Intelligence_A Very Short Introduction
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3 Sources for researchers
There are many monograph and edited books on the topic of intelligence. These are highly specialized and the likelihood is that so few people would follow them up that none is worth mentioning here (I mentioned one of my own at the end of Chapter 3). It might, though, be interesting for readers to know that the key academic journal that deals with matters related to intelligence is called Intelligence, published by Elsevier. The journal’s editorial office is at the Department of Psychology in Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. This is the principal location for researchers to communicate new research findings.
Aberdeen Birth Cohort 1921 22
Adoption 81–85
Ageing and intelligence 19–42, 79, 85–88
Alzheimer’s dementia 26
American Psychological Association 40, 110, 113, 116
American Psychological Association Task Force Report 114–121, 123
Andreasen, Nancy 46–47, 66
Army Alpha test 28
Avolio, B. J. 41
Baltes, Paul 34
Bell Curve, The xv, 101, 116–117, 123, 126
Berlin Aging Study 34–35, 37, 42
Binet, Alfred 91
Boodoo, Gwyneth 118
Bouchard, Tom 72, 77, 88, 118
Boykin, A. Wade 118
Brain and intelligence 43–66
Brain size 44–49
Brody, Nathan 118
Cardiovascular disease 22, 34
Carroll, John 13–16
Caryl, Peter 52, 66
Cattell, Raymond 33
Ceci, Stephen 118
Cohort effect (see also Flynn effect) 32
Computer metaphors of intelligence 40, 57
Concordia University study 28
Cooper, C. xv, 126
Correlation xi–xvi
Cross-sectional study 28–29, 31–32
Cross-sequential study 29
Crystallized intelligence 33–34
Deary I. J. 41, 66, 100
Decision time 63–64
Definition of intelligence 17–18, 118
Digit symbol 5, 6, 38, 40
DNA 88
Electroencephalogram (EEG) 49–54
11-plus test 21
Environment 67–90, 120
Event related brain electrical potentials (ERP) 49–54
Eysenck, Hans 114, 125
Favourable cognitive ageing 34–35
Fluid intelligence 33
Flynn effect 102–113
Flynn, James 102–113
g(general intelligence) 10–14, 35–39, 85–87, 92, 97–98, 108
Gardner, Howard 15–16, 124
Genetics 67–90, 120
General Aptitude Test Battery 27
Gottfredson, Linda 17, 101, 124
Gould, Stephen J. 125
Graphology 95–97
Group factors of intelligence 10–13, 37, 85–87
Halpern, Diane 118
Handwriting analysis (see graphology)
Harris, Judith 81, 90
Head size and intelligence 47
Herrnstein, R. J. xv, 101, 126
Hierarchy model of intelligence differences 11, 15
Hobbes, Thomas 64
Horn, John 33
Howe, Michael 125
Hunter, John 92–100
Hunter, Rhonda 92, 99
Iconic memory 54–55
Inductive reasoning 32–33
Inspection time 54–59, 65, 120
Jensen, Arthur 62, 127
Job selection 91–101, 120
Kamin, Leon 114
Kline, P. xvi
Lindenberger, U. 42
Loehlin, John 83–84, 89, 118
Lohman, David 66
Longitudinal studies 2–3, 28–29
Lynn, Richard 22
Mackintosh, N. J. 127
McClearn, G. E. 89
Magnetic resonance brain imaging 45–48
Mechanics of intelligence 34
Memory 35–38, 86–87
Mental speed (see speed of processing)
Meta-analysis 95
Minnesota Centre for Twin and Adoption Research 72
Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart 72–78
Moray House Test 20, 23–24
Movement time 63–64
Multiple intelligences 15
Murray, C. xv, 101, 126
Myelin sheath 49
N 54, 100
Neisser, Ulric 113, 116, 121
Nettelbeck, Ted 57
Numerical ability 32
OctoTwin Project 85–88
Oddball tone stimuli 50–53
Owens, W. A. 28, 41
P200 and P300 50, 52–54
Perceptual organization 9, 10
Perceptual speed 32
Perloff, Robert 118
Personality 34
Petrill, Stephen 86, 89
Plomin, Robert 88, 90, 128
Practice effects 32
Pragmatics of intelligence 34
Processing speed (see speed of processing)
Psychological Corporation 7
Raven, John 5
Raven’s Progressive Matrices 5, 33, 108, 110, 112
Reaction time 38–40, 59–64, 120
Richardson, Ken 126
Rothman, S. 17
Salthouse, Timothy 35–39, 42
Schmidt, Frank 92, 95, 98–99
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 105–106
Scottish Council for Research in Education 21–22
Scottish Mental Survey 1932 21–23, 25, 27
Schaie, K. Werner 27, 29–34, 41–42
Schwartzman, A. E. 41
Seattle Longitudinal Study 29–34, 41–42
Simon, Theophile 91
Snyderman, M. 17
Social class 34
ability 35, 86–87
reasoning 28, 32
Spearman, Charles 12
Speed of processing 10, 35–36, 38–39, 54–65, 86
Stability of intelligence 20–27, 119
Stanford-Binet Test 104–105
Sternberg, Robert 66, 118, 127
String length measure 53
Texas Adoption Project 83–85
Thomson, Sir Godfrey 21
Thurstone, Louis 12
Three stratum model of intelligence 13, 29, 35–36
Twins 76–81, 85–88
Unknowns about intelligence 121
ability 32–33, 86–87
comprehension 9, 10
reasoning 35
Vernon, P. A. (Tony) 48, 66
Visual processing 54–59
Vocabulary 33
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales 2–13, 16, 27, 47, 73, 104–105
Whalley, Lawrence 22, 41
Willerman, Lee 47
Work sample tests 96–97
Working memory 9, 10
Zenderland, L. 100