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Starving for Love

Page 7

by Nicole Zoltack

  After a moment, he peeked out and no longer saw the sharks or eels, or any other fish for that matter. Farther into the cave came voices. When he saw a strange but familiar half-woman, half-squid creature, he ducked into another crevice and watched the proceedings.

  King Tritonion pointed his trident at the creature. "Merlinasea, you've crossed the line this time."

  She brushed her hair back from her face. "King Tritonion, I have no idea what you are referring to."

  The king emitted a low growl. "You tampered with my daughter's memory, didn't you?"

  Kristian covered his mouth. Memory of what? Memory of him? Is that why she didn't recognize him despite his zombie form when they had touched? He had seen through her hag-like appearance.

  "Oh, that." Merlinasea waved her hand. A puff of pink smoke covered her form. When it cleared, a blue and green sea dragon remained. "She wanted me to save a dead guy so I did." Merlinasea's voice came out of the huge dragon mouth.

  "By turning him into a zombie?"

  Kristian was glad the source of the king's anger was someone other than him.

  "She never specified what state she wanted him to be in."

  King Tritonion threw the trident. It pierced her long tail and speared it to the cave floor. A wince and a slight scowl was the only indication Merlinasea gave to reveal the pain she had to be in.

  Her dragon arms reached lovingly toward the trident, but the king jerked it away from her grasp. Freed, she transformed back into the half-woman, half-squid creature as she circled around the king. "Now, now, hide your temper and be a good king." Her tone was mocking, and Kristian hated himself for admiring her audacity to talk to the ruler in such a fashion. "You know you can't touch me."

  "Accursed treaty," the king grumbled, the words almost unrecognizable.

  "Besides, my deals are binding. I take and I give. That's the way it works. Your girlie knew the terms before I worked my magic."

  "So make a deal with me," the king uttered in a low tone.

  Kristian's body quivered. If anyone should make a new deal, it should be him, not the king. Before he could come forward, the king gazed in his direction, and Kristian realized the king had allowed him to follow him. The king could have swum much faster and left Kristian behind with no choice but to return to the surface.

  Still not pleased with this turn of events, Kristian stayed where he was.

  "There's only one thing I want from you," Merlinasea snarled.

  "I know," the king said solemnly.

  The transformation from bitterness to elation on Merlinasea's face was instant. Kristian's stomach to churn. This could not be good.

  "Very well then. What do you want?" The glee in her voice echoed off the cave walls.

  "For you to spend one day in Castle Heroica, in its market, near its piers, near the town. One day and one night. That's all I ask."

  "And you'll step down as ruler?"

  "Yes." The king faced Kristian for a second. Despite his being in the water, Kristian could see the king's eyes become teary. King Tritonion whirled around toward the sea witch again. "When my daughter killed the zombie, she became so overcome with remorse that she returned to the water and died. Her death is on my hands. If she had only told me about… I could have…" He hung his head then raised it. "But no. I have no desire to rule anymore. Too much misery have I faced at the hands of the humans. I hope they give you as much misery, if not more, during your time above the waves."

  "I accept these terms," Merlinasea hissed. She cackled and touched the trident, caressing it. "This will soon be mine."

  King Tritonion jerked the trident away from her and instructed, "Today you will go to the town."

  "I'll go now," Merlinasea promised.

  They shook hands, and the king didn't look over at Kristian as he left.

  Kristian lingered behind in his hiding place as Merlinasea glided over to a vanity set. She rummaged through a drawer and removed and uncorked a purplish-red vial. A billow of orange smoke emerged and floated in the water, like an ink spot. When she swam into it, the orange flickered to black for a second before turning to yellow, and then a brilliant piercing white, which disappeared a moment later.

  Blinking against the light, Kristian expected Merlinasea to have vanished. In a way she had, because the half-female, half-squid was no longer in front of the mirror. Instead, an exquisite-looking human was there. Completely transformed, Merlinasea now had black eyes, a small nose, full lips. Every facial feature had been changed. Only one did Kristian recognize — Sirena's luscious hair.

  It angered him to see Merlinasea steal his beloved's locks, but he held himself in check as Merlinasea swam past him. He waited until he couldn't any longer, wanting to be certain the sea witch did not learn of his intrusion, and swam toward the shore as fast as he could. Kristian had to find Sirena. The king had done his part to save her. Now it was his turn.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Something shifted in her mind and broke through the burning stomach pain, the unending hunger. Whatever it was, she didn't recognize it.

  Legs stiff and uncooperative, she stumbled out of the town. Her head felt as if it was being squeezed together, the pressure too much for her to handle. Collapsing onto the sand near the water, she gripped her head and let out a loud moan of frustration. If eating would take away this pain, she would eat a thousand people. She would do whatever it took. But somehow, she knew she wasn't just starving for flesh.

  To block out the pain, she closed her eyes. Through the mental anguish, she could see a face form: rectangular, with holes in the cheek, bloodstained teeth, hollow eyes. The face was similar to hers. She was seeing a zombie.

  Maybe she wasn't the only one. Mayhap someone else shared in her torment.

  The thought of not being alone propelled her forward. She crawled along the sand before jerking to her feet. Her arms outstretched for balance, she lumbered on. Darkness soon covered her. Large, green things blocked her view of the sun.

  Trees, she recalled. She was in a forest.

  The energy she'd summoned disappeared, and she slumped against a tree and closed her eyes again.

  Another face came into view: this one handsome, with a strong jaw, Roman nose, piercing eyes that stared straight at her.

  Although she recognized this face as someone dear to her, she couldn't recall his name or his connection to her.

  The wild wind blew through the trees, and a few branches dipped down and hit her head. The gust carried a smell with it. Someone was coming. Someone with a vibrant and robust heartbeat.

  Saliva flooded her mouth, and she drooled. Hunger overpowered her, overwhelming her, and she grabbed the nearest branch to pull herself to her feet.

  She could hear someone shouting, calling for someone, but the words didn't break through the fog in her mind. Jerking this way and that, she stumbled out of the forest toward the voice. Sunlight blinded her when she broke through the line of trees back onto the beach.

  A man stood with his back to her. When he whirled around, she licked her cracked lips. He was tall and strong and had plenty of muscle on him. The man would make a rather tasty meal.

  She lunged toward him, but he stepped back, holding out his arms to ward her off. He didn't hold a weapon, which made her even more determined to make a meal out of him. Starving for flesh, she started toward him when she saw his face — identical to the one she had just seen in her mind.

  Who was he? Why was he here? Was he offering himself up to her as a meal? Did he understand the constant hunger burning inside of her, threatening to drive her mad?

  His mouth opened and closed, his vocal chords exercising, telling her something, not screaming or ranting or yelling, like most people did when they saw her.

  Confusion and curiosity battled within her, and she struggled against the hunger. If she could only remember who he was, why she had cared for him in the past, before…


  Had she always been a zombie?

p; A loud wave crashed toward the beach. The lull of the water, the sound of waves breaking — it sang to her, called to her. No, she hadn't always been a monster. But she didn't feel as if the land, the earth, was hers. The water — that was where she belonged.

  That wasn't quite right either.

  She released a bellow of frustration. The man reached toward her, and she jerked back, terrified he would hurt her, for what else would someone do when confronted with a monster like herself?

  He continued toward her, though, and she stumbled backward until she tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. The man held out his hand, his lips curling upward.

  She didn't trust him, and yet she did for he had no weapon on him, had made no threatening gesture toward her, and she had a feeling he wouldn't do anything to harm her.

  Her gaze shifted his lips to his outstretched hand. The tips of his fingers were pink, filled with blood, the flesh beautiful and tanned. Drool dribbled down onto her neck, but she gnawed on her lips, trying to ignore him so she didn't lunge at him with her teeth.

  Her stomach grumbled in frustration, the pain greater than ever before. Why was she fighting her body's needs? She had to eat to survive. Flesh was all she needed.

  His hand never wavered, never moved. He wanted to help her stand up. Didn't he realize that if she stood she would go for his throat? Although the tanned skin of his thigh from beneath his clothes looked tantalizing as well…

  Her curiosity diminishing as her hunger grew, she grabbed his hand to launch herself to her feet.

  Instead, she stayed on the sand, their hands still clasped as an onslaught of images flooded her mind. A young girl with black hair played in the water with a young boy. They tossed a ball back and forth then splashed each other. Then they were swimming, talking and laughing. The boy, almost a man now, gave the girl, almost a woman, a golden comb.

  With her free hand, she touched her hair. Short, chopped off, it was ruined. But it hadn't always been this way. It had once been long and flowing and a raven-like black.

  Her body trembling, she gazed at him. He was that boy, all grown up. Healthy and strong and just as she remembered him.

  Her Kristian.

  She opened her mouth to say his name, but her vocal chords refused to work. She grunted and groaned and moaned. Finally, she uttered, "Love."

  Tears filled his eyes. Kristian pulled her toward him and threw his arms around her.

  She hugged him back, burying her face into his neck. The throb of his heartbeat in his vein pulsated against her. Her mouth opened, watering, ready to bite…

  Moving almost quickly, she yanked back and stared at him. As long as she could see the love in his eyes, she could control the desire for flesh.

  Another hunger began to form within her. She was hungry for love.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It felt so wonderful to hold Sirena again. Too soon, she jerked back. The blankness in her black zombie eyes had faded away, and he could see love shining in them. Every so often, the foggy blankness would return, only to go away again. He figured she was battling the need for his flesh. But it was good that she still had it. She might have need for it yet.

  "Do you know who you are?" His heart pounded loud enough for him to hear it, and he struggled to control himself. He couldn't risk tempting her zombie side. Kristian had to appeal to the lingering amounts of humanity — mermaidity? — inside her. They didn't have much time.

  She tilted her head so he repeated the question. In answer, she moaned, grimaced, then nodded.

  "That's great, Sirena." He swallowed hard, having to ask his next question even though her moaning "love" already answered it. "And do you know who I am?"

  Instead of trying to talk again, she flung herself into his arms for a brief moment before pulling back again.

  His heartbeat raced again, and he took several calming breaths.

  She grabbed his hand. When they had stopped holding hands, he wasn't sure. Slowly, she moved his hand so it touched her face. Tears streamed down her cheek, and he wiped them away. Her skin was no longer smooth or soft, now leathery with gaping holes, but he was touching Sirena again. Even though she might not look like herself, he still saw her the way she truly was — full of life and love, strong and courageous.

  Sirena released his other hand and brought up her free hand to caress his face with her rough palms, her worn thumb stroking his cheek. Opening her mouth to reveal rotting teeth and decaying breath, she gave a timid smile.

  He wanted nothing more than to stand there, just being with her, but he didn't have that luxury. Clearing his throat, he glanced at the water, then back to her. "I need you to listen carefully, okay?"

  She nodded.

  "Merlinasea is coming."

  Sirena jumped back with a loud hiss.

  "I know, I know. She won't look like herself." He described the witch's new appearance. "I'm going to kill her," he added, determination filling him. Kristian could practically feel the weight of a gun in his hand, his finger itching to pull the trigger.

  Sirena shook her head so violently his hand dropped from her face to her neck. He furrowed his brows when he couldn't find a heartbeat.

  "Why not? She has to pay." His words rumbled in his chest.

  His zombie mermaid nodded vigorously.

  "I don't understand."

  Sirena stepped out of his grasp, pointed to her chest, and licked her lips.

  Kristian laughed. "All right, you take care of her, but I'll be in the forest in case you need help."

  Sirena scowled.

  "Not that you'll need me to be the hero." He reclaimed her hand and squeezed it before letting it go. "You're my heroine."

  She made a purring sound.

  Kristian rubbed her shoulders then slid his fingers down her arms to her hands. He clasped them to his chest. "I would do anything for you, you know that?"

  She nodded before pointing to herself and then to him.

  "I know." He kissed the top of her head.

  A loud rumbling sound emitted from the water. Sirena twirled him around and shoved him toward the forest with such force he fell to the ground. Rocks dug into his palms as he scampered to his feet. He ran until the darkness of the trees covered him. After he found the perfect hiding spot where he could see his Sirena, he focused on the sea and waited for Merlinasea to appear.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sirena felt so many things: anticipation, hunger, love, fear. The last was the strongest and forced her to back up until she was hiding behind a large rock. She hated her cowardice, but Merlinasea was a powerful sea witch. Who knew what power she would retain while in human form?

  The witch stood there, looking as Kristian had described. Jealousy and anger surged within her at the sight of her ebony locks on the witch's head, and she almost leapt out at that moment to confront the witch, but she held back, waiting, watching.

  Merlinasea brushed her long hair back and adjusted the black gown she wore, looking majestic, like a queen. Why the witch was here, Kristian hadn't explained, but Sirena could assume another deal had been made.

  And that the witch had to be killed. She had to pay for her crimes.

  If only Sirena had never struck a bargain in the first place! The witch wasn't a miracle worker — she was the giver of curses.

  Merlinasea cackled and strolled away from the forest, toward the town.

  Sirena lumbered forward, careful not to make a sound, but her ruined legs stumbled over a rock and she grunted.

  The witch whirled around. Confusion then anger crossed her beautiful features, which she twisted into a nasty snarl. "So it was a trap!" she snarled.

  Sirena lunged toward her, but Merlinasea held her hands out near her hips, palms toward Sirena. The witch lifted into the air.

  "Love is for fools," Merlinasea taunted. "Look what it did to you!"

  Sirena shook her head and gestured violently toward the witch.

  Sirena's adversary laughed. "No, I didn't do this. Love cloud
s your judgment, makes you weak."

  Sirena placed her fingers through the hole in her cheek.

  "Maybe you should have specified that you wanted lover boy to be returned to you living," the witch taunted.

  Sirena stepped back until she bumped against the boulder she had hid behind.

  "I have no quarrel with you, however, dearie." Merlinasea lowered until she hovered an inch above the sand. "I can change you back into a human if you wish."

  Sirena's zombie heart sped up despite its weak, almost nonexistent pulse. She needed blood. Her strength was fading. Soon, she would be no match for Merlinasea.

  "If you leave me be for one day and one night, I promise I'll change you into a human. How does that sound?" the witch offered.

  Sirena collapsed onto the rock and sat there, unmoving.

  The witch glided over. "Do we have a deal?"

  After a moment, Sirena lumbered to her feet and climbed onto the rock. She reached out to shake the witch's hand. At the last second, she bit two of the witch's fingers.

  Blood gushed forth, and Sirena opened her mouth to catch the life-sustaining drops of goodness. She licked her lips. Energy and verve filled her, rushing through her veins to her heart.

  Merlinasea pointed with her good hand toward the boulder, causing it to explode. Sirena tumbled to the ground as shards of rock flew out in every direction, some connecting with her head. One bounced off her arm and ratcheted toward her mouth, knocking a tooth loose.

  Sirena bent her knees and leapt into the air. Merlinasea raised herself higher but not fast enough. The zombie mermaid latched onto her leg and bit through muscles and tendons, straight to the bone.

  Merlinasea shrieked and dropped down several feet. Kicking and yelling, she tried to jerk herself free, but Sirena held on with her jaws of death. She sucked and sucked, drawing more and more blood out.

  The witch fell toward the sand, and Sirena crashed down. Merlinasea visibly struggled to continue flying, her skin deathly pale. She raised and lowered herself several times before collapsing onto the ground.


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