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Slaves of the Circle T

Page 13

by Charles Graham

  In her collar and her chains and with a brand on her hip, Cassie couldn't possibly be mistaken for anything but a slave and could be forced to serve anyone, man or woman, who was given her use... but so would she. Strangely, despite her submission to Travis, until that moment the redhead had never envisaged being taken by anyone other than Rod, but as she suddenly realised that she had no cause to think that she would be treated any differently from the blonde, an icy chill rippled up her spine. Tom and Earl were out on patrol and would be expecting to find Cassie hot and ready to serve them when they got back. What if, instead of Cassie they found her? Naked and in chains and, worst of all, branded. They had no reason to like her, she had threatened to get them both fired and when they discovered that she was enslaved they would do anything they wanted to her.

  She squealed in panic and wrenched madly at her chains, her eyes wide with the horror of the thoughts that raced through her spinning brain. Rod looked calmly at her, it was time to brand her, he thought, and as he fetched the branding iron, Travis gripped her left leg in his strong hands. Lila screamed as Rod came back with the branding iron in his hand, screamed again as he chose a spot high on her hip, then screamed a third time, her fingers clawing, as he branded her with merciless precision.

  "Nice, Rod, very nice," Travis commented as he rubbed the cream into her brand, "she'll be proud of that," he paused and gave a rumbling laugh, "eventually, that is."

  Rod took the branding iron back to the stable, then untied the rope to permit Lila to see her brand and as the anguished redhead saw the irrefutable evidence of her subjugation etched into her flesh, she slumped head down in her bonds, sobbing in despair.

  The Masters grinned at one another, knowing that their job was done, that the plan had been a complete success and that now the well-earned rewards were theirs for the taking. They moved to stand behind the bent, defenceless bodies of their newly branded slaves, Travis behind Cassie and Rod behind his slave-wife, Lila. In unison, skilled fingers explored the hot, wet clefts between the gaping thighs, caressed the agonisingly sensitive tissues of engorged labia, rubbed the hard, fleshy button of each slave's clitoris and probed deep into the secret recesses of their helpless femininity. Extracting ever more frenzied responses, ever more frantic squeals and pleas for mercy, ever more explosive contractions of quaking bellies and gushing love juices, the Masters stepped up their onslaught until near-continuous orgasms convulsed the bellies of both slaves and their sexes ran with sweat and moisture as they submitted repeatedly and unconditionally.

  Only then did their Masters relent and as iron hard shafts replaced fingers and lunged to the core of each pounding, seething belly, Cassie and Lila screamed and shuddered in wonderful, dreadful ecstasy, their bodies shot through with the rapturous pleasure of utter subjugation as each received the hosing jets of a Master's seed and hurtled down and down into a whirling vortex of enforced sexual passion from which Cassie had never been able to escape. And neither would Lila!

  Chapter 11

  "I'm really, really sorry, honey," Lila apologised again, "I know you say it wasn't my fault, but I can't help blaming myself. If it weren't for me you wouldn't have that awful brand on your leg. It just never occurred to me that I was being tricked, or that they would come back so soon."

  "I know, darling," Cassie tried to reassure her lover, "don't get upset. There was nothing you could have done. They fooled me, too," she stretched out her slim left leg and inspected the brand on her hip, "anyway, now I'm getting used to it, I'm starting to think it looks rather good."

  Lila gazed at the two-inch circle with the T inside it on Cassie's leg, then looked at her own hip with its identical mark and gave a shiver of distaste. She hated hers, she hated how it looked and whatever the Hell it was supposed to mean. She hated the fact that it wouldn't ever come off and she especially hated that damned husband of hers for putting it there. When she got hold of him, she was going to strangle him with her bare hands.

  Cassie smiled sadly at the redhead, well aware that Lila was terribly frightened of what had been done to her and was just whistling in the dark to keep her spirits up.

  She knew as well as Cassie did what the brand meant and that the chances of her carrying out her threat were non-existent, but couldn't yet bring herself to face the realities of her enslavement.

  Cassie had felt much the same to begin with, but had quickly been taught that chains and whips and obedient submission were the inevitable outcome of her captivity and had been forced to accept her new status as a humble slave. Now, Lila would have to learn the same harsh lesson whether she wanted to or not, because the Masters would not permit her to disobey or be anything other than the slave they had made her. If she attempted to resist, she would be punished as often as was necessary to instil what her Masters would certainly consider to be a proper respect for their authority and the instant, ingrained, unquestioning obedience that would be demanded of her.

  Cassie's hard-earned experience made her want to explain all this to the redhead in an effort to save her from at least some of the painful discipline she was bound to face, but she had no wish to frighten her even more and decided to approach the tricky task from an oblique angle.

  "I wish it had been you who had branded me," she said carefully, "I was really looking forward to being your slave."

  Lila brightened immediately, "I was too. You were just amazing, darling. So hot and so desperate to come. And when you told me that you loved being whipped by me and begged to be branded... Wow."

  Two bright spots of colour stained Cassie's cheeks at Lila's enthusiastic reply, but she pressed doggedly on. She was a slave and Lila was her Mistress and she had been in bondage and helpless. She couldn't resist and Lila had kept on arousing her and making her submit to her until she would have done anything for her. It was easy for Lila, because Cassie was a slave and Lila knew that she could do anything she liked to her and she couldn't stop her even if she had wanted to. Cassie couldn't help herself and after a while, she didn't even want to. She needed to submit and she did. It was wonderful that she had submitted to Lila, but it could have been anybody.

  Cassie asked Lila if she understood what she was saying to her. She was a slave, that was what she was. Lila stared at her for a long moment, then nodded slowly. She did understand now, and she thanked Cassie for trying to tell her as gently as she could, that she was going to be forced to give in to the men.

  "That is what you're doing, isn't it?"

  "I'm afraid so, darling. I don't want to see you get whipped again."

  "But I will be, won't I? I can see it in your eyes and I think I knew it anyway. I just didn't want to believe that I'm really a slave and that I can be whipped whenever the men like."

  "Please, Lila," Cassie urged, "think of them as Masters. It's important, darling. You must call them Master all the time and every time. If you don't, or forget it, they'll punish you. That's why I was careful to call you Mistress. You'd have punished me, wouldn't you?"

  Lila bit her lip, "Yes, I would have. I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean to be cruel to you, but... well... I just never gave it a thought."

  Cassie smiled wryly, "Why would you? I was only a slave and you were a Mistress. You didn't need to think about my feelings."

  "But that's not fair," Lila burst out, then stopped and stared at Cassie's smiling face. "That was stupid of me, wasn't it? Masters don't have to be fair to slaves, do they?"

  The blonde shook her head without replying and Lila gave a heavy sigh, "After yesterday, I should know what to expect, shouldn't I? But I just can't get used to the idea. It all seems like some crazy nightmare and I keep hoping I'm going to wake up and find that everything's back to normal."

  She looked down at her naked, branded body and tugged angrily at the steel cuffs that bound her wrists behind her back, then laughed bitterly, "But I'm never going to wake up, am I? Because this is normal for a slave and that's what the Masters are going to force me to be."

  There was nothi
ng Cassie could say to make the truth any less awful for the redhead and stayed silent, sympathetic but unable to change the facts. It would have been nice to cuddle Lila and try to give some comfort, but Cassie's arms were locked behind her too and the short chains that linked both of their collars to rings set in the walls at opposite sides of the small room meant that they could not get close enough to touch, let alone cuddle.

  It was how they had been secured the previous evening, but only after the Masters had swapped places and taken each of them for a second time and they were still secured after a restless night on the bare boards.

  "I climaxed both times last night," Lila broke the uncomfortable silence, "I didn't want to and I tried really hard not to, you know, but I just couldn't control my body."

  Cassie replied softly that she knew and that they had made her come as well. That was the problem, slaves had lots of really sensitive places, like their breasts and between their legs, and men like the Masters knew all of them. If the Masters tied them up and aroused them in just the right way, in just the right place, they couldn't resist and the men knew it. That's how they enslaved them and why they always kept them chained up and naked. Cassie shrugged her shoulders and grimacing added that the trouble was that it worked. She'd heard them talk about it sometimes and they called it 'conditioning'. But what it really meant was that each time the Masters aroused them and made them come, it got easier for them and harder for the slaves to resist.

  It made perfect sense and Lila knew that she was hearing the truth, even though she wished she wasn't. Before she could reply, there was the sound of a key grating in the lock of the door and in a whisper Cassie reminded her that she must call them Master and do exactly what they said or they would whip her. Cassie then sank to her knees and displayed her body, while the redhead began to tremble, her eyes wide as she stared down at Cassie's submissively posed nudity.

  The door swung open and Rod walked in, crop in hand, his eyes going immediately to the kneeling blonde, then fixing on Lila's shocked face.

  "On your knees, slave," he snapped, but when Lila hesitated, his brow furrowed in a frown and he swung the crop in a whistling arc that terminated in a sharp crack and a shrill squeal from her as the flexible leather burned across the softly rounded plain of her stomach.

  "I gave you an order, slave," he reminded her calmly, "are you going to obey me, or do you need more persuading?"

  Lila threw herself down in front of him, shuddering with fear as she hollowed her spine and spread her thighs to display herself as Cassie was displayed, gasping, "No. Please, Rod, don't whip me. I'm obeying you. Look, I am, I am."

  Cassie groaned in silent dismay because in her panic, Lila had completely forgotten to address Rod as Master and the blonde knew that the error would not be overlooked.

  The crop hissed down again and as Lila shrieked and a thin red stripe bloomed across her taut thighs, her Master grinned evilly and asked, "Is that how a slave addresses a Master? I don't think so."

  The punished redhead moaned piteously and made as if to bend forward to protect herself, then remembered just in time that she was kneeling before her Master and hadn't been given permission to move. With a visible effort, she forced herself to hold her pose, leaving her thighs and stomach horribly vulnerable to his crop as she gabbled, "I'm sorry, Master. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I beg you to forgive me, Master. Please, Master, please."

  His cold eyes looked down at her, "That's better, slave. Now, shut your mouth and keep it shut until I tell you otherwise."

  Lila clamped her lips together and he chuckled mockingly, telling her what an obedient slut she was. A bit of bondage, a couple of climaxes and a few strokes of his crop and there she was, kneeling at his feet and showing off that sexy little body of hers. What a shame he had wasted time by marrying her. He needn't have bothered, he could have just put a slave collar on her throat the day he met her and saved them both all the unpleasantness.

  Lila moaned in shame as he taunted her, but didn't dare move or make any form of protest. He nodded, "You're learning, slave. Now then, I guess you must be pretty hungry after last night, eh?" Lila ventured a tiny nod of agreement. "Ham and eggs? Toast? Coffee? How does that sound?" It sounded wonderful and Lila's mouth filled with saliva at the thought of it. She nodded again, eagerly. "That's settled then," he said cheerfully, then added, "there's just one little thing, though. If you want to eat, you have to pay in advance."

  His eyes glittered and as she saw his cruel amusement, Lila gulped anxiously, suspecting that there was only one way she was going to be allowed to pay for the meal. His right hand moved to the zip of his trousers and flicked out the metal tab and as he told her casually, "Your meal ticket is right here, slave," a burst of raw heat filled her belly. He expected her to satisfy him with her mouth, with Cassie watching and as he ordered, "Begin, slave," and the crop flicked lightly across her proffered breasts, Lila gasped in fear and helplessly submissive excitement, knowing that she must obey or be whipped.

  She bent forwards, trying to get a grip on the metal tab with her teeth, but with her arms bound uselessly behind her back, it was no easy task and her cheeks reddened as she was forced to rub her lips against his bulging crotch in a humiliating display of her subjugation. At last her teeth managed to clamp on the tab and as she pulled it downwards carefully, his erect maleness sprang free, pointing directly at her. To her eyes, only inches away, the thick shaft seemed enormous and she gave a shiver of anxiety, fearing that she would never to be able to take it into her mouth.

  A stinging line of fire blazed across her right buttock and she heard her Master snap, "Get on with it, slut and you'd better please me more than you ever did as my wife." She bit back a scream of pain and misery and pressed her lips to his hardened flesh, kissing and licking delicately. This was not completely new to her, because in happier days she had aroused him in this way numerous times, just as he had done the same for her. She knew he loved the feel of her lips, even though she had never been able to bring herself to do more than take the tip of his shaft into her mouth, despite his often expressed wish that she would.

  But that had been before she was enslaved, before he had become her Master with the power to whip her and force her to do what he wanted. She opened her jaws reluctantly, her lips stretching into a circle and her eyes widening as his rigid shaft thrust into the moist warmth of her mouth, pinning her tongue flat and gagging her. She tried to pull back, but her Master was ready for just such a reaction and his strong hand fastened in her red hair, holding her as his other hand unbuckled his trousers and let them drop to the floor.

  "Now I'll teach you how to serve a Master properly, bitch," he grated harshly and as she squealed in panic, he clamped her head in both of his hands and pumped his hips forwards. Lila spluttered, almost choking, her mouth filled to capacity, her cheeks bulging and her eyes wild as his iron-hard shaft ravaged her mercilessly, but she was powerless to resist and as he exerted his full authority over her in the most shameful and humiliating way, her belly churned and seethed with uncontrollable lust and her sex ran with liquid heat.

  With her face crushed against the curly pubic hair at his groin, her nostrils flaring to suck in air, Lila served her Master with all the submissive passion of a true slave. Her lips squeezed his massive erection, her tongue licked the base of his shaft and her cheeks hollowed to suck at his flesh as she surrendered to her subjugation and fought to satisfy him, oblivious to everything but the necessity to obey and be found pleasing.

  "I see our new slave is working for her food."

  The remark brought an answering chuckle from her Master and as she realised that Travis had entered the room and was witnessing her shameful performance, the turmoil in her belly grew to fever pitch and she redoubled her efforts. Her Master gave a wordless grunt of sheer pleasure and as his shaft began to twitch and throb, knotted his fingers in her hair to ensure she could not pull away and released his spend.

  Lila squealed as her mouth filled with th
e powerful jets of his hot, salty juices and her throat worked convulsively as she was forced to swallow every last drop of his seed, her humiliation and arousal both intense as she learned what it meant to serve a Master fully.

  He made her hold him in her mouth until his spasms eased, then slipped from her lips, ordering her to lick him clean.

  Without a moment's hesitation, Lila obeyed and as her tongue lapped at his drained flesh to remove the last sticky traces of his climax, he gazed down at her bobbing head and grinned cruelly, savouring his victory and her complete submission. It was the first time that Lila had ever sucked him to climax, but it would not be the last. He would make quite sure of that. But for now, at least, the sexy little slave-slut had earned her breakfast.

  Chapter 12

  Lila watched miserably as her Masters tossed the last remaining items of her personal possessions onto the bonfire and stood back as the leaping flames consumed her dresses, underwear, shoes and even her cosmetics and perfumes. The blaze was their way of severing the last of her links with her previous life as a free and independent woman, a forcible reminder that she was their slave and was permitted to wear nothing on her naked body but the chains and the brand they had placed upon her.


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