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Cuckolded By My Landlord: Hotwife & Submissive Husband First Time Cuckolding

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by Tinto Selvaggio

  “I’m pleased you had the strength of character to come to me yourself and confess. A lesser man with a young wife like Kelsey would have undoubtedly just sent her up here to try to get round an old man like me.” I feel his hand slap my back and I try to return his laughter.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I mightn’t have succumbed to such a tactic if you’d employed it,“ he laughs again and something about the way he looks right into my eyes creates an odd sensation in my stomach.

  “But I respect you for not resorting to that. I’ll see you the week after next Nicholas.”

  Such is my relief mixed with a weird confusion of other feelings as well, that I grab Kelsey almost as soon as she’s in through the door from work.

  “Hey! Where did this come from?” she squeals trying to break free from me kissing her neck. I knead her behind through the skirt of her business suit and she slips off her heels. Four or five inches shorter than me now I pull her to me and guide her hand to the front of my pants and an erection.

  “Mmm, you must have had a good day client-hunting” her fingers feel around my clothed shaft.

  “Yeah, something like that. Get it out my pants.”

  All the while as she kneels before me, still in her work clothes sucking and slurping at my cock; I can’t get out of my head some of the things the landlord said to me about my wife earlier. I don’t understand why it excites me so much, it was hardly anything really. Perhaps it has something to do with me being in a ‘submissive position’ in front of him? Needing to ask a favor of a man who then made it obvious he finds my wife attractive?

  Kesley’s sucking intensifies and I replay in my mind her comment last night about ‘older men’. She’s reaching up and pulling me down onto the floor with her. I’m kissing her neck, inhaling the thin traces of the perfume she sprayed on this morning. She’s on her back, hitching up her skirt.

  “Mmmm..” she moans as my hands make contact with the sides of her panties. She settles back and raises her hips to help me strip her lower body. As I slide myself into the moist heat between her legs, all I can think of is the landlord lusting for her.

  “What did you mean last night, when you made that comment about older men?” I pant deliberately slowing my thrusts to try and last long enough for her. Her eyes remain closed but a slow smile spreads across her face revealing her beautiful dimples.

  “You’ve got your fantasies,” she whispers, “Maybe I have mine. You’re not going to get all forceful now and spank me for it are you?” she wiggles her hips underneath me.

  I cringe inside at the memory of my previous embarrassing attempt to behave forcefully in bed with her when she asked. At least we were both able to laugh about it at the time. I deepen and strengthen my thrusts in a kind of frustration and she grips my sides. Almost immediately I know it’s too late and I’m coming.

  Chapter Three

  My stomach is knotted all the way back from a meeting I’ve had with a new potential client this afternoon. They thanked me for the lunch I bought them and said they’d keep ‘my details on file’ in case their situation changes. Why the hell they couldn’t have just told me that before I wasted my time driving over there and back I don’t know. I need a break and I need it soon.

  I check my watch and hurry from the car into the apartment. When I checked this morning the one client I have done some work for still hadn’t paid into the bank like they promised they would. With a bit of luck the money will have come in while I was out which means I’ll be able to pay Arthur later. I’m expected upstairs at his shortly.

  A text from Kelsey comes through just as I get back into the apartment. “Couldn’t resist any longer. Had to buy the new iphone! So excited! Btw How did meeting go?”

  A new phone? What’s she thinking of? We’ve got to stop spending money we don’t have.

  In the back bedroom which doubles as my office, I boot up the desktop and click through to my bank account details. Shit, still no money in from them. I’m going to have to go to their offices first thing tomorrow morning and ask for payment in person. I don’t like confrontation but I don’t know what choice I’ve got.

  I check for messages on the landline. I can hardly admit it to myself but I’m reaching the point where I don’t expect there to be any calls from prospective clients. I’m right – there are none.

  Sometimes I really wish Kelsey was good with money so she was the one who was in charge of it. Then maybe I wouldn’t have the worry involved. Truth is, I’m not great with it either. Otherwise I might not have let us get into this whole mess.

  Back in the living room I look around our minimalist cream-colored décor; Kelsey’s dream home. Who did I think I was kidding when I signed us up to a place like this?

  I catch sight of a couple of Kelsey’s black lace g-strings left to dry on the radiator by her after being washed and I can’t help smiling. In a lot of ways she still has the mentality of the student she once was. I pick up the framed photo from above the fireplace. Kelsey and me on holiday a few years back. She looks gorgeous in little shorts and a tight T-shirt with her hair pulled back.

  The knocking on our front door may have been going on a while before I become aware of it. I’ve been deep in thought worrying about what to do. By the time I’ve opened the door and Arthur is standing before me I realize I still haven’t prepared for what I’m going to tell him.

  Maybe he’ll have no problem giving us a little more time to pay; he seemed pretty relaxed about it last week.

  “Nicholas! I was on my way back from showing a prospective tenant around another property, so thought I’d pop in and see how you were doing. Save you the trouble of coming upstairs so to speak.” He looks over my shoulder into the apartment.

  “Oh, yeah, right come on in Arthur please.”

  “”It certainly looks as if Kelsey’s keeping the place nice and clean. I expected as much.” He smiles surveying his property.

  “We actually share the housework Arthur,” I tell him and instantly wonder why I did so. I need to get to the point and fast. Get rid of him so I can hit the phones and try to get some money coming in.

  “I still have a cash-flow issue Arthur” I say once seated together in our living room and I’ve made him some coffee. “I haven’t been paid by the company that owes me money and I’m still waiting for potential new clients to deliver on their promises”

  “Yes, it can be frustrating when people let you down on their guarantees Nicholas.”

  “I’m so close to getting straight Arthur. I’m going around to see the company who owe me money in the morning. I’ll get the cash in my hand. I’ll bring in straight round as soon as I have it. “

  Arthur adjusts his spectacles on his nose. His face is impassive.

  “And I’ve got a major new marketing campaign for my business starting tomorrow.” I lie.

  “I see. Nicholas, you do realize that next month’s rent will also be due shortly don’t you?”

  “Yes of course Arthur. I’m just asking for a little more time and everything will be fine. I’m sure of it. If you can just bare with me.”

  “And how does Kelsey feel about this situation Nicholas?” His eyes leave mine and move around the room behind me. I turn my head in time to see his eyes slide away from the radiator and my wife’s underwear.

  “Well the thing is Arthur; I haven’t wanted to worry her.”

  “So she doesn’t know you’re not fulfilling your rental obligations for the property she lives in Nicholas?”

  “She knows it’s been challenging for me getting clients signed up, but she also knows I’m doing everything I can to make it happen.”

  Arthur nods his head and his eyes return beyond me and then back to my face.

  “And the client who hasn’t paid you? Is she aware of that situation?”

  I feel my face flush.

  “I’d be the last person to advocate a man telling his wife absolutely everything about his life Nicholas, but I believe there are so
me things a wife, a ‘partner’ has the right to know. An accurate reflection of the couples finances would be one of them wouldn’t you say?” His lips purse together meanly as he sips from his cup.

  “I’m not sure what you’re saying Arthur.”

  “To be frank you’re getting into a perilous position with regard to this apartment Nicholas. Kelsey may be taking the first steps to becoming homeless and yet she knows nothing about it. I’m advising you as an older more experienced ‘friend’ Nicholas. Your wife should be told. It’s only fair. The right thing to do.”

  My stomach and chest tighten with his words.

  “I haven’t wanted to worry her Arthur. She started a new job herself not long ago and it hasn’t been easy for her.” I can hardly tell him the bigger truth, that I’m scared she’ll think me a failure.

  “If we could go to either of our parents for the cash Arthur we would. I swear to you. But I’ve kind of fallen out with my folks, all because I wouldn’t join the family business. “

  He looks unimpressed.

  “And Kelsey’s family have never really had much, especially not now there’s just her Mom.” My hands are outstretched towards him, palms-up as I speak. I’m searching his craggy face, trying to work out whether I’m winning him over, if I’m gaining his sympathy.

  “Some would say you should have thought of all this before committing to an apartment in this complex then Nicholas.” He puts down his drink and rubs his brow as if fending off a headache.

  “I know that now Mr Boseman…Arthur. But I don’t want you to think I’m not busting a gut to get the money for you. I’m at my desk every day from dawn until dark trying to make things happen. It’s just taking longer than I expected.” I lean forward towards him but his face is impossible to read. I have to go all out here or we could be in trouble.

  “I’ve never been in this kind of situation before Arthur.” I hesitate before continuing, “If I can be honest with you, between you and me, the situation’s been praying on my mind so much that lately I haven’t been much of what you’d call a ‘real husband’ to my wife. If you know what I mean.”

  “I don’t like to hear of things like that Nicholas.” The old man’s shoes shuffle on the floor.

  “I’m sorry for getting so personal about it Arthur, the whole things just so frustrating.” Hopefully I haven’t overdone it and embarrassed or disgusted him with such details.

  He puts down his cup and gets up, stopping near the fireplace. He picks up the photograph I was looking at earlier.

  “She’s a very beautiful young lady Nicholas. I should really hate to think of someone like her being unhappy. “He holds the frame, studying the picture for several seconds.

  “I’ll give you another two weeks Nicholas but by then two months rent will be due and you’ll need to have it all for me.”

  “Yes of course Arthur. Thanks, I appreciate it.” I sigh so hard that it feels like a gasp.

  “And Nicholas,” Arthur turns to me as he reaches the door, “The basis for any strong relationship is to tell the truth. So I expect you to tell your wife – before someone else does.”

  Chapter Four

  I tear open the envelope. Another final reminder. This time it’s the phone company. No wonder I’ve hardly slept the last few nights. I don’t know what more I can do. Almost every penny of my severance pay and savings has gone now trying to market my business and make it work. The expensive website redesign has led to nothing, nor have the press ads and even going office-to-office giving out over 1000 flyers advertising the business seems to have been a waste of time and shoe leather.

  I went round to collect the money I was owed from that business across town but it turns out it’s closed down. No forwarding address. I’m going to have to take out a loan to keep things going and probably get my resume out there and apply for a job again, any job, until things pick up.

  I’ve been trying to avoid Arthur– I was due up at his yesterday. I know I’m going to have to face him at some point but I’m dreading what he’s going to say. How am I going to tell Kelsey?

  An hour or so later, when I do eventually summon the courage to go and knock on Arthur’s door he’s all smiles.

  “Sorry I’m late Arthur, I been doing everything I could to get the money together.”

  “I trust you were successful in your endeavours Nicholas?” he gestures me into his apartment which smells of furniture polish.

  “I wish I could say I have been Arthur. Honestly I do.” I wring my hands in front of him.

  “Well that’s a pity.” Arthur sighs and pushes the door closed behind me. “Come along Nicholas, we’ll sort out the details.” He leads me over to his dining table and gestures for me to sit.

  I don’t like the sound of the word ‘details’.

  “That’s the trouble with this country as far as people of my age are concerned.” He says over his shoulder as he searches in a drawer, “A lot of youngsters don’t seem to have the same sense of responsibility we had to have at their ages. They want something for nothing or they expect us old folk to wipe up their mess.” Arthur’s eyes narrow as he joins me at the table with a diary in his hand.

  “Someone always wants something for nothing” he sighs, his eyes cold.

  “Arthur I can assure you…”

  “No matter” he says, cutting me short with a wave of his hand. “I have another couple keen on your apartment and as you haven’t paid to our agreed terms Nicholas we just need to agree the date for you to vacate. I’m sure neither party wants the expense of the courts being involved do we?”

  Even though he probably has every right to do this, somehow it still comes like a kick in the gut. How am I going to tell Kelsey? Where are we supposed to go? There’s no money.

  “Mr Boseman, Arthur I’m getting close. If you could just..”

  “Nicholas, you’re 2 months in arrears. I’m sorry, that time has passed.” He shakes his head firmly.

  “Arthur, is there nothing I could do to stop this from happening? For a little while longer at least?” I ask, instantly hating myself for sounding like I’m grovelling.

  He looks up from thumbing through his diary. His dark eyes evaluate me over the top of his glasses.

  “What kind of thing did you have in mind?” his eyebrows furrow and then release.

  “I don’t know Arthur, you’ve got much more business experience than me. You tell me what you think. Maybe some design work for your property portfolio?” I hold up my hands, rushing out my words and in the hope that my willingness to try to work with him will convince him.

  “I’m an old man living alone here.” He puts his diary on the table in front of us and looks at me quite seriously. “May I be completely frank with you Nicholas?”

  “Yes of course Arthur. Please do.” I nod my head enthusiastically, sensing he may be about to soften up and grant me some more leeway.

  “No doubt when you look at me Nicholas you see some senile old fool. “

  I shake my head vigorously and try to look as shocked as I can, anxiously trying to stay on the right side of the man on whom our housing now depends.

  “Nicholas, I’m not so old that I don’t still have the same kind of urges that you do.”

  “Of course not Arthur, I understand.” Seriously, I have no idea where this conversation is heading.

  “I have to say that there have been times since you moved in below when I’ve found myself rather, shall we say - ‘distracted’. What with having a young neighbour downstairs quite as attractive as your wife Kelsey”. He says her name slowly then smiles at me, his lips remaining close together.

  Where the hell is this going? My chest stiffens.

  “I’m a creative man Nicholas and an imagination like mine is apt to run riot when I look at a young lady like her.” He pushes at the centre of his spectacles with an index finger. His hand looks far steadier than mine feels over my mouth at this moment.

  “I would imagine Kelsey receives a lot of attention
when she’s out in public Nicholas?” Arthur tilts his head to one side.

  “I suppose so,” I shrug, trying not to let my embarrassment show, “I know she’s very pretty. I know how lucky I am.“ I say, struggling to get any words out.

  “Oh but Kelsey is so much more than merely ‘Pretty’ Nicholas. Or at least I would imagine that to be the case.”

  I want to jump up and run from his apartment.

  “Unfortunately for me Nicholas, in this case; ‘imagination’ is all that I have. And quite right too of course. Kelsey is a happily married woman. Even if at this point in time, according to her husband she may be less than fulfilled”. He smiles at me and reminds me of a lizard.

  “To be completely honest with you Nicholas, I was hoping that when the warmer weather arrived in the summer I might be able witness Kelsey venturing out onto your balcony to relax, sunbathing perhaps.” The old man licks around the inside of one corner of his mouth.

  “That would have at least allowed me to see whether my imagination about what might be under her rather prim and proper clothing was accurate - or mere fantasy.”

  That’s it! I’ve heard enough of this bullshit!

  “I don’t know what game you think you’re playing Mr Boseman, but I sure as hell don’t have to listen to this kind of crap about my wife no matter how much money I owe you!” I’m on my feet, my heart pounding as much from the strange stirring in my loins with what he said as it is with anger at him.

  “Nicholas, calm down. I’m teasing you. I’m only jealous. I’m just a jealous old man with nothing but his palm for company.” He forms his hand into a fist and imitates a jerking motion.

  “Can’t we talk man to man? I’d really like to help you out here.”

  I pause for a moment to look down at him and to steady my breathing. I’m not sure why, but I sit down again.

  “If you’re insistent on keeping your financial predicament secret from anyone else that’s your business Nicholas. But you cannot expect me to continue to fund your enjoyment of my property without payment of some sort. You see that don’t you?”


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