Electrified by the Eel (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2)

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Electrified by the Eel (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2) Page 3

by Harpie Alexander

  Despite the very obvious differences between them, Luna was more fascinated than afraid and couldn’t believe such creatures existed. How had they never been caught? Never been seen? How had they evaded detection after all these years?

  How is this even possible?

  “S-s-stay back!” Rick ordered fearfully, then pulled a gun from his holster and pointed it at the first snake woman, who hissed and bared her fangs in menace.

  More of the beings emerged from the shadows, surrounding her and Rick. The rattling hisses was practically all she could hear as Rick threatened the lead female with his weapon.

  “Let the female go, filthy human. She does not find you worthy of breeding. You have been rejected,” the snake woman hissed, clearly unafraid of his threats. The others echoed her words in angry growls, hisses and clicks, drawing closer from all sides.

  A sense of relief rushed through her. Maybe I’ll get through this after all. But Luna’s hope was short-lived when Rick began to laugh hysterically, holding her tighter as he tried to back away, dragging her around as he searched for a way through the crowd of strange beings.

  Luna wondered if Rick was too stupid or arrogant to realize how trapped he was, or maybe he’d suddenly lost his mind. Surrounded by so many, even with a gun, there was no way he could hope to escape. The two of them were ensnared by the beings, though they only seemed to be a threat to Rick.

  Good. He deserves to know what it’s like to be afraid, to be hunted, to lose everything because of someone bigger and more threatening. I hope he pisses himself! Luna didn’t know what these beings were nor could she pretend to understand their reasons for exposing the secret of their existence, but she was grateful for the intervention all the same.

  “Now human! You will not like what comes next if we must force you to release her. I can assure you of that.”

  “Back off you monster, or I’ll pull the trigger. I’ll kill you, I swear I will!”

  Luna felt the way he shook against her. He was terrified.

  “He is big and healthy. I will mate this one,” a shorter, red female announced, slithering forward to stand next to her leader.

  “No. I will mate this one. I will dominate him and teach him his place,” a skinny brown female hissed, also approaching.

  “Don’t come any closer, or I’ll shoot,” Rick threatened. His hand shook as he switched his aim from one target to the next, uncertain who to point the gun at.

  “No! I claimed him. He is mine,” the red one snarled, ignoring Rick completely. Turning to face her competitor, she squared her shoulders, bearing her fangs with a fierce glare.

  “Don’t touch me! I’ll shoot you. I’ll fucking shoot you all,” Rick yelled, voice shaking with fear. Luna could tell he was beginning to lose his nerve with the way he trembled against her.

  Ignoring his threats, a vicious fight broke out between the two females, and soon, others joined in, all of them shouting their claim over Rick. The barbaric fight over the right to breed her attacker was confusing, but if it helped her get away from him, Luna didn’t care. After all, he said he wanted to have some ‘fun’. He was more than welcome to have his fun with these females instead of herself.

  “Fuck this,” Rick swore, and fired a shot over the brawling females. Birds scattered from the trees, and the females paused for a brief second to look at what caused the noise, but then went back to grappling each other as if Rick’s gun was nothing but a child’s toy and his protests completely inconsequential.

  Thinking the females were distracted enough to make his escape, he covered Luna’s mouth with one hand and attempted to back away, dragging her with him. Three steps and Luna tumbled to the ground as his body was ripped away from hers.

  “You aren’t leaving, pathetic male,” another female said, lifting him off his feet.

  Free from her attacker, Luna scrambled to her feet, turning to watch as several of the large snake beings wrestled the now screaming Rick into submission. She couldn’t tear her eyes away while they stripped away his clothes in a frenzy, leaving him completely nude. One female sank her fangs into his naked shoulder, injecting him with some kind of venom, then they pinned him to the ground. Before long, he was obscenely erect, his cock jutting into the air in spite of his terrified cries for mercy. The female that bit him slid over his body, taking his cock into a slit on her belly, and began to ride him, uncaring that Rick screamed in horror and tried futilely to push her off. It was a bizarre sight, one that she didn’t think she would ever burn from her memory.

  A part of her felt sympathy as she watched her attacker become the victim in a terrible assault. But that would have been her if Rick had gotten his way. So in a small way, justice was being served, as horrifying as it was.

  A scaled hand landed on her shoulder, startling her. Looking up, she saw that it belonged to the first of the snake beings.

  “I am Veewa, leader of the western Eelakwian tribe and I assure you, we will deal with this unsavory male for you. In an ideal world, he would be unworthy of breeding, but our numbers are declining and despite his species, his human seed is strong and will give us healthy young. The female, Nira, will take him repeatedly, draining his seed and mating him throughout the night. When she is finished, we’ll release him. If he is lucky, he will find his way out of the woods, but I doubt he’ll survive. Mating with an Eelakwa is a difficult and exhausting event even for our males. He will be weak and this place has a way of claiming the weak and unwary.”

  Luna found Veewa’s words almost difficult to digest. She took a moment to mull it over before choosing to ignore the fact that Rick was most likely going to die and asked, “This place?”

  “There is no true name for it. Many call it whatever they want. Though it’s more of an in-between place.”

  “An in-between…? What do you mean?” Luna murmured thoughtfully, trying to understand the strange, but vague answer.

  “This is a place between your world and the next. It has been this way for thousands of years. There are many of these shadow realms. You should go. Try to find the way back to your own world, unless you desire to spend your mating heat with us?” Veewa offered.

  “Uh, humans don’t have mating heats, but I appreciate the offer,” Luna replied as respectively as she could, not wanting to risk the larger female’s ire. If breeding to death was how they handled problematic males, she didn’t want to find out how they dealt with females they didn’t like.

  Veewa nodded in understanding and turned to rejoin her people. “Then I suggest you leave this place before you become trapped here forever. The borders do not stay open for long periods of time, nor are they always found in the same places. Once the one you came through closes, it will be nearly impossible to return to your own world.”

  Before Luna had a chance to ask how she was supposed to get back, the light in the clearing changed, growing darker for a moment, and Veewa, the other Eelakwas, and Rick all disappeared, leaving her standing alone and confused on the edge of the empty clearing.



  Pure agony.

  That was the only way to describe how he felt. Sure, there was a hint of relief when the females skipped right over his waters. Hell, he was even amused when they refused to dive into the crowded lake to see if there were any males hidden below the surface. But none of it lessened the torturous pain he was now in. Nor did it help that he could still smell their pheromones from where he hid below. Worse still, when Elar realized it didn’t matter how far inland the females traveled between bodies of water, he could smell them all. Each and every single one. The scent of their ripening cunts permeated the air and polluted the waters, calling any male within range of them. Dripping wet sheaths that begged to be filled with a thick cock, over and over again until they could take no more. Elar’s nostrils flared as their scents continued to assault him, testing his patience, weakening his resolve to stay away.

  Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

  Elar groane
d, extruding from his slit once again as he imagined the feel of a female’s tight channel clamping down on his hardened member. Undulating on him, pinning him down and milking him for every drop of seed he possessed. He couldn’t even count how many times he had already palmed himself to release since his mating heat began just a day earlier. And taking care of himself felt nothing like that of a female’s cunt. No surrounding heat. No tightness. It didn’t matter how hard he gripped himself or how slick he was with seed. Stroking himself to completion just wasn’t enough.

  A deep pulse rippled through his internal sac and he feared his overstressed system would cause it to push out of his slit as well. He had heard it happen to other males who became too overheated before a female arrived. The consensus was that it was as excruciating as it sounded.

  Feverishly, he stroked himself harder, faster, in a desperate attempt to chase away his ever-growing need to seek out a female for relief and avoid the unnecessary pain of his abstinence. But the burning ache wouldn’t let up. Even after he grunted his orgasm, his release spilling forth into the surrounding water, the relief was short lived, lasting but a second before his semi-flaccid cock jerked back to life, more eager than ever.

  Elar gritted his teeth when he realized the blasted thing would give him no respite until he buried himself to the hilt in a female and his seed spurted against her walls, releasing the hormones that would ease his heat until the next cycle.

  His mind fixated on the idea of a female and he groaned, fisting his cock once more. Simply gripping himself for a time, he allowed his thoughts to wander to the last female he’d been mounted by. Kala was her name and she had been a beauty. Vivid emerald and yellow scales. Young enough to go all night and then some, but old enough to fight the other females off and still wrestle him to the ground for mating. Her scales had whispered against his as she moved.

  “No!” Elar bellowed, ripping his hand from his rod when he recognized that the very fantasy he was indulging was the one he was so desperately trying to avoid. The same one that had him swimming eagerly to the surface and risking his hiding place.

  Had he given in to his daydreaming any further, he would have surfaced, exposing himself, and most likely been caught and bred until his seed ran dry. Afterward, the Eelakwa females would have slithered away to tend to their brood pouches. But, oh, how the thought of a tight cunt obsessed him now. It was pure madness. He was so desperate for relief, desperate for pleasure, and desperate for cunt. He was almost willing to give in and chase after the females.

  Not if it means I’ll have to sire yet another batch of younglings I can never care for!

  Ignoring his engorged member, he angrily forced it back inside his body, holding a hand over the slit to keep it in. Sinking down to the bottom, he busied himself with trimming back a few overgrown reeds near the entrance of his den. He hoped the distraction of rearranging pebbles and stones on the lakebed would keep him busy until his heat faded away. Though, he knew that was rather unlikely, but he still hoped anyways.

  Part Three


  Every which way Luna turned, nothing looked normal. At least, not in a way a forest should look in the middle of the night. The trees were larger, thicker, and an odd shade of blue green. Heck, even their branches were oddly shaped as if they grew whatever way they damn well pleased. Many were crooked and bent, scary looking at times, some of them reaching down as if to snatch at her. A mist rolled along the ground obscuring rocks and roots that tried to trip her as she walked.

  The further she travelled—in the direction she swore she came from—the further away from home she felt. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she was sure she was getting more and more lost because the glowing orbs continued to glimmer, becoming denser with each step deeper into the heart of the strange world she found herself in. Shivering, she continued onward, scrutinizing each landmark in the hopes of spotting something familiar. But nothing looked right anymore.

  As she walked on through the dark, spooky trees, her mind kept trying to tell her it was all a dream, and that everything that had happened was a figment of her imagination. A weird, frightening, messed up figment of her imagination. And soon, hopefully, she’d wake up back in her safe house to find Leara clawing at her back door for more tuna. It was a nice hope, but something in the back of her mind told her it was no strange dream or bizarre nightmare.

  Glancing upward, she looked at the moon. It too shone in strange, unfamiliar hues. It was strangely pink and had a green halo around it, giving it an otherworldly appearance, which only made Luna ponder Veewa’s words even more. Leave this place before you’re stuck here forever.

  Was that really true? Would she be stuck here forever? Where was ‘here’ anyway?

  Had she really wandered to some other dimension? To some strange, shadowy in-between place? Things like this didn’t happen to real people, they only happened only in movies and fairytales. Not here. Not in the real world. It was too fantastic. Alternate worlds weren’t actually real, were they? Science wasn’t her specialty, but the evidence she was seeing was pretty damning, despite how difficult it was to believe. Nevertheless the strange predicament Luna found herself in, even with her mind screaming that this couldn’t be real, couldn’t be safe, she wasn’t truly afraid, just terribly lost and alone.

  How could she be fearful now that she wasn’t running for her life? Sure, Rick’s gang might send more people after her—not knowing his fate—but right now, in that very moment, she was truly free. All she had to do was get the heck out of the woods and find her way back home. Back to Leara.

  But…do I really want to go back?

  What did she have to go back to? A shitty apartment? A job that barely paid the bills with a boss who constantly hit on her? She had been a foster child, her real family lost somewhere in a sea of papers she’d never have access to. She tried after she turned eighteen only to be kicked to the curb like she was nothing more than a bag of garbage left for the trashmen. What difference did it make?

  What am I even thinking? I can’t live off grid in some other dimension! I wouldn’t know where to start or what to do, but I won’t have a choice if I can’t get the hell out.

  Luna sighed, kicking a stray rock as she walked. She was exhausted, a little hungry, and worried. Her mind brought up thoughts of Leara. She couldn’t leave that poor cat all alone after everything it had been through anyways. Even if she could figure out how to live out here, she refused to abandon the animal just as it was starting to respond to her.

  The ground suddenly gave away and Luna yelped when her next step sent her tumbling down an embankment she hadn’t seen in the dark. Her scream of surprise cut off when ice-cold water closed over her head, filling her mouth with brackish liquid. Algae and water weeds tangled around her legs and caught at her arms. Closing her mouth, she flailed about, desperate to reach the surface and escape the dark water that blinded and smothered her. She didn’t have much air to begin with and couldn’t figure out which way was up or down. She was in real trouble now.

  Her lungs burned as her limited oxygen supply began to run out. Every moment counted, and she frantically searched for a way out, knowing that any second could be her last, but only ended up tangling herself even more in the underwater plant life. Panic flared, she accidently opened her mouth, sucking in a hopeless breath. Water filled her pained lungs, and then she thrashed, trying to cough it out, but it was no use. What was done was done, she was going to die.



  Something big slammed into the surface of his lake, disturbing the water and causing ripples to radiate every which way. Fear immobilized him for several long moments as he hid amongst the leafy reeds, pushing back into the shadows and trying not to give himself away. His eyes searched his surroundings, seeking the source of the disturbance. Had his efforts to evade the others of his kind been for nothing? Had the females realized his ploy and returned to find him?

  Filled with dread-filled anticipation, Ela
r silently prayed he would go undiscovered, hoping he wouldn’t be found and get pulled to the surface.

  Several long seconds passed, but it never happened. A female would have located him by now, in spite of the misleading jumble of scents in the water. Confused, he dipped his tongue out, tasting the waters for himself. There were many different flavors, all of which were familiar to him, but none of them tasted even remotely similar to that of an Eelakwa female in heat. His tense muscles relaxed a fraction and he eased out into the open just a little, pausing as he felt the currents, waiting a little longer, just to be sure. But then a swirl of water brought a strange new scent to him.

  It’s probably just some kind of land-dwelling beast taking a swim. If that were the case, it didn’t concern him…as long as it left him alone of course.

  Relaxing and returning to his original task, he resumed weaving the roots of the lilies into a web that would make swimming through this area difficult if one didn’t know the way. A hint of something fresh and exciting burst over his palate, tickling his forked tongue. The powerful taste assaulted him, drawing all his attention away from tending the tall protective grasses camouflaging his den. His cock extruded abruptly when his thoughts fixated on the desire to finda warm, wet place to bury himself in.

  Hooked on the flavor, he tasted the waters a second and third time. What could possibly taste this good in the heights of his heat? It wasn’t an Eelakwian female, but it had him harder than he’d ever been before. In this state, the only thing his biology demanded was the release of a female, but if it wasn’t one of his own kind, what was it?

  It must be another female then! Body thrumming with arousal, Elar propelled himself through the lake in search of the source of that incredible scent. He just couldn’t resist. Whatever had plunged deep into his waters was about to receive his full, undivided attention, whether it wanted it or not.


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