her belly kicking strongly as her anger turned to helpless desire at the touch of his lips on her flesh.

  For several minutes, he feasted on her breasts and nipples, impervious to her muffled cries and the pleading of her eyes, then took his lips from her, slid from her belly and began to dress himself. The sheer arrogance of his treatment of her took Cassie's breath away and reinforced her sense of powerlessness as she was reminded that she was only a slave, bound and gagged for his pleasure rather than her own and as she was forced to accept her lowly status, her pussy simmered with delicious slave heat.

  Fully dressed, he gazed down at her, "You have the potential to become a superb sex-slave," he told her calmly, then turned and picked up his crop and sent it slashing down across each of her thighs. "I shall make it my business to ensure that you fulfil that potential," he added over her stifled scream of pained surprise and without another word, walked away and left her.

  Totally confused and with her thighs smarting, Cassie had no idea what she had done to deserve the punishment and could only conclude that he had whipped her because he had wanted to and had the power to do exactly as he wished, like all of her other Masters. That was not a very comforting thought for a slave and as she struggled to come to terms with it, Cassie suddenly remembered that he was the man Lila had described as a wimp and inadequate in bed.

  A wave of excitement rippled through her as Cassie visualised the last few hours and his ruthless subjugation of her and her eyes gleamed with laughter. If only Lila knew how wrong she was, Cassie thought to herself, the man she called a wimp was actually a dominant Master and most certainly not inadequate in any way. How could the redhead be so totally mistaken about her own husband? It didn't make any sense to Cassie, but it wasn't her problem. She had other, more pressing things to think about than Lila's opinions. Like, when was she going to be untied, or was she going to be taken again?

  Relaxing as best she could in her rigorous bondage, Cassie settled down to wait for as long as it took. Sooner or later, someone would come for her and when they did, she would obey.

  She had no choice, slaves never did.

  Chapter 7

  "Rod and I are going to fly into town to see the lawyer. Are you sure you want to stay here, rather than come with us?" Travis stood beside his helicopter, alongside his nephew, both of them glaring at Lila.

  "Quite sure," the redhead replied, unperturbed by the scowls aimed in her direction, "I'll be all right here."

  "Yes, I'll bet," Rod snapped, "with Tom and Earl away, it'll just be you and Cassie, won't it? Well, you'd better make the most of it, you bitch. This is the last chance you'll get."

  "Then I will... darling," Lila's reply dripped scorn. "It'll give me at least one happy memory of you and this dump."

  "That's enough. From both of you," Travis cut in before Rod could reply to Lila. "Come on, Rod, get in the helicopter."

  As Rod snatched open the door and jumped in, Travis stared coldly at Lila, "We'll stay in town tonight and be back tomorrow morning. Be ready. I want you gone as quickly as possible."

  "Don't worry. I wouldn't stay if you paid me," Lila retorted sharply, then retreated to a safe distance as he climbed into the machine and cranked the starter.

  The blades rotated slowly at first, then dissolved into a blur of speed as Travis opened the throttle and the machine rose into the air and turned away in the direction of the distant hills. Lila watched and waited until it disappeared and the engine noise faded to silence, then hurried back to the house, her mind busily checking her careful plans for the day.

  She could not know that she was not the only one with plans.

  In the helicopter, ten miles to the North of the house, Rod tapped his uncle's arm and pointed downwards, "There. In that clearing."

  "I see it. OK. I'll set us down."

  The helicopter circled then landed in the centre of the clearing and as the engine died, the two men climbed out and walked over to the horses that Rod had stationed there the previous night. With the skill born of long practice, both men swung up into the saddles and began to walk the horses South, back towards the house and the unsuspecting redhead who was the target of their plan.

  Confidently assuming that Travis and her husband were miles away and would not be back until the morning, Lila smoothed the figure hugging Lycra of a spectacularly brief black bikini top over her full breasts. The top, two minuscule triangles barely covering her nipples, was matched by the bottom, little more than a scrap of material over her sex, held in place by a thong neatly bisecting her buttocks, but leaving her cheeks completely bare.

  It was an outfit she had bought for her honeymoon with Rod and Lila felt there was a nice irony in wearing it for the day she left him, as she had on the day she married him. It rounded things off rather neatly, she thought and besides, it was the only thing she had that fitted in with her ideas of what a Mistress would wear. For the same reason, she wore a pair of gleaming black high-heeled shoes and as she picked up her leather crop and inspected herself in the full-length mirror, Lila knew she had achieved the image she wanted. Slightly sinister, vaguely threatening and extremely sexy. Her teeth flashed in a cruel smile as she left her bedroom and made her way to the outbuilding where Cassie was imprisoned.

  The tall blonde slave didn't know it yet, but she was about to meet the Mistress of her dreams, or maybe her nightmares, and Lila could hardly wait to see her reaction. As the bolts on the door of the building where she was held rattled back, Cassie rolled from the bed where she was resting and went gracefully to her knees, displaying her body as she had been trained. She didn't know who it was, but that didn't matter. As a slave she had to kneel to everybody anyway and her action was an automatic response.

  The door swung inwards and she gasped, her eyes wide with surprise and delight as she saw Lila smiling at her and took in the details of her costume.

  "Hello, slave. Your Mistress has come to visit you. On your feet and stand still."

  Cassie jumped up and grinned at the redhead, "You look terrific in that costume, Mistress. Just as I've always imagined a real Mistress would look."

  Lila hid her pleasure with a frown and spoke as sternly as she could manage. "I am a real Mistress, as you will soon find out, slave. And I did not give you permission to speak. You will be punished for that and I shall enjoy disciplining a slave who clearly needs it."

  Cassie's grin switched off and she licked her lips nervously, wondering whether she had read too much into her night of love making with the redhead. That had been such a wonderful time for them both that Cassie had assumed that Lila was now more of a friend than a Mistress, but perhaps she had misjudged the situation. It was definitely not worth taking a risk to find out, she didn't want to be whipped, and clamped her lips together, arching her spine to display her body to best advantage and crossing her wrists behind her back.

  "That's more like it," Lila said, then grinned, "don't look so worried, honey. I'm not going to be mean to you." She paused for a second and chuckled, "Well, maybe just a bit, perhaps. But it's OK, there's only you and me here. Rod and Travis have gone into town and won't be back until tomorrow. I've got everything planned, so just do as I tell you and it'll be great. We'll have a lot of fun and you'll
enjoy it, I promise."

  Cassie stared at her scantily clad Mistress and felt a warm glow of slave heat stir in her belly at the prospect of a whole day, and night, alone with Lila. The redhead was clearly excited and although Cassie was pretty sure that her part in Lila's plan was going to be as a tightly bound and gagged prisoner, Lila's excitement was infectious. Cassie was curious to find out just what the smaller girl had in mind, and it was after all, their last time together, because Lila was leaving the ranch.

  "May I speak, Mistress?" Cassie asked softly and when the redhead nodded, said simply, "I am your slave and must serve you in any way you desire."

  Lila gazed at her for a long moment, then walked forwards and stretched up to kiss her cheek. "Thank you, Cassie. I shall miss you," her brown eyes misted with tears, but then she controlled herself with an effort and was a Mistress again. She stepped back a pace, "You are my slave and will be treated as a slave," she said firmly, "if you disobey or fail to please me, you will be punished."


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