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Reapers and Roses: (Grove High School Book One)

Page 11

by A. R. Breck

  Logan leans into Easton and whispers to him, and Easton gives him a look of agreement and then Logan storms out, leaving an angry, yet emotionless Jackson standing in a protective stance beside Cara. Bodyguarding her.

  Easton walks back to me, still angry as he looks over at me. "This is why Cara needed you?" He asks gruffly.

  I nod my head yes.

  He nods his head back as if he understands, then shoots a sad look Cara's way. "This might be the life we grow up in, but Cara doesn't do shit wrong and she doesn't deserve the crap that piece of shit gives to her. We're going to make sure that he doesn't bother her anymore."

  I look over at Cara and feel bad for the stuff she has had to endure during her life. Is this all she knows? Abuse? I could cry out with the thought of someone as innocent as Cara growing up here scared and hurt.

  Turning back to Easton, I see he has a frustrated look on his face, and I can't be so sure if it's the situation he is frustrated with or himself. Probably both at this point.

  "Let me take you home." He says firmly.

  Bossy fuck. "No, I'm not ready. I'm letting loose, as Cara likes to call it. Right Cara?" I shout.

  Cara perks up at my voice and wiggles her way out of a hulking Jackson that is hovering over her, coming up to me with her drink in hand. "Hell yeah. Guys, get out of here if you are going to be douche bags. We've had enough of those for a lifetime."

  Grabbing my drink, I clink mine against hers in agreement and go take a big swig. As I'm going in for my second, the drink vanishes from my hand and I look around like it disappeared on me. Shit, I must really be drunk.

  I'm suddenly lifted into the air and swung over Easton's shoulders. "What the hell are you doing, you big bear? Put me down!"

  "Quit being a bitch and do as you're told for once, all right?" He barks at me.

  "Bitch? You are really starting to get on my nerves, buddy!" I start punching his back with all my might until I'm out of breath and my sore muscles are starting to catch up with me. "Shit, I'm feeling a little dizzy. Put me down." I'm dropped onto the stained couch and don't even have it in me to think about the rough spot underneath me. My only goal is to make the world stop spinning.


  "Are you all right?" Easton says gently as he brushes some hair out of my face.

  "Yeah, but I do think I'm done drinking now." I smirk at him, anger gone when I look into his eyes that have suddenly gone a warm, whiskey color. This might be the first time ever he has looked at me in any other form besides contempt.


  "Yeah, babe?" He says softly. The low rumble floats out of his chest and lands on mine, making me feel tingly down between my legs.

  "You have the most beautiful eyes." Oh, God. I just said that?

  He smirks at me like he knows I didn't want to say that, leaning over me to whisper in my ear. It isn't his leaning over me that makes me catch my breath, though, it's his hand that brushes up against my side and lands on my hip, touching me and caressing me. I almost let out a moan.

  "You, my little Rose, are something else. Let's get you home before you cause any more trouble, yeah?" His lips brush against my earlobe and I break out in goosebumps.

  What's happening to me? I have never been this affected before.

  "Mhmm." Suddenly, I want to do anything he says just as long he keeps touching me like this.

  His lips slide from my earlobe down my chin, giving me a kiss on the edge of my jaw. He then stands up and walks over to Jackson, who is sitting in the corner of the room, still brooding.

  These fucking boys.

  Not even a moment later, Easton comes back over to me and picks me up like I'm light as a feather and walks me out of Cara's house. I have to lean back, upside down and shout a goodbye to Cara. She is just as drunk as I am, and I'm sure she won't remember anything that happened tonight tomorrow morning.



  Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there. ― Cameron Jace

  I have feelings for her.

  There is no doubt about that, and there is no use in trying to fight them anymore.

  The moment that I walked into Cara's house and watched Rose gracefully move to the music in those fuck me shorts, I almost bust a nut in my pants like a damned fifth grader. Then I glanced over at my two boys and watched them get the same look in their eyes.

  I don't think I've ever come that close to knocking their asses out.

  Looking over at her now as I bring her back to her house, it's taking some serious effort to not reach over and dig my hand into her creamy thighs.

  She's staring out the window with a soft and tired look on her face. For once, we aren't at odds. Don't get me wrong, I want to whip her ass for being out of bed when she should be resting, but I've come to the conclusion that she's one of those persistent girls who is going to go against everything I say, just so she can prove her independence.

  She starts humming along softly to a tune that is crooning through the speakers in my truck, and I can't tell if this softness coming from her is from her fading drunkenness or if she just hides this sweetness from me.

  When we arrive at Rose's house, I snap out of my pathetic ogling and pull up to the side street, turning off my truck and looking over at her.

  Her eyes widen when she realizes I'm getting ready to get out. Reaching over, she grabs onto my forearm and digs her nails into my skin. "Wait, what are you doing?" She is slurring less than before, but still drunk as fuck and not near sober enough for me to trust her getting into her house by herself.

  "Getting you to bed. Let's go." I hop out and round the car as she whisper yells at me.

  "I am pretty sure I can make it inside by myself, thank you very much." Except the moment she steps out of my truck, she stumbles and nearly falls flat on her face.

  I grab her around the waist and haul her against me. Shit, she has the most intoxicating floral scent to her.

  I have to keep myself in check so I don't lean over and start inhaling her like a maniac.

  She looks up at me with those big doe eyes of hers and a look of pure want. I turn away from her lips that are begging to be kissed and rasp at her, "Yeah, you really look like you got it. Come on."

  We walk up her cracked walkway and Rose pulls her house key out of her purse, quietly unlocking the door and slowly opening it to quiet the squeaky bolts from creaking.

  As she walks, she keeps swerving left and right, knocking into walls and softly giggling. I'm afraid her mom is going to wake up, so I pick her up again and walk in the direction of her room. Passing the living room, I see her mom passed out on the couch with her mouth hanging open.

  Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I turn the other way and enter Rose's room, closing the door quietly behind me.

  I go to drop her on the bed but she grabs onto my shirt at the last minute, bringing me with her. I almost slam into her on the bed but prop myself up so I'm only an inch above her.

  And again, she looks up at me with her eyes pleading for something. Anything.

  "Won't you kiss me?" She asks in a husky voice.

  I nearly groan. This time I do bend down and drag my nose along her neck and down her jaw. The next thing I know, weakness takes over and I press my lips against the bottom of her jaw.

  She tries to grab onto the back of my neck, but I pry her arms off and lift myself up off the bed. "No, Rose."

  "Why?" She nearly cries. "Am I not pretty enough for you?" She sits up and tears her shirt off, leaving her in a tiny, lacy, expensive as fuck bra that lifts her tits in the most magical way. She brings her hands behind her back, ready to take off her bra when she utters the words that tear me in two. "I know I'm a virgin, but -"

  I slam into her before she can take off her bra and grab ahold of her hand that is trying to unclasp it.

  Looking into her eyes, I make sure she is looking at me directly into mine before I say my next words. "You're a virgin?" The growl
that comes out of me with those words is untamable.

  The beast in me is untamable.

  "Yes." She says hesitantly.

  "Jesus Christ." I stand up and walk over to her dresser, opening drawers until I find a sleep shirt and toss it at her. "Put this shit on." She shrugs it on and looks down, embarrassed.

  "Rose, look at me." I order.

  She looks up at me and I swear I see the hope in her eyes dying by the second. "You will not be losing your virginity while you're a drunk fucking mess." Any feelings that I have for her, I have to push out of my mind and just forget about them. Because, fuck, I am not going to fuck and dump her.

  She deserves more. But I can't do more. I don't think I even know how.

  "And, what the fuck? Don't just take your clothes off for anyone. Don't go around acting like a fucking slut." My anger gets the best of me and I regret the words the moment they slip through my lips, but I can't take them back.

  All hope completely dies from her eyes "I am not -" She whispers, but I have to cut her the fuck off.

  "Enough, Rose. Go to sleep. You're drunk." I can't look at the sadness in her eyes anymore. It feels similar to a knife to the chest.

  How do I walk away, though, when the only thing my stupid heart wants to do is stay?

  Her face burns red with fury, but her drunkenness wins over as her eyelids turn heavy. I take that as my cue to get the fuck out of there before I do something stupid.

  Like bag the drunk, virgin girl who I'm catching stupid feelings for.



  Hell isn't other people. Hell is yourself. ― Ludwig Wittgenstein

  When I wake up in the morning to a throbbing headache, I almost contemplate just skipping school and staying home for the day. That is, until my mom starts knocking on my door and yelling for me to get up for school. I could fake not feeling well – she might even believe me. But, on the off chance that she realizes I'm hungover, she would probably find a way to ship me off to my old school.

  As much as I miss my old school, I don't want to be the poor outcast with nothing to her name.

  Nope, that's not me. "I'm up!" I shout, wincing when my yell shoots straight to my head. Curling onto my side, I see a small glass of water and two pills set out on my nightstand. Suddenly, memories from last night come flooding back to me, and if it were possible, I would vanish inside of my mattress and never come out.

  I seriously told him I'm a virgin? What the hell is wrong with me!

  Not that I couldn't change that in the blink of an eye. All I would need to do is message Corey and I'm sure he would be over with his pack of Trojans. I've always suspected that was one of the reasons he wanted to take a break. I wasn't giving it up, so he had to go search for it somewhere else.

  Which is one of the reasons we are not together now.

  Hidden behind the glass of water is a piece of paper that I didn't see before, and my hand quickly reaches out and swipes it and then I burrow under my covers as I read it.


  I'm sorry about what I said last night.

  Here are some pills for your hangover.

  Logan will be waiting outside to take you to school today.


  Ugh. He seriously had to say he's sorry through a piece of scrap paper? What ever happened to the real kind of apology? I don't know what to make of this guy, but all I do know is that I'm nearly dizzy from all of this back and forth.

  Crumpling up the piece of paper, I toss it in the corner of my room before getting out of bed. I pop the pills in my mouth and chase them down with a swig of the water before stumbling to my bathroom to get ready. After a quick shower, I blow dry my hair and put on my floral-patterned skirt with a black top and some black flats.

  Walking out into the kitchen, I see my mom is already throwing on her shoes and grabbing her things to walk out the door. "Rose, you better hurry or else you will be late." She's dressed like she is ready to go to the country club for some gossip with her friends – not to answer phones at the front desk of a dentist office.

  I wave her off, "Yes, mother. I'm leaving in a few minutes."

  "Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good."

  "I'm fine, just a headache." And an everything ache.

  "Okay… if you're sure. Call me if you need anything, okay? You have the number to the office?"


  "All right. Love you." She's looking at me curiously and I give her a fake smile so she can get the hell out of here. Talking is making my head hurt more. I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to last the whole day.

  She takes my smile at being sincere before walking out and gently closing our front door. She is almost like two different people at this point. Her pre-alcohol time of the day is her old self. Her loving, caring, attentive mother hen self.

  Her post-alcohol time of the day is a completely different person. Uncaring, barely acknowledging anything besides her glass of wine and her miserable life. It's embarrassing, and completely unlike her.

  The door opens again and my mom stands there, looking at our front yard with a funny look on her face. "Honey? Who is this strange man sitting in front of our house?"

  I roll my eyes and groan internally. "Just someone from school, Mother. Ignore him."

  "He doesn't look very friendly…"

  "No one in this town is friendly, Mom."

  She chuckles. "Well, you've got a point there. Love you!"

  I grab a bottle of water and an apple from the refrigerator and head out the door, shutting and locking the door behind me. This is new to me, too. I've never had to actually lock up a house before. At my old house, a housekeeper or cook would usually be there throughout the day. I could come and go as I pleased. Now, not only is my house ten times more silent than it used to be, but now I also have to protect what little belongings we do own by locking up when I leave.

  Looking behind me, I see Logan leaning up against his two-door old school Pontiac Firebird giving me the biggest smirk I've ever seen. "What are you smiling for?" I grouch.

  "I'm glad to see you made it out of bed this morning. Cara is in about the same shape you are."

  "How is she doing?"

  "Fine." That's all he says and I squint at him, trying to find a hint that he may be hiding something. Nope, no luck. These guys are about as closed as a casket.

  "Where did you end up going last night? You kind of just randomly disappeared."

  He shrugs and avoids eye contact. "I had to take care of some business. Now, are you coming, or do I have to throw you in my car? And I'm telling you, my car is too precious to get scuffed up by your pouty attitude."

  I huff at him and think about slapping him across the face just for the hell of it.

  We have a standoff for a few moments until my stomach starts grumbling from hunger. Shit, hunger wins. I take a bite of my apple. "Fine, let's go then."

  He looks back and forth between me and my apple. "Don't even get a drop of that shit in my car."

  I pretend to dribble some of the juicy apple onto his seat, but the angry fire burning in his eyes makes my joking turn into apprehension.

  "You guys are no fun. You all are going to have gray hair at the age of like, thirty years old or something. You all need to loosen the hell up or something." I grumble as I take the last bite of my apple.

  "We are fun. It's just, since you've been here, shit has been crazy. And not only that, you seem to have wound our buddy Easton up real tight. We've never seen him like this over a girl before." Logan shakes his head like it's the craziest thing ever.

  Like this over a girl? Like what?

  I chew on this thought for the rest of the ride to school, and when we pull into the lot, I already see Easton standing by his truck. Waiting to bully me around, I'm sure. Or call me out for being probably the only virgin in this school.

  No, town.

  I hop out of the Logan's car and speed away from the three men who are burning holes on the back o
f my neck. Just when I think I'm far enough away from him, I feel a massive arm wrap around my waist and I'm swooped into the rock-hard body of Easton. "What do you want?" I grumble.

  "Where do you think you're going?" He rumbles in my ear.

  "Away from your bossy ass."

  He sighs. "What's got your panties in a twist?" He raises an eyebrow as he looks down at me.

  "Nothing. I just... don't have time for mind games. And that's what you are - a big ol' mind game that wants to pull my strings whenever you please." Wow, way to get into it in the school parking lot.

  "I'm not playing mind games with you, Rose." The look in his eyes is sincere. So sincere, in fact, that I have to look away from his eyes that are speaking too much.

  When he keeps walking next to me with no sign of leaving me alone, I turn back to him and say, "I'm surprised you're even at school. Aren't you supposed to be off training for your next big win or something?"

  He smirks down at me. "Win, huh? You have that much faith in me already?"

  I roll my eyes like he's ridiculous and try to pull away from him, but he only tightens his hold on me and suctions me to his body. "Next big fight is on Saturday. I have a few days off until I need to start training."

  "And how are you even going to graduate? The teachers just pass you – just like that?"

  He shrugs. "I do what I can. Sometimes I can't get all my assignments finished. But usually I do. It's just not as big of a concern for me. I'm not going to college, so…" He trails off and shrugs again, not really caring either way.

  Cara uses this moment to shout my name from the other side of the parking lot, and this time when I do pull away from Easton, he lets me go. I start walking away when he calls out my name.

  "What?" Jesus, this man.

  "Quit running, Rose. I'll always chase you, but quit running."


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