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Sworn Enemies: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Sports Romance (The Football Boys Book 3)

Page 12

by Rebel Hart

  Her skin had a delectable heat to it that felt like it was going to fuse my hands in place, and I wouldn’t mind. She was good looking, any idiot could see that, but there was something else about her. Something else that had me gravitating toward her against my will. I’d spent so much time resisting it that now that I was allowing myself to give in, my whole body was a surge, trying to get as much of her as it could.

  The elevator doors opened, and Quinn didn’t take her lips from mine. She pulled me off the elevator and down the hallway. She stopped in front of a door, and it was almost like we were going to need a pry bar to get us apart long enough for Quinn to open the door. She fished her keys out of her pocket, and when she turned to open her door, I slotted myself against her and allowed my excited lower half to poke against her. Quinn had the key halfway in the door but stopped at the feeling and ground back against me. She rolled her hips around and teased me until it felt like I was going to collapse right then and there.

  I put my hands on either side of her on the door to keep myself from stripping her right there in the hallway. I’d done what I had to in the sex department throughout my life, enough to deal with pent up feelings, but what was happening to me now wasn’t a matter of how long it had been. It was my body experiencing, probably for the first time ever, someone that excited every cell of me. All of Quinn’s different expressions, her anger when she punched me, her anguish when she lost the game against us, her determination when she ran suicides from one end of the field to the other—they came to a point, stabbed into me, and flowed into my bloodstream. I’d never experienced anything quite so illuminating before. She was unleashing something I didn’t realize was dormant inside of me. It was what sent me to MontRec to see her game today, and it was what was threatening to bend her over in the hallway, onlookers be damned.

  “You have to get us inside,” I said finally, and Quinn responded by pushing the key the rest of the way into the door, turning it, and opening the door so that we could spill inside.

  The apartment was unfamiliar to me, but my eyes immediately locked onto a couch in front of us. The entryway was barely a passing glance as I pushed Quinn forward and down onto the couch on her stomach. She turned her head so that I could press my mouth against hers, and her tongue snaked in. She resumed her earlier antics, bucking her hips backward, and I growled against her. Even with all the articles of clothing that separated us, my body was shuddering. I clawed a hand up her stomach and grabbed at her breasts, pulling a moan out of her.

  When Quinn started to turn over onto her back, I didn’t stop her. I did, however, hook my hands into her shirt and yank it up over her body. She was wearing a sports bra from her earlier game, but it didn’t stop the sight of her cleavage peeking out of the top from covering me in goosebumps. Her legs were coiled around my waist on either side, and I sat back to pull my own shirt off. I dropped my hands to my jeans to unbutton them when fear rushed through me. My condoms were in my car, and my car was at a bar, twenty minutes away.

  “Do you have condoms?” I asked.

  The same fear registered on Quinn’s face, and I thought that it was the end for me. If I left her apartment without getting to be with her, I would never forgive myself. Suddenly, she sat up, bringing her face within millimeters of mine. I cupped my hands on either side of it and pulled her back into a kiss. She melted against me for a moment but then pulled away.

  “Alec has condoms.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Who?” The fear that found me then was a different kind.

  “My brother.”

  She scurried off the couch, and I looked around. I remembered her saying something about living with a brother, but at least for the time being, the apartment seemed empty. Quinn disappeared into a room, and after some rustling, I heard her exclaim, “Yes!” Relief felt like poison leaving my body. Quinn reappeared and looked at me seductively with an unopened condom pinched between her teeth. She grabbed her sports bra and pulled it over her head, allowing her breasts to bounce free. She walked to a door next to the one she’d walked in originally and smirked.


  I damn near broke my leg as I got off the couch. Quinn turned and started into the room, and I was right behind her. When I caught up to her, I tackled her onto the bed, sinking into the sweet sound of her giggling at the action. She rolled around to her back, and I leaned down to take the other edge of the condom between my teeth. She let go, and I stood up. I grabbed her pants first, taking them and the underwear beneath them and pulling them down over her legs in one fell swoop.

  I let out a whistle at the sight of her body laid bare before me. “Good god, Quinn.” I finished unbuttoning my pants and kicking them and my boxers off.

  Her eyes widened, and she chuckled. “Good god, yourself.”

  I used my teeth to peel some of the foil of the wrapper back and licked my lips as I rolled it over my painfully starved length. It was like a dog fighting against its leash to get to something it wanted to devour. I pulled at it some to calm it down as I stepped up to Quinn and couldn’t help but duck my head between her legs. She let out an anticipatory moan that enveloped into something longer and louder as I took a taste of her. Her hips bucked, and I knew that if I wasn’t careful, I would get lost down there forever. My lower half screamed at me, and I set a personal goal to enjoy more of Quinn in the future. I stood up and slowly guided myself into place.

  If sex was usually heaven, the feeling of sliding into Quinn transcended the physical plane. It was like I was leaving my body behind in favor of floating around in space. My body temperature doubled, and the sound that came out of me was something I didn’t recognize. My hands locked against Quinn’s hips, and her hands linked onto my arms, digging my nails in as she sang out a flurry of her own sounds. I might have wanted to take my time, but the booze and anticipation were working together like coals into a burning fire, and I was firing on all cylinders. Quinn’s screams of affirmation told me that she didn’t mind, so I continued on at that pace.

  “Right there,” Quinn begged, and I locked into my current angle and speed and drove forth.

  Quinn’s noises got shorter and shorter until her mouth was held open with no sound coming out. I watched her orgasm travel over her, from her eyes clenching shut and her head tossing back to a physical shake sliding down her body, starting at her shoulders and ending with her legs shuddering. She squeezed against me, and the fire that was already burning was stronger and hotter than anything I’d ever experienced. I leaned down and blanketed myself over Quinn, taking her into another kiss. She cried into me, and I swallowed it up like she was swallowing me up below. My hips moved at an uncontrollable speed until my mind started to untether itself from the rest of me. My thighs and the bottom of my stomach burned, and all at once, all the sensations rocketed forward. For a second, I couldn’t see or hear, just float along in the overwhelming pleasure.

  I collapsed against Quinn, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sun streaking in through the window.

  For one brief moment, I was afraid I’d been dreaming. I tried my best to recall the night before, but it felt like the memories of the evening were grains of sand, each handful I tried to pick up had heavy streams sliding between my fingers. I had no idea what time it was, but forcing my eyes open and looking around, I realized I was still in Quinn’s bedroom. So much of the night escaped me that if I wasn’t naked, I might have concluded I had dreamed it.

  “No, don’t!” someone hissed from outside the bedroom.

  The door to Quinn’s bedroom blasted open, and a man looked in. When he noticed me, one hand flew to his mouth while the other pointed a finger out at me. “Zeke Matheson’s in your bed!”

  Quinn came bolting into the room in only my t-shirt and started swatting at the man in the doorway. “Stop it. Get out. Get out.” She finally managed to back him out and slammed the door after him. She turned around and looked at me with a grimace on her face. “Sorry. That’s my brother. He’s…

  “That’s okay.” I smiled at Quinn in my shirt. I couldn’t remember much of our drunken tirade, but I hadn’t forgotten how beautiful she was. I sat up in the bed and looked around. “We did have sex, right?”

  “Either that, or we decided to redecorate my room with condom wrappers,” she said, picking a few gold foil wrappers up off the ground and dropping them into a nearby wastebasket.

  “Wait, wrappers? We did it multiple times?” I only remembered the first one.

  “Evidently,” she replied, letting me know that she had blacked out, too.

  I hated myself. It was the first time I got to sleep with Quinn, and I didn’t even remember most of it. She came and sat down on the bed, and it took everything in me not to pull her against me and work on something we would remember, but I could only imagine what time it was, and I still had a car to collect.

  “What time is it?” I asked.

  “Nine-thirty. I’m officially two and a half hours late for work. How bad off are you?” Quinn asked.

  I flopped back against the bed, and my head felt heavy, like it immediately wanted to fall back asleep. “Well, considering I was supposed to be there at eight and still have to go get my car, I’m thinking I’m gonna come out about the same.”

  “Shit, I forgot about that! I can drive you to get it.” She was already up off the bed and heading into her closet. I wished I could see her undressing, but it was probably good that I couldn’t. She returned a few minutes later in leggings and a hoodie. She set my shirt down on top of my face. “Come on. You can’t go anywhere like that.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I responded. “They’ll be fine for a few hours. Besides, you’re late. I’ll have one of the guys come grab me and then bring me to get it after practice.”

  She looked down at me. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” I forced myself to get out of bed and tried to ignore the feeling of Quinn’s eyes on me as I got dressed. When I looked back at her, her cheeks were a light shade of red, and her eyes were a little darker. I pointed at her. “Stop it, or neither of us is making it to work today.”

  She shook her head and closed her eyes. “Right. Sorry.”

  She opened her bedroom door, and her brother, who she’d told me was Alec, looked up from the kitchen. “Oh, hi.”

  “Stop it. Now,” she warned, but he didn’t seem to listen.

  “How was your night?” Alec asked. “Did you two have fun? You sure know how to hate each other.”

  “Shut your dumb mouth,” Quinn growled, but Alec pressed on.

  He walked around the kitchen counter that acted as a dividing wall and walked up to me. “Were you good to her? You better have been. What are your intentions?”

  “Oh my god.” Quinn reached down and grabbed my shoes, then put a hand on my back to push me out of her open front door. She shut the door behind us and groaned. “Sorry about him.”

  “It’s okay.” She held out my shoes to me, but instead of taking them, I wrapped my hands on either side of her neck and pulled her into a kiss. When I pulled away, she was blushing again. “God, I wish I could remember more.”

  She smiled. “Me too.”

  I wanted to say something else, but I was afraid of how cheesy any of it would sound, so I settled for a simple, “See you soon?”

  Her smile grew as she nodded. “I hope so.”

  I took my shoes, and she opened the door. She gave me one final sweet look before closing the door, disappearing behind it. I gave myself a few moments to stand there and think about what had just happened. Even with my fractured memories of the night, there was no denying that was the best sex I had ever had.



  I walked into Daniel’s house and dropped down onto the living room couch. I didn’t want to go to practice, but I wasn’t feeling up to the hour-long drive home yet, so I settled for catching an Uber to his house. He’d given me a key a long time ago and told me to help myself whenever I was in Montpelier and didn’t want to head home. A dizzying, drunken night with Quinn that I hadn’t fully recovered from felt like a good enough reason. I sent a quick text to Tyler, letting him know that I wouldn’t be in for practice, and then laid my head down on the arm of the couch.

  I had nearly faded from consciousness when I heard a yelp behind me. I looked up, and there was a guy with long, blond hair waterfalling down one side of his head, looking down at me. “Who the hell are you?”

  I pointed at myself. “Brother, not boyfriend.”

  His look of anger faded in an instant. “Oh, great.” He leaned over the back of the couch. “Hey, has Danny talked about me much?”

  To dash this poor guy’s dreams or lie straight to his face—I was honestly too tired for either. “Sure, loads. Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I’m very hungover.”

  “No offense, but I can smell it,” he responded.

  I grinned. “Well, it was good to see you, Jack.”

  His smile turned into a frown. “My name is Blake.”


  “Screw you, Daniel,” Blake barked before storming out, slamming the door behind him.

  I started to drift again when a pillow slapped me in the face. I looked up, and Daniel was standing above me with his arms crossed. “That was petty.”

  “He said I stunk.”

  “You do.” He walked around and slunk down into the armchair that faced the couch. “This is a walk of shame if I’ve ever seen one. One of your stress relievers?”

  I smiled, drawing on what little bit I did remember of my night with Quinn. “I hope not.”

  Daniel sat up a bit straighter, and his eyes lit up. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I looked over at him. “Quinn.”

  “Oh, Daniel, you are so smart,” Daniel said out loud to himself. “Why, thank you, Daniel. I think so, too.”

  “Shut up.” I closed my eyes again, but after two failed attempts, my body was no longer willing to try to sleep for the moment.

  “When are you guys going out again?” Daniel asked.

  I shrugged. “We didn’t really talk about it.” I hunched my brow. “We didn’t even exchange numbers.”

  Daniel scoffed. “Well, you’re going to need to fix that. You don’t get like this about anyone. She’s clearly special.”

  He was right. It wasn’t just sex that I generally avoided, it was dating altogether. When most of my attention needed to be on football, dating and being in a relationship was simply too much extra work. I’d never met someone who felt worth it to me. I dated a cheerleader for almost a year in high school, but that was mostly for the optics. I was the typical jock, and she was the typical captain of the cheer squad, so the cliche forces of the universe pushed us together. When I got my letter of acceptance to college, I broke up with her the next day. I didn’t want my attention divided between my true love and some girl I didn’t even really like all that much. Suddenly, I didn’t have to divide my attention. Quinn was football and an amazing woman, all wrapped up and tied with a bow. I had the best of both worlds.

  “I want to go out with her again and not get drunk so that I can remember it,” I said. Daniel looked at me with a confused expression. “Oh, she got into a fight with one of her teammates, so I took her for a drink to calm down. One drink turned into fifty, and that turned into me waking up in her bed. You know the story.”

  “So, you don’t have her number, but can you go to her next game like you normally would?” Daniel asked.

  I thought about it, but Quinn’s next qualifier wasn’t until the following week. She’d have practice on Friday, but even that felt too far away, and I didn’t want to catch her by surprise while she was practicing and preparing for a qualifier game. That’s when I remembered that she said she was going to work. I’d seen on the website that she worked at MontRec.

  “I could go see her at work.” I sighed.

  “Yes! And bring her flowers and chocolate or something. Chicks love stuff like that. I brought
that girl I dated last month a bouquet of lilies that they were going to get rid of at work, and she wanted to sleep together for the next, like, ten days in a row. I let her, too.”

  I winced at Daniel. “What happened to her? I just ran a guy off.”

  He shrugged. “Blake was pretty boring, anyway, and I ghosted Hannah. I don’t remember why.”

  “And people say you aren’t romantic,” I replied. I knew the truth, though. Daniel was still hopelessly chasing his first true love. “Besides, Quinn’s not that, I don’t know, frilly. I mean, I’m sure she would like that stuff, but I’d rather find something that she’d really be into.” My mind was already generating some ideas.

  “Okay, so store first, then visiting Quinn at work.” Daniel clapped his hands ironically. “You’ve got a great plan.”

  “Except, I don’t have my car.”

  “What? Where’s your car?”

  I flipped a hand through the air. “Back at the bar. We got a little too drunk, so I left it overnight.”

  “I’ll drive you to all the places, but only if you take a shower because this”—he motioned to me—“is offensive.”

  “I’ll need to borrow some clothes, too,” I replied.

  Daniel let out a dramatic scoff. “Oh my god. Would you also like me to cook breakfast for you, sir?”

  I raised an eyebrow as I got up off the couch. “Actually, yeah. I didn’t really eat anything yesterday.”

  Daniel stared back at me, deadpanning for a few moments before finally getting up and trudging off toward the kitchen.

  I laughed and shouted, “Thanks!” before making my way back toward the bathroom.


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