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Electrified by the Eel (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2)

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by Harpie Alexander

  Electrified by the Eel

  Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2

  By Harpie Alexander


  Copyright © by Harpie Alexa Romance 2020

  Editor: Jessey Mills

  Cover Designer: Starlight Covers

  This novel is a complete work of fiction. Everything included in this novel: characters, places, events, accidents, storylines, etc., are drawn from the imagination of the author, not based on real life. Nothing told in this story is based on any real events, any real person, any real business or story. Any resemblances of the characters or events that occur in this book are completely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Under no circumstances may this publication be distributed, transmitted, reproduced in any form, by any means (including but not limited to: recording, photos, photocopying, handwriting, etc.) without the explicit authorization documented and signed by the author prior, with the exception of brief quotations for a critical review and other certain non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  About & Warning

  A male hellbent on sticking out his mating heat alone. Too bad fate has other plans.

  The safe house was supposed to protect her from the dangerous man she was testifying against, but it didn’t. With no way of escape, Luna does the only thing she can: she runs. Straight into the creepy woods behind her home, one small misstep sends her careening into a pool of water and she can’t find the surface.

  Elar has taken every precaution he can to avoid the brutal and emotionless females who wanted to rut him only to steal his offspring away. Now his mating heat has arrived and he suddenly scents a female in his waters.

  A provocative fantasy short with some dark elements, and very mature (18+) content.

  Warning- triggers for violence and drowning.

  Note from the Author

  Okay, so I just want to put it out there that my original plan for this one was to be short and sweet like Tarnished, but I ended up doing both POVs, so it takes longer to get to the good stuff ;) Additionally, I also had a few readers who wanted a bit more world building before and after the naughty deed to see what their life is like. No problem!

  Filthy Monster Erotica falls under erotica romance because of my HEAs and the additional backstory. Plot is minimal and just enough to ensure characters have some depth.

  Also want to give a shout out to Charity Wells for adding a touch of her magic!

  While I do my best to ensure my work is as error free as possible, mistakes do slip by my team. Should you find one, I would very much appreciate it if you could reach out and let me know at


  Part One

  (Start here or skip to part 5 for the sexy stuff)


  Luna sat on the back porch’s wooden steps, hugging her knees and enjoying the sun’s warm rays on her skin. The little country home was peaceful and quiet, and afforded her some measure of comfort. It was temporary, of course, but knowing that only gave her all the more reason to appreciate every moment she had there. Her real home was a tiny condo in an overcrowded apartment building, smack in the heart of the city, which was several miles away. Despite the little balcony she had, she never caught a morning’s sunrise nor an evening’s sunset, not when various buildings and skyscrapers surrounding her rudely blocked out the view. Such was the way of life in the concrete jungle, and she accepted it. Mostly.

  Perhaps when this is all over, I can find a small apartment to rent on the outskirts of town. Surely, it would be cheaper…and the view better than what I currently have.

  The rustling of leaves pulled her out of her quiet thoughts. Lifting her head off her knees, Luna glanced towards the outer boundary separating where the yard ended and the forest began. A stray tabby strolled from the shadows of the woods, taking each step just as lazily as the last. Recognizing her apprehensive little friend, uncontained excitement thrummed through her limbs and she smiled gleefully as she watched the nameless cat approach.

  After a few steps, it spotted her and paused, hesitating while it eyed her with heavy suspicion. Then, as if she finally met the cat’s approval, it leaped onto the porch but kept its distance.

  “Well, hello there. Aren’t you just precious? Seems like you’re no longer mad at me.”

  Reaching out, Luna held her curled fingers out to the cat, hoping it wouldn’t scare her away. It leaned in, sniffing her curiously, then turned up its nose and gave her its back. Flicking its tail restlessly in her face, Luna exhaled a deep, sorrowful sigh. Well, at least that went better than the last time.

  “One of these days you’re going to let me pet you,” she called after the partially retreating animal.

  That was her hope at least. The fickle little cat had been roaming the property since Luna first moved in a few weeks earlier but hadn’t tried approaching her until just a few days prior. At the time, she knew she should’ve taken things slower and waited until the cat actually asked to be petted, but she was just so damn excited to not be alone anymore that she’d tried to scoop the fuzzy darling into her arms. What could have gone wrong?

  Most animals liked her, especially stray cats. And sure, she wasn’t entirely alone. She had the all too brief company of the security personnel who made their rounds twice a day, as well as regular phone calls whenever it was time for her to check it, but other than that she was very much alone.

  Unfortunately, her new furry friend was oblivious to her plight and hadn’t appreciated her efforts to bond prematurely. It simply clawed at her in self-defense, then ran off as if Luna had committed the most heinous crime in existence. Ever since then, the tabby eyed her warily from afar, but not so far that Luna never saw her. For that reason alone, she couldn’t help but wonder if the cat was just as lonely as she was.

  Why bother returning after their unfortunate first encounter otherwise? It was a question her boredom often left her to ponder.

  Luckily for Luna, she had all the time in the world—well, until the trial at least, but that was still a few months away—and she made it her sole plan to befriend the cat. Whenever this was all over, she wanted to bring it home with her. Leaving it to live out the rest of its days in the middle of nowhere simply was not an option Luna was okay with. A faded purple collar still hung around its neck, it was clearly an abandoned pet. And with that sad thought lingering in her mind, Luna pulled the hidden can of tuna from behind her back and removed the lid, setting it on the step in front of her feet. The cat’s ear perked at the sound of the lid peeling back and turned to look at her.

  “Aha! I knew this would pique your interest,” Luna said bemusedly when the cat gingerly took a few steps towards the can, sniffing the air with great interest.

  “Meow.” It gave her a questioning gaze, as if to ask, ‘is this for me?’ Its tail raised up, lazily swaying back and forth in normal cat fashion.

  “All for you. I think it’s time we finally give you a name, don’t you think? Referring to you as ‘hey cat’ is getting old. Hmmm. How about I name you Leara because you’re so damn leery of me,” she said, laughing at the play on words. Sobering, she added with a serious face, “Not that I blame you. I’d be leery too if the last people I was with just up and abandoned me. You can be leery all you want to be, but I promise I won’t try to cuddle you unless you want me to or ditch you when it’s time for me to go back to the city.”


  Luna scooted her butt back against the step to give her little friend some extra space. It would take time for Leara to trust her again, but that was alrigh
t. It wasn’t like she had anything better to do until the District Attorney arrived to escort her to court. It was like they said, she just had to bide her time, and if she had any problems, contact them immediately. Though, their definition of ‘immediate’ was vastly different than hers.

  At first, it was easy to do as they asked. The little cottage-style home snuggled in the middle of nowhere was quaint and Luna found the clean, country air refreshing to that of the smoggy city air she was used to. And she wasn’t without all her favorite movies and snacks. The cupboards and closets were stocked with everything she needed, but if she found something lacking, all she had to do was make a call on the burner phone they gave her and within a day or two, her request was delivered. Anything she needed, except steady company to pass her days. The loneliness was really starting to get to her.

  Luna watched as Leara ate her can of tuna like it was the best thing she’d ever eaten in her entire life. And given the state of the cat, it probably was. Leara practically massacred the damn thing, scarfing the fish so hard, she’d knocked the can off the step where it fell below. Now she was licking every scrap of fishy residue left inside, determined to not let anything go to waste.

  The sight of the poor, hungry feline made Luna’s heart twinge with sadness. Poor baby probably doesn’t even know what love really is. Who does that? Who just abandons a pet and leaves them to starve?

  With crossed eyes, torn ears, and a slightly mangy coat, Leara would certainly never win a beauty contest, that was for sure, but she still didn’t deserve to be left behind. Even though she looked exactly like one of those cats people posted about online because they were so ugly they became a meme, but Luna didn’t think Leara was ugly. In desperate need of a good grooming and a little bit of love, sure, but she was not ugly.

  She had a soft spot in her heart for every animal she came across. It was part of the reason she now found herself isolated in the middle of nowhere, with orders not to leave the property or contact anyone but those in charge of protecting her. Too bad she didn’t have more little friends to keep her company.

  A loud crash from inside the house had both Luna and Leara jumping in surprise. Fear rippled its way through her as the back door burst open, revealing a large man in the doorway. He was tall, bald, and thuggish and the skin on his burly arms was inked with countless tattoos. Her terror grew as recognition hit her like a ton of bricks and knocked the wind straight out of her lungs.

  This was the man she’d seen in the alley beating that poor cop. This was the man she was supposed to testify against in court. When had he been released from jail? Why had he been released? The DA had promised he’d be safely locked up until the trial date came up. This was all wrong…terribly wrong.

  “Ahhh. There you are. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for you? My informant wasn’t entirely accurate with his details, but here you are, fresh as a daisy and lovelier than the day we met,” he said with a crooked smile.

  Stumbling off the porch steps, Luna scrambled to get as far from him as she could get while he stood there, watching with perverse amusement. She quickly took stock of her options, but soon realized there weren’t that many. Run around the sides of the house to the road or turn and dash into the forest behind her. That was it. The extent of her choices weren’t great, unless by some miracle she could make it past him to grab the phone tucked carelessly inside the kitchen drawer with the silverware.

  The security detail wouldn’t come by for another four hours and with no car, Luna had no hope of outrunning the crazy bastard who smirked at her from the porch. She knew she would need that cell if she hoped to evade the man, but when her fearful gaze glanced at the doorway then returned to him, his wicked smile widened even further.

  “Looking for this?” he asked with a taunting laugh as he pulled the phone out of his pocket and waved it in the air. “I don’t think you’ll need it. It’s broken.”

  “It’s not broken—” she protested.

  Rick dropped the phone on the porch, lifted his boot—

  “Wait! No!” Luna cried out, swallowing the large lump forming in her throat.

  Ignoring her pleas, he stomped the device to bits. Every crunch had her cringing and recoiling in unparalleled fear. She stumbled back another step. That phone was her only lifeline in this supposed safe haven.

  Now what do I do? The city is miles away. I have no phone, no one will know anything is wrong until this evening! By then, it will be too late.

  With the odds stacking even more against her, she was drowning in a sea of fear. All because she’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time. If she hadn’t been trying to save that sickly stray dog behind the restaurant she worked at, she would never have had the unfortunate luck of coming across one of the city’s worst gang members beating a cop to death. The police who had been trying to clean up the streets wanted her to testify against Rick. No…forced. They’re forcing me to testify.

  She had been raised to do the right thing, but sometimes doing what was right came with horrendous consequences. So even though she was promised the safety and security of the hidden safe house and its protective detail, she felt she couldn’t say no, not when she knew in her heart it would help make the world a better place. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a measure of regret as she looked back at her choices, especially now that it was her life on the line. And that line was suddenly looking awfully short.

  “Why don’t we get a little more acquainted and discuss this trial you’re so keen on attending.”

  Luna didn’t pause to consider his words. She just turned and ran from the temporary home she was just getting used to, letting the darkness under the trees devour her.



  He was on edge.

  Every nerve in his body was frayed and he was on the verge of snapping. His stomach twisted into knots and his hands were sore from constantly clenching them into tight fists. If that wasn’t enough, his tail snapped aggressively, swirling the currents and creating waves on the surface of his lake, no doubt mixing the unwelcoming pheromones Elar’s system pumped into the water. It would send a clear message to anyone who thought to join him.

  Swimming the perimeter of his waters a few more times, he tried burning away the jittery energy building inside his body, but no matter how many times he circled, it made no difference. There would be no cooling off. No reprieve. Even the carefully planned preparations he began nearly a year ago—concealing the location of his new den and masking his scent from the others—no longer offered its distractions or sense of relief from the battering worries that ate at him.

  They could find me any moment now…

  His mating heat was nearly upon him and there wasn’t a single thing he could do to stop it. It was going to happen whether he wanted it to or not, but he was determined to suffer through it alone if he could. Anything to avoid the self-centered females that were no doubt leaving their dens now to gather for breeding.

  The biological need to breed was powerful despite how infrequently his species sought each other out. Eelakwas were mostly solitary beings, and while they had the ability to breed year-round, males and females rarely spent time in each other’s company. He found it bizarre. Especially when so many of the other sentient creatures of the world mated whenever they could. Often just for pleasure.

  With tension coiling his muscles into even tighter knots, Elar drowned in a feeling of unease. Soon, if not already, the female Eelakwians would leave their nests seeking any males they could find. Most went to them willingly upon hearing their breeding songs, and there once was a time that he had too, but that was a very long time ago. So long, he’d nearly forgotten what it was like to be newly matured, eager to mate and contribute his seed to the next generation.

  When he was younger, it was exciting to watch females battle each other for breeding rights over the males they found. The fights were barbaric and often bloody, but highly arousing. It made him feel wanted, desired even, bu
t as it turned out, breeding wasn’t exactly what he understood it to be. And each passing year, he was left less and less satisfied—though he was unwilling to open his mouth to complain about his displeasure. His kind were matriarchal and any male who disobeyed or refused a female in heat was a male with dishonor, one with a possible death wish. Eelakwa females had neither the patience nor the desire to deal with males not willing to contribute to their society.

  Elar did, however, understand the reason behind the mating battles. Females interested in offspring had to prove they were strong and worthy of breeding to ensure their kind only produced the smartest and the healthiest young. Breeding battles were meant to show off strength and cunning. If his plan failed and the females arrived at his lake, they would most certainly fight and the victor would earn the right—against his wishes—to subdue him and spear herself on his cock, taking every last drop of his seed until his sac was empty and her belly filled with his young.

  Elar wrinkled his nose. He had been sought out many times over the span of his life. Why did they have to find him so attractive? So worthy? Surely there were plenty of other desirable males who wished to satiate their mating heats with a female. Why did it have to be him? It’s not that he didn’t enjoy a good rut. He did, but it was what came after the rutting that bothered him enough to fight his instinctual drives.

  Over the years, he had sired many younglings, but sadly, never had a chance to partake in their upbringing. Elar didn’t even know which of the young males and females were his own. He never got to watch his female swell with his young, never saw them born. More than anything, Elar wanted to rear his offspring and watch them grow until they too matured and left to find lakes of their own. He needed to do more than just seed the next generation. He wanted to feed, protect, and bond with a family to call his own. It was the cold manner in which his kind procreated that Elar now despised. It filled him with sorrow and reminded him how lonely the existence of an adult Eelakwa truly was.


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