Electrified by the Eel (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2)

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Electrified by the Eel (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2) Page 4

by Harpie Alexander

  The overwhelming scent battered at his self-control as he hunted down the mysterious new female. It didn’t take him long to find the thrashing creature trapped in the thick algae along the cliffside. When he did, he paused, heart stuttering uncertainly in his chest.

  A human? Here? In my waters?

  Part Four


  A disturbing sense of acceptance fell over Luna and she stopped thrashing. Blinking several times, her thoughts took on a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Her oxygen deprived mind began trying to convince her of the impossible. Either she had died or she could breathe underwater. She floated, trying to decide which one was more likely, even though neither should be. But considering the strange world she found herself in, she supposed one or the other could be possible though.

  Her chest constricted. It was time to take another breath.

  Despite a small nagging idea that this was bad, she did just that—albeit reluctantly.

  Where is the surface?

  What was wrong with this place anyways? Strange snake women, glowing lights in the air, weird trees. Even the bubbles that had escaped her mouth the first few times she exhaled, had fanned around her face before dispersing randomly instead of floating away. It went against all she knew about science. The bubbles should have traveled up towards the surface, showing her the way, yet they didn’t. And shouldn’t she be unconscious by now? It seemed to be taking an excessively long time to drown.

  Breathing underwater wasn’t as pleasant or as exciting as her inner child had once believed it would be. In fact, each watery breath burned her lungs until they felt like they were about to burst, and then, when she couldn’t handle the pain any longer, she exhaled and some of the burning pain subsided. The slight reprieve was temporary, lasting only until she needed to breathe again. But each breath felt useless. Her body still forced her lungs to contract, drawing in more water in its useless bid to find air while her limbs became tired and heavy anyway.

  The whole process was bizarre and went against every survival instinct she had, but it wasn’t as if she had much choice in the matter. She couldn’t free herself and find the surface. She couldn’t stop the heaving of her lungs. And she couldn’t stop what could only be her impending death.

  Just how deep did I fall? Am I still falling? Her mind was fuzzy and stuffed with a cottony feeling now.

  She gave another halfhearted struggle as the pain in her chest faded, bringing a peace that should have scared her more. Her eyes tried to focus on her surroundings, but no matter where she looked, everything seemed the same. Endless, dark water and tangled algae. She pulled in another water filled, burning breath, but this time, it didn’t hurt quite so bad.

  Is this it? Is this over?

  Fear twisted the knot of anxiety growing inside her stomach. She didn’t want to die. Not now, not like this. A surge of strength washed through her and she thrashed again, suddenly pulling free of the tangled plants. She could finally see more of where she was. The endless lake—or whatever body of water she’d landed into—was more like a cage than a large, open space. There was nothing but water. No land. Not even a rock or a ledge just…nothing. How did she even fall into such a deep body of water to begin with? How was she going to get out if no matter which way she turned, all she saw was more of the same? Luna certainly didn’t remember seeing a lake while she’d been walking.

  Something brushed against her leg. Something big.

  Luna screamed—and inhaled another painful, watery breath as she kicked at the creature she couldn’t see.

  Whatever thing that had touched her, suddenly latched itself around her waist from behind and dragged her down, deeper into depths she knew she’d never escape from. It happened so quickly, she couldn’t stop it or even see her assailant. Luna twisted and turned, desperately fighting to wriggle her way of the creature’s grasp, but it held her tighter in response.

  I can’t be eaten now!

  A few moments later—much to her surprise—she broke the surface. Luna’s first breath of fresh air came out as a nasty fit of harsh coughs, followed by a gurgling yelp as the water was forced from her lungs and air rushed back in too quickly. Survival instincts kicked in and she turned, jabbing her elbow into the massive creature holding her. She fought to distance herself from it, but the iron-grip around her waist was firm and unrelenting. It gave her a little shake, grabbing her flailing arm with a free hand.

  Wait? Hand? She froze, finally really trying to see the thing that held her.

  “Easy, human,” said the creature. “Regardless of what you are doing in my lake, you are safe. I will not harm you but…you must leave. Now.”

  The moment it spoke, she recognized the hissing tones in its voice. It wasn’t just any creature at all and it wasn’t even frightening now that she knew what it was—maybe to others it was a creature, but not to her. It was an Eelakwa. And the baritone of voice resonating like a whip cracking through the crisp, foggy air was unmistakably male.

  Luna tried to study him, but her eyes were still irritated. She couldn’t see a damn thing, at least not yet. Many questions spun in her mind, but she was unable to find the breath to speak, not when fluid still ejected from her lungs in rough coughing spasms. Thankfully though, each small breath she took became easier and much less painful than the last, until finally, all the water had been expelled.

  By the time her labored breathing subsided and her mind finally caught up to the fact that she wasn’t trapped underwater any longer, the Eelakwa male had reached the shore. Somehow, in the short time she was underwater, the sky had grown darker, the strange lights from before fading away into the eerie, perpetual night. What she could still see of the unearthly landscape was surreal in the misty darkness. The lakeshore stretched off to the sides, disappearing into the shadows.

  It’s huge. How did I not see—

  Her thoughts were interrupted when the male Eelakwa lifted her out of the water with his tail and held her in the air with her feet dangling above the ground. Worriedly gripping the tail around her stomach, she held on for dear life. One of her greatest fears was falling from high places. Now, she could add being chased to her list. And although this male wasn’t chasing her, she was dangling far enough from the ground that she could break a bone or two should the Eelakwa drop her accidently or choose to simply let go.

  Her eyes met his and she became entranced by what she saw. Despite his insistence that she leave, she found no anger or malice in his gaze. Instead, it was filled with hesitation and a longing, almost like he was reluctant to give her up. Eventually though, he gently set her on the ground.

  As soon as her feet touched the soil, an immediate sense of relief washed over her, followed by a feeling of loss as his tail released her and rested on the ground nearby.

  “How…how is this even possible?” she finally asked, her voice sounding strained like she had caught a bad cold and was still on the mend.

  “How is what possible?”

  She wanted to say this place, the lake, the way she felt when he was no longer touching her, but the glimmering scales of his impossibly long tail drew her attention. She stared at it, following its sinuous lines back into the water and up his body to his face. Now that her vision had cleared and the fear of heights was gone, she could see him with a clarity she couldn’t before. The sight of his powerful body caused an unexpected surge of lust to roll through her. And when Luna angled her neck back and glanced up at her savior’s face, her breath hitched .

  Unlike the softer curves of Eelakwa females, his face was wide and angular, making him look more aggressive and far more deadly. Bright yellow, black slitted eyes sat above a slightly flattened nose. Sharp white fangs jutted from the corners of his full lips and added to his dangerous, predatory appearance. Just like the others, he was bald and covered in scales. Where the females had a solid color to their scales that faded to something darker down their tails, he had unique bands of color marked across his arms, chest, and tail. A stark
contrast to the females, who had simpler colours and smaller markings. This male, however, was covered in a complex mix of light ashy gray, black, and flesh colored scales and his markings glowed with bioluminescence, switching rapidly between different shades of red, yellow, and orange as if warning her to get away.

  Luna was mesmerized and licked her lips, forgetting her question or the fact she almost drowned just minutes earlier. It was an instinctual reaction to the presence of his powerful masculine body, but as soon as she realized it, she bit the inside of her check and chided herself.

  Now is not the time to be thinking about…

  Helplessly, her gaze dipped from his face down to his pectorals and abdomen to the muscular V which accentuated his hips. She groaned in frustration at the water hiding his lower half. Her mind tried to conjure up images of the maleness that lay hidden below the surface, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy her wickedly curious mind. Luna’s long neglected pussy tightened with longing. She wanted to know what was under the water.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked with a low, smug chuckle, interrupting her fascination and drawing her attention back to his face.

  “What? Yes. I mean no…I mean…I,” Luna stammered. She could already feel the heat suffusing her cheeks and rightfully so. He’d caught her staring at him, at his groin area, but how could she not? She had never seen such beautiful inhuman perfection before. He was the embodiment of sex. The fact he wasn’t human only added to his impossible allure, as strange as it was.

  “No? I can smell your cunt from here. You are wet for me.” He swam just a little closer, nostrils flaring as he scented the air. Repeatedly. “You desire to breed with me.”

  The blunt words from his mouth sent a thrill of anticipation through her body. She could feel the walls of her sheath fluttering, desperate to clamp down on something long and hard, but she was so painfully empty. Luna glanced down his body again and watched hungrily as he rose from the water. Just a little. Just enough to reveal the hard length of his cock jutting from a slit at his groin.

  Her need to be filled only grew as her eyes roved—albeit slowly—back up until they met his. The golden depths captured hers and pulled her in until she became a captive incapable of escape. He reached his hand out to her, inviting her to join him.

  “No, that’s not…this isn’t what you think, I—” she stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence, wanting what he offered, but afraid to take it for herself.

  Luna knew she should be focusing on finding a way home before it was too late—as the leader of the Eelakwa had said—but she had become too lost in her thoughts. More than anything, she wanted—no, needed—to feel his body pressed against hers, to feel his hard arms wrapped tightly around her.

  “You smell so incredibly wet,” he rasped, licking his lips and flicking his tongue out to taste the air as he leaned closer. There was a feral look in his eyes that betrayed the control he was barely holding onto. “I thought I could go without, but female, you tempt me in ways I never expected. I will take great pleasure in rutting you,” he said, closing in on her.

  “Wait, what?”

  Part Five


  It had taken great effort to return the struggling human to shore and release her, but it was all for naught. Her scent was too rich, too provocative, to ignore and it hadn’t helped to have her warm, wet body plastered against his as he carried her out of the water.

  Even as he tried to deny her allure, the light scent of her body and the musk of her cunt battered his senses, destroying his tenuous self-control until the only thing remaining was his driving need to rut. His cock strained against the sides of his slit, refusing to retract, pulsing so painfully, he feared he somehow injured himself in his refusal to seek out and mate one of the Eelakwa females when they passed over his lake.

  Elar needed to fuck and that need only grew more urgent with each breath, pulling her scent deeper and deeper into his very being. Trying to hold back his urges during his mating heat was messing with his head to the point he wondered why he had brought the human to the surface to begin with, much less why he allowed himself to release her enticing body from his hold and set her on the ground. She was eager for him as well, he could smell it, taste it in the air.

  The female is mine. Mine to breed.


  He half-heartedly shook his head as if to dislodge the wayward thought, then forgot what he was trying to deny in the first place. Staring down at the small human—who was watching him with a hungry gleam in her eyes—caused the last shred of his restraint to snap. A deliciously wicked idea formed in his mind and once he thought about it, it became the only thing he could think about—not that he was capable of thinking of anything other than rutting. The human was his to do with as he pleased. She entered his lake after all. She came to him. This female was his to claim.

  Mine. She is mine.

  He would breed her and when she was swollen with young, he would chain her and his younglings to him, keeping her captive so that his young would never be taken from him again. Ever.

  It was a good plan. A necessary plan. Or so his irrational, lust-addled mind had him believing.

  “Enough questions,” he announced, unable to hold back any longer. She stepped back with a gasp as he emerged from the water in pursuit. Scooping her back into his arms, he dragged her back into the water.

  “Wait! What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes wide with terror as they sank into the lake.

  Elar paused, almost snorting in disgust at the sight of her fear. He would never harm a female. Never. Especially not the one he had chosen to bear his young. “Don’t be foolish, female, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to breed you. Cease your struggles. The rut is upon us and your cunt is mine,” he stated firmly, nostrils flaring to take in as much of her scent as he could.

  Elar didn’t give her a chance to reply before he dove beneath the surface with her held tightly in his arms.

  I should have never allowed her to surface to begin with. This female belongs on my cock.

  Not many knew it, but the magic of his world allowed land dwellers to breathe underwater. Despite her fright, the female would live. Although, from what he understood, it was also painful until she calmed herself and grew used to the feel of the water in her lungs. He would take things slow, breathe for her, and ensure that their breeding would be pleasurable for the both of them. It was the least he could do in return for claiming her as his breeder and slaking the burn of his mating heat in her body.

  Elar chided himself again for taking her to shore. He had risked so much in doing so, but none of that mattered now that she was in his arms again and he was ready to breed. Coiling his arm around her waist, he held her body tightly against his as he swam.

  While Elar swam further from the surface, the human continued to thrash and fight in his grasp as she struggled to break free. Realizing she hadn’t attempted to breathe in the water yet, he grasped her chin and angled her face towards his, then he placed his lips against hers.

  Her eyes blew wide with shock and her lips parted, releasing a torrent of bubbles. Taking advantage, he breathed into her mouth, offering her the oxygen his gills had harvested from the water. It took her a moment to realize what he was doing, and when she did, she stopped resisting and clung to him, greedily taking the air he gave her. As she did so, her body relaxed, pressing close to him. A hum of pleasure reached him through the water and he undulated against her, stroking his cock across her soft belly.

  An elder had once told him that mating in the water was far more natural than on land. According to him, it was a sensuous dance that brought mates together, but the declining numbers of males had changed that. Now, only the dominant females could earn the right to breed and they often preferred to drag males from their dens and take them on the hard ground. The discomfort was just another way the females sought to control them. Additionally, it was also safer. A territorial male in his own lake was more aggressive and
much more dangerous, even to a female.

  Pleased, he sang a short series of soft trills and whistles to express his delight in her reaction. Singing was how his people communicated beneath the surface, and even though he knew she wouldn’t understand, he did it anyway.

  When he was satisfied that she was no longer fighting him in her panic, he drew back and shredded her clothes with the tips of his sharp claws, discarding the heavy fabric to sink down to the lakebed. Coiling his tail around her leg to keep her close, he floated back from her and stared at the strange beauty before him.

  She was pale and scaleless, just like every other human he’d seen, but to his eyes, hers was the body of divine perfection. Long, chestnut hair framed her face, fanning out in the water as she stared at him with piercing blue eyes that penetrated his soul. Her bright crimson lips curved in a sweet smile and a pink blush warmed her cheeks at his perusal of her body. More slender than females of his own kind, her luscious teats and the thick black curls hiding the petals of her cunt drew his attention, reminding him how different she was. She was beautiful anyways. Every single one of her curves accentuated her femininity and drove his mating heat to a height he’d never experienced before. It was maddening.

  Naked now, her musk grew even stronger in the current and his mouth watered in anticipation. He would drink his fill of her before he buried his rod in her cunt. Water swirled around him as he pulled her close once more. With one hand, he gripped her rounded bottom and slid her up his body, pausing to nuzzle at her neck and breasts before moving down to her mound.

  Her scent ripened, calling to him. Spreading her legs apart, he slipped one over his shoulder, opening her to his gaze. She made another hum of approval that vibrated the water and her tiny channel spasmed around nothing as he watched in fascination.

  She wants to be filled, he thought to himself.


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