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The Orphan and the Duke

Page 19

by Jillian Chantal

  “Where did Saffron’s guests go?” he asked.

  “It seems they remembered another engagement as soon as she left the room,” Amelia said.

  “Jonquil? Did you know Saffron was not telling the truth when she said that letter was from Gwen?” He sat on the settee and let out a deep sigh.

  “No. I didn’t. I had no idea she was writing to that man. I really didn’t. To tell you the truth, I’m hurt that she didn’t confide in me. We’ve always been open with each other, and I don’t like her keeping secrets.”

  “I should leave.” Amelia stood. “This is a family matter.”

  “No. Stay.” Basil waved her back into her chair. “I need your advice.”

  “I’m afraid I have nothing to offer. My family experience isn’t that great, as you well know.”

  “Why would Saffron lie to us, Basil?” Jonquil asked. “He’s an acceptable suitor, isn’t he? He has an estate, and even though he has no title, he’s able to provide for a bride.”

  “I have to tell you about that, Jonquil. And then I’ll have to discuss it with Saffron. This will hurt her, but she needs to know. You need to as well so the same kind of thing won’t happen to you.” Basil leaned over and patted his sister’s hand where it rested on the table that sat between them.

  “What is it?” Jonquil asked.

  “Longthorne told me not too long ago when I ran into him that he wants to buy the country estate. I told him even though we haven’t been there since Mama and Father died that I am not selling. He said he would court one of you in order to get his hands on it.”

  “So he’s not really interested in Saffron? He merely wants the land? Why would he think that would work? Marrying her wouldn’t get him the property.”

  “Not outright, but since it’s near his own, he could pressure her to get me to allow him to oversee it. I think that’s his plan.”

  “But how could that help him?” Jonquil shook her head.

  “He could manipulate the rents or somehow take advantage. An absent owner is always an invitation to others to try to steal . . . or worse.”

  “But you haven’t been there in a long time. Aren’t you already worried about something like that happening?”

  “Yes, I am, but since you and Saffron refuse to go and I can’t leave you alone here, I’ve had to make that decision and have my estate agent take care of all my business down there.” Basil smiled to let her know he wasn’t mad.

  “We’ve really been awful, haven’t we?” Jonquil asked.

  “Not as bad as all that.”

  “Yes, we have, and I need to go up and talk to her.” Jonquil stood.

  Basil rose as well and hugged his sister. “I understand. We’ve all been through a lot. I think we need to have a long talk about how we move on as a family.”

  “Let me go to her first and tell her about Mr. Longthorne. I think she might take it better from me. She might be embarrassed to be told by you.”

  “I agree, Your Grace.” Amelia said. “I think the girls have such a close relationship it would be better for Jonquil to break the news. After that, Saffron can come to you, and the two of you can make amends.”

  “See? I told you you’d have good advice.” He freed Jonquil from his embrace. “Go on and talk to her. Miss Mandeville and I will be here.”

  As soon as she was gone, Basil turned to Amelia. “I’m sorry for the way Vonda treated you. I know I didn’t have anything to do with it, but because you’re a guest in my home, I cannot let it pass without telling you that I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right. There’s nothing you can do as it’s become clear to me that people are going to continue to believe I’m involved with you as long as I stay here. I need to find a position soon and leave your home before I do irreparable damage to your reputation.”

  “I can’t let you go.” Basil stepped toward her chair.

  “I’m sorry. What?” Amelia asked.

  “I know this is unexpected, but I have to tell you. I love you. With all my heart and soul, I love you and want to marry you.” He got on one knee in front of her. “Please say you’ll consider marrying me. You’d make me the happiest man on earth.”

  “You’re only offering because you feel sorry for me. I hear you saying you love me, but I’m sure if you really thought it over, you’d see I’m right. I can’t let you do that. I appreciate you rescuing me, but you don’t have to ruin your life because of me. I’ll be able to find a position and a place to live. You’ll see.” Amelia gestured for him to rise from his knees. “Please. Get up. You’re making me nervous.”

  “I’ll stop for now, but I want you to think about it.” He stood and moved back two steps. “And think about this. I actually realized I love you before your uncle threw you out. I was trying to figure a way to let you know without it seeming too sudden.”

  “I’m overwhelmed.” Tears filled her eyes, almost blinding her. “I have to tell you something that I know will change your mind even if you really have made such a foolish decision.”

  “There’s nothing you could say to make me love you less or change my mind.”

  “I’m illegitimate.”

  “Your uncle mentioned something like that to me but I thought he was merely trying to dissuade me from having anything to do with you. Are you sure?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, have you ever looked to see if there was a marriage license?”

  “No. There was no way for me to do so. My uncle retrieved me from France when my father died. I was quite young, and my mother was already dead. They’ve always told me that my parents weren’t married.” Incredulous, Amelia rose from her seat with her hand to her chest. “Do you think my aunt and uncle lied about that so I’d think I had no choice but to tolerate the way they treated me?”

  “I think them capable of doing so, yes.” He nodded.

  “How can we find the truth? We’re at war with France.”

  “The truth matters not to me, my love. I’d marry you either way.” Basil reached for her hand.

  “But it matters to me. It matters a great deal.” The tears that rolled down Amelia’s cheeks made Basil want to hold her and comfort her. I need to find out the truth . . . for Amelia’s sake.

  Chapter 16

  The morning of the ball, chaos reigned at the Staunton home. Archimedes dashed up and down the stairs each time a florist came in with another spray of roses. Almost as excited as the creature, Amelia found herself wandering into the ballroom to see how the decorations were coming along.

  The roses the duke had chosen for the large vases were variegated. They were pink, white, and a blending of the two colors together. Amelia had never seen anything like them.

  Drawn to the scent during one of her many trips into the room, she stood on tiptoe and pulled a bud toward her nose. She closed her eyes and inhaled the lovely scent. Imagining herself alone in a garden, she let out a little squeal when a hand touched her elbow.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” the duke said.

  “It’s all right. I was admiring the flowers. So pretty.”

  “Not as pretty as the freckles on your nose.” He reached out and touched the tip of her nose then slid his palm gently down her left cheek.

  His words warmed her. He is such a kind man. She didn’t believe the freckles she hated were nicer than the roses, but she knew men sometimes flattered ladies with silly comparisons. “I hardly think so, sir.”

  “Won’t you call me Basil? After all, I have proposed to you. Shouldn’t we be on a first name basis?”

  “I have no issue with you calling me Amelia, but we both know you proposed to me out of a sense of obligation.” She held up her hand. “Don’t say anything. You’re a man of integrity and don’t want scandal to touch me or your fam
ily because I’m living here. I want you to know you don’t have to sacrifice the freedom to choose your own bride because you did the honorable thing and rescued me.”

  “It is not a sacrifice. Like I said, I love you. It may be too soon for you to believe that, but I do. It has nothing to do with the fact that I brought you here after your uncle treated you so poorly. The feelings I have for you grew over the time you were here with my sisters.” Basil gently moved Amelia to the side of the room when another florist came by with additional flowers. “Step over here. I’m not going to push you on this, but know I love you and that’s not going to change.” Basil smiled. “I can wait a lifetime.”

  The conversation was making Amelia nervous. How could I, an illegitimate woman, unaccepted by society, become a duchess? It is the stuff of a little girl’s dreams. I can’t deny I have feelings for him as well. How could I not? He is kind and gentle, and he’s a wonderful guardian to his sisters. Amelia could tell he would always take care of the ones he loved, but she was still reluctant to believe she was one of the lucky ones he felt that emotion for.

  “I’m still terrified about the ball. How can I be here without having been presented? How will people treat me?” She was overcome with panic when she thought about all the titled personages who would be in attendance.

  “It’s my home, and I can have anyone I desire at my ball, so do not trouble yourself there. I’ll be at your side as much as I can, and people will treat you with respect.”

  “You’ll send a bold message to the entire ton if you stay beside me all night.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” Basil grinned at her. “After all, if I can get them to believe you’re the one for me, maybe you’ll be convinced as well.”

  Jonquil came into the ballroom. “Look at all the pretty flowers, Amelia.” She threw her arms out as if to encompass the whole room. “Can you believe we’re having our first ball? It’s so exciting.”

  “I think so, too. It’s going to be wonderful. I can’t wait to see you and Saffron dance the first two dances with your brother.”

  “Saffron says she won’t dance with Basil. She’s still angry about Cecil Longthorne.”

  “You mean she didn’t believe the man is merely after the country estate?” Amelia wanted to cry for Basil. The way his former friend was coming between him and his sisters was upsetting to her.

  “No. She thinks Basil is saying that to keep her from being with a man he didn’t choose for her.” Jonquil bit her bottom lip. “I confess, I’m not sure myself.”

  Amelia let out a gasp at the same time Basil said, “What?”

  Jonquil had the grace to look chagrined. “Well, the old Basil, the brother we had before our parents died, wouldn’t have been concerned about who we were interested in knowing better. This new Basil is someone we aren’t sure about.”

  Another bouquet of flowers came by. Basil turned to his sister. “This is not something to discuss here with all these workers around. We will talk over these things tomorrow. I’ll be in my study the rest of the afternoon and will see you at the ball. Since your sister refuses to dance with me, I expect you at the door to greet our guests, and then I will lead you in the first dance.” He looked at Amelia. “And you in the second.”

  As soon as he said the words to Amelia, he walked from the ballroom without looking back.

  Jonquil burst into tears. “I didn’t mean to anger him.”

  “Come along. I think we need to find some chocolate. We both need it. You, because Basil is unhappy with Saffron, and me, because now I’m even more terrified about what this night will bring.”

  “It’s still going to be wonderful. I know it.” Jonquil followed Amelia out and down the stairs to the parlor where they called for some chocolate to be served.

  Once they finished their drinks, they retired to their rooms to rest before the evening began. Basil planned a late dinner for the ball as well as a breakfast so the day would be long. Amelia had never stayed up so late, so she wanted to be sure to stay fresh as the evening wore on.

  Too soon for Amelia, the lady’s maid Basil had hired to help her prepare for the evening came to her room. Mary had been helping her, but her duty was to Saffron, so Basil found someone to take her place. He’d offered to hire Amelia a full-time maid, but she wasn’t ready for that.

  A maid, a marriage, a title? It’s all too much. She was used to being unwanted and mistreated. This new world is daunting. I need to move slower than the duke wants to. She was flattered by his offer, but it seemed to her an impossible dream.

  Amelia sat still as her hair was swept up from the nape of her neck. The young maid wove some ribbons through that matched the green of the gown.

  “Your hair is a lovely shade of blond, miss. A little darker than the duke and his sisters, but with that touch of gold in it, this green ribbon will set it off nicely.”

  “Thank you. I’ve never really thought about my hair much.”

  “It’s much prettier than many of the other ladies I’ve worked with.”

  “You don’t seem old enough to have been at many posts. How long have you been a lady’s maid?”

  “I assisted where my mother was employed. Her employer allowed her to marry his valet when they fell in love. While I was growing up, I dressed the hair of the master’s children, as well as guests who might call without their own staff. I’ve come to London now to find a permanent position.”

  “I hope you have good luck with that.” Amelia smiled up at the girl.

  “If you or the Duke of Darnley were to give me a good recommendation, it would go far.”

  “Perhaps one from the duke would go further. I’m afraid I’m not the one to bring good luck to you.”

  A knock on the door interrupted them. “Are you ready? May I come in?”

  “It’s his lordship. Please let him in.” Amelia touched the back of her new hairstyle, hoping the duke would like it.

  The maid opened the door, and as soon as the duke entered, she left.

  “Did I scare her away?” Basil asked with a quirk of his eyebrows.

  “I think so. Please be sure to give her a good recommendation. She’s here in town trying to find a permanent position.”

  “She definitely has a knack for ribbons. You look beautiful. I can’t, however, say that it is all the young lady’s doing, as I am biased in my view of the lady I love.”

  Amelia raised her hands to her cheeks. His flattery made her blush. She could see it in the mirror. If he behaves in such a manner all evening, I will be as red as a cardinal for the entirety of the ball.

  He knelt beside her chair. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, but you take my breath away.”

  “Thank you. I’m not used to such comments, so they take me by surprise.”

  “You’ll get used to it. You’ll see.”

  She shook her head then focused on him. She’d never seen him dressed for a ball. If he thinks I take his breath away, he’s wrong. He’s the one who looks so handsome I can hardly breathe. His jacket is perfect, and the breeches he has on are almost like a second skin. I can barely keep my eyes off him.

  “Stand up, please. I came to bring you a gift.”

  She rose from the chair as he stood from his crouched position.

  She noticed the box in his hand and pointed toward it. “What’s that?”

  “For you.” He held it out to her.

  Taking it in her hands, she ran a palm over the top. Soft, smooth velvet met her skin. It was the most elegant thing she’d ever touched. Without opening it, she glanced at Basil. “What is it?”

  “Most people would lift the lid to find out.”

  “I’m afraid.”

  “Don’t be.” He moved closer to her. “I’m here to protect you.”

  “You’re silly.�

  “No. Not at all. I want you to know I’ll always be here for you no matter what scares you. Whether it be your uncle, the ton, or . . . God forbid, a velvet box.”

  “Now you tease.”

  “I do, and you know what?”


  “I think I quite like it. Teasing you, I mean.” Basil laughed then placed a light kiss on the top of her head. “Won’t you open it?” He nodded toward the box.

  She smiled, suddenly eager to know what it contained. Lifting the lid, she let out a gasp. “I can’t accept this.”

  “Yes, you can. It’s a family piece, and I want you to have it.”

  “I’m not family. It’s not appropriate.” She shook her head.

  “You will be.”

  “But I am not.” Amelia tried to hand it back to him. “I can’t.”

  “How about this? You borrow it tonight because it matches your dress. Not a gift. A loan.”

  I want to wear the necklace. It’s stunning, but people will know it’s a Staunton family piece and will gossip. Should I agree to wear it?

  As if sensing Amelia wanted to say no again, Basil removed the emerald necklace from the box and hooked it around her neck.

  “You don’t like the word no, do you?” she asked with a smile as she admired the stone in the mirror. It hung perfectly at her neckline.

  “I can’t say that I do. To tell the truth, my mother always despaired of me since I couldn’t accept the word when she uttered it.” A shadow passed over his face as he mentioned his mother.

  Amelia’s heart went out to him. “I’m so sorry about the loss of your parents. Although I’m in the same situation as I’ve lost mine as well, I cannot imagine what that was like for you and your sisters. My own loss was so long ago I can’t recall them at all. Just a memory of being warm and happy, and I may have even imagined that as a way to deal with my situation.”


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